
Economic Solutions Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"A potential idea here is that the financial institutions extend their mortgages with our landlords, and our landlords could then extend our lease agreement, and that would effectively keep everyone in a good position to re-open and survive this economy."
"The best thing we can do to ease the burden of housing cost is to boost the supply of quality housing, including building more new homes and preserving existing federal support and market rate affordable housing."
"Pain now is better than pain later. I think it'll be worse if it happens later. Peel off the band-aid, get it over with, and let's start working on solutions instead of delaying the solutions while we make the problems worse."
"A UBI is often proposed as a solution to the problems of automation."
"Far from being the cause of our problems, free market capitalism as an economic system is the only tool we have to end hunger, poverty, and destitution throughout the planet."
"All we're doing is throwing money at the symptoms and not fixing the cause of the problem."
"This is an unprecedented economic and public health crisis that requires unprecedented solutions."
"There's no easy solution out of this. The economy... it's not monetary... it's going to be through materials."
"Simply saying let's create more money, let's jolt that money into the banking system, that's not a solution to a depression."
"It's particularly disheartening to see when studies are coming out simultaneously suggesting that world hunger could be eradicated for 330 billion US Dollars over the next decade."
"One is you have rent and debt forgiveness so that people don't default."
"Bitcoin fixes this and why bitcoin fixes the world."
"The solution for inflation is not more money, it is more stuff."
"Cryptocurrency solves a lot of these problems, instead of just the government printing free money all the time."
"Can we find a way to deal with inflation? One expert says yes."
"There has to be a solution i believe for liquidity of the world they need another asset that they can call money and that's why i believe xrp will be deemed and designated a currency."
"You're not going to solve that problem by simply continuing to give people money. The way to solve that problem is to open up the country again and let people get back to their lives."
"We can't solve racism, but we can set a price for it."
"Bitcoin will do more to fix what's going on in the world than anything else we can do right now. It's our only chance."
"Reducing the cost of living and increasing wages can address inequality."
"Letting workers in is the easy win; it solves a bunch of problems because we have a labor shortage and inflation."
"If you solve the wealth equation, you're solving 80% of the problems that Black people have."
"And that brings me to what the solution is - which shouldn't come to surprise to you that I'm about to say this - co-ops."
"This seems like a great deal for homeowners and a way to wean Americans off their obsession with investing in crumbling piles of wood and appliances."
"The ultimate solution is going to be through more Market competition."
"Addressing the underlying shortage is key to lower gas prices over time."
"It turns out that there is [a way to fix this problem]. We could have a balanced budget within five years if we followed this recipe."
"VeChain's vision is to lower the barrier and enable established businesses with blockchain technology to create value and solve real-world economic problems."
"The way you solve consumer price inflation is by producing more stuff."
"Solve all these other problems and money becomes irrelevant."
"Bitcoin solves one of humanity's longest problems which is money."
"Landlords should seek that money rather than seeking to evict."
"I think the government should pay for this... there's no better way to correct the economy and save lives."
"The only way out of this mess is really financial education."
"If you solve the financial problem, you solve at least probably 70% of the problems most black people have."
"You create other solutions in lives and you put money back in the system even if you're not paying taxes on it."
"The only solution here, the only proper solution that actually saves the Republic, is a solution that addresses the core problem—economic despair."
"An increase in the birth rate would potentially ease the burden on the pension system."
"Reparations are justified, but cash reparations are not going to work."
"Jobs is the solution to me of a lot of the stuff that's going on right now."
"We cannot buy our way out of the problems we face, especially the problems within our senior military leadership."
"You're not fixing any of this sh*t without putting black men back to work, period."
"It is only going to be economics it's only going to be dollars and cents that fix the very significant problems that we have in this country we just got to do it."
"A low-cost renewable energy source that may end the Texas emergency."
"Perhaps recession is the remedy that we need to curb this inflation... this is becoming a massive problem politically speaking."
"We're literally harnessing billions of dollars of XRP liquidity to facilitate crossbo payments... solving a massive pain point in this world."
"The most sure-fire way to eliminate disparities is to attack the problem at its economic route by investing in healthcare, housing, and social services."
"You can't solve the problem of the debt by increasing the debt."
"If the problem is actually about money, then the solutions must also be about money and how to get more of it into the pockets of people who need it."
"We believe in a strong, dynamic, robust market economy that is delivering the solutions in clean technology."
"This is an incredibly entertaining way to solve the problem of wealth inequality."
"Smart technology as well as having a view on the full P2X value trend really chips away on the economic hurdles."
"The debt has to be restructured or defaulted on in some way."
"Central banks can lead the markets into a kind of self-solution."