
Shared Emotions Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"When you see their happiness, it means you have that happiness."
"If you scream and everyone else in the audience screams, you realize that your fears are not just within yourself; they're in other people as well."
"Pain is what makes us human and is a feeling that we can all share together as a one species."
"His frustration is something that we can both share."
"Ready to cry together? You guys better be ready to cry together because I'm [__] stoked. I'm ready to cry."
"I am smiling, you are smiling, let us smile together."
"I feel like I'm expressing the same feelings that many other people have."
"Shared joy as a double joy, shared sorrow is half a sorrow."
"I feel like there's so much life and connection from those kinds of moments where everybody is singing the same lyrics and you're all just part of the same experience in that moment."
"The collective experience when you're sitting in a theater together."
"When Jojo's happy, we're all happy. You need a dream come true."
"It was absolutely bonkers, he's having the same feelings I am right now guys, we just don't know what to do with ourselves."
"Her pain became my pain... her happiness becomes my happiness."
"His tears are my tears, and his joy and glee is mine, and his anger is my anger."
"Human beings across the world do share love and terror and gentleness."
"If thou art merry, rejoice with such as do rejoice; if thou art sorrowful, mourn with those that mourn."
"I am so excited and I'm so excited that you're excited."
"Imagine experiencing someone else's joy or pain as if it were your own; it's not just about understanding, it's about mirroring emotions almost like a psychological echo."
"Let the things that bring you joy bring me joy, and let the things that break your heart, break my heart."
"Your pain is our pain, your wound is a wound, and your joy is our joy."
"Everyone's feeling the same emotions whether you've played six or you've played one."
"I remember asking you please don't go, and you got emotional and I got emotional."
"The joy of others is my joy, and the suffering of others is my suffering."
"Rejoice with those that Rejoice, weep with those that weep."
"Your joy is my joy, and my joy is your joy, and your sorrow is my sorrow."
"When emotions are shared with people you love, they're multiplied by 1000."
"It was an emotional experience for everyone."
"You're both nervous and excited, and that's what makes a fun day."
"Your pain will be our pain, your joy our joy."
"In the Amish, we don't show emotions, but when it comes to Marie, her pain is my pain."
"Joy is multiplied when it's shared, and grief is divided when it's shared."
"Rejoice when we rejoice, and grieve when we grieve."
"Love is how your laugh makes me laugh and how my laugh makes you laugh."
"I finally understand suffering and sadness of life, a joy these are feelings that can be shared with those around me."
"I will share his happiness and sorrow."
"It's a constant roller coaster, and it's dope because we're all sharing the exact same experience in many different ways."
"Emotion has no value unless it's shared."
"When someone is hurting, when someone is sad, when someone is happy, you share that feeling with them."