
Area Calculation Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The area of the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in a semicircle that has radius r is r squared."
"The total number of lattice points inside a big circle with radius R should be about pi*R^2."
"To find the area of the shaded region, it's going to be pi r squared minus one half base times height."
"The area of a trapezoid is equal to half the height multiplied by the sum of the lengths of its two parallel bases."
"The problem is if you take a right angle triangle with rational length sides, does there exist such a triangle whose area is N for N some given number like 1, 2, 5, and so on, can you solve that?"
"The area of a circle is equal to \( \pi r^2 \)."
"If for some reason you need to find the area of the circle, you can use this equation: Pi R squared."
"The area is the integral from C to D of g(y) dy."
"The integral sign means that we're going to add all of the areas of the cross sections from the top to the bottom."
"The full circle corresponds to an angle of 2 pi, and the area of a full circle is just pi."
"What is the area of a rectangle with a base of three and a height of five? The answer is 15."
"The area of a rectangle is equal to side times side, in other words, the length times the width."
"Remember the area of a rectangle is simply the length times the width or base times the height."
"The area of a trapezium is half the sum of the parallel sides times the distance between them."
"To find the area of a rectangle, you should know that it's length times width."
"If you're applying pesticide to a triangular area that has a base of 60 foot and a height of 30 foot, what is the size of this area in square feet?"
"The formula to find the area of a parallelogram is simply base times height."
"Area of a rectangle is just base times height."
"This is a formula to calculate the area of a triangle."
"The area of our square is 25 centimeters squared."
"Area tends to equal a half AB sine C."
"Therefore, the area of rectangle ABCD equals 5 and 4/5 times 2."
"The equation A of x equals x squared plus 4x plus 3 gives the area of the rectangle."
"The area of a sector of a circle is the angle of the sector divided by 360, multiplied by pi r squared."
"The pasture must contain 180 square meters in order to provide enough grass for the herd."
"The area of r turns out to be 125/6 square units."
"What is the area of a circle whose circumference is 16 pi?"
"To work out the area, all we need to do is four times seven, and that comes out as 28 centimeters squared."
"The area is an integral between A and B of F minus G."
"It has been found that a circular area is to the quadrant of the circumference as the area of the equilateral rectangle is to the square on one side."
"The area of a trapezoid is one half times the height times the sum of the two bases."
"The area of a triangle is \( \frac{1}{2} ab \sin(C) \), and for 3D Pythagoras, the long diagonal of a cuboid is the square root of the sum of the squares of its dimensions."
"The area is the limit as n goes to infinity of the sum from K = 1 to n of the F of XK stars Delta X."
"The area of a super ellipse... is equal to $$ 2\alpha \times \frac{\Gamma(\alpha)^2}{\Gamma(2\alpha)} $$."
"If you want to find the area of a triangle and if you know two sides and the angle in between them, you can just do a half a b sine c."
"To find the area under a graph, we consider the region beneath the graph and what shapes make it up."
"To find the area for a trapezium, you add together the two parallel sides, half it, times by the height."
"The area of our triangle turns out to be 46 units squared."
"The area of the large white circle would be Pi times 6 squared."
"We're really kind of finding the sum... we're going to be finding the area."
"One of the common applications is in working out the area underneath a graph bounded by the curve to the x-axis."
"Calculus... one of the main problems it solves for us is to be able to find the area and volume of pretty much any shape again that we can imagine."
"The area is 176 square feet. Find the dimensions; find length and width."
"The area of a circle is pi R squared; a sector is a part of a circle."
"The area of a trapezium is the top plus the bottom length multiplied by H divided by 2."
"The area is equal to the average of the parallel sides added together, multiplied by the height."
"To find the area of a triangle, you take the base and the perpendicular height, multiply them together, and then divide this by two."
"Find the area of R, so we need to find the area of this irregular shape, and so calculus does a great job of that."
"To find the area of a triangle without a right angle, it's half of side A multiplied by side B multiplied by sin angle C."
"Area equals pi r squared, that is pi times r squared, where pi is always going to be 3.14."
"The area of a square is simply side times side or one side squared."
"To find the area of a rectangle, you do length times width."
"The area of all triangles is one half base times height."
"To find the area of a triangle, you need to do half times the base times the perpendicular height."
"The area of a triangle equals one half AB sine C."
"We know that the area of a triangle is base times height divided by two."
"In this lesson, we are going to extend our understanding of the first fundamental theorem of calculus and apply it to finding the area between 2 curves."
"The area of a trapezium is A plus B over two times H, where A and B are the two parallel sides."
"The area of a triangle is base times height over two."
"The area of the triangle would be 1/2 times the base times the perpendicular height."
"The area under the curve is approximately the sum of the areas of these rectangles."
"The integral will represent the area between the curves."
"To work out the area of a circle, the formula is pi r squared."
"The area of the rectangle is 200."
"The total area must equal 150 because it says so in the question."
"The integral from 0 to Pi of sin x dx is the area under one hump of the sine curve."
"Work out the area of triangle PQR, okay, so clear and objective, let's do it."
"The integral of a function lets us calculate the area under any curve."