
Solution Focus Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Meditation helps you deal with negative emotions and energies consciously, helping you focus on solutions rather than problems."
"A solution without a problem is completely meaningless."
"The best way to end a pandemic related shortage is to end the pandemic, and that's why the vaccine push is so important."
"The point is to solve what they ask you to solve and be able to communicate in areas they want you to communicate."
"You have to make one thing that I found is really effective is to make sure that people understand that the other side isn't really offering any good solutions."
"This is the solution... this is the key... this is the root cause that I need to address."
"Who are the people I most want to help? What problem or desire do those people have? What are the solutions to those people's problems that I most get excited about?"
"Maybe we need to approach policing in a solution-oriented manner as opposed to a punitive-oriented manner."
"A problem is just a potential for a solution ... focus on the solution."
"The only thing it doesn't have is more people talking about it and working to solve it."
"Building culture is what will solve the problem."
"So what we must do with the knowledge of what the problem is and the four possible solutions is watch each of them carefully and move with them to protect ourselves our families our friends our clients and that's the process who we're all in now."
"Focus on the problem and the solutions and we will all get there."
"A solution is always there, but you may have to wade through a bunch of busted shit to find it."
"You'll find a solution to your problems... start moving on with important progress."
"If there's any problem that comes up, there's gonna be a solution."
"We live in a complicated world where solutions to overwhelming problems often focus on effects and not the causes."
"Let's look at the solutions, let's look at exactly what's happening, let's inform ourselves."
"Leadership is always the problem and leadership is the solution."
"We don't want to focus on where things aren't working, we have solutions."
"I had to come up with a solution rather than just talking."
"We have to talk about race because it's the only way to identify solutions."
"A new shiny object doesn't fix it, it's the implementation that really matters."
"Stop finding the problems with everything, you need to start finding the opportunities."
"Winning begins with believing you can win. It's about nurturing a mindset that looks for solutions, not excuses."
"Hustling and [ __ ] that's a hustle because you're actually finding the solution to the problem."
"Unless the family is fixed, all efforts to end discrimination, poverty, and injustice will come too little, almost stop."
"We have to start listening to One Another, be open with our ideas, and start focusing on Solutions."
"Let's spend more time talking about solutions."
"It's about values. It's about what are we going to do to solve a crisis."
"You can't solve problems until you identify what those problems are."
"In life, while we identify the problem, we want to focus on the solutions, we want to focus on being positive and on taking action."
"The problem simply cannot be solved while he remains in office."
"Making an exit seems to be one of the better solutions."
"We're going to be covering this until we get some answers, some solutions, and we push back on this."
"Eliminate all these distractions, all those negative emotions from the solution, and take away the stress."
"We can't fix what's broken if we don't know that it's broken, right?"
"He knew exactly what was going wrong, how it was happening, and how it could be prevented."
"When it comes to marketing, what we're trying to do here rather than just beat them down about all the bad stuff going on, we do want to offer them a solution."
"I know people are frustrated, you know the folks are cranky with a lot of good reason but we have to focus on who's going to work every day and solving these problems not who uses the most fiery language."
"Your focus is on becoming the solution, building the best beliefs about yourself."
"Put a hundred percent of your energy towards the solution."
"Gentlemen, there is a solution here that you are not seeing."
"So why don't we do something about it instead of complaining all the time?"
"The question shouldn't be 'when do we get over it,' the question should be 'how do we fix the current problems'."
"Focus on the value of your solution, not on the features."
"Focus on the key areas of your solution, we're not interested in if statements or how a for loop works."
"Our focus is on solving problems, not selling proprietary software."
"We can't just talk about problems, but what about the solution? Let's put more energy towards the solutions."
"We need to build a new, independent, positive solutions oriented tribe and voice that's going to help break up the duopoly and the polarization."
"Don't tell another person about your situation today... talk about your answer."