
Urban Issues Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"You know, something? New York City's really falling apart, and between the asylum crisis, the crime crisis, and the housing crisis, some people say the city is finished, but what nobody's talking about is what happens after that."
"The roads are clogged, we don't have enough affordable housing, the crime is getting worse. Enough is enough."
"Being a mayor in a city of any size in America right now is about as relevant as it gets."
"We need to get them off of our streets and subways into a better environment, and when you ask what I'm going to do differently, I'm going to rebuild the stock of psych beds in our city. There will be no recovery until we resolve this. I will fix this, New York."
"Rents are exploding in every city; we have to do something to bring down rents."
"Toronto has a broken windows problem where all the minor infractions are totally allowed."
"Poor planning, physical deterioration, and managerial neglect, coupled with gang violence, drugs, and chronic unemployment, turned the project into a national symbol of urban blight and failed housing policy."
"Without a working, reliable subway system that's safe, with trains that run on time, the city is not going to be able to function."
"These folks are not living on the sidewalk; they are dying on the sidewalk."
"Our housing crisis is out of control, and it's one of the big reasons we have a homeless crisis."
"You often hear like the big three cities for drug gangsterism are London, Liverpool, and Manchester."
"After the last week, I don't wanna hear any crying about white flight from major cities."
"There are consequences to bad health in your city."
"Unless we have that conversation, as we've seen in Vermont, in Los Angeles, New York, and Wyoming, and all over the country, the problem will only get much more expensive and much worse. This is societal decay, and it is a choice."
"The music is a symptom of a thing that is going on in cities all over the world."
"Cities need assistance...all they have to do is call."
"Two out of three houses were abandoned. It's [ __ ] terrible."
"Public safety is the number one issue in this city right now."
"It's an expensive ghetto and that's not a good combination, people."
"Everybody understands that Baltimore specifically many areas of Baltimore are not places that you want to live."
"Due to Rising rents and the gentrification of urban spaces..."
"When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes."
"You know what, how many rats are in New York, do you think?"
"Baltimore, when you visit a city like this and talk to the dealers, talk to the people, you come to realize fatl is reply, this video is a movie that's what the people are asking for, that's what the dealers are selling."
"There's people dropping on the footpath literally."
"The show tackles numerous heady themes regarding city institutions including politics, police departments, the press, schools, docs, and the criminal element."
"We simply cannot live in fear for our safety because of wild dogs."
"I'm a big believer in free speech... we are losing control of this beautiful city to a tiny minority of extremists and nobody seems to be doing anything about it."
"Rome is notorious for noisy traffic and until recently that plagued many of Rome's fine public spaces."
"It's about one man who saw how bad his city was and he did something about it."
"Human feces in the streets" – San Francisco's grim reality.
"San Francisco's homeless problem is a serious one."
"San Francisco's human feces problem is now so bad."
"Residents turning to private police for safety."
"Could it be that by releasing prisoners, allowing rioters to destroy your businesses, releasing these criminals back onto the street destroys the property value of a city?"
"At what point are cities like New York going to start doing the right thing?"
"I am done living in a city that treats businesses like criminals and criminals like business owners."
"That's why all of this is happening in deep blue cities because they have no answer to crimes, and that's the democratic policies."
"Chicago is something that it's not really going so well."
"Since Lori Lightfoot's term began, Chicago has suffered 2,278 homicides and over 9,000 people shot."
"We are continually having businesses shut down here in Seattle."
"Two characters from very similar backgrounds fighting for the soul of the city."
"Apocalypse doesn't seem so bad: no crime, no traffic, litter still seems to be a problem."
"Clean air, less traffic, adequate housing-- those are the things a lot of New Yorkers only dream about."
"Let the urban centers have what they asked for. If you're not going to stand up for your co-workers, then what are you doing?"
"We're not going to do that now when you can't even go to Linux Mall or Flips Plaza without being scared you're going to get jacked so we're not we're not going to do that okay."
"New York state has also declared a state of emergency, as well as the cities of Chicago, El Paso, and Washington DC."
"Fear is on the rise for leaning Tower of San Francisco following Surfside condo collapse in Florida."
"Every day I'm scuffling, yeah, just blowing up someone's city."
"There is something that needs to be done about it... New York City has to do so."
"The rioters used crowbars to dig out the pavers at Lafayette Park and use them as projectiles."
"People need help, especially with what's going on in some of our cities. They want to pick up the phone and call someone to come help them with a really, really bad situation."
"Demolition by neglect is a fairly common tactic that developers use to get rid of pesky historically protected buildings."
"It's like a 13-story dumpster right in the middle of this revival."
"They've been cleaning it up, but if you walk all the way around any block, I guarantee you're going to see a few tents on the sidewalk."
"We try to focus on the cities that have the most restrictive rights in regards to the human rights of self-defense."
"If and when you live in that leftist city and you get robbed, we're here to help you. We're Americans. We're going to help you even if right now you're stupid."
"Policing is the number one area the voters want to see more spending in."
"The situation in the city is dangerous and it's going to continue to get worse unless we get a change."
"The subway's been a little crazy, especially after the Covid situation, people are pushing people in front of the trains, people are stabbing people in these subways."
"Things are out of control down below. The city of Los Angeles is like a war zone."
"Joker touches on urban life today and resonates with people."
"There's too many problems with LA right now."
"Black lives matter has destroyed the minority businesses in Minneapolis, and it looks like Beirut over there."
"It's easy to sort of throw it around but the reality is it doesn't matter what city you're in these days you cannot walk down a street without stepping over a body of a human being."
"The streets don't have a purpose and if you go through 20, 30 years like that on the streets, that's what you're going to be."
"Sadly, urban media focuses on the petty [expletive]."
"London Underground's problems today come from its age."
"We're on the verge of the worst eviction crisis our city's ever seen."
"LA ain't no better. They stabbed somebody yesterday at the Echo Park station. Did it really? Yeah, it was on the news."
"This is how you hollow out the economy of a major metropolitan area in the United States."
"People are literally living in piles of garbage."
"Los Angeles has been turned into a rat-infested crap hole."
"For that one person you're clapping for that makes it out of the hood and gets the money, there's still millions of families in those neighborhoods suffering."
"They've given out over a million dollars in scholarships to these inner city kids."
"Our cities have become like these dystopian hellscapes, but why is that?"
"Record rents, record homelessness, and now evictions have tripled. What the heck is happening to New York City?"
"This city is a breeding ground for corruption and greed."
"Let's get to work on fixing it, Londoners! It's a fixable problem."
"We will help Chicago, we'll help New York if they request after request to help."
"You're just jealous that you have to deal with LA and all that smog."
"A drone video captured gridlock on a 50-lane highway in China."
"I'm happy to see some brothers doing some [ __ ] bruh because it ain't like that in LA. Hey, oh no."
"Last year in Chicago was the worst year ever for murders and gunfire. Shootings here were up by 50 percent."
"Welcome to left-wing governance which is ruining major American cities across the country."
"Los Angeles is considered to be the homeless capital of the developed world."
"They should probably be addressing those first...but not they went and passed the pro-am and they went and passed the park."
"It is absolutely shameful and disgusting to have a city with such obscene amounts of wealth and have people treated with such little human decency and dignity in these ways."
"New York City and the state of New York are seeing an increase in crime the likes of which we have not seen in 20 years. The intentional unfolding of New York City is occurring."
"Baltimore needs to address its cancerous problem of never-ending crime and violence."
"There's limited sanitation and trash disposal... poor sanitation in the cities."
"Welcome to San Francisco, a city that boasts iconic scenery and oceanfront views from the air. The city looks calm and beautiful. Unfortunately, the streets tell a very different story."
"San Francisco is a festering wound on America. It is gangrene, it's filthy and disgusting."
"Airbnb is letting a handful of people eat up the entire housing market in America's biggest cities."
"Over 66,000 unhoused people now occupy the streets of Los Angeles. This is a humanitarian crisis of biblical proportions unlike anything we've ever seen before or experienced."
"There's complete lawlessness in San Francisco."
"Income inequality, public transportation improvements, and pedestrian accessibility top my list for NYC changes."
"The rise of urban slums: poverty becomes a huge problem."
"Atlanta is already the most surveilled city in the United States... despite the fact that Atlanta is touted as some type of black Mecca."
"It was very rough, so many shootings in San Francisco at that time between the Chinese gangs. There was so much drugs, so much fighting."
"Philly is supposed to be the City of Brotherly Love, ain't that's ironic for how many [ __ ] that die? That's [ __ ] up."
"Neighborhoods like mine are places where inequality is assumed by the people who live there."
"City's already on the brink, you know. Who's gonna clean water if we never come back?"
"You can't just dump out a bus's septic tank into the Chicago River. No, no, you cannot do that."
"Gotham City doesn't need to be cursed for it to suck, it can just suck for material reasons."
"Welcome to Jardin City, hellhole of sin and debauchery."
"I'm just trying to unmask the truth about this cesspool we call a city."
"The reality is this Joe Biden's the economy is not doing well the country is in chaos in the major cities crime is rampant."
"Metro is notorious for being unsafe, corrupt, wasteful, and of course, they want billions of your dollars."
"Now it's just dogs roaming the street attacking elderly people."
"San Francisco actually had to hire a poop Patrol to deal with its feces problem."
"Tons of traffic was coming down here just to go around the roundabout."
"Hobos taking dumps on the street is like a normal thing in San Francisco."
"This is a war that's going on in the streets."
"But we've got serious problems over here at the mega tower."
"Chicago is called one of the most segregated cities in the United States."
"All Democratic cities have bad crime problems."
"Things are going to get worse, big cities are not hiring police officers."
"Rats are absolutely taking over New York City."
"New York City has fallen apart, and a lot of people blame it on Mayor de Blasio."
"Under the radical left Democrats, your once beautiful cities have been overtaken by millions and millions of illegal aliens, psychotic drug addicts, bedlam, squalor."
"It's a beautiful city that's unfortunately being absolutely ruined by politicians."
"It's a huge need demographically and it's you can't just pick up and do what you did out in the field you know in the suburbs or in the small towns in the city you have to you have to it's got peculiar issues."
"Detroit's on this list. Poverty, crime, shootings, drugs, and urban blight are ongoing problems."
"San Francisco had a crazy homeless problem. Overnight, they were all gone."
"Also now the issue is people are getting apartments and getting multiple Apartments just so they can Airbnb them and there's a big problem in a lot of major cities especially New York and Los Angeles."
"Jam traffic jam is a serious problem...especially in Nairobi."
"This city's got issues for real, bro."
"The line around Detroit that used to separate blacks and whites now segregates by economic class as well."
"The problems of this city have become your opportunities."
"Public safety has been becoming such a huge issue in this city."
"Lack of affordable housing is the greatest presence now facing our cities."
"Cities everywhere in this country continue to see problems with high crime and High Cost of Living."
"There are places in LA that are worse than the countries that you and I deployed to. Absolutely. Maybe not that bad, but it's pretty close. Pretty close, yeah."
"We're not talking about that. We're talking about [__] in the city."
"There are a lot of homeless people in Paris, just like there are in most major cities around the world."
"Some infrastructure, some traffic issues."
"No city should be carrying the burden of a national problem."
"It's crazy how I don't even want to go to New York ever. Dude, it's not just New York though. It's California, it's San Francisco, it's Seattle, [expletive] uh, it's Minneapolis. Dude, it's all these cities."
"Anytime that you have a place that is highly concentrated with a massive population, the probability of problems is much higher."
"Tuberculosis did, and still, afflicts the poor; especially the urban poor."
"If we continue to ignore the causes of these problems, they will plague our inner cities."
"All the major cities of the world are having to try to find ways of dealing with too many vehicles and the congested roads which they cause."
"Smog, particularly in dense urban regions, is a major health hazard."
"An entire street is lined with closed storefronts, and there are very few shoppers."
"If the city can't fix the two main concerns, the erratic behavior of others and personal safety, if they could just improve the service and get people on the train and to where they need to be, the perception of safety will increase."
"It's pretty funny how a place like San Francisco can magically clean up their act overnight essentially when they need to look good for other countries but they can't do it for the sake of their own citizens."
"We have a serious public health crisis in many large cities worldwide."
"The city of Hong Kong has been experiencing a housing crisis due to the lack of space and inflated property prices."
"German cockroaches are the number one cause of allergies and asthma in inner city children."
"People are dispossessed of their rights, of their access to good areas of the city to live in."
"Hackers are striking cities all across the United States."
"Every driver in America is going to need parking or already needs parking and has been looking for parking for 30 years."
"Mexico City is technically sinking about 10 to 20 centimeters a year because it was built on a lake."
"You can't operate a city that way and we're unfair to the homeless allowing them to be on the streets and dying on the street."
"It's no secret that big cities have pigeon problems; Toronto was no exception."
"When a city doesn't have enough money to pay its bills, that's a really big problem and it affects everyone."
"The major urban problem of traffic congestion can be partly alleviated by the introduction of park-and-ride schemes on city fringes."
"San Francisco... has really become the poster child of how maybe well-intentioned but poorly implemented policies can lay waste to what is perhaps the most productive city in the country."
"Traffic is becoming an increasing problem."
"85% of urban households cannot afford to buy the new houses they need."