
Journey Enjoyment Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"You just want to make sure you're actually enjoying this journey."
"Enjoyed the journey, but made sure the money lasted."
"Just be present with it instead of dreaming about the perfect end, which is where all the magic is."
"Enjoy the ride for where it takes us. I'll certainly be watching."
"The thrill is not being on the mountaintop, the thrill is being in this space. Yeah, man, I look forward to that."
"So, enjoy the journey and still reach your goals, it's totally up to your mindset."
"It's okay to take a detour when you're going on a road trip, you know that's the point."
"Detaching from the outcome allows us to enjoy the journey."
"Let yourself enjoy the journey, connect with people, and be present in the connections."
"And so, yeah, you know, the journey's going to be fun because we want to be on the road, we wanna be a part of the story."
"The person who enjoys walking will always walk further than the person who enjoys the destination."
"The greatest joy was when we set a goal or had a desired outcome and enjoyed the journey."
"Desalination is an important tool in the fight against water scarcity."
"It's about happiness, and happiness can be had throughout the whole journey."
"It's not necessarily to get there the fastest; it's just to get there with the biggest smile on your face."
"The person that loves to walk will walk further than the person that loves the destination."
"Make it fun, make your journey exciting and motivating."
"Mustang isn't just a means of getting from A to B, it's about enjoying everything in between."
"Farewell for now, we hope you enjoy today's journey."
"The process or the journey becomes the goal, and you enjoy every step of it."
"Enjoy the journey as much as you're gonna enjoy the destination."
"I hope you have a great time on your travels, wherever it is that you end up going."
"What I enjoyed the most was driving home because I forgot the highways... just found the roads that seemed to wind in the middle of nowhere."
"The enjoyment is actually what took to get there."
"It's not just about the egg, it's about the fun I had along the way."
"I feel like I'm getting near to something. I've only just begun."
"The climb is what's exciting, it's not the end result when you get to where you want to go, it's time to make another goal."
"But we'll get there, that's part of the fun of it, right?"
"There's no self-importance in it... there's only the joy in the journey itself."
"Don't put a ton of pressure on yourself and really enjoy where you're at every part along the journey."
"Release control and surrender to the pull of the current; best results come by allowing events to play out organically."
"If you want to be a mountaineer and stand on top of the summit, it's not about enjoying standing on the summit, it's about enjoying the climb."
"The journey is so much fun, even if you don't get there."
"Putting on the destination will join the journey. If you let go of the idea of reaching the top, you will enjoy this game a lot more."
"It's all about the journey and the places that you go not so much about the vehicle you drive and the gear you have."
"Predictability is not always a bad thing. The destination isn't the most interesting part; it's the details that strengthen the payoff."
"Enjoy the journey, Gemini. Take time to explore and reconnect with your past for pleasure."
"Let them have it, let them think they won. That's one of the coolest parts of the journey."
"Don't miss the trip because the trip's the fun part."
"Enjoy the ride... respect what you're doing... and enjoy it."
"I'm someone who loves to experience the journey rather than the destination."
"It's as much fun getting there as it is being there."
"Enjoy the moment and enjoy the journey."
"It was a really great experience, a great adventure, and we hope that you enjoy watching this part of our journey."
"It's not just about reaching the destination, it's about enjoying it in the process."
"I genuinely loved being on the trip with you."
"Take joy in the journey and the friends you find along the way."
"Take a quiet moment to set an intention to enjoy the entire journey, starting with the airport experience."
"Trying new snacks has been one of the best parts about our journey."
"It's all about the experience rather than just getting to your destination."
"Enjoy the journey, do what you can afford and what's in your budget, and just have peace knowing that you can be content in your home today."
"It's the process you've got to fall in love with because that's where you're going to be spending most of your time."