
Contrasts Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow."
"There's something to that, you go on a vacation it's just sunny, you don't really remember it, but if you had a thunderstorm you'll talk about it for years."
"Rebirth happens between dark and light, war and peace, winter and spring."
"Professionally, being opposites on the same team was awesome."
"This city of contrasts can continue to grow, a symbiosis of both old and new."
"The Last of Us is bleak and soul-crushing at times, but there are also moments like these."
"Everything has a pro and a con, a black and a white, a rose and a thorn, a sunrise and a sunset."
"Cash is anonymous, while a CBDC is the exact opposite."
"It's amazing how such an aggressive bird can be so gentle."
"This is goodbye forever, the opposite of 'to infinity and beyond.'"
"The dark gets darker, but the lights get brighter."
"He was fierce, ferocious, aggressive... and yet at home, he was probably the perfect family pet."
"The most beautiful thoughts are always besides the darkest."
"It's crazy that we live in a society where you have to go to a back alley in order to get a haircut but if you want an abortion, well, Planned Parenthoods are wide open."
"It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in war."
"The juxtaposition of these contrasts made this performance phenomenal."
"It's a town that bleeds red in a deep blue state."
"Mystical but dark world, comedic but heartfelt characters."
"The characters were like oil and water, totally, but that's what makes tag teams work."
"The world has known ice in the long night and fire in the doom."
"Variety is the spice of life. You can't have good without evil, you can't have light without darkness."
"Questions will be asked which makes us different from the Russian Society."
"David and Elijah are opposites in every way but one. One is invincible, the other as fragile as they come."
"We've been shown the depth of, on one side, the worst side of human nature, but against that, we've been shown the best side of human nature."
"The best superheroes often have villains who are their opposite in some way."
"From the heights of success to the depths of despair."
"Morocco, a land of contrasts, promises an immersive Odyssey."
"it was the best of times and it was the worst of times"
"It's really about the Symphony of life, the way I understand it and the synthesis of what can feel like contrasts."
"Young girls dreamed of dashing knights with wicked smiles, not solemn boys who always did their duty."
"From the blackest of blacks to the whitest of whites, this story is also full of layers."
"The glory and despair, production and destruction, past and present, human and machine, the individual and the collective, the natural and the man-made."
"'Buzzcut Season' is fascinating because it's all about these contrasts between innocent summer shared between friends and suburban bliss and the cruelty of the real world."
"If you're looking for creators who are the antithesis of the dirt bag left you're in luck because sincerity is back in a big way baby."
"To understand this gospel, then we need to understand these two basic contrasts between Judas and Peter, as well as the other disciples, and between these two confessions of who Jesus really is."
"The difference between New York and the Midwest, rich and not wealthy, male and female stereotypes."
"Imu will likely contrast these three aspects in the story. Imu destroys dreams, Imu has no inherited will, and Imu wants to stop the flow of time."
"Wild Spirit which art moving everywhere, destroyer and preserver."
"It's been a great day; we caught a small glimpse of heaven and the devil, or at least his backbone."
"Those changeovers actually ended up being really helpful to just really quickly distill the two sides of Mark down to their essence because you just had to like quickly kind of subtract or add to the mind of the character or the insides of the character."
"There's no place in the world like the Mississippi, it's a mysterious Place full of contrasts and paradox."
"Because there always has to be a Batman for everyone, like a contrast."
"Their wives are also seeming opposites: Moira is icy and self-important; Jocelyn is warm and selfless."
"The extreme contrasts in light is caused by the rotation of the earth in relation to the position of the sun."
"Naples is a city full of surprises and contrasts."
"I love the contrasts of life, that's my favorite thing about being born."
"The Siberian wilderness is a massive frozen land where beauty and danger exist in harmonious and awe-inspiring contrasts."
"For all that he's a blonde, steely mountain of muscles, Eric is surprisingly easy to be around."
"Mumbai is the ultimate city of contrasts."
"Casablanca is a city of contrast, the mix of modernity and traditions, which is ever present in the culture and social fabric of this sprawling metropolis, is what makes it so unique."
"Me and Anna are the total opposite; she's blonde, outgoing, and completely fearless."
"When people look at us, they see opposites, it's funny how we want the same things."
"Happy is when you smile, sad is when you cry a little bit, angry is when you're... I can't make an angry face."
"She was quiet where he was thundering, self-effacing where he was flamboyant, temperate where he was drunken, and chaste where he was..."
"Baltimore is a really fascinating city of many different contrasts."
"It was the study of opposites: ancient Egyptian and modern, clear and opaque, moving and still, always and a single moment."
"It's whisper quiet on the outside and tough as nails on the inside."
"As I watch the boat maneuver through the tall green cliffs, I think about the many contrasts we've encountered on our journey along the Yangzi."
"Light and dark. Physical and mystical. Joy and sadness."
"She wears high heels, I wear sneakers. She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers."
"That's right, this year it's Beauties versus Geeks."
"You're the opposite of me, like sun and rain."
"Cold on the outside, warm on the inside, go with the warm."