
Better World Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"With a growth mindset, we can have such a better world for everyone."
"We need to build a better world that more accurately encompasses the overall human experience."
"When we can move beyond that to an acknowledgement of our common humanity and our common decency, the world in which we live is a better place."
"The shared goal must be a better world, a culture that's a reflection of our higher values rather than our lower drives."
"The fight for a better world should be an ongoing one."
"This movement is about wanting a better world for men and women, and actually, sex is better, I tell you, guys, as your equal."
"Improving education would mean a better, safer, and more sustainable world for everyone."
"A better fairer world is only possible if we are willing to sacrifice everything."
"To build a really better world, sometimes means having to tear the old one down."
"Surely we can create a better world, surely we can."
"Strongheart does not just stand for a better world but is the medium by which it is made manifest."
"If you're kind and you're nice and you believe in God, there's going to be a much better world."
"We deserve a better world, a better place to live without fear and war and violence and fucking unnecessary conflict."
"Thinking outside of the box for a new world, something better."
"The love that big always has shown me... it's just a better world."
"Ultimately, it's a step towards a better world."
"Our mission was to build a kinder and braver world."
"We have a tremendous responsibility to bring about a better world order."
"Power is at the basis of all forms of behavior in which people resist, struggle, and fight for their image of a better world."
"It is a world that's going to exist, and it is going to be a better world."
"That is the true currency, that is the true reward: being at peace, evolving yourself, assisting others."
"The world would be such an even better place by far."
"We need to work on making our world a kinder place."
"I think the world's a better place...just a lot of respect for an honest day's work."
"The world would be a better place if they cooperated."
"One thing I do know, there ain't no shame in looking for a better world."
"We can reconnect with others, with ourselves, and work together in good faith to build a better world."
"We have the opportunity and the privilege to build a better world for the coming generation."
"If you can believe in a story in a book, you can also believe that there's a better world for you or for anyone else."
"We can devolve risk-taking and risk assessment down to the individual level and then let people live the way they want to. And that is a better world."
"Never let them break your spirit. A better world is Possible only because of people like you." - Chip Gibbons
"We live in a moment of the greatest historical opportunity to create an even better world."
"If we could all live with the consideration of others in mind, the whole world will be a much better place."
"I do believe in a better world through technology."
"If everyone had that mindset, the world would seriously be a better place."
"The world will be a better place if humankind comes together."
"If every single one of us devotes even 1% of our capacity to making our individual reality a better place, we can make this world a better place."
"If we come together in love, we can create a loving world where people are unified."
"She wanted to bring about a new and better world."
"I care about creating a better world for them too."
"If we just get the science right, we can engineer our way to a better world."
"Faith is the belief in a better world."
"If the whole world lived in little houses like this, I think it might actually be a better place."
"If it can become that, and if we, as a fan base, can think of it that way, then won't we just have a better world?"
"You want to rebuild a better world, that's it."
"I think we all have a aspiration to make it a better world."
"When you commit to doing that, you not only discover the hero inside yourself, but you create a better world."
"It's a world that's a better place for everyone to exist."
"...it's just social and ethical. How do we live in a more just and generous world? How do we create a better world that benefits everyone?"
"...I honestly think it can create a better world."
"Architecture is less about buildings, but about imagining a better world."
"We must never relax for a single moment in our work for a better world."
"So this longing for a better world or for some other place that with where there are no tsunamis is a human ache that has been with us since the beginning."
"What should you be doing to make a better world? Follow the fun."
"It posits that even here in this brutalizing, exploitative hellscape of a space station... there is a seed of a better world just waiting to bloom."
"If they grow up to be the kind of man that he was, then the world will be a better place."
"People have prayed for a better world since the dawn of time, hoped for a better future, sacrificed their own freedoms for its sake."
"Don't give up. There is a better world out there you can participate in."
"And personally, I think that is a pathway to making this world a better place for everybody."
"If we learn that lesson, this world would be so much better place and we would be so much better human beings."
"If everybody balanced themselves out, we would vibe high as a collective and automatically make the world a better place."
"Our dream is to be the best beer company in a better world."
"Help make this a better world to live in and you share the abundance that is already here."
"Love is love, and you've got to let love thrive. The world would be a better place if everyone was in love."
"Everyone can relate to Diana because everyone wants to have a better world."
"By making choices that are good for us and good for others, we're making the world a little bit better one step at a time."
"...we would all be better off financially, psychologically, spiritually, morally; it would be a completely different world."
"If I do and you do and you do and you do and we all have one voice, maybe we can all make a better world."
"No human being on Earth is born seeking a religion; they are born seeking purpose, meaning, and a better world."
"Building a better world requires peace and stability."
"Life is going to be much better for everybody when we're all creating or co-creating the world that we all live in."
"The human capacity to imagine, to dream a better world, is actually a signpost that such a better world exists."
"Be nice to other people as much as you possibly can because it will make them happy and that will make the world a better place."
"The only thing you have to do is for you and I to agree that we would like to live in a better world, and then work through the processes of trying to figure out what that better world looks like and how best to go there."
"If we have more people such as yourself, believe me, the world will be more educated and a better place."
"If we all live like Jesus, the world would be a better place."
"This world would be a much better place if we listen to understand instead of listen to judge and critique."
"Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world."
"They want to leave behind a better world... why not make it better for the people coming after us?"
"If everybody was blessed and doing the right thing, this would be a much better place to live in."
"If everyone was like Xiao, this world would be a much better place."
"We all want to live in a better world that requires all of us to treat each other with empathy and not make assumptions about people's personal experiences."
"I wish there were more of you in the world; just generally, I think the world would be a much better place because you're all fantastic."
"Understanding the experience of others and respecting it, that's what a better world looks like."
"I believe it stands for a better world, a world in which a man can make whatever he wants of himself."
"You do it because you want to make the world a better place."
"It makes the world a much better place."
"You're here for a purpose; you were chosen at this point in time to do the greater work, to create a better world for our children and for our children's children."
"The world would be a better place if more people were out fishing."
"Maybe someday we will figure out how to make this world great for everybody, including people with severe mental illness."
"That all men are created equal and everyone has the power and the right within themselves to help make this a greater world."
"Firefighting is not just a job, but a noble cause to leave this world a better place."
"How can someone who is so obsessed and fights for an amazing cause, quite literally works to make the world a better place, not be supported?"
"If everyone had that thought in his or her head all the time, wow, what a better place this would be."
"INFJs believe that the world can be a better place."
"Wouldn't the world be much better if everybody was just a little bit nicer?"
"If everybody did that, we would have a world so much nicer to live in."
"We all been misinformed, we need to learn how to love each other and to protect ours and to be there for each other and that's what's gonna make this world a better place."
"If everyone just spent literally 10 minutes a week thinking about what they've done and how that has affected the world, we would live in a much better place."
"Treat people the way you want to be treated, and I mean the world would be so much better."
"I think that it creates a much more transparent world."
"Having a level of compassion is how we can start making this world a better place."
"Even animals' love for humans makes the world a better place for us."
"If every Christian acted like Christ, I sincerely think the world would be a better place."
"The world would be a better place if more people were like you."
"When you feel like you don't fit into this world, remember that you're here to help create a better one."
"This belief in their second coming is what gives me hope to fight for a better day in a better world."
"We have to earn citizenship in a better world and in order to do that we've got to help to build a better world over here."
"We definitely need to work together to get this world a better place for every animal that needs us."
"It's more than just growth; it's also building a better working world where you develop talents in all of its forms."
"I think this world would be a much better place if we shared our lows just as frequently as we shared our highs."
"If you had something that you were living for that you were excited about outside of what you have to do as an adult, man, the world would be a better place."
"Why would we inflict this on our children when we should be building a better world?"
"Without education, there is not much we can achieve in terms of creating a better world."
"For were men to abide by and observe the divine teachings, every trace of evil would be banished from the face of the earth."
"The prize here being that better world is something that keeps me going and is motivating."
"Let us put the needs of others before our own and strive to make the world a better place."
"By sharing our videos, you are joining us on a mission to make the world a better place."
"It's about believing in something, a better world than the American people do believe in that, and they believe we have a responsibility to help people in achieving that."
"If we were all doing this, the world would be much better."
"If we as a group of people are nice to each other and treat each other with more respect and dignity, our world would be a better place."
"The pursuit of happiness and also our desire for a better world."
"Good monitoring and evaluation can actually lead to a better world."
"This world would be an even greater place if we all were a little kinder to each other."
"I am optimistic, hopeful there is more understanding, more love, more joy, and this world will be a better world."
"There is a sense of optimism; people have got a glimpse of what a better world would be, could be."
"If everyone took just a couple of seconds every day to think of someone else and to do something kind for somebody else, the world would be a lot better place."
"Love is my religion. I think if everyone was more loving towards each other and the planet and the animals, the world would be a better place."
"So much respect for doing that; if only more people were like that, we would have a much better world."
"If there were more Jeffs in the world, the world would be a better place."
"The world seems to be even better with Ivy ruling it."
"We can move from dreaming to actually building a better world."
"If we all healed, if we all felt for each other, if we all had empathy, this place would be a much better place."
"When we figure out the organization, we slow down the entropy and then we end up with a better world to live in."
"You can help create a better world by metaphorically going within, raising your own level of consciousness, bringing more love and understanding into the world."
"Lead with their common sense and a kind heart, the world will be such a better place."
"What if it's all a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing?"
"You'll be by my side, the world will be a better place."
"Don't you realize what are we talking about? We are talking about a better world."
"I think we're all trying to make the world a better place."
"If we were all even just a bit more generous, a bit more Jedi-like, our world would be a much better place."
"If you want to first of all experience our own fundamental nature as the true self, not the ego identity, and if we want to engage with other people who are waking up, then and only then will we be able to create a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier world."
"That's the greatest thing, if we all develop more empathy in this world, we'd have so many less problems."
"Hamilton and Burr both relish in being a father for the first time and vow to do anything in order to make the world a better place for their children."
"Let's make the world a better place, let's make a little happier place, let's say nice things to each other."
"Our kids and grand kids will grow up in a different world, a much better one."
"I want to build a better world, I want them all to do it."
"We must be part of the revolution; we must rise up; we must demand a better world."
"There will be a better world than this one, in the future, a world without pain or death or sorrow or wickedness."
"If the world was more about that, I feel like it'd be a better place."
"If we just value animal lives half as much as we value human life, I feel like the world would be a much better place."
"I just feel that it could be a better and beautiful world if we all pulled together."
"Nothing we do makes sense if it is not to leave them a better world."
"Self-love is something a lot of people need, and the world would be infinitely better if people learned to love themselves."
"The world would be a better place without guns."
"We are helping to create a tsunami of love and a much more loving new Earth."
"If people would do other people like God did them, the world would be a better place."
"We have to work together, the Brotherhood of Man, to build a better world."
"It's trying to make the world a better place for my kids, otherwise what's the point in bringing kids into this world?"
"We are better off in a more equitable, fairly distributed world."
"Being nice to people, think positive thoughts, make this world a better place."
"Be good to each other because that's what makes the world feel like it does."
"This is going to create a better world."