
Market Resilience Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Crashes happen but then each time they happen, our economy is stronger, rebounds, the market moves higher."
"Stay strong, stay in the game, and don't let the FUD drive you out."
"Paul Tudor Jones is the ultimate defensive trader. He's like the Floyd Mayweather of finance."
"D5 did not go down for one bit given a record-breaking day... D5 is almost ready to start replacing the traditional system."
"Last year, we grew almost 90% while almost every other manufacturer contracted."
"Buffett is just not just an exceptional investor... regardless of the market conditions he can kind of remain steadfast in his intent and in his mission."
"Use this as a lesson... the market is not gone."
"Last question, will Elrond make it through the bear market? Yes, definitely."
"Real estate typically doesn't fall that much during a crash and rebounds very quick."
"This strategy must be capable of weathering the storm of different market conditions."
"I know these market conditions are difficult, but we will be here every step of the way."
"That's what excites me about Cardano, even a potential bear market that everybody's talking about, it doesn't scare me, it doesn't bother me. There's so much opportunity there for what Cardano is doing."
"Only the strongest will survive this bear market. The ones who were responsible."
"Chainlink is one of the most resilient coins when the market is bearish."
"Make sure that you're holding coins that would survive a bear market."
"I'm still not scared if it goes down to 36, but I hope it holds."
"The fact that it's continued to thrive in the face of that says a lot about this asset."
"We saw during the year that despite record low earnings or a big hit to earnings during the year we didn't see share prices take such a hit." - Nick Reese
"Despite all kind of the negative media headlines and the world's coming to an end and blah blah blah, the market's actually done some fairly bullish activity over the last couple of weeks."
"The market absorbed that sell pressure, so straight afterwards the market went and started to create a new range to the upside."
"Every single time so far it's gone back up after dipping every single time without exception."
"Worst case scenario even if Satoshi came back... the market is so big it can easily absorb that."
"Cryptocurrency is still the future regardless of what happens in the short term."
"To me is kind of crazy that Bitcoin's dropped as much as it has, the dominance is still around 40 percent."
"Despite the crash, investors see opportunities for accumulation and long-term growth."
"Strength during the dip is strength after the dip."
"I think Bitcoin can do well in a lot of market environments. I think it's gonna keep going up, uh, no matter what happens to inflation."
"You can't crash Bitcoin price, nothing can touch it."
"The hash rate barely went down, miners are not capitulating."
"High level is just the fact that a lot of the holders are still here and they're still holding up strong."
"The current dips in plant-based Alternatives don't reflect a vegan demise."
"Never give up in these damn markets, just understand you need to make sure that you just have a plan B and you have a stop-loss in play, that's the main thing."
"The markets probably like it did in 08 go down but if you're not selling then what's it worth? It's not worth anything less than it was before, right? So you just hold on."
"In every important drawdown in the history of the equity market, gold during the exact high to low of the drawdown has done a damn good job as a hedge."
"Being a good investor means being good in the up markets and the down markets."
"Don't fall for the Wall Street hammering, Bitcoin is here to stay."
"When everything is selling off around it and everything is tanking, people know it's coming back."
"Real estate is consistent, every single month you're going to be getting the same amount even if the market goes down."
"Maker is one of the tokens that doesn't fall really hard in a bear market."
"Bitcoin has shown some resilience in the high 50ks, which is very, very positive for the entire market."
"Over 20 years, there's never been a negative 20-year rolling period for the S&P 500."
"Sometimes you just kind of take a step back and... bitcoin's down today, a lot of markets are down today but if you zoom out a little bit you can see that bitcoin has actually been holding up relatively well given the circumstances."
"Major indices appear to be shrugging off the real risks of an earnings recession coming." - Morgan Stanley's perspective on market behavior.
"We've seen six or seven 65 plus dips. What did after every one of them? They made a new all-time high."
"Just because one person selling and the Market's like starting to freak out doesn't mean that I'm changing my my thesis and therefore I use the dip to actually buy more."
"If Coca-Cola turns out to be more resilient in the face of Delta, the stock price will move higher."
"What is your edge in investing that no matter what happens in the world you will be okay?"
"The market's been able to weather this horrific outbreak because we know the vaccine is on its way."
"I'm not selling my bitcoin, I'm holding out here in the market."
"Despite the fear, the crash in Facebook, the market all in all did pretty good this week."
"Ethereum recovered the fastest it ever has from a 50% drawdown."
"If you can survive through the bear market, eventually you'll see better times."
"The more people and especially countries that buy Bitcoin at dips, the more resiliency it has in both a reputation standpoint and as an actual price and demand standpoint."
"This asset is being widely adopted despite the market conditions and I know people are rattled but it's still going up."
"Everyone in the market is losing their gains right now but you have to focus on the long term and buying fundamentally strong companies when their valuations get cheap and the risk is taken out of them."
"Diamond hands—that is when you're holding strong even though the price is high."
"Ultimately Bitcoin will continue to thrive, continue to move forward."
"Tesla, Apple, and semiconductor companies are insulated from this lack of spending."
"Crypto is here to stay now, for those people that think ah digitize is stupid well that's what gold people say about bitcoin right."
"For the truly dedicated builders, nothing can stop them."
"The best companies will survive, and that's cause for optimism."
"Markets are definitely prepared for these smaller Community Banks... it's much more pertinent to discuss the market shrugging that one off."
"Hold bitcoin through an 85 drawdown and you're a warrior. Hold bitcoin through a bull market phase and you're a warrior."
"Finish strong... it tells me that a lot of people saw it get down there and say hold on here and it pushed it back up."
"Legends and heroes are technically born in the bear market, remember that."
"Crypto goes down but it gets up again, are you ever gonna keep it down?"
"Even if we go back down to those levels we can bounce back off of them just like we did in 2019 just like we did in 2020."
"I think a lot of Bitcoin holders that have gotten their belief tested over the last two years and at least based on the data that we're currently seeing aren't looking to sell anytime soon."
"Every pullback is the opportunity to own more of that company that is going to make you money."
"Regardless of whatever happens in this market, that is still a win in my book."
"Crypto gaming kind of still was doing its thing it had a bad saturday a down saturday but we really bounced back nicely on this sunday."
"The big companies like Google, Apple, Tesla, these companies, no matter what happens in the market recession or not, these are gonna be the killers."
"Covered call income never goes away no matter what the market is doing... much more stability with the income."
"So long as you buy at a price you're comfortable with... I don't think you could lose out in the long run."
"Interest in Tesla's vehicles, especially the Cybertruck, is climbing despite the automotive market's challenges."
"What I love is when tokens are declared dead... but when you actually look under the hood... the fundamentals of it... has been insane."
"DeFi largely performed well during the crash."
"The more dreary and dark crypto gets, the more likely it is to go up."
"A lot of consumers and journalists alike pretty much thought that this segment was going to start going downhill but sales are still pretty strong."
"I don't think sites like these will ever fully die, not without some serious regulation changes."
"You've done nothing wrong other than these markets don't want to fall, shorting is hard." - Unknown speaker
"Bitcoin will prevail, crypto will prevail. This is not the end."
"Every time there's a dip, we get past it. We always get through it. We ended up going and made a new high. So this is something definitely we're going to beat. We'll get through it, right? So again, not time to panic."
"Be in there when there's no interest, be in there when it's going to zero, be in there with 'Bitcoin's a scam' and 'crypto's a scam' and load your positions."
"Every correction we've had has been very short-lived."
"If you focus on delivering utility to your customer... your market share increases during bad times, doesn't decrease."
"How does HEX always pump even during a bear market? It's just that good."
"You guys are true cryptoers, staying in touch even when it dips."
"Interest rate hikes will crash the crypto markets? No, they won't. The crypto market is on its own trajectory."
"Put yourself in a position of power so you can thrive and survive with whatever the market throws your way."
"If we pull back, it should just represent an opportunity."
"Ethereum, this market cycle has been about as resilient as I've ever seen it."
"The market trying to hold up here decently anyways."
"The number of Bitcoin hodlers reaches new all-time high despite crypto market bloodbath."
"Long-term holders are still holding throughout all these dips and they're basically really holding up this market."
"Long term still very good though, and I'd invalidate the short-term downside call again back up about 39 bucks or so."
"I see this company is one that's very unlikely to be disrupted over the next 20 years."
"Best case scenario, an all out crash is completely evaded, worst case scenario: it doesn’t."
"The market, you can't keep it down folks, you just can't keep it down."
"Despite the fact that the broad Market's selling off there are always opportunities in the market."
"Tether amongst all of it not only stayed strong but was the asset that most people were trading into."
"Real estate is another great asset class to have when the stock market gets crushed."
"I've never been afraid to fail. I fail a lot. I still fail often. I feel like because I've been in the game for long enough, I'm just like, dude, like a lot of people are gonna make a lot of money when the market recovers, those that prepare."
"NFTs aren't going anywhere. It's a game of survival on this type of market until the tides turn."
"XRP ain't going anywhere. I know times are scary out there in markets for typical retail speculators... but this has nothing to do with long-term viability, has nothing to do with fundamentals."
"In most cases, the effect war has on markets is usually not as long as people think, and recovery actually comes back quite quickly."
"Meta broke higher as well, man everything, no matter what this market wants to do, the stocks don't care, they're going higher."
"I'm not jumping to any conclusions of a bear market."
"Remember, of course, that this time is different with institutional order flow buying up dips like we've never seen before."
"Retail investors didn't pile on the pressure as much as we needed and the shorts were ready for it."
"Despite everything that has happened... it's still a top three traded asset."
"Quality dividend stocks tend to pay out and increase their dividends often regardless of what macro things are happening around them."
"For every 1% Bitcoin moves, 55% less is liquidated in 2021, the market has become more resilient."
"Knowing what you own and the reasons you own it gives you that conviction to stay invested when the entire world is trying to scare you out of it."
"We feel this is a fantastic opportunity to be involved in a young and exciting company placed in a market that has defied recession."
"All that gets blown off in a bad market, and then you're just drinking the good stuff."
"I'm feeling confident; the market's been brutal, but I think we're about to hit it back harder."
"Your ability to remain focused on the long-term data and realities of the market is what carried me through the lows of 2022."
"Having a long-term plan gives you the confidence to ride things out."
"The beauty of quality dividend stocks is even when markets crash, they've historically kept paying out more even through bad years or decades."
"The markets had a lot of excuses to sell off and still hasn't, and that could just be because of all the liquidity."
"Starbucks beat their earnings and revenue estimates despite lockdowns in China."
"The more times it tests that level and bounces off of it, the more robust this level will be."
"Facebook ad costs doubled last year. Here's how the best are still thriving."
"The market overall is resilient, that's a word I would use."
"The market is holding up while bears are still looking for much much lower prices."