
Geopolitical Issues Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"We're going to have to stand shoulder to shoulder to deal with Russia and China and the issues of the Arctic."
"We're standing to defend Europe against Russia, against Putin. He can't be allowed to win."
"The whole idea about putting so much religion on the Israeli side and on the Muslim side...it's the reason why this conflict is getting worse."
"Violation of borders is generally a bad thing."
"What will happen if we continue on the current path? If we continue to isolate Taiwan... Taiwan will no longer exist at some point in the future."
"We cannot allow big oil companies to use Ukraine and inflation as an excuse to rip off Americans."
"This war was started by Russia. War is not the method to resolve the conflicts in our society."
"A 5G world dominated by China raises the terrifying prospect of it shutting down entire countries in times of conflict."
"Yemen is basically an apocalyptic nightmare right next door across the border."
"The biggest threat to Israel is going to be... to allow Israel to move further down this path because it's going to ultimately undercut support for Israel in this country."
"It began as a terrorist group, its entire existence it has been a terrorist group, it is still a terrorist group."
"This is a period when India is likely to be involved in some wars and some destruction."
"Does this end up making more nations want to become nuclear armed?"
"China is going to figure this out... while we're fetishizing diversity, inclusion, and equity."
"Fear of China, anger at Donald Trump, and a failing media, that's why the people weren't properly informed."
"I never tolerate any cool Iranian forces in Colombia for sure."
"If there was really no blame here, if this was really just some naturally occurring virus because someone ate a bat from a wet market, China wouldn't have done the things that they did."
"China did downplay this virus from the beginning."
"How come you never protest Saudi Arabia or Russia? You only approach Western energy."
"The United States would protect Taiwan against China."
"I think we come into this year with an odd bipartisan agreement that China is increasingly the biggest threat out there."
"Trump is a pro-russian candidate who can break the geopolitical balance in the world." - Sir Hey Lysenko
"Another radical Islamist terrorist attack in the heart of Europe."
"It's more than just Ukraine and Russia and NATO, it's a lot more. It's about resetting the financial system."
"The Netherlands warned its citizens not to travel to Russian cities particularly those near the Ukraine border."
"The withdrawal of foreign capital from China is attributed to challenging economic environment, rising geopolitical tensions, and tighter control by the Chinese Communist Party."
"Finally, people are realizing, you know what, China does play dirty and we have to keep our eyes open."
"By declaring this war in Ukraine, Russia has all but admitted that they know Russia is going to collapse and they will do anything to stay in power."
"Beyond the label of communism or anti-communism Vietnam at its core simply wanted to break free from the domination of larger powers."
"We don't want to live in a world where we have armed invasions grabbing territory in parts of Europe in our own backyard."
"2012 to 2022 has actually seen China develop a lot of issues... Every bad thing that's happened in China has been under the leadership of Xi Jinping."
"This whole region is a mess because of outside meddling right."
"From Russia's standpoint using a tactical nuclear weapon to destroy a Bridgehead or a troop concentration is a 105 pound problem that needs to be moved from point A to point B."
"Help us share the story and I hope countries, international communities, World Bank could just think twice before just giving away money to a country that are terrorist sympathizers and have no regard for human rights."
"The bigger problem... it's really the disaster that's happening in Syria where are these people going to go I mean they're literally getting on boats so many boats so many people and showing up in Italy in Greece."
"If you think that you can't possibly be secure if Palestinians are free, then maybe you've taken a wrong turn somewhere."
"No country should be beholden to one supplier for its energy sources."
"The overriding issue for the Russians of NATO enlargement needs to be addressed unless Western leaders are finally willing to grasp that point and to address that point in a way that the Russians will find satisfactory."
"You don't have to occupy the country in order to fix the larger problem."
"Reason number one to consider maybe getting some of your assets out of dodge is, of course, what's happening in Russia and Ukraine."
"It's going to be a really really exciting future if the national territorial tribal conflicts of humans don't cause a lot of destruction."
"The Chinese government has been allowed to steamroll so many countries for so long."
"The situation in this country has done nothing but deteriorate from Al Qaeda, the local insurgency, the death squads buried within this government, to Iranian influence."
"China has taken advantage of the United States for 30 years okay."
"Peace doesn't keep itself, and we do have people in authoritarian countries who threaten our interests."
"When the Obama administration left office, the Middle East was in flames and China was taking American jobs while our citizens died of despair."
"It’s easy to see this as a kind of geopolitical temper tantrum, a toddler throwing his toys at the wall."
"Even CNN runs a segment talking about what China has been doing."
"If we let Putin get away with what he's doing in Ukraine, we are going to be next."
"Banning Russian oil without boosting production at home means we're technically still living on a prayer."
"What happens in China or Russia or anywhere can impact the lives of those thousands of miles away."
"Russian war against Ukraine cannot be an exclusively European problem." - Joe Biden
"This war is not going anywhere and Ukraine is going to keep needing American help."
"The narratives coming out of the BBC, Sky News, Reuters, CNN, MSNBC and from the podiums of politicians in the US and in the UK, these narratives about Xinjiang have been proven over and over again as absolute lies."
"Gold is near an all-time high... I thought it would be approaching 2500 with all of the problems we have in the world."
"I still think gold is probably your best bet to kind of insulate you from problems in the financial system or geopolitical problems."
"Let's get there by the shortcut so that we can actually get peace and take away this unbelievable risk of escalation to a world conflict."
"The conflict between Arabs and Israelis is not just about land but in my opinion there's a religious aspect that can't be ignored."
"China has an agreement with Iraq to build over a thousand schools, while the United States bombed the schools in Iraq during The Invasion."
"At this difficult time for our country, when we have so many needs that we have to meet, so many challenges to democracy in Ukraine and in our own country."
"There is also a long-term background Imperial War that Russia has... it is still a very great danger."
"It's the exact same thing in the Middle East; conflicts they cultivated and then they used these conflicts to hold all of these proxies hostage."
"We've burned the Kurds, we've betrayed the Afghans, and now we've betrayed the Ukrainians."
"Geopolitical tensions could pick up and create big problems."
"Geopolitical catastrophe looming in Ukraine as well no wonder according to the axio article that I discussed yesterday US officials are now worried."
"It's important that real moments of anti-Semitism, like statements made by Ye, are not minimized by those seeking to fight geopolitical battles."
"We have to fight; otherwise, the Ukrainian identity will be eliminated from Earth by the Russian terrorists."
"We are at the edge of war with Russia and China on issues which we partly created without any concept of how this is going to end or what it's supposed to lead to."
"Urgent action by Europe can stop the Russian troops. Do not allow the death of Europe from a catastrophe at a nuclear power station."
"Russia is losing in the military field, in the energy field and may also end up losing in the economic field as well."
"It represents the endgame of militarization."
"The Sino-American war: becoming clearer, reshaping our world and threatening every country's peace."
"Ukraine is now a 'test site' for North Korean nuclear-capable missiles."
"Do you think the petrodollar is gradually being replaced? Do you think it will collapse?"
"Disruption is the name of the game for North Korea."
"So we see how lots of things that happen now in international relations are being framed by the overall crisis in Ukraine."
"The longer you sustain that regime to help them stay in power, the more suffering you're creating for the Chinese people."
"Do the people of Russia want war? I would have very much like to be able to answer this, but the answer depends on you."
"There is a danger in being lulled into the false belief that Victory will always come easily to Ukraine."
"Peace cannot mean freezing the conflict and accepting a deal dictated by Russia."
"China's big problems will not stay in China."
"The Ukraine conflict has put an exclamation mark on the hypocrisy and inconsistencies of the rules-based order."
"If this project of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians being done in such an overt and public way is successful, none of us in this world are safe."
"Russia seizing these planes would mean that these
planes would likely never fly internationally."
"Haiti is under siege and it's important to understand why."
"China commits genocide but we still gotta work with them."
"Putin's obsession goes way beyond NATO expansion or a pro-western government in Kyiv. It is an outright rejection of Ukrainian identity and statehood."
"Oil represents the single largest revenue source for Russia."
"A recent report says China has stepped up human rights violations around the world."
"The backing that Ukraine obtained from the United States and the European Union served as the foundation for this new operation."
"American companies are moving away from China, realizing it's not a reliable partner."
"Putin is driving the show, and it's his decisions that we're living with the consequences of and trying to figure out how to respond to."
"You do realize that Ukraine has been corrupt forever. You do realize that we've made promises to Russia and NATO has over the decades."
"The reality is the problem lies with the United States."
"The world should work together. I think there's going to be big, big clashes there between India and China."
"That's exactly why wealthy and educated people leave China in droves and that increase drastically under Xi Jinping especially right now."
"The Ukraine is a symptom of a much deeper problem."
"The world is not committed to the idea of Ukraine maintaining all of their land."
"Pretending that China's not a threat is a mistake."
"It's not even about sovereignty anymore. It's about people's lives."
"Consider it to be a barometer of how Russians feel regarding the situation in Ukraine."
"Israel is the thorniest place on this planet."
"I also want them to have the moral high ground. Right now, they are not safe and secure because they're saying, you know what you millions of Palestinians, you have no hope."
"The reality is Russia invaded Ukraine, an independent sovereign nation, and they just invaded them and started blowing up towns. That is not okay."
"The Russian army is suffering significant losses."
"Most of Europe and many other countries all over the world have condemned these actions."
"I think Russia obviously has its interests with Ukraine so it's not fair to completely blame the U.S operations for provoking Russia."
"It will definitely affect Hong Kong's economy and international reputation."
"I hate the fact that this war has been going on for ages because the US doesn't want to surrender or something weird."
"It's complete nonsense that there's some kind of threat to Israel's security from Gaza."
"Political tensions with China... that could go away with the stroke of the pen."
"North Korea's continued to test shorter range missiles."
"Afghanistan is not done with the United States."
"Germany's been completely left hung out to dry."
"A former Philippines admiral is calling for a joint military exercise with Taiwan and Japan."
"Mitch McConnell, let's go ahead and keep sending money towards Ukraine because that's where the real issue lies."
"Negotiations cannot happen at the gunpoint because what Russia is trying to do, they're trying to create a situation when some concessions are made."
"We must demand immediate negotiation of a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine or end up in World War III."
"This is not a contest with the Iranian people; this is a senseless war for the Iranian people to be in Syria or to be trying to make Iraq into a rump state of Tehran. It's not going to work."
"Could Europe really run out of natural gas this winter?"
"Seriously, regime change in Beijing? That's a big, big problem."
"This has become a war for the existence of Israel... and Muslims in the region."
"This issue is going to get solved if it ever is solved between Beijing and Taipei, not between Beijing and Washington."
"A lot of people are saying it's being used to strengthen nuclear powers over there."
"Bad for the world to hold tractors hostage as we starve."
"There is compelling evidence that China for weeks did not tell the truth."
"China is clearly dealing with something she's never dealt with before and doesn't deserve to be bullied."
"This is about more than just China, it's a worldwide issue."
"Russia has always been a problem but China is a crisis."
"This isn't about war between Russia and Ukraine... it's about hegemony... it's about dollar dominance."
"Relations with China are going from bad to worse."
"A war with Israel would be a general one that will bring about the destruction of Israel."
"This is where these modern tensions kind of started because it broke away but you still had so many Russian speakers left over in Ukraine."
"The war in Ukraine has compounded problems that have been brewing for years: climate disruption, the COVID-19 pandemic, the deeply unequal recovery."
"A lack of aid would affect far more than Ukraine... a Russian victory will reverberate around the world."
"It is very heartbreaking to me to see what is happening to your country."
"To support the Ukrainian victims of Russian aggression, you have to support the Yemen victims of Saudi progression."
"It's more dangerous to be in Palestine, Israel."
"Honestly, I don't know the fate of this gentleman, and I would assume he won't be stepping foot or returning back to Russia anytime soon."
"India is expected to move forward with the delivery of a Russian S-400 missile defense system despite possible sanctions."
"The truth is the identity politics movement is the reason Brittany Griner is caught in a Cold War game that used to be reserved for men only."
"The truth is the identity politics movement is the reason Griner is caught in a Cold War game that used to be reserved for men only."
"I think the obvious summation... is that they are taking aid and using it to bolster their military capacity."
"Islamic Jihad is fighting in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and you may say in Palestine. They are freedom fighters."
"You may not like it but the answer is yes the civilians are the victims of putin's aggression now and of the geopolitics and the situation that has been created that put them in that position in the first place."
"I want to make sure that we're prepared for all possible outcomes. And one of those outcomes, that may happen, and I hope it doesn't, is that the Taliban do come to power."
"Hong Kong is that Nexus of problems for CCP, an existential threat."
"It's appalling to see it being employed as a justification for what's been happening in Palestine."
"We were forced to skip Peru entirely due to the political situation."
"I actually did want to talk about what's going on in Palestine."
"Private health care and its merits or lack thereof is a really important talking point in our current geopolitical climate."
"The prospect of a conflict in the Strait is not ruled out."