
Artistic Ambition Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"I want to perform, I want to come out with something more artistic and take my time."
"I want to steer into more serious, high production good stuff that people can be like, 'Whoa, this is actually dope.'"
"For Andrew and Nina, their parents represent the mediocrity they fear and will come to despise."
"My goal with art is to just become the best artist that I could possibly be."
"I genuinely want to be a legend and I genuinely want to make sure my music lasts forever and I make classic albums that are undeniable."
"It's their least radio-friendly release to date and, in my opinion, their best and most ambitious release since 'Viva La Vida.'"
"I'm dropping albums. I'm dropping at least a classic a day. Tell Hope to do the average on that because he averaged knock [ __ ] up."
"Sargent was determined to see her talented son rise through the ranks of the great artists."
"I want my rhymes to be remembered like James Baldwin's words."
"You'll never see like Eminem 'Till I Collapse 2.0."
"Our paintings will be up there one day, yes. People will admire it thousands of years from now. Thousands."
"Emerging artists want to work with the very best materials possible."
"Every single time you sit down to do a painting, I doubt any artist on the planet with any sense of ambition looks at their own work and says, 'I'll be happy as long as I can recreate the same thing I've done last year. I'm cool.'"
"It certainly seemed like Lupe was trying to do something bigger this time around and I think for the most part he succeeded."
"I know people know I can rap, but it's more so like I'm trying to be ... People knowing I can rap doesn't just do it for me."
"You want to be seen as great without with effortlessly. Yeah, great so you want to be like, 'Oh, you want to see my audition?' and someone sees it and you want to feel like everyone's like 'That's amazing.'"
"My ambition for art and storytelling is to kill the 20th century."
"OK Computer is their all-hands-on-deck masterpiece, possibly the most ambitious alternative rock album of all time."
"I am the greatest artist and I will prove it."
"I wanna make a record, I don't just want to make a song."
"Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles: proof that popular music is more than a piece of throwaway ephemera for children, that music was something to be taken seriously."
"This is what I want for singers and for artists."
"I'm now in the act three of my life. I want to make the best films I've ever made."
"Every musician wants to do something of a lasting quality, something which will hold up for a long time."
"I wanted [By The Culture] to live forever and create a legacy for it."
"I challenge that. We create our own masterpiece, our only Picasso."
"I just want to be a rapper, that's all. I know my value, I know who I am."
"That is a good goal I think it's a good goal to say hey I want people to like my music."
"My goal is to write, direct, and act in my own films."
"I'm going to be one of the, if not number one, top three artists in LA, guarantee manifest that."
"With a growing youth culture which would soon stage its own social revolution, came a new direction and ambition from popular artists."
"I feel like my goal is very artistic. I artistically want to reach like the edge of greatness."
"That's what makes it art. Just for myself, I definitely want to come out with something that's just unbelievable."
"I strive to do things I haven't done before and my wish is to surprise myself with some of my songs."
"It's a lot of pushing the music forward, doing better than I did yesterday."
"I'm going to be a big comic book artist... children all over the world will read my work and have hope."
"We're not in it to buy seven million dollar homes, we're in it to make incredible things that will leave a legacy."
"I just want to reach as many people as possible and I want to be able to dance, I want to be able to sing and do it all for them."
"We help artists and designers turn their creative daydreams into reality with actionable business advice."
"I always wanted to be a singer, dancer, and actress, so coming to Hollywood was a huge deal."
"Fitzgerald wrote to his editor, 'I want to write something odd and beautiful and intricately patterned,' and boy is it ever."
"Every film should elevate cinema to its maximum potential, to the heights of its artistic possibilities."
"My only goal is to produce miracles on film."
"It's exciting to think about where this might take me in the future with my art."
"I'm only as good as my next photograph."
"Opera was his next goal; he was always thinking about the next big project and the next thing that could further legitimize not just himself but his genre in the eyes of the wider culture."
"I've always wanted to be a film composer since I was 16 or 17. It was really this passion I had of cinema and music that were merging."
"This will be my greatest creation."
"If Elvis can do it, I can do it; if the Everly Brothers can do it, Paul and me can. Same with Bob Dylan."
"Turner was always ambitious and he was conscious in this late period of his life about his legacy."
"We want to strive for this over-the-top artistic artistry and creativity and complexity, but then also be able to write a song that somebody could sing along with."
"I want to see something that overwhelms the space because I think that's cool."
"I knew I wanted to be an artist, I knew I wanted to be a creative person."
"Wagner's ambition was nothing less than the creation of a total work of art."
"It's one thing to be the most famous artist in the world, but how about the greatest of all time? This is the level of Picasso's ambition."
"I'm going to be one of the best painters Jamaica has ever seen."
"After 20 years of making music, selling millions of albums, and challenging every kind of musical convention, she is embarking on her most ambitious project yet."
"The dream to become a professional artist prevailed."
"I'm not ready to be a pop star; I want to be an artist."