
Tipping Point Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"The trend is in the right direction... there'll be a tipping point when the numbers become too great and too widely known to be ignored."
"Superman now sees that he has saved so many lives and he decides that killing isn't always a bad thing. This is a crucial tipping point of Superman becoming evil."
"Whenever you see wealth inequality...there is a Tipping Point when eventually the people say enough is enough."
"Exactly 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is already deforested, so we reached that level; if we keep deforesting, we may reach a tipping point."
"I tipped that camel over, the straw that broke the camel's back."
"It really does seem like we're on the verge of some kind of breaking apart."
"It takes only one drop to make that cup overfill."
"It's become so ridiculously one-sided that this whole ninja thing has basically been the tipping point."
"If inequality reaches a certain point, something has to give."
"We are at a Tipping Point right now in U.S financial history."
"The Greenland ice sheet is close to a melting point of no return."
"From everything I'm hearing from folks in homeland security and intelligence folks, the word is calling up the balloon's gone up that we probably don't have 10 years before we reach the Tipping Point environmentally geophysical stability."
"I think we've reached a tipping point, where everyone's going, 'Holy crap, what is going on?'"
"Was it her finally reaching her boiling point and acting out?"
"There's always like a straw that broke the camel's back, you know?"
"I feel differently today, I feel we've hit a tipping point."
"It begins with the gathering of small seemingly unremarkable changes by themselves they aren't enough to transform anything but they interest ever closer to a tipping point."
"To change things, it only... It's the Tipping Point is like 19 or 20 percent. They're talking about half of the nation. That's pretty significant and they know it."
"I suspect there'll be a tipping point when the numbers become too great and too well widely known to be ignored."
"You never hear of a Tipping Point where a desert becomes Lush, just the other kind."
"I'm optimistic, cautiously optimistic that we've reached a tipping point."
"The people are suffering, the people are struggling, the people are starting to snap."
"That was the moment, the straw that broke the camel's back."
"Not being able to regain control of our base, I mean that was just simply the tipping point."
"Think of it as the final straw that broke the camel's back."
"We're walking on a very narrow edge... but we could tip on the other side where the deficit starts to grow faster than nominal GDP growth."
"We are at this phenomenal tipping point where either we're going to change everything or we're going to disappear."
"...there's always a period just before you get to that tipping point that often people feel like giving up."
"You seem like a pretty calm guy. Something just pushed you over the edge. Like beyond over the edge."
"This is the tipping point, like, they are getting on his last nerves."
"Even if he had lost that, it's the straw that broke the camel's back."
"Eventually, people are just going to say, 'We've reached that breaking point where people just say, 'No, this is stupid. I'm not doing this anymore.'"
"Randy’s consistent and childish belittlement of him that pushes him over the edge."
"The Tipping Point is very close indeed."
"Everything in life has a tipping point."
"20 functions as a tipping point that initiates the process of white flight. If you're living in a neighborhood that's less than 20% white, blacks move in. Any more than 20% and whites stop moving in."
"A single grain of rice can tip the scale."
"I think a lot of factors played into my mental illnesses but losing brain was kind of like the Tipping Point for me."
"See, it wasn't just me. It was the straw."
"If you give more than 50% positive thoughts and feelings instead of negative, you have reached a Tipping Point."
"Mankind is at the point of losing it."
"Now the three go, one hundred and fifty pounds across the tipping point takes us up to 2050."
"That conversation was so confronting and she didn't know how to handle it but it was a Tipping Point that got her into treatment."
"I think after years of having one little thing... this was just like the straw that broke the camel's back."
"In any kind of purchase, there's a tipping point between when a sale is easy and a sale is hard."
"This was the tipping point, and they left the house right away. They are preparing to leave the house forever."
"It's really a very scary cycle, and there might be a tipping point."
"There's always a Tipping Point and sometimes it's... is it terribly wrong to want to get a little bit of payback on some people that done you wrong? You can make an argument one way or the other."
"Time is short. Time now has become a problem for us. We're fast approaching a tipping point."
"The emergence of this new army decisively tips the balance."
"This just might be the thing that pushes you over the edge."
"Tipping point: a threshold that when exceeded can lead to an abrupt, irreversible change in the earth system."
"There has to be more context. His nail thing is just the icing for the tipping point."
"The tipping point: how little things can make a big difference."
"There's like a tipping point where they've decided to contribute."
"In some work published this year, we showed for the first time that this marine ice sheet instability tipping point can indeed be crossed in this region of Antarctica."
"Sometimes I think with that slow building pressure, if you don't recognize it and if you don't do anything about it, it can actually lead to some sort of a tipping point."
"There comes a tipping point when inaction is actually more painful than action."
"We are reaching a tipping point in regenerative agriculture."
"This could represent a major tipping point in the green energy storage game."
"With nonlinear responses, thresholds come into play: push a bit and nothing happens, push a bit more and still nothing happens, then push a bit more and you see a large response, a tipping point."
"As a planet, we're at a tipping point and we won't really have any place to work it all out... if we don't have a healthy planet."
"...we are moving towards this tipping point, and this enhances the risk of undergoing such a transition..."
"We're sort of seeing a tipping point or we've seen one and it's just a question in a way now of riding a bit because it's a tipping point in the right direction for once."
"We believe that we are at that tipping point."
"Once you reach that tipping point, you can't really tell people to go back."
"It just takes one thing to kind of tip the scales."
"Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos."
"Maybe this was just the straw that broke the camel's back."
"The tipping point teaches us to look for how little changes can create a pandemic demand for what we're about to do."
"A Dragon King is a tipping point where things really go to somewhere else and stay there."
"There's a tipping point... three or more women on those teams suddenly you start seeing dramatic differences in corporate performance."
"We are at a similar point right now in society, we are on what Malcolm Gladwell calls a tipping point."
"The models are too stable compared to what the observations suggest; the observations say we're much closer to the Tipping Point than the models would have it."
"Once we reach tipping points, then there's no going back. We start a chain reaction beyond our control."
"Fortune favors the brave and Huey's no-nonsense attitude has brought him safely to his tipping point."
"We're actually reaching a tipping point."
"You're going to reach a tipping point where everything that has been done compounds on itself."
"You've reached the Tipping Point where in the world gets too heavy."
"I actually have a positive feeling about this, I feel like this is going to be a tipping point."
"The idea that all it takes is one bad day to drive the sanest man to lunacy."
"We've already reached this tipping point of light on the planet."