
Technological Potential Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"The greatest civilization in Tamriel, with all the promise for a technological revolution, gone in an instant."
"This unlocks the potential for democratized 3D puppeteered and animated content. It's amazing."
"Autonomous vehicle technology has tremendous potential."
"The most exciting thing about nuclear power is that it could actually work in a way that saves the world."
"The uses for an IOT comprised of sensors is potentially limitless, which definitely classifies it as a genius invention."
"An AI would be able to look at everything on the Earth much like jigsaw pieces."
"Blockchain has the potential to disrupt hundreds of industries, reducing fees and removing middlemen."
"Life on Earth could become more comfortable, climate change could be averted, and it’s possible that, in the future, we could build entire cities underwater."
"I don't even think the world has quite grasped yet what the capabilities of Cardano are."
"If we can realize this -- and we do need to realize it -- its impact will be so enormous that it will make the first software revolution pale in comparison."
"We believe that the next computing platform has the potential to be more social and more human than anything that's come before."
"And I think autonomous driving has huge potential to actually make a big difference in safety in the world."
"Capitalism can really go over a lot of really cool futuristic awesome technologies that could be brought to society in really cool ways but instead will be used to maximize profits."
"Nanotechnology really has the potential to do great things for the conservation of our planet and the human race."
"The potential for this is I don't think people understand it. Like Battery Day was cool, everyone's hot on Battery Day. No, no, no, this is like so much bigger."
"You have to utilize this technology to work for you, it can be a beautiful thing if it can work for you."
"Open the door to some really interesting stuff."
"If the way they think and feel and experience life alters itself, we have enough resource capability and technology to address every human problem on the planet."
"The potential to change people's lives has never been greater."
"When used by people that know what they're doing, the possibilities are very exciting."
"Snapdragon xr2 platform could be a real game-changer for mixed reality."
"Most people would argue we could do it today."
"This will be really interesting I have always loved AR I think it's not even close to its full potential just yet but with iOS 14 we could be seeing that potential possibly being reached."
"This technology can either be used to enslave us or free us."
"This is clearly the outlier...but it's maybe a glimpse at what Intel could do."
"Even if there was zero technology breakthroughs... we could fully transition earth to sustainable energy."
"Tech in One Piece has a lot of potential, more than hockey or devil fruits."
"That's why none of this is an ego, despite the potential for unethical use."
"You can do some pretty extreme stuff at that level even if you are still running only on the sort of technology we can see ourselves developing in the next century or so."
"Only time will tell if this technological marvel will conquer the enigma of 'Oumuamua, ultimately illuminating the path toward a deeper understanding of our vast and enigmatic universe."
"I think about Tesla like yes, the vehicle business... but then beyond that, there's so many little options."
"I actually think it has enormous potential, as much potential as, say, something like the driverless car."
"The 3990X has the potential to be like 40% faster."
"There's so much. There's so much. I look at even, you know, what we've done with the SSD and loading in this game just feels like the tip of the iceberg."
"It has great promise, great capability, but also with that comes great danger."
"We think this thing has really amazing capabilities now, but you can expect them to be getting pretty rapidly better."
"There's just so much potential in the future for this type of technology."
"I think with good DDR5 on desktop, this could get you something pretty closer to a 6400 XT."
"Embrace the mindset of collaboration with AI, and together we can create an abundance of new possibilities."
"We believe that the potential of web 3 can be realized when we start with imagination not limitations."
"People really now starting to see the true power and the potential of all these tools that have been available to us this entire time."
"Fundamentally, the magnitude of the total addressable market that the Tesla bot is addressing is the biggest market in history."
"Late this decade is when people really start to appreciate the potential of the Tesla bot."
"Blockchain technology literally could liberate humanity or it could enslave us."
"It seems like we've got such fantastic technology, but we're not doing enough with it."
"The potential of what the Apple Watch can allow for in the future is much much greater."
"We are all just like, maybe anything's possible with computers, so we want to know how good these systems are."
"Fusion is one of those technologies, like smart automation, that offers a key to unlock the galaxy to us and make our own world into a paradise."
"We've Only Just Begun to explore the possibilities of what our software-defined vehicles are capable of and there's much more to come."
"Libertarian communism is now possible given the AI programs that are being developed."
"In terms of what you'll be able to do with Apple's headset, the possibilities are basically endless."
"Everything is achievable through technology."
"What if this technology can be used purely for good?... It's not outside that realm."
"My initial experience with the Quest 3 was highly positive, with just a few little thoughts or worries about this new headset's potential for success and adoption."
"So, what can deep learning do at present? We're still scratching the tip of the iceberg."
"I think it could be truly incredible where we'll be and I feel it will be something like with the realization of the true potential of humanity."
"If it can do all the things that we assume it can do, then oh yeah, it's gonna be really powerful."
"The only limit is human understanding to be able to program it, but we know if we learn, it can do this stuff because it's already doing it."
"I am 100% in love with the Oculus Quest, fully believe in its potential, and it makes me very excited for the future of VR."
"If a tech don't like me can do cool things with them then they must be pretty powerful."
"We have the energy, the know-how, the technology, and the feasibility to build an entirely new civilization."
"I was going to say that with Orbital Rings the Sky’s the Limit as to what you can do."
"Technology allows us a great deal of possibility."
"If these Arc GPUs did not have the 'dx12 and Vulcan or bust' issues, how well do you think they would have done? A lot better."
"These transformers behind GPT-3, it seems like they could be applied to video, they could be applied to a lot of things."
"Dojo has the potential for an order of magnitude improvement in the cost of training."
"With the technology that's out nowadays... I think I could be pretty good at being a singer."
"The cool thing about this world is it, you get to see what people could create with technology if they had no limitations."
"The latest advances in AI research are truly amazing and make this all possible."
"Computer vision technology really has massive and massive potential to improve all of our lives."
"We're changing the global infrastructure around energy, and people are so excited about the potential of it."
"I'm excited about the potential of this machine and what it will be introducing to us into the future."
"The thermals on this has really allowed to unlock the real potential of this new Xeon."
"...it would ultimately be possible to supply the entire Earth with electrical energy."
"With sufficient technology, and potentially even just controlled fusion, any of these places can be home."
"Let's use that agency to create a wonderful future."
"There's a huge potential out there for these things to not drive about as well as an average human but to far exceed human performance."
"What do the laws of physics tell us about patterns of cause and effect in the world? What can be accomplished? What kinds of devices can exist and operate?"