
Word Of Mouth Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"The best promotion is when people promote for you. Word of mouth is the best promotion."
"This book is sold like absolutely crazy, and it's one of those books that is being driven by word of mouth."
"Now, if a customer is valued and looked after, they will not only come back time and time again, but they will also tell their friends and family about their positive experience with your company."
"Word of mouth is still the best growth strategy."
"Tesla will deliver enough cars to enough people that word of mouth from actual vehicle owners will take hold."
"Word of mouth is the best form of advertising."
"If you do what you do and do it so well that people actually want to tell their people about it, you have done something great."
"Over the last eight years, it's been at least five years that I did not need to do really any marketing to find interior design jobs because the word of mouth."
"Regardless of how much pressure you have, for a young player to be able to perform at this level or make a save of that magnitude, it means a lot and it will go a long way in his career."
"A good movie may not initially make money, but word of mouth, with a few exceptions, will make sure that money eventually finds it."
"The film's box office results were attributed to positive Word of Mouth."
"The degree to which you're successful approximates the degree to which you build a product that is so good people spontaneously tell their friends about it."
"If you make something people love, people will tell their friends about it."
"There's no better PR than a happy gamer recommending your title to their friends."
"The best form of advertisement is not social media, it's word of mouth."
"Word of mouth is a big strategy... when you create stuff that's worth talking about."
"Word of mouth is perhaps the strongest thing that indies have going for them."
"One person can literally make the difference. One person and then that person tells another person, that person tells another person."
"I think my customers are gonna rave about it to everybody."
"Word of mouth is still the most powerful marketing tool."
"When people are excited about an experience they want to tell their friends and that's the best advertising you can ask for."
"When you make your clients feel special, they will share those experiences with their friends and your client base will expand."
"Word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising in categories as diverse as skin care and mobile phones."
"Word of mouth is like a searchlight that works through your social network to find the person that might be most interested in a particular product or idea."
"Word of mouth is one of the best things for an author."
"Why create raving fans? They're going to spread the word for you."
"Fans are the best salesman of your work. When it's good, they're a marketing team that can match word of mouth." - Matt Deckard
"Word of mouth is the best publicity you can get in the restaurant trade."
"Word of mouth was the biggest form of advertising back then."
"You'd be surprised how much word of mouth makes a big difference."
"The way this business works, you do a good job and they're always gonna tell someone else."
"The biggest thing you could do is suggest it to your friends."
"The best marketing is somebody likes your stuff and tells somebody else." - Dave Ramsey
"Word of mouth, you can really make things happen."
"Word-of-mouth is a game-changer in this business."
"The Holy Grail of marketing is creating something that people speak about, that becomes the marketing for you."
"Carve the Mark has some of the best marketing out there, all from word of mouth."
"The success story of Kingsman was its staying power. It wasn't opening big, it was the fact that positive word-of-mouth kept that movie going over the summer."
"Words don't really pay the bills to keep the lights on for a show but as words spread about Ned's Declassified more and more people gave it a chance."
"We see customers coming back and more importantly they're telling their friends their family about the offering."
"We got there entirely through Word of Mouth."
"I like the story that that tells for word-of-mouth for how this franchise is picked up."
"Tesla loves word of mouth as they should that is an excellent way to build the business but it is limited in terms of its reach."
"If you enjoyed this content, please tell a friend. That's the best way of spreading the word."
"The best way to market your product is for you not to talk about it, but for somebody else to talk about it."
"Word of mouth is huge if you are doing a good job, that's going to go a long way."
"Word of mouth is the best marketing engine we have."
"There's something very real and raw about those special little whispers that exclusively travel by word of mouth."
"... most of the traffic and visibility we get on pretty much all of our content and even projects like the ghost net is through word of mouth."
"It's not just the positive experience with your company and your product that can generate the word of mouth. You can also generate a lot of buzz with your content."
"Once folks told their buddies about this it just kind of snowballed into this even bigger phenomenon."
"Marketing is changing. People are shifting towards word of mouth and social media."
"Memorable names make it easier for Word of Mouth to happen right your name is part of your brand people tend to trust a good name and to maybe look at eBay with a bit of a side eye."
"Word of mouth is how restaurants become famous. There's no other way. You can't advertise food, it's got to be recommended. You can't advertise art classes, that has to be recommended to a point."
"Word of Mouth from family and friends is a huge driver for business."
"If you can get people real results they're excited about with your course, then they are going to tell their friends."
"There are no great products in the world that don't have phenomenal word of mouth."
"Thank you for watching it and telling your friends about it because it's really a word of mouth kind of movement."
"Soon word of mouth spread like wildfire."
"Tell your friends about the show. It's the big thing."
"If you have a second, I would also really appreciate it if you took a moment to rate and review the show, leave a positive comment about it, and the absolute best way that we have to reach new people is if you just tell a friend about the show."
"The best way of marketing is that people will tell other enthusiasts how good it is."
"Word of Mouth is still the best marketing of all time."
"Word of mouth is a huge piece. Be happy, kind, professional, and dependable."
"A brand is no longer what we tell consumers it is, but what consumers tell each other it is."
"...it's in Portugal just have more of a word of mouth marketing."
"Wow, I think that's called word of mouth."
"Even if you don't have money to help me out, it would deeply help me if you would tell your friends about these books and share them with the world."
"Once you get that word of mouth, you can't stop it, right? What's happening, we're spreading it right now."
"Stick to the plan. Stick to your guns, no pun intended there, and just um, hope that through making good product, even if not received greatly in the box office, that people will hear through the word of mouth."
"We decided like in October of that year to have it so we only had a month we didn't advertise much but we had 4500 people just show up by word of mouth."
"Word of Mouth... we consistently put ourselves in front of them."
"...if your product or service is so good that the people who purchase it feel compelled to tell other people about it the return on ad spend that you see is much much more."
"The better results they get, the more your clients will talk about your business."
"...the most popular shoe that people were voting for... Word of Mouth sensation."
"Word of mouth is free, and if one person loves those pairs of jeans, and 10 other guys come by and they take them home and they're made well and they don't fall apart, that's better advertising."
"Word of mouth is free, and if one person has such a good experience with your clothing or your brand, they're going to talk about it to other people."
"The easiest way for us to grow is through spoken word and I've had so many people reach out and say hey I heard about the show from someone else."
"Customers will start talking, customers will sell for you."
"When you have that amazing word of mouth, it starts to build a really strong brand."
"It's never done any direct advertising, it's only pretty much grown through Word of Mouth."
"I think word of mouth hopefully will keep going around and people everyone who didn't think thought this show might not be for them you're going to keep discovering for the next few years."
"Small businesses like us only continue to exist if people talk about it and spread the word."
"There's no better marketing than word of mouth. So if I come and teach you something, whatever could be trading-wise, you're going to be happy. You're going to go tell your bu, yo, this guy told me this, and that, subliminally you give me promotion right there."
"I want to make it so good that people tell other people about it until we build a massive community."
"It has entirely been Word of Mouth."
"The best marketing I ever done was word of mouth."
"Word of Mouth goes further than what you can say about yourself."
"To the extent that it has seen success, it has been very much driven by word of mouth and people who took a chance on it and fell in love with the characters and the world."
"Word of mouth is always the best form of marketing."
"You really need to make a product that's so good people tell their friends about it."
"Word of mouth still works. That's just a simple fact."
"Word of mouth is the best advertising that money can't buy."
"Word of Mouth marketing is nearly impossible to quantify, but it's important to remember that no one will talk about your game unless you're also talking about your game."
"My Big Fat Greek Wedding, a pure Word of Mouth hit."
"Just tell people why it provided value and help spread the word."
"Word of mouth is one of the best ways to advertise and anytime that you can be recommended by someone to do a project most of the time they're going to choose you over someone else that they do not know."
"If you have a good experience at a restaurant, you tell one person. If you have a bad experience, you tell 10."
"Those first few people that, like, become... they're like the people who water it because they're telling all their friends. They're really spreading the word for you."
"Word of mouth is priceless. People just, you know, sharing the experience, and it helps build the sales and spread the story. Word of mouth, it's the best form of advertising."
"Word of mouth is some of the most underrated but most profitable in the long run ways of advertising that's completely free."
"Word-of-mouth is one of the most underestimated, under-discussed methods of marketing out there when it comes to art."
"Word of mouth can't be stopped, tell somebody to tell somebody, man."
"Marketing is going to be the thing that allows you to grow. So if you're trying to grow, stop saying 'oh marketing doesn't work, I'm just going to stick to word of mouth'."
"One of the most important factors behind long-term product success is whether or not the product naturally encourages word-of-mouth referral."
"There's nothing more valuable than just good old word of mouth, the referral system."
"All it takes is one customer to spread the word."
"Word of mouth started to spread about what we were doing."
"...while yes, she is an author and many other authors have been able to get a lot of success as a result of book talk and other apps and a lot of other individuals that aren't even involved in publishing talking about her book, word of mouth hyping the book up..."
"Better experience that you serve, the better the word of mouth is."
"Most of our growth and our... we get a lot of Word of Mouth clients."
"If you're giving your couples an amazing experience, if your branding is on point and consistent all the way through, if your photos are consistent all the way through, this gives you word of mouth."
"Word of mouth and the unstoppable appeal of the books soon made up for any poor reviews."
"Your satisfied customers will then talk to others about your product or service, generating referrals, meaning leads for you."
"Deliver something of value and people will talk about you."
"Word of Mouth publicity is unbeatable."
"I feel like I keep telling everyone I run into to go and get it, it is so good."
"Word of mouth advertising is the best way to go. It's free advertising."
"Customers build the brand by telling their friends."
"We want to thank you for passing the word along about Password."
"I am just a very satisfied consumer and I just want to help spread the word on a company that I love."
"That's the way to get people to start talking about it, share it with friends."
"The best way to support the show? Tell a homie."
"Everything is a snowball effect in business; once you get the first client, word of mouth is going to travel."
"Word-of-mouth is very powerful; if you leave a good impression on the customer, you will get plenty and more work."
"I'm thankful that I've run a long successful business off of basically Word of Mouth for more than 15 years now."
"Over half of all the bikes we still sell to this day are from word of mouth and referral."
"These projects live and die by word of mouth, and artists live and die by their personal projects."
"The best brands are built even today... 80% of our business is word of mouth."
"There's no marketing source out there that's as good as a friend that really loves your product."
"It was word of mouth that propelled the novel onto the bestseller lists."
"When you have an elite product or service, you don't even need to do any marketing because it's just the word of mouth."
"You can't beat word-of-mouth advertising."
"It's all organic you know somebody reads it they share it with someone else they share it with someone else they share it so it grows organically which is the best way for it to."
"Word of mouth is the most powerful advertising out there."
"I think a big part of the success was that word of mouth."
"Word of mouth is the best marketing."
"Word-of-mouth and having someone really like something enough to go tell a friend is the most traditional and everlasting."
"Well, what's more powerful? What's the most powerful marketing tool there is? Word of mouth."
"Word of mouth recommendations are worth way more than the multi-billion dollar marketing budgets that brands have to throw at us."
"If you do things right, word of mouth can be the biggest marketer there is."
"A word of mouth goes a long way. So if you provide a service or good to a customer and they love it and they're so happy, they're gonna tell their friends."
"I don't need to prove that to people anymore; there's enough Word of Mouth, there's enough people that have seen it."
"Word of mouth is something where I remember what you do, I talk about it enthusiastically, and it spreads on its own."
"Or telling a friend or leaving a review."
"If you did a good job, the stylist or the groomer would tell two people; if you did a bad job, they'd tell ten people."
"If you love this movie tell your friends the old-fashioned way, social media around the water cooler say go and see The Gentlemen because it's awesome."
"Word of mouth is the best marketing tool; it has the lowest customer acquisition cost."
"Let's take most of the money that we would have spent on paid advertising or paid marketing and rather than buy our exposure, let's invest it into customer service and the customer experience and let our customers do the marketing for us through word-of-mouth."
"As long as the customer was getting the best possible experience, they would keep coming back to the site and even tell other people about it."
"Word of mouth is becoming a more powerful channel than sales and marketing."
"That's the power of friend recommendations."
"Only one thing makes that happen, which is word of mouth."
"Create a great customer experience... how do you make them incentivized or excited or easy for them to tell other people about it?"
"That word of mouth is also going to help drive adoption significantly."
"This business model is so powerful because it doesn't need to run any paid advertising to acquire new customers; they all attend via Word of Mouth."
"It's actually really helpful and essential, and that's how my business has been built on word-of-mouth."
"Quality, communication, giving the customers what they need is basically advertising enough, it's Word of Mouth."
"Word of mouth is the best advertising that can help your company be known to other people."
"Word of mouth is where it's at, guys, but social media boosts that word, it facilitates those."
"If you deliver a product, a bear that is well made and that people treasure and value, they're definitely going to tell their friends about it."
"I think the more Word of Mouth gets out there, the bigger it'll get."
"The best marketing is to write an incredible book that makes them recommend it to all their friends."
"The word of mouth is just so powerful enough to where it could potentially carry a career."
"It kind of went viral the old-fashioned way, in a word-of-mouth."
"They delivered, they gave you something worthy of talking about."
"The most profitable way to really acquire customers is either word of mouth or affiliates, meaning other businesses that send you business."
"When you treat customers right, word of mouth is a big thing."
"Word of mouth is our best marketing, and it's the cheapest."
"The best advertising for North American is Word of Mouth."
"You know if you make them happy, they're going to tell four people."
"Through word of mouth within the gaming community, Discord started growing."
"It was classic Word of Mouth marketing."
"Because our listeners are amazing, they're incredible, and they tell their friends about it."
"Word-of-mouth has a big impact on products and ideas being successful."
"Word of mouth is really impactful; it drives over two times the sales of traditional advertising."
"Word of mouth is how independent comic books get out there."
"The best marketing campaign in the world is just word of mouth by very satisfied customers."
"All I ask is if you do love the Navigator, tell a friend."
"My goal is to get a customer once who either three customers because they tell their friends or keeps coming back."
"A happy customer tells two people, and an unhappy customer tells ten."
"Word of mouth is the best advertising known to man."
"The best word of mouth, the best marketing is just word of mouth. If people love you, they'll talk about you."
"Word-of-mouth is like the most effective way to spread information."
"If it's good, word of mouth is going to carry it."
"Word of mouth is King; it always has been, it always will be."
"Word of mouth happens to be the most common demand side growth lever."
"Most of the jobs I've gotten have just been through word of mouth."
"Word of Mouth marketing... means telling people who have a high chance of needing what you're selling about your products and services."
"If you take the time to create a really good product, a product that is going to get somebody a result quickly, I can almost promise you that once they get that result, they're gonna go and tell at least 10 people."
"Nothing is more powerful than a personal recommendation."
"Word of mouth is one hell of a marketing strategy."
"Word of mouth has always been my best form of advertising, that's why it's so important to me expectations of my customers are met."
"Word of Mouth - your reputation can be damaged very quickly, takes a lot longer to build a great reputation."
"Our biggest secret to our success is the sales team of the 5,000 happy customers who sing our praise wherever they go."
"Word of mouth, they say, is the best form of advertising."
"By now Bill's reputation had spread so far through word of mouth that the crowds attending the Little Rock meetings were larger than they were at Camden."
"Word of mouth is the best form of advertisement you can do, period."
"Word-of-mouth is the number one advertiser for your business."
"Word of mouth advertising is one kind of advertising which really works in retail."