
Singlehood Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"I took a vow of singlehood and would rather focus my time on my hobbies instead of dating and romance."
"Interesting girl talk time with friends, moving on happily single, living in the moment, having fun."
"For guys, being single is a big W. It's wonderful, honestly."
"Enjoy your singlehood season and then enjoy your marriage season. Both have amazing blessings in it."
"A happy single person is just as healthy as a happily married person."
"Maybe the reason they want you single in your 40s and 50s is because they want you angry because an angry woman that feels isolated becomes a very, very effective advocate for the sort of ideology and the political power that they're pushing for."
"Relationship status: waiting for a miracle."
"I am extremely single, possibly more single than I've ever been, and you know what? I'm actually ok with it."
"You don't have to wake up and deal with another person; you have some people who wish they were living like you, living single."
"I'm still single because my standards are through the roof."
"You're better off single with high standards."
"Being single and exploring your options is really going to help your growth."
"Stay single, bro. It's way easier, man."
"You know what the most dangerous woman in the world is? The type of woman who don't care about being single."
"If you're getting divorced, well go for it. And if you are single, you are a freaking legend!"
"Face your fears. If you're scared of being single, face it. Stay single. There is nothing wrong with being single."
"Being single is not a disease that you need to cure."
"Planning for the future is important when you're single."
"I'm trying to destigmatize singlehood."
"Everybody knows what it's like to be single at some point in time."
"I'm trying to destigmatize singlehood and have people stand confidently in their singleness."
"We always ask single folks why you're single but we don't ask married folks why you married."
"Being single can sometimes be much harder than being married."
"Being single is honestly great. Focus on Jesus."
"I'm single somebody like I'm single."
"There's so much amazing intentional work that you can be doing in your single season."
"I feel like it's also so important to not be so quick to jump into another relationship as well. Like, we have to normalize being single is okay."
"I would say if you don't 100% want to be in a relationship like you're not dying to be in a relationship or you haven't met someone that makes you want to be in a relationship, then I would say just be happy single."
"Stay single until love feels exactly like this."
"I really really like being single right now thrives I really really like it I like the fact that I'm seeing my family more my niece and nephew my friends."
"Honestly, it's so funny. Just a few months ago, I was like, 'I'm single. I'm trying to be single forever, like, forget these boys, waste of time, waste of energy, literally all the things.'"
"I've been single for like the last six years, so Valentine's Day to me is a day of self-love."
"A lot of single women are very bored, actually, and it leaves them just a lot of time to fantasize."
"It's an interesting card to get. It doesn't always mean you're literally single but it means that you're whole and complete and independent of somebody."
"Single people actually have probably the most fun on Valentine's Day."
"The idea that someone should be perfect, the illusion of endless options, and waiting for something better to potentially come along is keeping so many women chronically single."
"...I just kind of made a decision to be intentionally single..."
"Being single is not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes people are single just because they haven't found the right person or they're not ready."
"I'm okay with being single but at the same time, like, when you're able to build with someone, like, that's a whole different feeling."
"As long as there are single people in the world, they'll want to use Hinge."
"It's okay to be single it's okay to be alone it's okay to date you until you understand you."
"Do you guys ever fantasize about what it's like to be single again?"
"Being single gives you that opportunity to become the best version of yourself."
"Enjoy being single, this is the main message, to enjoy this time of independence and solitary time."
"You can be single and still be happy."
"Singlehood is in and of itself a strategy for managing one's broader life goals and responsibility."
"I've been single for many, many years. I was single and didn't know it."
"Being single actually sucks... requires more effort to be able to be with someone than it does to being with someone."
"Being single is really not that bad."
"Let's not forget there's a third type of guy out there: being single in your 30s and not looking like Mitch."
"If you're single and you're happy then you can do that."
"I'm having the time of my life right now, now that I'm single."
"Life is hard as it is anyway, yeah, that's true, to be single, it's even harder."
"Being comfortable with being single, how to date if you want to date, and how to do that sort of intentionally rather than just willy-nilly."
"As a single person I keep my spark Alive by doing what I love and putting my trust in God."
"I keep seeing all these TikToks of people rebutting the statement like if you're single you just need to like work on yourself."
"Though he remains single he feels deeply appreciated by his supporters and continues to be dedicated to his craft."
"Being single is a very special and amazing time in your life. Once you're in a relationship or a marriage or whatever, any type of union is going to be different."
"If you're not in a relationship, then you're single. Period."
"Normalize being single even in committed relationships, because we've lost belief in commitment."
"Maybe being single is not so bad."
"You don't need a boyfriend anytime soon, just enjoy your youth, enjoy being single, and find yourself."
"Single people, you are blessed with a thing called time."
"Yes, I'm single but I'm not lonely."
"I think what I'm feeling is like this is injustice. Because I know so many girls who are like me, it's like what on Earth did I do? Why on Earth am I still single and Lindsay has found love? Okay, make that make sense."
"I'm a romantic but vehemently single right now."
"Why wait till I get in a relationship to have an amazing Valentine's Day? I can do those things now."
"I've grown very content with being single, whereas I loathed the prospect of being alone before. I now cherish the status for the blessing that it is."
"This is my first time in my life that I've been single, and I'm not gonna lie, this is, I've enjoyed. Like, I'm learning so much about myself."
"It's an interesting question that you ask because becoming traditionally single again taught me what it means to be single."
"Being in a good relationship is better than being single, but being in a bad relationship is far worse than being single."
"Yeah, I'm single, and I'm gonna be single for a little bit. I think I'm gonna take a couple months off to a year. But hey, date yourself, right?"
"Your singlehood is a gift, a profound opportunity in your life where you're single is a profound opportunity, you're worth more than one pick-up line."
"Being single and it's not a lot to do, no peace of mind, that's exactly the word, yeah, boring is good."
"There's nothing wrong with being single."
"I am choicefully single, happily gloriously single. And I do wish there were more examples. And one of the reasons I'm okay talking about it... because there are so few women who hold the space of robust abundant lives that are not in context to a man."
"There's worse things than being single like being married to the wrong person."
"Guys who have recently been dumped... a place where they can forget about their breakups and embrace their newfound singlehood."
"Financial freedom of singlehood is a powerful tool for crafting the life you envision."
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why I'll be single on Valentine's Day."
"It's okay that I'm not married yet. I'm independent, I'm intelligent, I'm accomplished, I'm sexy as hell, I'm rich. Honestly, like the perfect human. I'm just missing one piece of my puzzle, but I'm pretty sure it's going to fall into place."
"I've decided to get out on the scene now I'm officially single."
"Staying away from sinking ships might mean one thing: you're single for a longer period of time. And that's not a bad thing."
"Thank you all so much for watching and I hope you all have a nice Valentine's Day, even if you're single on Valentine's Day."
"I'm going to enjoy being single and never relying on a man financially ever again."
"It's that special glow a girl gets when she's not in love."
"It's show about people who are frustrated that they're perpetually single and a lot of people can relate to that."
"I'm completely happy being single."
"You're single, self-sufficient, independent."
"Being single, you can still thrive, and it doesn't mean you're lonely or less than."
"Single like a Pringle and ready to mingle."
"The tagline 'Single but never solo' hints at the exploration of their experiences navigating the challenges and joys of single life."
"I'm happily single, I'm by myself living life."
"If you're single, don't be sad on Valentine's Day, there's lots of things that you can do."
"As a single woman, be a lover of God and godliness."
"It's okay to be single on Valentine's, it's a holiday for love and you can love anyone."
"Fear of being single is more predictive of well-being than factual relationship status."
"You can't expect to be in a relationship and get your stimulation from the same places as you got it when you were single."
"I had just became completely content with my singlehood and what I was doing in life."
"We were both very content in our singlehood, we weren't thirsty and desperate."
"I'm not thinking about another marriage, and I'm enjoying my single life."
"When a woman hits their 30s, we're most likely to be single because we don't want to settle."
"Embrace being single and see how that is going to help you grow as a person."
"I plan to focus on my career without relying on a man and enjoy my life as a single individual."
"Being single is not a failure, not having a child isn't a failure at all."
"I'm a single lady, I can do it all."
"Singlehood to me is one of the most powerful, most underrated times in a person's life."
"The Navy is my life; that's probably why I never got married. You might say I'm married to the Navy."
"Being single has made me the most confident I've ever been in my entire life."
"I think everyone should be single for a period of time to really figure out who you are."
"Being single is not that bad, and it's like, dude, it was just such a relief to me."
"You're perfectly happy being single, independent, and free."
"I seriously love reading all of these stories, even though I'm single, never had a Valentine's."
"Being single, looking for a serious relationship... man, getting deep here."
"It's not an about-face. You're single for the first time in your entire high school career. It's the perfect time to play the field," explained Bonnie.
"Life is about being happy as a single person, and then you meet a person to be happy with."
"Choosing singlehood has taken away the distractions that I felt in life."
"Embrace being single because if you rush into a relationship... it can be way worse than you being single."
"I'm happy being single and carefree."
"One can be happy and single. Look at me, is this the face of a sad person?"
"The trouble is not that I am single and likely to stay single, but that I am lonely and likely to stay lonely."
"I love being single. I know it's not a popular opinion, but I mean, look, nobody's telling me what to do."
"Perhaps we are better off single. Perhaps we are."
"Embrace singlehood, knowing that I will love again, I will fall again, and I'm so excited to."
"I'm gonna be single for a while, I'm strong."
"You're here because you want to know what are some of the pros and cons to being a single soldier in the United States Army on active duty."
"If you're not married, you're single. Let's be very clear."
"The best years of your life is when you're single because you could do whatever you want."
"I'm committing to being single for an entire year."
"I don’t feel like I miss or I lose something for not being in a relationship."
"Maybe I'll be a single Pringle, but that's fine."
"It's difficult being a gay single guy. Struggle is real."
"The best part about being single is not having to deal with another person's emotions or having to explain yours."
"You may see like singlehood is a blessing, something that you really learn from."
"I was always daydreaming about being that single girl in the city, hanging out with your friends, going to this event, that event, just having a good life."
"People admire you for your singlehood and what magic you create in your life."
"I love Valentine's Day, I've always been a fan of it, which is so ironic because I couldn't get more single."
"This is good news that you're self-sufficient, independent, and single."
"This is about independence, someone being single, self-sufficient."
"You're seeing the light of the single blessedness, you're starting to feel like, you know what, being single is one of the most amazing things."
"Why are you single? It's because you're fabulous."