
Issue Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Housing affordability has become one of the central issues of the campaign."
"Focus on one issue...Prepare for this moment."
"Toxic masculinity is a big problem. Absolutely."
"The troubling part about this case is not just that this happened, that's problem number one."
"I think this is the existential issue of our time."
"Multiple reports have recently come out that users are unable to charge their iPad on the latest version iPad OS 15.5."
"I'm good, but we need to address the elephant in the room."
"The actual issue... is a low self-esteem on Maria's part."
"Mental health... it's a huge issue no matter where you are in America."
"...the main issue I'm highlighting here is persistent in both."
"...we haven't found a Smoking Gun with the heat exchanger."
"This worked and it worked just fine but there was one massive issue that I had with it and that was the battery life."
"Looking at the forums online, it looks like loads of people are having this problem."
"First dropped frames, these are when your internet or network are having connection or stability issues."
"Yeah, but the weight thing is just something you cannot get over with."
"It's already not sitting quite flat on the table, it's a little bit folding."
"If you cannot do this dessert, you have an issue."
"Essentially, the batteries were healthy and our issue was somewhere else."
"This is a problem that affects all but the chunky s of laptops."
"The Mazda 3's biggest problem: packaging."
"...but yeah, I am I do have the issue with the barcode, so if you have any tips for that, sure enlighten me, but yeah..."
"There was just kind of an intrinsic issue with the somato trigger group they were using."
"Clean water is not a black and white issue, is humanity issue."
"Nearly 60% of the world's produce gets thrown away before it ever gets to market."
"When an issue acquires totemic status, the actual facts disappear from view. The issue becomes a mere occasion for political self-expression."
"Duplicate frames are being sent all over the place."
"This screen is very customizable and looks pretty good. The only issue I've had is that it just is dim, too dim a lot of times."
"It speaks to the kind of poison that was injected into our politics by this issue."
"It was obvious there was a massive Communication Breakdown."
"Sensational headlines aside, the prisons issue is deeply unsettling."
"It's really the two issues why I still, it's something to go on. But the coolant, it's eating coolant, I can't figure out where."
"Their first issue with Anakin was taking him from his mom."
"The issue, the central issue is one of fairness."
"I'm almost in disbelief there is some cross-contamination and that does bother me but it can be easily remedied by letting the first colored completely dry and then going on to the next one."
"I'm using my phone today to record with because my GoPro won't come on."
"The temperature of our airship is too high."
"The fact that this is already an issue or still an issue is of itself is of concern."
"We'll see if we can fix the little dropping voltage issue."
"In spiritual warfare, the issue is Authority."
"But if I slide this down a ways, you see those white pixel marks again."
"Loneliness is a real issue for people."
"This has become a big distraction."
"Don't make it any other kind of issue because it is a spiritual issue."
"Any addiction is an energy issue."
"The gimbal is just scraping against the top."
"I don't have any leftovers. This is but a trifling issue."
"The board had been unsighted on the issue. They had naturally been alarmed when they had found out what had happened."
"Everyone knows how much of a problem this is."
"They had a problem during their pit stop."
"There may be a problem brewing I should say falling on Rusty Wallace's car. The car is overheating."
"It's very handy. It's very useful, but there is a big problem with EMS."
"Such a good technique. That's flickering. The monitor's flickering. Can we get a new monitor? For the number one show on the network, please? Is that an issue?"
"Certainly, it very much is an emotional issue but shouldn't we also not only treat it as an emotional issue but as an intellectual issue as well absolutely."
"...the property taxes are putting people out of their houses it's an issue and I'm glad they're trying to solve it"
"The problem we have here right now is a lack of backstop."
"The pink elephant in the room has to be addressed."
"Do you think there's an issue about people measuring too much potentially?"
"This is a 24/7 Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. problem."
"There's no issue, it's how you're relating to it."
"Fundamentally, it's an issue of community."
"My biggest issue is communication."
"That's the elephant in the room: is that noise."
"It was an important issue and she needed to be aware of it."
"I didn't have the sense that it was an issue on any significant scale."
"Consistency is usually the major issue for most retail traders."
"The issue is not the sower and it's not the seed, it's the soil. The issue is the heart."
"The problem is not that you brought up the moral one, and it's something that we have to discuss."
"Therapy addresses issues. A primary issue for a couple experiencing domestic violence is the ongoing abuse."
"We definitely have a problem there that has to be addressed."
"The sizing cause is a real issue in the civilian market."
"We had some troubles with the install and we actually took moisture through some of the doors."
"The problem that I'm having here something that just came up here I just realized the wiring harness that comes from Baja Design for the rock lights does not have a relay attached to it right it's meant to operate with the switch."
"A minor issue that's being taken care of."
"But I'm saying on the other side of it that's a problem."
"The only problem I've had... is the battery."
"The dials went a bit awol, but it fixed itself."
"It's a real problem, absolutely it's a real problem."
"...a bit of a recurring problem this weekend."
"It should still be [a big thing] because it's clearly still such an issue."
"It's non-consensual sex, and that's the problem."
"I think colorism is an issue within the black community."
"That's like some sort of fluid, a lot of smoke out of those right side pipes."
"...population is the centerpiece of both of these problems."
"Absolute madness. But seriously, this is no laughing matter."
"This is one of my favorite issues of Uncanny X-Men."
"This is not a republican issue or a Democratic issue, this is a human issue."
"The burning of the oil was a byproduct or more of an end result of two separate issues."
"It's a big issue that they've force-fed us food all day long."
"More than 80% of New Yorkers say that the recent migrant influx is a serious problem."
"It's a bittersweet day today because it's the very last issue."
"That's it, this car came in as a no start, no ignition turn on, no nothing, because of a stupid steering column lock."
"This is the famous tombstone issue."
"We need to stop speaking about color. Until we stop speaking about color, color is an issue."
"What is the most pressing issue facing the world today? Environment."
"Have empathy and stop with the nonsense."
"It's not a race issue, it's a human issue."
"At first, he thought it was just a temporary glitch, but it soon became clear that something much more serious was happening."
"Tensions is science for 'there's a problem'."
"We must take personal responsibility for the issue."
"There's a glaring issue with modern gaming displays; they all suffer from reduced vibrancy and image sharpness due to their matte screen coatings."
"$31 billion worth a year just in Canada, food goes to waste."
"I think an issue here is that we're just not feeling the crave and the desire for one another."
"This is a fundamental problem and it's gonna get worse unless we tackle it at its roots."
"Before I get started, I need to address the elephant in the room."
"No, I totally know I have a problem."
"Well, I'll tell you what, this whole climate change thing is an issue."
"I am a mechanic by trade, and somehow the spark plug has come loose."
"You're not making it about you; you're making it about the issue."
"This is an issue that needs to be tackled head-on."
"It's a very serious issue, one that we are dealing with in this world to this day."
"The question of housing is very much acute here in New York City."
"But there's another problem with the actual design of this Dyson, and it's actually something in here that's nothing to do with the filters."
"The elephant in the room is a big topic that everybody knows about but nobody is talking about."
"This is not a Democratic or Republican issue, this is an issue of humanity."
"Time is money, and that's the problem."
"This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. It affects every American."
"Collaborative annotation... you can create an issue by clicking right there."
"Climate change is the defining issue of our time."
"We have a serious mental health issue in our country."
"Now comes the elephant in the room."
"The Earth is warming up, whether humans are causing it or not, it's definitely a problem."
"We should not basically see the password in clear text; it's a really, really big issue."
"It's not about political pandering or political posturing, it's about an honest, truthful addressing of the issue."
"This is not just a health problem, this is clearly going to be a societal problem."
"This is the defining issue of our lifetime."
"They had resolved the crystal issue for now."