
Earthquakes Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Throughout history, humans have observed strange behavior in animals leading up to earthquakes."
"Here in the 2020s, we still don't have a totally accurate method of predicting earthquakes."
"Earthquakes are hands down the most destructive and terrifying event that could ever happen on our planet."
"This is what they teach you during earthquakes, is get under something as best you can and hold on while the earthquake is going on."
"The sheer number of earthquakes in such a brief period is unnerving."
"Earthquakes happen. I get so much more out of watching."
"The worst earthquake on record in Japan happened just off the coast in 2011."
"It was a 9.0 to 9.1 earthquake one of the most severe in recorded history."
"The magnitude 9 earthquake was so astonishingly violent."
"Tsunamis are caused by massive undersea earthquakes."
"Time has proved its efficiency earthquakes have done remarkably little damage to the structures in Peru over the years many still in their apparently abandoned State and the saxor human is no exception."
"Dog senses earthquake aftershocks... Sophie the Labrador appeared to feel the earthquake before it hit."
"There are really many things we don't know about earthquakes, but we do know one thing: the way to avoid disasters is to be prepared."
"Understanding the seemingly random behavior of earthquakes remains an elusive goal."
"Though these smaller quakes are often less intense... they can sometimes be sufficiently powerful to cause further destruction and injury."
"Your level of nackage like it's if there's a volcano I'm getting to listen like earthquakes it's about to reach the point where it's like too much bad move but for now it's cool we're all right."
"The first swarm struck in fall 2010, with most quakes registering under 2.0 on the Richter scale, meaning not everyone in town may have felt or even noticed the shaking."
"But can scientists decode this ancient wonder, unravel its engineering secrets... And discover how it withstood one of nature's great forces—earthquakes."
"How was it built on such a massive scale so quickly? And how has it survived the powerful earthquakes that have repeatedly struck the region over the centuries?"
"90 percent of all earthquakes strike here and when they do, the consequences are devastating."
"If a fault could open up, there'd be no friction, and no friction means no earthquake. However, earthquakes can cause ground deformation and settling, and that could actually open up fissures."
"The increasing frequency of earthquakes is also assumed to be caused by the artifact destruction."
"So what my fillers was documenting and what recent scientists have documented is that the New Madrid Quakes of 1811 and 1912 are only the most recent series of quakes to hit the Mississippi Valley."
"If we can succeed at understanding the ultimate forces that earthquakes can deliver to the earths surface we'll be able to give very clear guidance to engineers and architects."
"The largest earthquakes on Earth happened on our Coast."
"Each earthquake gives an opportunity to understand their impact and innovative engineering just might hold the answer to a safer future."
"There are different kinds of earthquakes and they're different kinds of volcanoes, absolutely."
"So earthquakes provide sound waves that go through the planet."
"California's got lots of earthquakes right that's pretty common actually Oklahoma today has more earthquakes than California does."
"To conclude this talk, I hope you walk away knowing that diatoms are really cool and they can tell us a lot about earthquakes and tsunamis."
"Dogs are credited by the Turks with giving warning when earthquakes are coming."
"Every time the Rocks moved a little bit, there was another earthquake. Every time the Rocks broke up a little bit, there was another earthquake. So, in a sense, when you're looking at one set of fractures like this, you're looking at a fossilized earthquake."
"Over the last 10 days, there's been more than 300 earthquakes."
"There are earthquakes that happen frequently."
"This is amazing, and all of this was pushed up by earthquakes."
"The Australian Alps are rising further, reactivating ancient faults and causing occasional earthquakes."
"It's like a drone, and it's basically the sound of the beat of quakes ripping around the planet."
"Earthquakes generate more than just damage and destruction, but there's actually useful scientific data that we can gather from it about our Earth."
"I know what's causing the earthquakes in Iceland; it's not what you think."
"Almost all earthquakes and almost all volcanoes happen at plate boundaries."
"Earthquakes signaled that a piece of the earth's crust had reached its limits."
"We have literally never known more about earthquakes than we do now."
"With every tremor and jolt, the question is asked: is there a way to create an effective warning system?"
"What's my favorite hypothesis? I'm a geologist, I like the earthquake idea."
"White or blue flashes are always seen in the sky right before large earthquakes."
"Indonesia experiences on average about four earthquakes a day."
"In an earthquake, hide under a desk or table, or run to the wall with your back against it and protect your head."
"A mega earthquake can actually shorten the length of a day for the entire planet."
"We in California don't worry about earthquakes; we prepare."
"I've learned a big reason I got these two is because we live in Southern California where there's a lot of earthquakes."
"What are the things that measure earthquakes? Seismographs, right?"
"Your very own seismometer that you can use to measure earthquakes that you create on the table."
"The tower was also said to be capable of withstanding earthquakes up to a magnitude of nine on the Richter scale."
"Tsunamis often happen after serious earthquakes in areas with large bodies of water."
"It's this great dataset that is one of the positive outcomes from the sequence and is allowing us to improve our understanding of earthquake shaking."
"Understanding the weather is much easier than understanding earthquake ground shaking because the weather is above us and the earthquake-induced ground shaking is below us."
"We can predict those storms but we still can't foresee one of the planet's most lethal natural disasters: earthquakes."
"Millions of earthquakes happen on Earth each year."
"Every three months, a gas giant... passes so close to the rocky planet that it triggers powerful earthquakes and volcanic eruptions."
"We've made tremendous leaps forward with understanding these great earthquakes."
"Great earthquakes in various places, along with famines and pestilences... our current era has seen an alarming increase in natural disasters."
"Earthquakes are essentially sound waves being transmitted through the solid Earth."
"What does a seismologist study? It is Earth shock waves caused by earthquakes, volcanoes, etc."
"We use ductility in a very explicit way to survive strong dynamic overloads from earthquakes."
"The moment magnitude scale measures energy released by an earthquake."
"Earthquake is a low probability event, so is it worth to do all this? It is because we also have moral obligations."
"To measure earthquake activity, scientists use an instrument called a seismograph."
"A magnitude 7 earthquake is ten times bigger than a magnitude six, and a magnitude six is ten times bigger than a magnitude five."
"The number of earthquakes from the beginning of the 20th century till now are growing and growing with time."
"It's important to note that this is real-time data; as the earthquakes are happening, this data feed is being updated."
"We will continue to move forward and learn from earthquakes that continue to occur in the world today."
"When it comes to earthquakes, we learn empirically."
"We have to learn at the pace that Mother Nature is willing to teach us."
"The first recorded evidence that there is a link between earthquakes and volcanoes."
"The fate of Pavlo Petri was sealed around 1000 BC when no less than three earthquakes affected the region."
"It's the rapid release of energy when you have movement along this plane that causes the ground to shake and earthquakes to occur."
"Things are pretty quiet right now, but as we've seen before, those earthquakes can come on quite quickly with little to no warning."