
Consumer Habits Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"The media loves talking about why millennials are financially screwed because millennials spend all their money on AirPods and Lululemon leggings and extra guac at Chipotle, but there's more to the story than that."
"So many Americans live now in rented homes or apartments, they drive financed cars filled with subscription-based features, they buy everything on credit, and they own nothing."
"Audiences have become more patient and willing to wait to watch movies on digital or even on streaming months later where it's cheaper, more convenient, and often a better experience."
"Purposeful shopping habits: Do I really need that? What's the cost per wear?"
"Stop being a passive consumer and to recognize that once you engage in that productive process you will like shed a lot of the problems that we face right now."
"If you're following any of these mistakes, it doesn't matter how many cleansers you're gonna buy, you're gonna have a negative experience with every single one of them."
"To me, the real use value of the no buy year was that it reset the patterns."
"Save, don't waste your money on $10 Starbucks coffees."
"We buy like 40 worth of sparkling water, it's too much but what are you gonna do?"
"Video is the most consumed type of content on the Internet."
"I like trying to use things I don't have to throw away as often if I can."
"Regular planned seasonal releases come close enough together for each new season to be part of fans' annual routines."
"I keep buying these things I really have to stop doing this."
"Stop wasting money on things you don't use and cancel your unwanted subscriptions."
"We are quite literally gambling with the future of our planet for the sake of hamburgers."
"Reducing your food waste by up to 38% versus grocery shopping."
"Disney has already trained people to wait for Disney Plus for animated movies."
"Approximately 98 percent of the meat, eggs, and dairy we eat comes from animals who were raised in factory farms."
"Fast food is like a toxic boyfriend. You just can't break up with him."
"There's a difference between making a goal to do the least fast fashion shopping that you can and feeling like a terrible person because sometimes you have to use it."
"I try to just buy vintage. I try to buy secondhand."
"I would rather buy like one or two really, really good things rather than a bunch of cheap things."
"i want to get us buying things that matter more and spending less of our money on so that our lives have more of the good stuff"
"Save a whole year just to buy one jacket instead of buying a whole ton of cheap stuff."
"Train your child to be a producer and a consumer, not just a consumer."
"Another big difference that Choi found is that economists don't understand the idea of holding cash in a low interest rate account while also having high interest rate debt."
"Let's all remember that there is something we can do to support the post office. If we can sacrifice a little bit of minimal less convenience, you don't need everything in two days, okay?" - Francesca
"I don't want to spend my money on an item that's going to sit in my closet and never get worn."
"I just don't miss Starbucks. I think it's more of just a habit and a routine. So I think that's what I'm realizing."
"Let's show that we care about the environment and let's rethink about what we buy and what we spend on."
"So what do you do with those dirty plastic bags?"
"Now, I'm not trying to say everybody should just go and live off what they find in the garbage. But I do think we can all be a little more mindful about what we buy and what we throw away."
"I think consuming less is great and using what you have more is even better."
"Why so many Americans have stopped paying their credit cards."
"Americans have $33 billion worth of unused gift cards just sitting around, according to a new report. GameStop values hit at six bucks, so I'd rather just use it as a paperweight, to be honest."
"I actually for the past month or so I would say I was on a no-buy I've never done that before for myself I wanted to challenge myself and it actually was really really nice to not worry about trying to purchase too many new products."
"People don't need your new stuff. They'll just go read, watch, buy the old stuff."
"Does anyone actually use these wood picks to their entirety?"
"I'm a huge subscriber of stealing from any place I go if it's free."
"We just don't buy as much like we do maybe once a month."
"Transition from throwaway to mindful purchases."
"We mostly use cash because most of the local vendors here don't take cards."
"Makeup and skincare: follow a 'one thing in, one thing out' rule."
"You just keep buying more DLC, there's just so many different ever so slightly different games of Jackbox!"
"The smartest strategy you can come up with is to hook people when they're young."
"If I could just spread some awareness of how shitty fast fashion is and we are all guilty of it..."
"Grubbers are customers who bring their food and drink into the store."
"Don't pick and choose where you want to be sustainable. Yeah, because you're talking your awareness, sustainable t-shirt, but you're sipping on a Starbucks vanilla latte or iced tea."
"The only time people buy stuff on Amazon is on page one."
"Nobody on Earth should waste food. It's a net societal good to eat the whole bag of Doritos."
"We definitely use it more than twice per month."
"We were really big with not buying new and just buying used... because it still has a lot of use in it."
"Making Genshin more accessible for free-to-plays doesn't necessarily lessen or diminish the spending habits of whales."
"It's really those products that you always go back to and re-buy time and time again year over or year after year that to me is a sign of a really good product."
"Honestly, I cannot stop using this, I'm nearly out now, that's how much I've got left."
"People want to do anything that's a shortcut and cheap. Most people want to do it."
"The upshot of all of this is just how intentionally planned many of our most common habits really are."
"I'm the kind of person that will happily pay $60 for a game that I despise if it gives me something to talk about."
"Five Guys in France uses these chips to prevent you from getting refills like in America."
"Fast food is such a waste of money and you'll be hungry again in two hours anyway."
"You know you really don't need all of the pens or all of the notebooks or all of the paints maybe just some of them maybe."
"Parents that buy their kids Jordans, you're bugging bro."
"Find a good set of produce bags that you love and work really well for you."
"Slow down your impulse buying by using wish lists."
"Often, it's the items that are more consumed that get better."
"I prefer having one nice pair of pants that I know lasts, rather than having a hundred things that I can't wear everywhere."
"So many things are going to change... cooking, coffee consumption, alcohol consumption, sugar consumption."
"It's not just items that you'll be buying through kiosks."
"Black consumers, more importantly, are too forgiving too fast."
"I don't want to see one more product die in your graveyard of used products."
"I'm 38 and still haven't grown out of your content. The difference is now I make enough money to waste on these Transformers you review."
"Most people are still using wallets designed in the nineties."
"If I just continually add to the closet it'll never shrink. In fact, it'll probably just grow. It'll probably consume me and this room. You'll find me just like amongst my boxes, just like look at my boxes, uh."
"But people don't want to hear that and then when you only catch that pot talking about footlocker [ __ ] black man [ __ ] that [ __ ] love footlocker [ __ ] dollars my brother."
"Think of yourself as a curator rather than a consumer."
"You don't need to buy 30 of them, you know. Get three, and then next week get three more, and then next week get three more."
"By purchasing less, you inevitably have a smaller footprint because every single thing we buy has a footprint."
"There's nothing I love better than buying fresh produce, but there's nothing I hate more than wasting it."
"Here's what's going to happen: You're going to get it for free, you're going to use it, and by the time you lose it, you likely would have cut your bundle by then."
"Put out a 20 to 40 DLC pack where you just unlock all the characters. Bang! Guess who? Guess what? Mike Howard buys that. Why? Because I'm out here."
"Can you ever get enough face creams? I don't think so."
"I don't buy anything unless it's on sale, but in the skincare world, I do pride myself on treating myself to the finer things."
"It's like potato chips, you just kind of have to have another one."
"I'm gonna stop buying books just so I don't do this."
"Mcdonald's is bringing back the Hi-C Orange. You don't know how many times I go to McDonald's and by muscle memory say let me get a fish fillet light on the tartar sauce extra fresh medium with a Hi-C Orange."
"Swap paying full price at stores for doing some comparison shopping."
"People are too busy taking pictures and spending, which underscores the changing of habits and the longing for experience."
"I think everyone has an eBay habit or Amazon Prime habit at this point."
"I can't believe how many people buy the pre-cut fresh fruit at the store."
"It sounds counterintuitive that you would buy more as a minimalist, but for me, at least in certain cases, it's true."
"All in all, I would say this is a buy if you are the type of person that doesn't push their rear seats down all the time."
"Step number one to me to living sustainably is just stop buying things and use what you already have."
"We just take a second to look at the label and kind of cut it back, it will make the world such a better place."
"Stop paying for wasteful plastic bottles and throwing away money every time you finish using them and toss them in the trash."
"No matter how bad the economy gets, you're still going to buy toilet paper."
"Recently there's a very huge debate about making reusable shopping bags mandatory."
"I am just fresh out of a low buy year, and I feel like this low buy year has really showed me what items I reach for and what items I just do not reach for."
"I don't need to keep buying so much junk... I just started consuming more consciously."
"We all hear things differently but we all like to enjoy music in different ways, in different formats, and we have different buying habits and that's what makes the world go around."
"There is no point of buying full-size blushes because I never get through a blush."
"The more you spend, and your spending habits, actually unlock rewards."
"We are overspending by buying the same thing in multiple color ways."
"The answer to plastic is not recycling; the answer to plastic is to buy as few things that come in plastic packaging as you can."
"I have brands and products that I love and just kind of constantly use and rebuy my favorites."
"Changing my consumer habits has not only empowered me as a person to feel more whole and check in with myself but it's also saved me money."
"I don't really buy cosmetics anymore."
"It's such a good way of seeing what people use, what they love, what they would repurchase, what they wouldn't repurchase."
"It's the little things that you don't think about, you know? Yeah, you need toilet paper. Yes, it's something simple, but you're not used to thinking of, 'Hey, I need to buy toilet paper,' because we just buy it in a huge bundle and then we just have it."
"It really is time for us to all think about what we're doing with our finances and our shopping habits."
"You'll realize how much you're buying your wants compared to your needs."