
Gold Market Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"With gold likely to go to 2,500 an ounce this year, now is the perfect time to invest."
"Gold is just now entering a new phase... entering a bull market... we've never had zero rates or negative real rates for this long."
"As long as we measure gold in U.S. dollars, I do believe that we're going to see even stronger prices."
"Gold is just beginning a truly historical bull market."
"Gold is under pressure for entirely understandable, normal macroeconomic reasons."
"Gold, I believe, has struggled a bit, but keep in mind, this is as much or more a US dollar story as it is a gold story."
"I think we're gonna see an opportunity to buy gold lower...it is a generational opportunity to buy gold." - Eric Townsend
"Gold historically has less volatility than any other asset in the world."
"A high dollar price of gold is again good for gold holders, but not cause for celebration because it means a complete and utter collapse of the US dollar."
"Gold has moved. I mean, you know, you should talk to me a couple years ago. Gold was $1,200, it's now, you know, it just broke out through its all-time high of $1,900."
"Gold price will really move with authority when a critical mass of people come to realize that there absolutely is no going back."
"The only way really to kill a gold bull market is to jack up prime rates so high that the speculators have no alternative but to go back to dollars."
"Gold is the only asset that has actually been suppressed because a rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency."
"Gold just passed two thousand dollars an ounce, setting the stage for a historic new bull run."
"Gold has been resilient, the demand is all-time highs."
"It's over. Take the fear and throw it all into the gold bars. Gold's going to the moon."
"Gold is equally under owned... I remain very bullish on gold."
"Once that run to gold starts, it will, as I said earlier, be I think the biggest rush into that commodity that we've probably ever seen."
"Gold still the best performing asset of the year."
"Gold might regain its value back of par within three four months of a correction."
"If we see restrictions in supply being applied against Russia, the price of gold will continue going up."
"Expert says gold could hit 100,000 in a very short period of time."
"Gold is always, at least from a market perspective, a currency and the last currency of resort, and that's not going to change over the next 5,000 years either."
"Gold bugs - the only asset in the world where when you are bullish you are referred to as an insect."
"All currencies will be debased against gold."
"Gold will do what you least expect it to do when you least expect it to happen."
"I think history is on the side of gold going way up."
"I've met some of the most innovative American farmers."
"Using the same gold strategy could have been able to make nearly 50 times their initial investment."
"Gold is down down 1.4 percent that's a huge move for gold."
"It's a great time to invest in precious metals today, an ounce of gold is worth nineteen hundred dollars."
"Eventually, gold always comes out as a safe haven for investment. Totally."
"If you're interested in investing in gold which is about to hit records, Natalie and I are huge investors in Gold."
"Now that has to have your attention upon the breakout gold's going to make a new all-time high."
"Gold is doing what it's supposed to do, reacting to the instability."
"You've discovered your value and that's something that can't be compromised."
"A change in the world order that ultimately led to gold multiplying in price over 20 fold within 15 years..."
"Real yields on treasury bonds are on a historic downtrend, overlapping closely with the gold price."
"I predict gold will ultimately go to $15,000 an ounce... The buying panic is just a matter of time."
"Eventually, the price of gold is just going to go ballistic, but it's not the price of gold going up. Gold's not doing anything. It's just the value of that currency collapsing because the government is printing it into oblivion."
"For now, it appears that gold miners will also catch up with the spot price of gold."
"Gold bull market that although it's been handsome thus far is really just getting started."
"If you get margins increasing by having the gold price go up, you would think the gold stock should move roughly two to three times as much."
"A reminder gold has two enemies... one of them is the dollar."
"Gold is near an all-time high... I thought it would be approaching 2500 with all of the problems we have in the world."
"Gold prevents that and historically... A rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency."
"Assets maybe gold survives in that period and doesn't dump but even in during covet if we remember the covet collapse even gold dumped."
"If gold goes to ten thousand dollars tomorrow, we're going to mine more gold. Whereas if Bitcoin goes to a hundred thousand dollars tomorrow, there's not going to be any more Bitcoin created."
"If you have an ever-increasing amount of dollars following a stable amount of supply of gold, you get increasing gold prices."
"We're looking at a gold price that is very significantly higher than it is today."
"I think the $2000 price tag on gold is a massive resistance... I've just watched it bang against $2000 unsuccessfully for about five straight years now."
"I think he's got to break the spine of the speculators... if Powell wimps out now, I'd put everything all in on gold."
"The best time to own gold was 20 years ago. Next best time is today."
"This gold strategy could have made you nearly 50 x your money."
"Gold does not appreciate weaker currencies versus the dollar."
"Each character is easily identifiable by their personality traits and silhouette, making it really easy to pick a favorite."
"Gold, I'm still a huge bull on... big money's buying gold, that means it's going up." - Gareth Soloway
"We are doing everything we can to hold violators accountable."
"We're going to come back to that. Gold is going to be part of the world reserve currency of the future."
"The probabilities are overwhelming on Gold's side. That is the best environment to see goals increase its size."
"I think gold is going to continue to be a managed political medal until the day it's not."
"We are setting ourselves up for an incredibly promising gold market over the next few years."
"Everything is working in favor of gold. These trends are inevitable."
"To have almost a linear move three hundred dollars is impressive."
"As long as we're in a rising gold price environment... I expect that outperformance to continue."
"We would expect to see gold trending to that three thousand dollar level... three, four years out."
"Is this a beginning of a revival rally in gold? I think so."
"Gold, all time frames looking quite bullish..."
"I do think at some point we're at three thousand four thousand dollars an ounce on gold."
"I expect gold to head up towards three thousand dollars before all is said and done."
"Gold prices surged to record high amid coronavirus worries and U.S.-China tensions."
"Gold's not going back to 1200 again in our lifetimes."
"The gold market is about a 14 and a half trillion dollar market worldwide, that's all forms of above-ground stocks."
"When people tell me cryptocurrencies are replacing gold, I look at it in this light and I simply say I've got a 14 and a half trillion dollar market and that's a two trillion dollar market. This is different, this is real, this is substantial."
"Gold does really well in recession and stagflation."
"Gold is on the move because inflation is rising."
"Record highs are almost inevitable for gold in short order."
"Your income balloons as the gold price goes up."
"A rising gold price indicates a failing fiat currency."
"Gold goes up in deflation and it goes up in inflation. Gold wins every time."
"For gold investors, this fed fraud signaled clear signs to go long gold and silver"
"Gold is dead money for this year. But it's going to build a platform for a great next year."
"The risk of loss in gold is so minimum versus what still is going to happen to people that own a lot of stocks and bonds."
"When the dollar goes to crap then gold goes higher."
"If you've been riding the gold rollercoaster, you are up just under six hundred percent."
"The rising probability means that the price of gold has to go higher."
"Gold is rallying because it knows the central bank is probably just going to rip everybody off via inflation again."
"Once you realize that, it still implies that gold goes to the moon."
"This is the time to be buying gold, ladies and gentlemen. This is the time to be backing up the truck."
"Gold is making new all-time highs in every currency... We are in a bull market and this bull market is just getting started..."
"I'm incredibly optimistic on gold and on the miners."
"The price of gold is going to go higher, and probably 2500 is an easy target."
"Gold is a real heartbreaker there. Tapped the low and boom, went straight up."
"Gold will be waving its hand saying, 'Hey, look at me.'"
"Gold should shoot through the roof, we're talking $10,000 an ounce in the not so distant future."
"Gold's gonna go through 2500... probably in two weeks, three weeks time."
"Gold prices relative to treasuries is likely to rise substantially from here."
"Gold prices are likely to break the 2000 level and go well above those levels along with the debt problem getting worse."
"There's no faster money made than when a gold bull market happens."
"The purchasing power of a stable gold-backed currency would rise if gold rises against other currencies."
"The bull market in gold is centered in Asia. It's Off to the Races and there is so much money in the bank accounts."
"Gold stocks, measured by net present value, which I define as the net present value of future cash flows of defined and developed reserves and resources at current commodity prices, are the cheapest that it's been in my 45-year career."
"One day gold just take off and not look back."
"Real estate is worth more than 32 times all the gold ever mined in the history of the world."
"They may be selling gold right now, and your retirement is more important than ever."
"It's fascinating to see banks and governments talking about bitcoin putting selling pressure on gold."
"I think the long-term outlook for gold is very good."
"I believe it's going to go up substantially before the end of this year simply because more of the sophisticated investors and now maybe even the public will become aware that gold production is falling and it's not being replaced"
"I think gold will make a new high okay I think gold will get back over two thousand."
"Gold is gonna go higher. There's gonna be a panic in the gold market."
"People are very underinvested in gold right now... they will chase once the breakout comes."
"The price of gold could easily hit 10 or 15,000 an ounce."
"Gold holds strong, signaling a different story than previous bull runs."
"If they don't see what's happening with gold and the stockpiling of gold by these major central banks across the globe I feel sorry for you you are so blind."
"Gold is on the verge of a breakout in US dollars but gold has been moving higher in all other currencies."
"Gold has been stuck below $2,000 an ounce here for a while but on this 20-year chart you can see this giant cup and handle formation followed by a triple top."
"Gold will go to all-time highs and higher, the demand is there."
"The strength we're seeing today is just the beginning of a much longer bull cycle in Gold."
"Gold's breakout to recent all-time highs is happening in parallel with these rate expectations becoming much more sober."
"I remain extremely bullish, next time gold surges through 2100 the gold stocks will go three to one."
"The manipulation is the fact that the notional amount of shorts in the futures market for gold is much higher than the actual gold supply."
"When institutions start going into gold, there's not going to be gold available at these prices."
"Gold breaking out from its historical algorithm-driven inverse correlations during periods of dollar strength."
"I think it's almost certain that the price of gold will go up."
"Gold will go to levels that are unfathomable today."
"If Bitcoin penetrated 50% of the gold market, the price per Bitcoin would be somewhere in the $4 to $500,000 range."
"I mean, if people out there are trying to figure out, okay, what should I buy, what type of gold, I really don't think you could go wrong with either one of these or even the smaller sizes."
"Mostly you could talk to advisers about Bitcoin taking a percentage of the gold market, 10% of the gold market, 20% of the gold market, 50% of the gold market, increasingly I find you can convince them that it may be multiples of the gold market."
"Gold have its day in 2024? I think yes."
"The center of the global gold trade is moving from the West to the East."
"I don't think the gold price is going to wake we're not going to wake up on a Monday and see it $400 higher does it work that way because the gold price doesn't move on demand it it moves because of a factor that I explained in the newsletter."
"A modest 10 or 20% move in gold, which would be nothing compared to prior bull markets, would take us to such screaming headline gold dollar exchange ratio numbers."
"Look at it this way as well, you look at last week, gold hit its all-time high against the second and third largest economies in the world, in China and Japan."
"I made substantial additions to my gold Holdings in 1998, and it is true for two years that the gold price did move except for down. But since 1998, the gold price has moved from $256 an ounce to $2,000 an ounce."
"Gold is most sensitive to upcoming monetary easing and geopolitical risks."
"Gold prices are on the rise after hitting its highest level ever this week rising above $2,100."
"The gold price is still fairly decent, so I'm not complaining there either."
"Gold is going to take off on the next leg and it's not going to look back."
"Gold can still rise... in that environment."
"Gold is one of the star performers this year, up 133% to an historic high, outperforming stocks and bonds."
"I have bet my life that gold is going higher, a lot higher than where it is right now."
"The best is yet to come for gold."
"Gold... it's not going to make you rich, but it might preserve your wealth."
"I like gold too, think Gold's going to 3,000."
"Once it starts moving back towards the Fed's target of two-three percent, that can generally cause a rise in the price of gold."
"Gold's going to make a new all-time high."
"I can't stop smiling; price on Gold's pretty damn good these days."
"Gold is highly volatile, precious metal and there is a lot of volume in that market."
"I strongly believe that gold will take out 2100 and it will Rip to three thousand when the first hint of the next easing occurs."
"Gold producers have a natural hedge against inflation because gold typically does better when you have an environment like this."
"With the Ukraine war, with all the tension we're having, that will keep gold up because it makes people very uncertain."
"I fully expect we're going to see $3,000 gold sometime late next year."
"As soon as the FED starts to talk about a pivot, you will see gold start to move up the next leg of the cycle."
"Gold is doing very well, the price of gold is going up."
"If you decide that you think that gold will retain its traditional merit in financial circumstances, the fact that the price is going down and the price of gold equity is going down is a good thing, not a bad thing."
"The Fed just gave the green light for gold to make a new all-time high."
"Our expectation is that the gold price will average more than $2,000 this year."
"Gold's actually setting up in a very beautiful way... the actual demand and overall bullishness has began to show its hand."
"I think gold is definitely in the bottoming area."
"All the reasons I was bullish for gold are still on the table."
"Gold will be the first one to price in such changes."