
Business Goal Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The goal of the business is to make one more dollar than it expends."
"The whole purpose is how can you further help them."
"At the end of the day, happy guests, that's what it's all about."
"My purpose is to create a company that creates more millionaires than any other company in history."
"By the end of the quarter we'd reduced it to around 20 days, and our goal in Q4... is to get the average time of a car from factory to customer under 10 days. This is a giant improvement in the capital efficiency of the company." - Elon
"We strive to provide high quality paintings at the most reasonable prices."
"Awesome! Effortless ordering is our goal." - Elon Musk
"I hope that LinguaTrip will continue helping and continue providing a lot of tools in order for that to happen for every single one of you."
"The purpose of every business on earth is to not have competition."
"Our goal is to maximize the area under the curve of customer happiness."
"Our goal is to care more about our customers than our competitors and we show that in the product."
"Our goal is always to serve consumers in the best way possible."
"Get your ice cream! Our goal today is to sell ice cream to 100 customers!"
"I am not in business for art. I am in business to make money for my stockholders."
"We have a clear path of $10 million in ARR over the next two years."
"The endgame for BNPL companies is to gain leverage, demand higher commission, and grab a bigger slice of the pie for themselves."
"Our goal is to generate enough sales so Courtney can make $450 profit per week."
"That's the goal: to get to $83,333 MRR. When you 12x that to get your annual rate, that equals a million dollars."
"One of your primary goals when you're starting up a business is to break even."
"Recurring revenue or predictable income—every business owner wants that."
"Thank you so much. That's what I want to do for my customers."
"We're just trying to have the best customer experience."
"What we want to do is we want to be a problem solver for our clients."
"The objective of a business is to maximize its value."
"The end game of a business is to provide a product or service that meets a need."
"Our goal is to be our clients' go-to partner for technology enablement and digital transformation with Microsoft."
"Getting to the top of Google for many businesses is still their number one digital marketing priority because the traffic is so awesome."
"We want to stand behind it with best-in-class customer service."
"The ultimate goal is to keep the customers happy and keep them coming back."
"The most important thing that we should be building towards is our customers achieving whatever value it is that they need to see."
"At the end of the day, the whole goal of your software company, all the value is in your monthly recurring revenue."
"We worry most about delivering the very best product possible."
"Hitting 10K a month is both extremely easy and extremely hard."
"Hitting 10K a month is achieving product-market fit."
"The goal of a platform business model is to be an infrastructure on which these interactions happen."
"The bottom line to owning a restaurant is servicing your customer."
"We want customers for life, and that is truly our goal."
"Customer satisfaction is their main goal and that letting them get what they need is vital to the success of the company."
"Whoever walks out of this door has to leave happy. That's our main goal."
"We want to make about dollars a month, how many users do we need?"
"The ultimate objective is to increase the market value of the firm by increasing the profitability and by increasing the dividend to the shareholders."
"Let's set a milestone to double our profits this year."
"A goal of the score framework is to assist supply chain management to solve business problems and improve processes."
"I really want to provide a good experience for the customer."
"We are pushing to be Better Built but lower volume."
"If the customers are happy with what you are doing, that is the key, the goal, the main aim of the game."
"I just want the customer experience to be as seamless and as easy as possible."
"I want to say 100 percent customer satisfaction."
"I want to undercharge and overdeliver and make a lot of people happy, that's my goal."
"The objective of a business is to make itself the most valuable business it can be."
"We want to provide our customers with products and services so our customers come back and not our products."
"We only have one job: don't screw up the sale."
"We're always working on ways in which we can improve our customer service."
"For every 100 items in your store, you should have at least one sale per day."