
Relationship Priorities Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"I don't care about the money. I'd rather be broke if that means I can be with you."
"A woman really wants her man to be totally dedicated to his highest purpose and also to love her fully."
"Our anniversary comes first, but not necessarily. Toxic Monogamy Culture makes us think that our relationship comes first and foremost over everything."
"Men care more about your morals than they care about your money."
"I wish the money wasn't enough, but I do need love. I do need love."
"Your life is too important for me to be playing games."
"Who cares about love? Love? We're choosing Kyle, okay?"
"The most attractive thing about my wife is that I know she is more in love with Jesus than she is with me."
"Sometimes relationships are more important than being right, and so that's probably going to be."
"You have to decide that the relationship that you want is more important than all of these other things that you're hanging on to."
"Put more emphasis on your actual marriage than the wedding day."
"Excitement is the top priority for fire signs in relationships."
"Acts of service 100, and then quality time. I would think quality time would be number one."
"Money is a big thing in a relationship going into a relationship right now."
"Guy number two all day. There's no question about a guy that appreciates family time and understanding what's important."
"Ultimately if you're not spending time together... then what are you doing?"
"All I want is to make sure that we're still each other's priority. Is that too much to ask?"
"Love doesn't seek to win the argument, love seeks to protect the relationship."
"Sex in a relationship is a plus, not a priority. When you focus on making love to the mind instead of the body, real love flourishes."
"The right guy is gonna want to make you a priority."
"You can't expect someone to be a priority when you're just an option."
"Demonstrate love, find out what is important to those you love and act on it."
"You might want a man with money and a washboard stomach but is that a need and more present might be someone tactile who will hold your hand or cuddle you or is keen to spend their retirement traveling with you."
"Ultimately, my relationships are at the top."
"Love is necessary, but respect and communication are number one."
"Your marriage comes before your kids. Our marriage and the marriage that you have with your spouse should always be a priority."
"The most important relationship in your life is with your bank, then your wife."
"The number one person in your life should be your spouse, not your child."
"So, would you risk the destruction of the universe for her?"
"Look for a man who loves God more than he loves you."
"It's all about the mental realm to them, they're attracted to somebody's mind over everything else."
"You know they haven't walked away from you but you wonder why they don't put you as a priority. Like, you know that they have these deep emotions but you also wonder."
"Lovers, enough with the riffraff, enough with the playtime, enough with the temporary fill."
"We wasn't gonna break up over money, we wasn't gonna break up over a woman."
"If I could give you one takeaway, one thing to bring away from all of this it'll be this love people and use things because the opposite never works."
"It wasn't bravery, it was love... I wanted love from Peter more than I wanted my dad's approval."
"What's more important than marriage is finding a connection worth protecting."
"Your relationship with your significant other should come first, and the kids come after that."
"Don't waste time on people who aren't going to give you what you need."
"I value honesty and relationships rooted in honesty more than I value familial bonds."
"I prefer loyalty... even if you're an idiot and broke."
"Sex is amazing part of marriage, but it's not your marriage."
"If you're no longer fulfilled in your relationship because he's prioritizing drinking."
"Don't let virtual victories cost you real-life relationships."
"Prioritize your happiness and for some of you that could be in relationship status. It could just be deciding... I am open to receive this. I deserve this."
"Value real relationships, value your loved ones."
"For me, the only person I'm interested in pleasing is my wife."
"You don't want to waste any time or energy on a relationship that is not good for you."
"What's important for you is important for me."
"You're not actually in a relationship for the sex."
"You're going to be very, very, very, very busy, so it's super important when it comes to your romantic relationship to make sure that you are making the time."
"When you marry somebody, you're committing to put that person first."
"The most important thing in a relationship for me is he needs to make me laugh."
"Lola hated the idea of living separately, she didn't want marriage if they weren't together."
"When a man puts everything else and his problems ahead of you, he's not serious about you, folks."
"Find your place and know that that is your safe space, not hers. Your place comes first because you're with their son, period."
"What good is it to win the argument and lose the person?"
"A woman making you wait for sex, you are not her top priority."
"They're sorry that they haven't given you that time that you deserve."
"It's not about that... It's about caring for the person."
"His woman has to be the priority even over his mama."
"Our relationship should supersede our belief systems."
"The reality is that men don't care how much money a woman is making, that's not something that's on their list of things that they're looking for."
"Women hold out for the right guy, not because of careers."
"I don't really care about looks. If you've got the personality or like the humor or the intelligence then it's sort of over, I can see past looks."
"Choosing happiness and peace over longevity with the man every day all day."
"We're sisters, you know what I mean? It's like you just make the time because the person is important."
"Making my marriage a priority is so important, regardless of the cultural norms."
"She loves her dog more than anything else, was like, yeah, well, there's not a yellow flag in my situation, it's definitely a huge red flag."
"This person will be willing to spend quality time with you."
"It's about making them a priority in your life."
"...we're going to be going for attraction we're going to go for good we're going to go for romance all these things that we couldn't go for because we had to prioritize Financial stability."
"Ultimately the couple needs to prioritize their partnership while also respecting their individual friendships"
"Before we understand each other, before we have a child, which is a very important thing, we need to reprioritize how we're moving."
"Let him go and heal. The relationship is not the most important thing in the world."
"You're not wrong for wanting to be prioritized over friends; that's a normal thing."
"Finding real love, loyalty, faithfulness, and devotion is harder than marrying for wealth."
"We do prioritize how we date better now."
"How do you want to feel in this relationship? Is it about what they look like, or is it about how they make you feel?"
"In a relationship, they come number one, you know, automatically."
"How do you prioritize time together as a couple after years of marriage and being parents?"
"Lean into that as your priority because those relationships, both with your spouse and your children, they don't just take care of themselves."
"Knowing what you don't want in a partner is even more important than knowing what you do want."
"You should never be too busy for your other half. Period."