
Octopus Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"The octopus is an intelligent creature in that it is good at problem-solving and can learn and apply that knowledge."
"An octopus has one large brain, but each of its eight tentacles have their own kind of mini brains. This allows the tentacles to operate independently of each other, and yet always in service to the whole."
"In many ways, the octopus is as close to alien life as we may ever see."
"An octopus can see with not just its eyes but also its skin."
"The octopus has to imagine the future and connect the dots between past events, current actions, and future events."
"Octopuses and squid have three hearts... with three hearts and eight arms, when the octopus hugs you, you'll know she's very sincere."
"These octopus rock pools are an ideal habitat for octopus."
"There's no human reference for an octopus to understand."
"Your brain controls your arms and legs, but with an octopus, each arm is actually kind of independent, with its own special brain held together by a bigger central brain, kinda like the conductor of an orchestra."
"An octopus named Otto has caused an aquarium outage by climbing to the edge of his tank and shooting a jet of water at a bright light that was annoying him."
"Prepare to be amazed... Paul the octopus was used to predict the results."
"What do you call an octopus that's got stubby little tentacles, is bright pink, super squishy, and looks like a Pac-Man ghost?"
"Octopus gets sweet revenge on live streamer trying to eat it."
"An octopus that knows sign language – not the most dangerous or extraordinary anomaly the Foundation has ever discovered, but still, this anomaly could not remain out of containment."
"Keeping an octopus contained is a heck of a trick."
"Octopus are the smartest things in the ocean without a backbone."
"Evolution has blessed octopuses with the perfect body for escaping."
"Imagine having a brain in your arm; that's what octopuses have."
"Octopus arms have their own mind."
"Oh my gosh, I feel like even Jordan would like him, she really likes octopus."
"Octopuses have eight arms, and with all those neurons, each arm can take in lots of information and think about what to do next without needing to send any messages back to the brain."
"The octopus was pretty interactive."
"Octopuses are pretty darn smart... even though they're not even vertebrates."
"My favorite mom of course is the octopus you would like something that ends in death it's just such a great story from start to finish that's the stuff that Legends are made of right there."
"They're very intelligent. They've got eight legs, no bones. They can change colors, they can change textures, they squirt ink, they can swim but they can climb, they've got a beak like a bird. I mean they are cool beyond belief."
"Octopus censis, the elegant denisen of Eastern Waters, exudes a refined beauty that captures the essence of marine grace."
"Some octopus species lay 56,000 eggs at a time. On average, a giant Pacific octopus will lay 56,000 eggs at the end of pregnancy."
"I love this uh this octopus here."
"Octopuses are famous escape artists."
"An octopus has reasonably good evidence of various kinds of subjective experience."
"Octopus never get because they're born orphans the mother usually dies as soon as they're born and the father gives up on life long before."
"Octopus are more than smart enough to aim their malice at people."
"Octopus catches in Western Australia have surged by 400% following the adoption of innovative traps."
"Surprisingly, the baby octopuses emerged in less than 2 years instead. The warmth from thermal vents boosted the metabolism of both the mother octopuses and their offspring, reducing the incubation time."
"True facts about the octopus: deep in the depths of the ocean lives a marvelous creature."
"Octopuses are the most intelligent of all the invertebrates."
"Octopuses have over 250 suction cups on each arm, each with the ability to rotate and grasp independently."
"Octopuses are hardcore; basically, everything they do is hardcore."
"After laying thousands and thousands of eggs, an octopus mom's job is just getting started."
"Octopus are literally escape artists."
"The mother octopus will spend months looking after thousands of eggs during which she won't eat."
"In case you didn't know, sometimes an octopus will try and punch a fish just for fun."
"The blue-ringed octopus harbors a venom of extraordinary potency."
"What creature has eight arms? An octopus."
"Octopus is actually one of the smartest animals in the planet."
"These cute creatures live at a depth of three thousand to four thousand meters and are one of the rarest octopuses."
"We got a drunken octopus fight club capable of doing all of that for us."
"The baby octopus is considered by many to be the most intelligent invertebrate in the world."
"Octopuses also recognize human faces."
"Octopus features really are like superhero powers."
"New octopus or alien friends? Both?"
"It constructs a shelter. The coconut octopus is the only invertebrate known to collect and hang on to objects, like building materials, for future or potential use."
"Researchers believe this ability to use the shells is an indication of the coconut octopus' high IQ."
"Octopuses can fit into any space that's wider than their small beaks."
"How many tickles do you have to give an octopus before it laughs? Ten tickles."
"There are 300 different varieties of octopus."
"Wow, check it out, it's an octopus. Can you see it?"
"The octopus has a nervous system that is comparable to vertebrates."
"The common ancestor that we share with an octopus lived about 600 million years ago."
"Octopus have eight legs and three hearts and nine brains, maybe that's why their head is so big."
"All octopuses know his pain; they're all born orphans because parenthood is a suicide pact when you have eight legs."
"I love octopus, it's so like meaty. I like that it's chewy and excellent and fresh."
"No crack is too tight for an octopus to squeeze through."
"The first thing I crocheted was an octopus, and I was really proud of that."
"The marine biologist smiled and said the octopus is literally doing that to entertain itself, just because it can."
"The true trickster of the animal kingdom has to be the mimic octopus."
"You ever seen an octopus as big as an entire shipwreck?"
"Perhaps the best mimics of them all are the many species of octopus across the world's oceans."
"One of the best at mimicry is the aptly named mimic octopus."
"A giant can reach 20 feet from arm tip to arm tip and weigh in at 200 pounds."
"If you're purchasing a sweater for an octopus, how many sleeves would you need? Eight."
"The blue ringed octopus is an extremely venomous species of octopus."
"Octopuses have three hearts; two of them pump blood to the gills, while the bigger heart circulates blood to the rest of the body."
"The king of color change is really the octopus."
"The secret to an octopus's quick color change is hidden just under the surface of the skin."
"It's crazy... These octopus, you know, they're born geniuses."
"It takes some pretty special biology and an even more advanced brain to pull off all these amazing abilities."
"The octopus immediately headed towards the side of the boat, then it found a small gap there and managed to squeeze through it, finding itself back in freedom."
"The octopus are some of the most caring mothers in the world."
"It's like when you bite into the takoyaki with the octopus in it, it's like a squishy consistency but not in a bad way."
"Octopuses are some of the most popular creatures to be recreated in fabric to take to the skies."
"Did you know octopuses have no bones?"
"Octopus eyes are designed the right way, they actually have the retina so it has nothing in front of it to obstruct the light coming through and no blind spot."
"I love this, I love this octopus, this octopus is the best thing."
"The benefits of being an octopus."