
Darth Vader Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"He's not a person; he's Darth Vader. He's a monster that's going to rip you to pieces, and running away is the best thing you can possibly hope for."
"The fact that you get Luke and Darth Vader teaming up side by side to fight the Emperor, that is so badass."
"This film will truly show [Vader's] depth. He's really such a tragic monster, and that's something that I've always been fascinated by."
"I'll never forget the day I unlocked Vader, I have arrived, I am here."
"The reason Darth Vader's appearance here is interesting is because it was unexpected and it served as a payoff to his appearance in Fallen order."
"Vader's the number one dad... Vader shirt... Happy Father's Day!"
"The reveal of Darth Vader as Luke's father is a powerful moment and a great twist to the story."
"Some of the best Darth Vader scenes in any media."
"Vader chased after them, following a ship that carried Princess Leia Organa, his long lost daughter."
"My favorite battle in Star Wars is the personal battle going on inside of Darth Vader's helmet."
"I would prefer not to see Darth Vader... unless you're gonna top that."
"With Windu dead, Sidious named Skywalker his new apprentice, Darth Vader."
"I like Vader a lot. Darth Vader is really cool."
"Darth Vader became desperate to prove to his master that he was still worthy to stand at his side."
"Few in the galaxy earned Darth Vader's personal hatred to the point where he went out of his way to track them down and personally kill them himself."
"Ironically, in trying to emulate the original film, the writers revealed a significant blind spot in their understanding of that story: they don't understand Darth Vader."
"Vader was at peace as he fell into the fire and was erased."
"Wow, Darth Vader just like instantly became like one of my favorite characters is that weird?"
"They needed to show Vader as a beyond a Disney bad guy. He's brutal."
"Darth Vader is an easy S tier man the G."
"Darth Vader was considered one of the most powerful Sith."
"Darth Vader was considered one of the most powerful Sith in Return of the Jedi."
"One thing that was no doubt on the minds of fans of the original Star Wars Trilogy is what exactly happened to Anakin Skywalker to leave him bound in that menacing Darth Vader life support suit."
"...but there's a reason Darth Vader is considered the best villain in movie history and it's not because we feel bad for him it's because we're freaking afraid of him..."
"Nothing comes close to the two words iconic and super villain than Darth Vader himself."
"Vader removed his fuller face mask revealing that his eye had been dislodged from the sockets."
"Sidious regarded Vader as his greatest monster, taking a sick pleasure in knowing that he was able to turn Anakin Skywalker into the most prolific Jedi killer in history."
"Darth Vader aimed to cut the inquisitors from their more defensive fighting styles of the Jedi and make it only offensive."
"Darth Vader would then return to the light side."
"In the end, Darth Vader was truly one of the most powerful Sith to ever live."
"Darth Vader, dark lord of the Sith, one of the most iconic characters in cinematic history, has returned for the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, and I could not be more excited to discuss Star Wars once again."
"Hayden Christensen walked into Star Wars wanting to play the young Darth Vader."
"I loved how Anakin flashes to Vader in this scene it shows the slippery slope of how the War caused the Jedi to fall all through the Clone War series we see Anakin make tiny compromises."
"It's impossible to create a villain more iconic than Darth Vader, so what if you create a villain that wants to be like Darth Vader so bad but struggles immensely and is wildly insecure about that? Well, there's your foundation for Kylo Ren."
"Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller, was a Force-sensitive human male taken on by the Sith Lord Darth Vader as a secret apprentice and personal assassin during the reign of the Galactic Empire."
"He's unstoppable, man. You just see Darth Vader as this monster, right? Like you just see how freaking terrifying he is. Unstoppable. Hey, man, best villain ever. Hell yeah."
"He didn't provide the voice for the iconic Darth Vader, this actor was the man inside Darth Vader's suit for the majority of the original trilogy."
"Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us."
"Darth Vader's body was sustained by his dark armor, a mobile life support system designed to protect what was left of him and intimidate foes."
"Using the dark side of the force, Vader embraces his passion and rage in battle, complimenting his extremely offensive fighting style."
"It's crazy that when I watched four, five, six, I never would have thought Darth Vader was like that because he was in love, and the love of his life had died."
"I was wondering how Vader turned out to be so ugly after being so handsome, and now I see."
"This movie should have ended with Anakin becoming Darth Vader."
"I've seen Darth Vader be scary impressive. It's when in 'Empire Strikes Back' he just holds out his hand."
"Renowned for his work as a film and voice actor, he lent his voice to the character Darth Vader in the Star Wars film series."
"And it's showing that Darth Vader, he's got conflict within him and that's neat to see."
"Vader just looks phenomenal in all of these, almost complete silhouette, dominates the pages because he's like this big black pool."
"How did Darth Vader end up being robot man?"
"Vader's sole purpose right now is tracking down Obi-Wan."
"Darth Vader has been shot, stabbed, torched with a flamethrower, exposed to hard vacuum, even been buried alive, and still walked away."
"Darth Vader took things to a whole new level... his skill with a lightsaber was Second To None."
"You've only forgotten I know there is good in you so the prophecy is true and by doing that he redeems himself and goes from being Darth Vader back to being Anakin again."
"Everybody thought of Darth Vader as this big evil guy that you know had no heart he was just evil but in the end it's not that at all."
"Darth Vader has an incredibly awesome scene, an extremely satisfying scene that gave me goosebumps."
"Darth Vader obviously iconic character."
"I love that they did, again I bring up Rogue One, the last scene with Darth Vader, because I think that was done so well and portraying how much of a freaking force he is, pun intended."
"I can't believe Darth Vader is really his father. That's freaky."
"There is simply more to Darth Vader; his fighting method is far more sophisticated and varied, and he is simply the most powerful Force wielder of the three."
"Darth Vader was left more machine than man due to the near-total cybernetic reconstruction facilitated by the injuries he suffered on Mustafar."
"Darth Vader gets the edge as a martial artist and lightsaber duelist."
"It's the uprising of the Sith, it's the inception of Darth Vader, let's get some action going."
"Darth Vader's overall application of his Force abilities demonstrated his emphasis on raw power."
"Darth Vader was ultimately unable to completely extinguish the light side within him."
"Darth Vader in Rogue One was like Heaven."
"He's one of the faces of the entire franchise."
"Darth Vader's been a character study since the beginning."
"You never understand Luke better as a character than when you find out Darth Vader is his dark daddy."
"Darth Vader only has 12 minutes of screen time in the original Star Wars."
"I always think about how Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi, he emphasizes that he wants to look on his son with his own eyes."
"I really love just the representation of Vader in that piece."
"I am not evil, I am Darth Vader. Come to the better side."
"Darth Vader's armor, serial number E-3778Q-1, was designed to maintain and protect the young Sith apprentice's charred body while exuding an air of intimidation and control."
"Darth Vader's awe-inspiring emergence from the darkness into a corridor to put his full power on display is an iconic moment in Star Wars history."
"We've gotten this version of Anakin where he has already become Darth Vader many times before, but this one is done the best in my eyes."
"I mean, I've studied Vader; I've really, really taken my time to learn this character."
"It reminds me of Rogue One when Darth Vader comes up and fills that hallway with all the rebel soldiers."
"Darth Vader is an interesting model to create because there are lots of sharp edges but then also rounded edges."
"Rogue One is good. It makes the threat of Vader go better."
"Thrill to Luke Skywalker in a death-defying battle against Darth Vader."
"Everybody knows who Darth Vader is, even if you haven't watched the movies."
"Now he's Darth Vader, Vader is the powerful man that dominates the world into serving his will."
"If you could have just expanded on those 20 seconds of Darth Vader in Rogue One, you would have had a great movie."
"If Darth Vader is redeemable, almost anyone in the galaxy is redeemable."
"This was the best stuff that we've got with Vader so far."
"How close is Vader going to come to realizing Luke is his child?"
"If you have access to media of any kind, you show somebody a picture of Darth Vader, they're gonna go 'Darth Vader'."
"I think Vader's just a little bit too iconic and he has to get that legacy point."