
Cosmic Scale Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"We have a completely wonderful theory of...general relativity which is the fantastic description of the way things interact at the largest possible scales."
"The stakes are staggering as defeat would mean the disruption of countless planets in the whole universe."
"Timelines of mere thousands of years mean very little set against the age of the Universe."
"Superman... towing a dozen earth-sized planets on a chain as a teenager."
"Modern science provides a humbling perspective: our lives, indeed, even that of the human species, are just a blip compared to the Earth at 4.5 billion years and counting, and the universe at 13.7 billion years."
"Let's enjoy these short few billion years of being the biggest and hungriest kid in the playground."
"The age of strife, the long dark old night... it was a tale writ across the span of the galaxy."
"We exist on this relatively tiny rock called Earth floating around a relatively average star, the Sun."
"There may be more Earth-like planets out there than grains of sand on our entire planet."
"Space is a vast ocean of truly gargantuan scale, amongst that immense darkness peppered with billions of stars, trillions of worlds."
"Before V1, distances to stars were measured in thousands of light years. After V1, the universe became a much bigger place."
"It creates a kind of a mystery. We don't really understand how these black holes can get so massive so quick."
"Imagine the sun on the edge of a giant cluster made up of a million other suns, filling the heavens horizon to horizon."
"Suddenly what seems like such a vile thing can be justified." The snap gives him a way to view life as a fickle part of the universe. Thanos changes Galactus's outlook and our star is born.
"Saitama's punch was so powerful that it creates this like universe-sized explosion."
"There's more than you think, you know? This world is old, our universe is old. There's knowledge out there that we don't... we can't grasp because it's so big."
"The universe is so incredibly big that our human minds cannot comprehend it."
"Space is so big that it's almost the exact opposite."
"The cosmic imprint left by the Inhibitors extends far beyond the ruins and remnants of the Dawn War."
"Franklin can warp reality and make any thought or desire come to fruition, even up to a cosmic scale."
"Space: it's big. Really big. Mind-bogglingly big."
"We will fight together in the name of the Emperor until the stars themselves burn cold."
"The probability for Humanity to be the only intelligent civilization that has ever existed is one in 10 billion trillion."
"Our galaxy is a giant which extends for hundreds of thousands of light years, yet its structure is more dynamic and evolving than we ever could have known."
"The larger the galaxy, the larger the black hole, a clue that they must have evolved hand in hand."
"Beerus and Goku's epic clash shakes the universe."
"Sextillion, that's the estimated number of stars in the universe."
"Trust that it's great and mysterious and big."
"Space: just looking up and coming to terms with how big it is and how little we know about it."
"The implications are staggering because if the universe is that full of life, then everything that could evolve is evolving somewhere."
"Space: there's a whole lot of it, it's the biggest something out of all the everything."
"250,000 years isn't even a blink of an eye in the cosmic scale of time."
"The reintroduction of demonic entities... roaming the earth or the solar system free."
"Is their life somewhere out there? I mean, there are literally trillions of galaxies out there, you're telling me not one of them has aliens?"
"Let's go, let's go! It's good as ad it literally every planet."
"Our planet is just a single blue dot among billions of other stars and billions of other planets."
"Nothing lasts forever, not even at the overwhelmingly distant celestial bodies such as stars." - Astrophysics
"The universe is so much bigger than we ever anticipated... billions of galaxies."
"The space-time globule which we recognize as the totality of all cosmic entity is only an atom in the genuine infinity which is there."
"Our galaxy is beyond immense, containing more stars than every human who has ever lived, and even more planets than that."
"Despite its seemingly incomprehensible size, it represents just a fraction of the entire universe."
"The universe is self-similar across scales."
"The battle on such a grand cosmic scale."
"our brains can't even fully comprehend just how huge the universe is."
"If we could see it, it would probably be just as large as The Milky Way itself if not larger."
"The largest galaxy out there or at least the largest radio Galaxy."
"We've discovered more and more of these enormous galaxies."
"Dramatically longer than anything in the Milky Way."
"The scope and scale of the universe is beyond our comprehension."
"On this intergalactic scale, gravity and motion are no longer destructive forces; now they trigger the creation of life itself."
"Saitama is very clearly one of the most powerful beings on Earth, if not the galaxy or the universe."
"It still is the biggest structure where we're currently located, made out of several superclusters."
"This is a tremendously huge cloud of gas located in a relatively distant part of the universe."
"It's even larger than the Milky Way galaxy, with the total mass of about 10 billion masses of the sun."
"IC 1011 at the center of Abell 2029 is the largest galaxy ever seen, six million light years across, 60 times larger than our Milky Way, and it contains around 100 trillion stars."
"Over 100 billion planets might exist in me, maybe someday you can see them in our galaxy."
"Earth is but a tiny speck in the cosmos."
"Supermassive black holes... they're the giants with masses ranging from millions to billions of times that of our sun."
"The radius of the visible universe, the part we can see, has expanded out to 46 billion light years."
"Space is big, really, really big."
"The size of the Milky Way is approximately 100,000 light years."
"This discovery confirmed the totally unexpected depth of the universe at the time."
"There are 10 to the power 20 habitable Earth-sized planets in the observable universe."
"The scale of a dragon is mind-bending, the typical one is about 1.5 million light years end to end."
"The universe being much bigger than we ever thought."
"Theoretically there is no limit to how large a black hole can grow; all it takes is time and the right circumstances."
"I'm the Milky Way, part spiral galaxy you now see, with an estimated visible diameter of 100 to 200,000 light years across me."
"The Milky Way is about 10 billion years old and 100,000 light-years across."
"The universe expanded by a factor of 100 trillion trillion over that time."
"This is basically that one stage that seems to unite all the stars in the galaxy and probably all the stars in the universe."
"We're so new on a universal scale or a galactic scale of time."
"Our own galaxy, The Milky Way, has between 200 and 400 billion stars and extends over an area of around 100,000 light years."
"The universe is so large... overall this energy ends up to be about 70 percent of everything."
"Every single object in here is a galaxy, is about 100 billion stars."
"The glow of light that you can see in the background are actually all of the hundreds of billions of stars that make up our galaxy."
"The fluctuations on the CMB are one part in 100,000."
"General relativity rules the world of the very large, where ordinary gravity is dominant, like planets, stars, and galaxies."
"Space is big. However big you think space is, it's bigger."
"Imagine condensing the sun to a mere 1.8 meters diameter."
"The idea that a black hole can swallow the universe is based on a common misconception."
"The universe's largest known object is TON 618, with a mass surpassing 66 billion suns."
"Mars is 94,000 times closer to Earth than the nearest star. By interstellar standards, we're not even their next-door neighbors; we're their roommates."
"A day of Lord Brahma, which is 4.32 billion years long."
"He's defended Earth, actually no, the entire galaxy, the universe."
"Future Thanos has outlived everything, the universe and everything."
"It takes the sun 26,000 years to make one revolution around the Milky Way."
"Amid the vast expanse of our cosmos, our planet spins on its humble axis, a cosmic drama of epic proportions."
"It shines 500 trillion times more intense than the sun."