
Heart Chakra Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Heart chakra is open; they're emotionally intelligent and mature."
"Connect with Gaia: Opening up your heart chakra and allowing yourself to receive the blessings of the universe."
"Open your heart chakra, opening your heart space, having your heart wide open to love."
"Visual beauty matters to heart chakra people."
"There is a healing that's coming your way, especially in the heart chakra."
"This next person that you fall in love with literally brings your heart back to life, opens your heart chakra like they hold a key."
"Your heart chakra is just like some good stuff."
"The heart chakra is about loving fully and honestly, connecting to our ability to love."
"Love has to be consistent. The heart chakra creates the rhythm of our life."
"It activates your heart chakra. You are overflowing with joy and happiness."
"Gratitude directly from the heart chakra is where the power lies."
"Heart chakra people are very aware of emotions of other people."
"This is the divine timing for that temperance, that you truly understand that the abundance comes with self-acknowledgment and an open heart chakra."
"Some of you are rebuilding, healing your heart, your heart chakra, and coming out of sadness and isolation."
"Whatever is happening right now is meant to open your heart chakra."
"Opening the heart chakra fills you with love forgiveness and compassion."
"Feeling heartbroken? Healing that heart chakra is key."
"The heart chakra conforms to the purer energies of love compassion Harmony and cooperation."
"You're going through a healing of the heart chakra."
"Emerald connects you into your heart chakra."
"The heart chakra is the gateway to all abundance."
"Parado is known as a stone of compassion as well and I who doesn't need more compassion in their life it heals the heart chakra there's so many things I could say about parado."
"Compassion is connected to your heart chakra."
"Your heart chakra leads this lifetime for you... Always trust your heart space and the feelings that you get."
"You live through your heart chakra."
"All of us 100% of us can start at the soul level, which is again, healing of the heart chakra."
"Your energy is causing people around you to have secret awakenings, opening their minds or hearts, specifically through the heart chakra."
"You're just balancing these energies out. You're just adjusting. That's literally what's happening with your heart chakra right now."
"Now, the key to having a balanced heart chakra is self-awareness."
"You're still being called to do some work on your heart chakra because especially because love is coming into your life."
"You're moving forward with an open heart, a creative heart chakra to begin again."
"Our heart chakra extends through our shoulders, our arms, our hands, our fingers, our sense of connection to others, love, compassion for others, and most importantly for ourselves."
"There is a place within your heart chakra that remains whole, to remind you of the power that you have to heal."
"The power of the heart chakra is the center of our spiritual being."
"There is the birth of something coming here, or somebody's heart chakra is finally opening up."
"Emeralds are meant to open the chakra of your heart for you to be able to breathe every time you have to think, act, and say something, so everything will come out from a place of love."
"Deer is a real heart animal, I feel a real connection with the heart chakra with deer."
"The heart chakra has a lot to do with humility and not making grand statements about oneself."
"Forgiveness is the fastest path to the heart chakra."
"Forgiveness is how we move out of third density to fourth and activate the heart chakra."
"If you want victory, keep your heart chakra open."
"If your heart chakra is working properly, you're loving, you're approachable, you're very nice, you're very compassionate."
"Feel the expansion of your heart, feel the energy of green emanating from your center."
"Open up the chest to open up the heart chakra and also some hip opening poses to release any pent up emotions."
"Your heart chakra is healing, and you're leading from the heart."
"My heart chakra got all warm and fuzzy when I started feeling that."
"Green tourmaline aligns with the heart chakra, offering vitality, growth, and abundance."
"Compassion, connection, understanding, generosity, self-acceptance, peace, forgiveness - these are all aspects of the heart chakra."
"You're very inspiring to someone that has blockages in their heart chakra to reflect and help them heal."
"Your heart is opening up, your heart chakra, baby."
"The blessing is a heart chakra awakening."
"You're evolving, that heart chakra is breaking wide open."
"Make sure your heart chakra is open."
"The heart chakra is blown open on this person; nobody can resist this."
"You're actually going to go in a soft boy, soft girl era where you're really actually opening up your heart chakra."
"The power of your dreams is going to hold a lot; the bigger your heart chakra is, the wider open it is, the more open you are to it."
"It's all down to their heart chakra; that's what creates the change."
"Focus on your breath, the breath focus at the heart chakra."
"Keep your heart chakra open, be true to yourself."
"Everything grows from your heart chakra."
"Open your heart chakra and let it shine."
"It's a wish that you receive, and I feel like it has a lot to do with the heart chakra, connecting with someone that you love."
"Your heart chakra is being healed at this very moment."
"The heart chakra likes to accept and equalize, it sees commonalities, it sees connections."
"The element of air is connected to the heart chakra, and somebody's heart has been in the right place from the very beginning."
"Stargate heart, heart chakra opening, unlocking, and generosity."
"Clear yourself in heart chakra; it's the time to follow your heart."
"Your heart chakra will be healed completely, and there's gonna be a sense of unconditional love for you."
"Healing is absolutely taking place when it comes to your heart chakra, when it comes to your peace of mind."
"Your heart chakra is coming back to a sense of rejuvenation."
"Feelings of love, joy, happiness, compassion for others, these are all signs of a healthy balanced heart chakra."
"The heart chakra is also associated with the arms and hands, so even a sense of service towards others comes out of a healthy heart chakra."
"The heart chakra is wide open; you're manifesting with love."
"This could be a new love; this is about unconditional love, opening your heart chakra."