
Teachability Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Resilience and robustness and hard work can be taught and learnt. I don't think it's something you're born with."
"You help me humble myself and remain teachable and not knowing it all."
"Teach me, I give myself completely to what you're saying."
"A leader should be teachable, anybody we should all be teachable."
"There's just some things about loyalty that I believe you can't teach."
"Creativity is a method of operating. It's learnable. It's teachable. And you can get better at it. If you practice being creative, it will eventually become a way of life."
"Critical thinking is something that can be taught."
"The sign of somebody that is going somewhere with God is always measured by your ability to be teachable."
"That you can by your assertiveness, which is really what people are looking for often, people who will see a problem and fix the problem, the skills can really be taught, but that personality and character quality can't be taught as much."
"He's a sponge, he's the most coachable."
"One of the most important qualities a leader can have is humility. Humility makes me teachable. If I truly am humble, I'm ready to learn, I'm ready to ask questions. I have a learning posture in my life that's very receptive to people speaking into my life."
"All the good advice in the world won't help if you don't have a teachable spirit."
"The wisdom from above is teachable."
"I wasn't the most polished worker in the business, but I wanted to learn. I was coachable, I feel teachable, you know. Even through the entirety of my career, which, you know, you mentioned, 30 years later, people are still talking about it."
"I'm a very teachable person, but at the same time, I want to be corrected in love, not disrespectfully."
"I'm just being real like how you going to hate on my truth I'm just telling the truth it is what it is like teach me if I'm saying something wrong then tell me help my thinking right like help me think right"
"I try my best and it's very hard to put yourself in that situation of being teachable so remain teachable."
"But with the humble, the teachable who have been chiseled by trial and who have learned to walk with God, there is wisdom and soundness of mind."
"Your job right now is just to stay humble, stay teachable, stay open to correction even when it's hard to hear."
"'Be teachable and try to push yourself. Like if you're in a good place, because I've been there where everything good, I'm making a lot of money, and you probably can't tell me nothing at that time.'"
"I may be an idiot, but I'm a teachable idiot."
"Be teachable, allow your thoughts to teach you. Fear is showing you where you need to level up."
"Every human being is teachable. Let them master the concept first, then move on."
"You cannot grow a church without being teachable."
"Never stop learning. Yeah, be teachable."
"When you're truly having a heart of submission, you are teachable."
"It just looks like the type of throw that is something you could teach."
"I hope to always stay teachable and to always give this away with the same love and gratitude that you guys have given it to me."
"Accessing self is learnable and teachable as the next natural stage of human development."
"Humility and teachability are great qualities; you just need to know when people are beginning to take advantage of you."
"Compassion can be taught... mindfulness meditation is the one thing that really does seem to increase people's compassion."
"May we always be teachable, moldable, and always repentant, Lord, and submitted to scripture."
"If you're open and teachable and willing, then you absolutely can be helped."
"Thank you guys so much for being so coachable."
"I have to remain in a place that I am teachable because my process is dependent on my ability to learn."
"The one thing that's really stuck out to me is teachableness and acting upon what is taught."
"Gentleness has to do with being teachable, not demanding your rights but having proper respect for God and for others."
"Remain teachable, don't be stuck up, because you can have a disease that Satan died from - it's Pride."
"You can preserve yourself from so much trouble, so much hurt and disappointment if you just remain just a little bit teachable."
"They're naturally humble, naturally teachable, naturally loyal."
"Meekness is not weakness, but it is a teachable disposition that will allow God's word to saturate our being and change our lives."
"Hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism are all malleable, which means you can teach someone how to be hopeful, how to have self-efficacy, how to be resilient, how to be optimistic."
"You need to be teachable, humble, childlike, ready to be confounded by God."
"I am very teachable, show me where I'm wrong."
"We need to be spending our time with people who are teachable and really want to be near us for the reasons we came to this church."
"Wouldn't it be nice to know that it's not their genetics, it's actually their habits and those habits are programmable and teachable?"
"Humble yourself and learn, be teachable."
"You have to be willing to be teachable."
"He's coachable, that's such an underrated attribute."
"The humility in a leader is saying okay, well I can be corrected by the men around me, especially if they're in the spirit."
"When you remain teachable, great things start to happen."
"The moment you feel you've got everything figured out, the moment you believe you have all the answers, you stop being teachable."
"Help us to have hearts that are teachable, hearts that are guidable, that are leadable, that are docile to your word."
"I aim to remain teachable and be a better version of myself the next day than I was the day before."
"I see myself as my own competition and everyday, I have to remain teachable and be the best version of myself."
"Well-being is a skill, and it's a skill that can be taught and can be learned."
"The character of love is teachability."
"People are teachable, that they can learn, and that if they care to seek out the truth, if they care to learn the value of critical thinking."
"Being teachable, being coachable, being able to receive it."
"Success is predictable, reliable, reproducible, and it can be taught."
"Remain open and remain teachable."
"To make us teachable, to open up our hearts and focus our awareness."
"The task should be teachable, so that what you're measuring is an outcome of your instructional effort."
"My hope is to stay teachable and pass this on with the same love and gratitude that was given to me."
"Toughness and athleticism can be taught, especially toughness."
"Initially he seemed teachable, like he wanted to learn."
"A man who could be taught, who wanted to do better, was far better than a man who was convinced he was already perfect."
"You need to be able to be taught."
"Teachableness: How teachable and coachable are you?"
"If you're willing, coachable, and hungry, then you're unstoppable."
"A humble spirit is a teachable spirit."
"The only one who's unteachable is the one that doesn't want to learn."
"Nobody knows everything, and if you ever get to a point in your life where you think you know everything and you can't be teachable, then you need to check yourself."