
Code Reuse Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"MVVM helps us to create reusable behind code."
"Software engineering...we're not re-implementing libraries from scratch; we're reusing and then building ever more amazing things."
"That's exactly what inheritance is about. It is about reusing the code across all the classes."
"Reuse animations in multiple places for efficient code management."
"The purpose of the service files makes it so that if we have any type of reusable code that we want access through all of our components then we can create a service out of it."
"To save some time, we can simply copy this, go back to event listeners.js, and paste it within our newest statement."
"Reusable elements in a nutshell: pretty simple concept but very, very powerful. Wherever you can, you want to be building in reusable elements."
"So that's what a function is. It lets us reuse code."
"The function `updateScoreElement` allows us to reuse code and keep it cleaner."
"Functions let us reuse code and they make our code a lot cleaner by removing all the duplication that we had."
"The value of ros2 control lies not in just making a single project easier, even though it often does, but it means that you can reuse code, you can upgrade and modify your system down the track so much easier. It's definitely worth it."
"If you are writing a Java application, if you are writing a Python application or shell scripting, what you usually do if there is repetitive code in your script, you just try to put that in a function and you just try to reference that function wherever it is required."
"If you're familiar with regular functions, you know that the main purpose of a function is to allow you to write the code once, put it in a function, and then whenever you need that code you would just invoke that function."
"Both architectures recommend the conscious reuse of code that changes at the same time for the same reason."
"Another thing in software development, you have to leverage as much code as you can. Now you always have to give credit to the author of a piece of a code, but if you can leverage something, then you have the leverage. You don't have to reinvent the wheel."
"...that's why Python's so amazing you can get so much done because you don't really have to write the code someone else probably did it for you anyways..."
"We can reuse code between entities to do the same operations."
"React is basically a collection of code that allows us to do stuff like this really easy and in a way where we can reuse it over and over again."
"It's good for rapid application development, good for fast applications where you don't want to have to write code from scratch."
"Using a library or writing your own can save you from writing repetitive code when you have one property doing the same thing over and over again."
"By using the http client factory.createclient method we are reusing the connections to the external api services."
"This is just a really cool example of reusing code when we have similar applications or overlapping applications."
"As you build out applications, instead of always reinventing the wheel, you can often just use other people's applications and libraries and pull those into your project."
"So functions are great, because we can reuse the code that we write inside the function."
"The beauty is that the same piece of code then can be rerun on another robot; it can learn to run, let's say a four-legged robot, or you can run on the same robot for a new task."
"Use the code that other people have written and that's the best way to get optimized numerical code in Python."
"Inheritance provides the reusability of a code."
"One of the big things that class libraries allow us to do is reuse code."
"JavaScript provides many patterns for code reuse that we don't need classical inheritance to accomplish."
"Two, it makes it much easier for me to take this module that I've created and copy it over to another project and reuse that code."
"A common question is why is this important? Well, object-orientated techniques such as mixins, multiple inheritance can be used to factor code into reusable components."
"Using inheritance, you have one major advantage where you can reuse your code."
"The purpose of a library or a module specifically is to encourage reusability of code."
"Never write it again, all you have to do is follow this one piece of advice."
"Libraries, collections of code that other people have written that we can all use, often under an open source license."
"Every time I build a mobile application, I'm like copying and pasting dozens or hundreds of lines of code because they all share a common framework or maybe a common set of functionality."
"NPM allows us to reuse our own code in other projects."
"It's the fact that it's a very modular language, a very modular platform, very easy to do code reuse."
"I just use the function that already exists, which is so much easier, in my opinion."
"Being able to reuse code across compilers, across languages, enables all languages to benefit from just a single compiler."
"Hooks are about improved code reuse, composition, and better defaults."
"Using TensorFlow as a function often leads to smaller graphs because you often end up calling the same function multiple times at execution time."
"This way we can reuse this method hundreds of times no matter what the type it will hold; it will be universal."
"Code reuse is something that in general everyone wants to be able to do."
"Instead of having to create a whole bunch of variables for separate objects in your main form or application, you can essentially reuse this code."
"Once you've done it once or twice, you'll see that you pretty much can just reuse this code for all of your projects."
"Custom assemblies allow for consistent code reuse and simplified maintenance of standard code across multiple reports and projects."
"Once you have this set up in a separate file, a separate class, it really allows you to be able to reuse it in future projects."
"The goal of programming is taking someone else's code and making it work for your own."
"You want to write code that's reusable."
"One of the good things about the function is code reusability."
"We can take all this repetitive code, use it one time, have one place to go if we ever need to fix it, and everything else can easily inherit it."
"We want the generated code to have the same PHP class so it's reusable."
"Methods are little blocks of code that we can call, and we can kind of reuse the code that's inside of them."
"Functions are extremely useful; it's basically a container where we can place code that we want to reuse throughout our program."
"There's potential code reuse with reconciler."
"We don't want to rewrite everything from scratch anytime we write a program."
"An effective programmer will first look for libraries that already exist before building something from scratch."
"The adapter... is a crucial pattern for reusing code because so often a routine you or a friend or a library author has written is perfect if only it would write to your web socket instead of to disk."
"The principle for deciding which is the parent class is that which maximizes raw code reuse."
"Maximize code reuse, do multiple inheritance if necessary."
"The gloves are off; that's what I'm trying to do. I want to make Python universal in this, in code reuse."
"Reuse code as much as possible. Avoid any duplication."