
Escalation Quotes

There are 739 quotes

"Under certain circumstances, a tiny misunderstanding can snowball into a full-blown catastrophe."
"It's not a stretch to believe that in order to keep the birth of Tegan secret, she would have gone to one extra step, escalated her behavior."
"Denial allows problems to get bigger and bigger until they completely destroy our lives."
"We learn about how criminal behavior tends to escalate over time, this means that we do often have warnings before somebody engages in this type of behavior."
"Things just went from pretty bad to nuclear."
"Are we at a tipping point? It just seems like it's escalating."
"I'm blown away by how much and how different of an escalation this is compared to their debut."
"We're looking at a major crisis...escalating collapse."
"This situation went from zero to a hundred really quick."
"The problem isn't that he had this stuff, it's that when he had an opportunity to hand it back or come clean he doubled down on it."
"Escalating isn't an emotion, it's an action, it's a thing you do."
"Wars have a way of not going as planned and there are consequences that are hard to foresee and there are dangers and threats that can spill over." - Concerns about potential escalation
"Nearly every action the officers took in this interaction escalated the situation"
"This feeling was the first warning that would escalate to something worse."
"You run because you're gonna get messed up and other people are gonna get messed up."
"Things escalate unpredictably. We don't know what, when, or how."
"Escalation is happening because those are facts."
"You know once you've done a few... you're like oh I could take it up to a 10."
"Americans will feel the impact in the coming weeks of these rounds."
"There are fears that Russia is about to massively step up its assault on Ukraine including its major cities using heavy and indiscriminate bombardments."
"The situation spiraled into a horrifying outcome."
"What would be the best way to destroy a movement? Escalate it to the next level."
"The refugee crisis already the largest in Europe since World War II will only continue getting worse."
"The longer this situation continues, the greater the risk that it will spiral out of control."
"Crack won't even work anymore, I need tranq."
"I wonder how that escalated. I wonder if it was like an immediate thing, like 'Hey, I was thinking about moving in with my girlfriend,' 'You what?' pulls gun 'Right in the leg.'"
"The game changer would be if Vladimir Putin unleashed a nuke... that then I think takes all of this to the next level."
"You have to have the biggest threat you've had yet."
"Ten stabs to the back of the neck are her solution to make him forget about that."
"She’s getting more and more over-the-top and indulgent with each kill as she continues to let her psychopathic tendencies take over."
"Whatever you think, this is definitely ratcheting things up a notch."
"The more he kills, the more he transcends into something else impossible to defeat."
"I think it does give off this kind of godly vibe that this fight has now gone up another notch."
"Gintama constantly one-ups itself with its jokes."
"We know we're no longer supposed to be here, and it only gets darker from here."
"I feel like everything went zero to a hundred, going out with a bang."
"Somehow topping itself yet again, the John Wick franchise incredibly found a way to one-up the action stakes once more on the third go-around."
"But a lot of people are really, really angry and they're getting angrier."
"Recently, scientists and researchers have modeled how a nuclear war would escalate if Russia launched a nuclear attack on Western Powers."
"A good game that got fed after midnight and turned into a monster."
"What a powerful moment... where the stakes have now risen tenfold."
"This all started and escalated within like 48 hours."
"His one-man stand against the law is suddenly taking on the appearance of a full-blown war."
"Maybe we can get Beyond these institutions Wars lies escalate in tension and despair."
"In terms of Fnaf 2, this one is when everything went crazy."
"But we shouldn't become so jaded that we fail to notice the considerable escalation happening in our culture right now."
"The Fallout is going to get big, it's going to get ugly."
"Path to Extinction... take all the factors of collapse and turn them up to 10 or turn them up to 11."
"Officer Stambaugh gets an F for unnecessarily drawing her weapon during a purely verbal confrontation."
"I hope that doesn't happen because once you've crossed the nuclear threshold in any shape or form the fear is that the escalation up the ladder or down the ladder will be horrifically rapid."
"Getting multiple copies of this can get out of control in no time."
"Confront your problems! Otherwise it's gonna simmer and boil and then it's going to turn into a whole thing..."
"This is a ramping up unlike I've ever seen around Bilderberg."
"Dive deep into the chaotic Realms of Karen's from Karen got beat up after throwing racial slurs at the wrong black woman."
"An escalation does not have to be a twist, but it usually fills the same role as a twist."
"I said you want to have me [ __ ] killed, you wanna put a hit on me, and then bing bing bing bing bing we went from there."
"The most important event of this day was the Ukrainian strike on a fuel storage depot in the Russian city of Belgorod, which was the first incident of spillover of the war in Ukraine to the Russian territory."
"We could very well see all of those attempts intensify over the next few weeks and months."
"This is likely going to escalate faster than you realize."
"If they weaponized one River, they will do it again."
"This is where things kick up into high gear right now."
"Facing mutated, stronger spiders every 30 days, the struggle for survival becomes even more intense."
"When hatred is weaponized against one nation, it never stops."
"It's like saying that I'm apologizing for what may have escalated the situation for this to happen."
"The only way for that to happen is to prevent this massive, completely unthinking rush to drastically escalate the conflict."
"After what seemed like a couple minutes of arguing, Chris started yelling."
"The raid of Mar-a-Lago is another escalation in the weaponizing of federal agencies against political opponents."
"First they came after the president... then they came after the influencers."
"At this point it isn't heisting it's just breaking and entering with a sprinkling of genocide."
"The situation really escalated quickly, catching Coloradans off guard."
"How can people still deny that this is ramping up?"
"We don't want to see any more NATO expansion, we don't want to see any more escalation, we want this war to end."
"The violence is here, the violence is getting worse."
"The incredible incident is a reflection of how one local incident can escalate tensions and trigger a wider conflict."
"Stalkers will only ever escalate their activities until their obsession reaches a deadly and permanent end."
"This conflict, however, was about to see a new key participant: Penguin Zero."
"Things are getting crazier and crazier and crazier."
"And now that it was clear that Kyiv could fight back, things were only going to intensify."
"Once you make it legally compelled to wear a mask, that's the new threshold, and then it's just a question of what's the next thing that's going to be legally compelled."
"Tony isn't always wrong Ultron heads to the maximov's home of sokovia where he turns the entire freaking City into a weapon."
"Rather they start small, with seemingly insignificant wrongdoings."
"Over time however, they escalate and worsen."
"Uncertainty in these environments is exactly what causes miscalculation and escalation."
"The subversions in Knives Out always elevate and escalate the narrative."
"Didn't this little project escalate quickly?"
"Condemnation doesn't stop hate, it only makes hate bigger."
"The conversation is escalating, never before in American history."
"There's a number, and here's what's tricky: it always gets higher."
"This is only the beginning of this thing, it's going to intensify."
"You think it stops with blood money... it always gets worse because we allow it to get worse."
"Once you have been involved allegedly in multiple murders and multiple scams, your level for what's a problem just keeps rising."
"This encounter was slowly turning into an absolute disaster."
"All it's going to take is one little pop-off and this whole thing could go hot."
"It's all fun and games right now but this can get serious very very quickly."
"The dominoes of radicalization are just like, and then the next thing you know they're cutting off ties from their family, defending people in real life, you know, burning down a Starbucks. It just gets out of control."
"The true horror of what was starting to unfold became apparent very quickly."
"The events that have already begun are only going to intensify greatly times 10 maybe times 20."
"It also moves us one baby step towards bad things happening between countries that we don't want."
"Other nations are already jumping into this ugly situation."
"People are losing their minds over this [ __ ] and taking things to a whole nother level where people are getting hurt, people are dying, you know?"
"I told you I'd turn it up to 11 and that's exactly what I'm about to do."
"There is an important pattern of escalating the violence."
"Biden's speech represents a dangerous escalation in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict."
"Every cut has to give me another good reason to stay - it has to escalate something."
"At what point does this escalate to the next level?"
"This is not gossip anymore, this is serious."
"The worse one gets, the more destabilized the other ones get and the greater the likelihood of escalation until you just have a system-wide collapse."
"One of the local papers in Alaska... thought it was not going to escalate."
"Things get absolutely ridiculous, I mean, really just snowballs and snowballs and snowballs."
"If you respond to phony charges of weakness by showing 'strength,' that's how escalation starts."
"Just when you thought things couldn't get crazier, things couldn't get better, things couldn't get more wilder, they did."
"If you make one more move toward throwing us out of the dunbars or these other areas, just know that I can take out your entire country and turn it all into Wasteland."
"It's like where do you go from there other than, 'Okay, we got some serious tyranny here'?"
"This situation definitely spiraled out of control."
"Every legal filing seems to get worse and worse"
"Eventually, someone was getting mugged and he'd go help, then he would start tracking down the muggers, then mafia syndicates, then syndicate leaders."
"My fear for the last several years is that what started out as a trade war will turn into a tech War, and then eventually morph into a cold war."
"Every wave seems to double the size of the last one. Remember when we were back in April and it was like, 'Oh god, 30,000 cases a day'? Whoa."
"I'll end all of this, I'll reveal everything."
"Russia could escalate more in Ukraine, kill many more civilians, and this war can expand."
"Not the jerk. You tried talking to him and being reasonable and turned your problem into a bigger problem for him when he basically told you off."
"They've already killed people. What comes next?"
"The illness... escalated so quickly... from being fine Wednesday to waking up drenched in sweat... it escalated so rapidly."
"Tonight, Russia ramping up its assault on eastern Ukraine, another attack on a hospital."
"As instability grows across the world, so too does man's bloodlust and his desire for war and carnage on an ever grander scale."
"The blonde was a killer. From then on, the net around the goal would tighten."
"The issues are only getting more concerning, not less."
"Two wrongs don't make a right and just because it starts at a five doesn't mean it needs to go to a ten."
"It can snowball so fast... I cannot overstate the importance."
"Conflict can't always stay below the surface though sometimes the unspoken has to boil over into the open."
"You need to actually kind of bump up to these more expensive items."
"Escalating it is going to have a greater consequence."
"Protests are now escalating into violence, and we lose a lot of stability as a result."
"Unfortunately, Jeffrey still wasn't satisfied, this time he wants us to do something more menacing—kill him, I mean d, we steal the bodyguard's car."
"A missing persons case turns into a tragedy."
"By going to help the Mamertines, the two sides had just slipped into an all-out war."
"Base Luffy as a very competent fighter with Gear Second and Third at his disposal... Gear Fourth Luffy when he's going serious, then Gear Fifth would be the form for those major life or death, all in battles with the big bads."
"They have gone to such stratospheric heights of power levels and enemies, and yeah, it's pretty hard to top each other, but it does. And it does that here."
"Things are starting to heat up here and I wasn't really expecting this to be why it happened."
"But if you think this is bad, believe me, it only gets worse from here."
"I'm just getting my screaming goat out now, I think this is gonna go from bad to worse."
"There's actually a science to this... several stages of a protest and how it develops into a riot."
"Providing F-16s to Ukraine, given what Joe Biden said a year ago, is a very, very dangerous escalation."
"Anybody that thinks Vladimir Putin is going to stop if he takes Ukraine has what we say in this part of the country another thing coming."
"Adding a fire to an already pretty awful list of tragedy and loss, it would make."
"You feel so bad and also like that whole situation should not have escalated to where it got to..."
"You certainly know how to make a terrifying situation that much more terrifying."
"The violence is going to grow and grow and grow."
"It's crazy how much turmoil can be just gardened as well like the horror of that dude became like almost minimal when you compare it to the horrors that people also began to add on top."
"This is a major escalation in my mind. I don't know where this striker was prior to this."
"For every stack of ego that you have, it converts more egos even faster and faster and faster until you reach the point where every item that you pick up is ultimately another ego."
"Mega tonal [ __ ] hey... things will kick off more extremely from now on."
"War didn't end not so cleanly it just kept building up in little hurts that piled on one another until they exploded afresh into raw, new wounds."
"The appearance of Zod and Superman on Earth means that the world is ready for a higher form of war."
"Look at how quickly this could escalate into something much worse."
"This should show you the level of escalation we're at if they're not even telling us about benign rockets falling back to earth."
"This really is starting to get very messed up."
"Leaving it hanging just leaves the question mark and it gets bigger and bigger, doesn't it?"
"I thought that was it, bro. This just got crazier. I don't know how."
"An escalation from fantasy to reality: her desires are getting out of control."
"He promised part two it was far more damaging than the first part."
"It's gonna be ruthless from here on out. o7 dude."
"It escalated to a certain extent, so what Martin's asking you, how would you handle it if the escalation was to a point where the logic wasn't key?"
"If some guy was following me around and I'd like and I'm just like hey relax guy I would eventually beat the [ __ ] out of him probably right anybody would."
"The Houthi rebels' missile attack on the Saudi Arabian airport: escalating tensions."
"Russia is getting ready to escalate this into not just a small-time offensive but a major conflict."
"This gap is getting huge, they're going crazy here."
"That's the sort of thing that you see have a real snowball effect."
"This is a huge escalation that we're not hearing about at all."
"How did this happen? This is getting out of hand."
"Scarcity creates value. If you're on a date with a woman and she's very touchy-feely, she's having a great time, things are escalating, go for the kiss."
"Escalation...it's time to step up our progress."
"Maybe your fire will help defuse the situation. Not defuse, accelerate this situation."
"The escalation part of this is really scary."
"Sir, and your wallet and keys... It went from 'this is funny' to 'this is a serious situation.'"
"The Russians are going to be drastically ratcheting up their deployment."
"Civil unrest can spin out of control in hours."
"When that behavior goes so unchecked, that can escalate to the point… admin got dog-piled."
"The violence would really kick off when a grenade would be thrown through the window of a house belonging to a grandmother of the Dundon-McCarthys."
"He threw the first stone but the response was also maybe a little over the top."
"This is war. It's a cold war heading towards kinetic warfare."
"This conflict immediately will raise the stakes for everyone."
"What a line they don't cross until things get messy."
"Eventually, somebody is going to push it too far. There's going to be legal action and ****'s going to get real."
"Every time you use my card, the operation surprising escalates."
"They keep doubling down, keep trying to hide it, and they get themselves into more and more trouble."
"There's a tremendous risk of escalation the longer this conflict goes on."
"Everything is getting Beyond The Pale now, too dangerous."
"The gun devil might have already been just a basic ass thing, but then it got juiced up like crazy."
"It's usually an up and down, right? You start talking to them, engage, get some verbal dialogue, things come down, something might trigger them, things go back up, and now you got to start back over again."
"Until everything goes wrong, that's when things really heat up, isn't it?"
"As business expands, the violence escalates."
"You should always talk things out first, until you can no longer talk."
"Are you feeling more upset? Are you maybe talking faster and faster, louder and louder?"
"Things have just stepped up a notch, man. That's right, baby! You said it, Mason, I'm ready to get some bloody Star Wars happening!"
"Things are escalating quickly and the stakes are getting higher and higher."
"Once it starts collapsing in Ukraine it's very very likely that we're going to end up in a much more violent and of course nuclear violent world."
"There's a lot of insanity going on right now and of course it's only going to get worse."
"The threats to her life once written on pieces of paper were now as real as they could possibly get."