
Spiritual Need Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"We need something else; in fact, we may need something more than anything else on any day in our lives, and that is a spiritual awakening."
"A man will never appreciate the beauty of Christ unless he first comes to see his need for Christ."
"You have a Savior precisely because you have things you need to be saved from."
"If you don't see your need for a savior, you think that you're too good."
"All of us are sinners in our desperate need of a savior."
"Our greatest need is a change of heart. Our greatest need is to hear the good news of the messiah yeshua in a way that our families our friends our people can understand and they can relate to."
"How I need God! I feel sometimes I can't breathe! Unless I have Him!"
"Some of us are medicating what needs a miracle."
"I'm thirsty, I've got a need. He said if you're thirsty, come to me and believe that I'll meet the need."
"It's good when you feel empty. It's good when you know your need because then you remember your source."
"Jesus, I need to confess... I confess my unbelief, Jesus, I confess that I've viewed my need as merely a preference."
"I feel like our souls needed this more than we would ever have known."
"Lord, may the Holy Spirit continuously convict me and pull at my heart so that I will realize that I have a need, a hunger, and a thirst for you Jesus Christ."
"My soul's greatest need is You, Jesus Christ."
"An honest path of self-discovery leads to 'I'm broken, I'm a sinner, I'm in need of salvation.'"
"You have to because we are designed for it it's in our soul it's in our inherent design we crave a feeling of awe we crave it we need it we need to smell it like spiritual heroin and we crave trust."
"It's not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick I have not come to call the righteous but sinners."
"We need Jesus, I think for real. Like if he came back now, it'd be great."
"The presence of God with you should be the believer's greatest need at all times."
"The problem is still endemic and there's still a terrible need for a true revival, a true springtime in the Church."
"We need Jesus more than we need the next breath of fresh air."
"Don't let us become so comfortable in our lives that we miss being desperate for a touch from you."
"There literally is people who need Jesus right now."
"We're all related, which means all sinners and that means we're all in need of Jesus Christ no matter what we look like."
"The point is we're all related, which means all sinners, and that means we're all in need of Jesus Christ no matter what we look like."
"Belief is their truest sustenance, they crave it beyond anything else."
"With all of my heart and soul, I declare that I need you, Lord Jesus."
"I need your mercy. I need your strength. I need your favor and Grace."
"What he needs at the end of the day is not more evidence, what he needs is repentance."
"If Jesus needed prayer, I promise you we need it too."
"I need Jesus Christ because I can't save myself, I can't redeem myself, I can't deliver myself."
"Don't take shots today, I pray that you would just throw up your arms and open up your mouth and say, 'Fill me, Holy Spirit.'"
"Every human being has a need for spirituality, and the more you deny that, the more issues occur in society and life."
"All of us alike need Jesus Christ to cleanse us to scrub away our sins and to give us a hope beyond the grave."
"I need that grace. I need his forgiveness today. I turn from my sin. I turn toward him."
"It's like that's what I needed was Jesus. He was all that I needed."
"Is the liturgy a stable space for our lives? Because we need that as humans."
"Dear Jesus, I raise my hand tonight because I recognize my need for you. I ask that you would forgive me for all of my sins."
"No man outgrows the need to be guided by God."
"You don't just need an anointing to quicken in a church service but anointing to keep your character when you are surrounded by people who don't have it."
"We need Christ, not another politician or expert."
"Make fellowship a real priority in your life; you need it badly for discipleship."
"Before we say our final goodbyes to this week's worship service, let me remind you that in the midst of all of the things we're experiencing right now, you really need God."
"Now more than ever, we feel that there is a palpable need for spiritual solace and a hunger for insights to help us overcome anxiety and loneliness, to discover purpose, peace of mind, and contentment."
"Financially things are fine, but spiritually, they feel something is missing."
"If you're being honest with yourself, I think that we can all admit that we are not morally perfect and that there is a need for us to be joined to Holiness."
"We need prayer, we need intercession as we go forth."
"Everyone needs Islam, Islam doesn't need us."
"Grit is when you put yourself in a position where you need grace again."
"We need you more than we need anything else."
"One of the hardest things for me in witnessing is when a person doesn't see their need for Jesus."
"It's a desperate situation there, but I find it, you know, in these times when there's so much else going on, I need spiritually almost to be reminded of the ability, the capability of the human spirit when confronted with an emergency."
"The Quran is not a luxury... it's a fundamental need like water."
"Young people need a genuine touch of Jesus, not just religion."
"We never wind up in some place spiritually where we don't need it."
"Prayer does not notify you of a need, you know what we need before we ask, but in prayer we express our dependency."
"I would definitely say you know if there's if you need deliverance which it sounds like you probably do."
"The world needs Jesus now more than ever before."
"Lord, tonight may be more so. We desperately need for Your Holy Spirit to help us, to teach us, to enable us to understand this."
"That's what happens when you don't have Jesus Christ."
"When despair is in the air, we need a church more than ever."
"Pray the rosary... God only knows how much we need these prayers."
"The gospel is for those who admit they are weak and need to be rescued."
"We need a revival in America, we need a spiritual awakening."
"The greatest miracle is still our greatest need: that we can point people to the hope of forgiveness."
"No matter how sanctified you are, to prove that even righteous people need him."
"God longs to pour the spirit out upon the church... without that spirit all the technology in the world is not going to finish the work of God on earth."
"When we shift our focus to the Eternal perspective... we realize that we need a savior."
"Every one of us needs a touch from God in our lives."
"Admit you can't save yourself and call for the voice that you have resisted."
"Christianity not only explains why we need those things but supplies those needs arguably in ways that are better than any other view."
"There's such a thing as spiritual hunger... a metaphor for what could only be called spiritual fulfillment."
"I'm burdened about that because all those souls sitting in that audience and all the souls sitting in that choir they need Christ they need to see him."
"That's the message of Christianity and that's man's greatest need."
"Fasting helps us recognize our need for the spiritual aspect of things."
"Every one of us here tonight desperately need more of the Bible into us. God bless you. Get into the Word."
"We need Jesus like for real, we need a Jesus awakening."
"Our country's in great need of a spiritual awakening."
"Israel needs Jesus to receive the blessing promised to Abraham."
"I need thee, oh I need thee, every hour I need thee."
"Father, we love you, we thank you, we need you."
"It was as if she knew that I needed this incredible Grace."
"The voice of the Lord is what we need just as desperately as the Word of God."
"What the world needs is the gospel. So we do that, we give the gospel as best we can."
"A strong need for the word of the Lord."
"Jesus will never be all you need until he is all you have."
"Man without God's intervention is in a heap of hurt."
"It is the need to be whole, to be complete. It's the need to become one."
"Blessed are the hungry tonight. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst."
"Do not withhold your tender mercies from me."
"I need God in every area of my life."
"When we are showing Jesus who He is to people, that's what attracts people because they're desperate for these things."
"Showers of blessings we need; mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we plead."
"Enter the throne of God with boldness in a time of need."
"We need the Holy Ghost like we've never needed the Holy Ghost today."
"What you need is Jesus, what you need is protection, joy, and peace, not happiness."
"In times like these, you need a Savior; in times like these, you need an anchor."
"The greatest need today is the power of God through His Spirit in the church."
"I really need the Lord in my life and this seems to be the way to do that."
"Hypocrisy is harmful, not recognizing that every single person needs the grace and truth of Christ."
"We need you in all so many ways, Lord touch us this evening, renew us, cleanse us, strengthen us."
"When you don't have what you really want, you will discover that God is what you really need."
"You need your spirit, the Holy Spirit."
"I know I need the power of the Holy Spirit. I know I need the gift of God. I know I need the knowledge of God."
"At a time when my whole world was falling apart, I really needed his consolation, not more rules."
"We need you, Holy Spirit, to come and visit us; we need you, Holy Spirit, to come and anoint us."
"You and I need Jesus and no other because of His person."
"We need ritual because there is an innate desire for a ritual in us."
"We need your presence, we need you more than ever before."
"We need Him to dwell here today, we need Him to live here."
"We are all equally in need of something that only God can provide."
"The word of God is what we truly need."
"We would choose your love, would choose the freedom that only you can bring, the hope that our souls so desperately need."
"There is an urgent need for spiritual life today."
"I was in church yesterday, and I was sitting through second service, I think, and I said this is exactly where I need to be, right here in church."
"The holy spirit is there to empower you in the moment that you have need."
"The Isis cult clearly served an important need; it dealt with the question of what happens to the soul after death."
"You need what only Christ could do on the cross."
"The supreme need in most of our lives is an unshaken, unfailing trust in the love of God."
"A hungry man don't sit at the table with manners."
"The beauty of the shaking, the beauty of the exposure, shows how much we need Jesus."
"I felt like I needed a soul cleansing."
"Every one of you in here needs a word from God."
"I need God in my life, 'cause we don't be talking enough."
"Oh my Lord, I am in desperate need for whatever understanding you give me."
"We're living in a world today where there is a very, very desperate need for enlightened beings."
"They were like sheep that were in need of a shepherd."
"Lord Jesus, I need you. I want you. I am willing to give my heart and my life to you."
"We are born needing some understanding of what is above ourselves, what we're part of."
"The greatest need in your life right now is reconciliation to God."
"You awaken me from death; God, I need you, no more walking by the flesh."
"This emptiness is a sign that they need Jesus."
"I need the presence of the Lord as much as I need my next breath."
"Your greatest need is not for a guru, your greatest need is for a savior."
"What we need is an encounter with God."
"What we need more than ever is Jesus, the love of Jesus, and the person of Jesus."
"The basic need of man is to somehow touch God."
"What we need is the power that comes from above."
"Lord be my witness when I say we all need you."
"I need you more than yesterday, I need you Lord, more than words can say."
"You can't do anything for Him, but in the midst of not being able to do anything for Him, He wants you."
"We don't have it all together; we're desperately in need. We need what the Bible teaches."
"We are not above needing mercy and Grace."
"Like someone who’s unknown, he wants to be known and loved – because what did all need if not the knowledge of the Father?"
"Lord, I need you. … Every hour I need you."
"In times like these, we need a revival."
"I didn't come to church to hear all of that. I came to church because I need God to remind me that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world."
"We need to sing our freedom song. Oh Lord, we need a touch from you."
"Lord, we need to hear your voice; our hearts are open, we have no choice."
"As man advances in wisdom, he will realize how deep is his need of the Christ."
"We want it, we need it, Your glory, Your healing power."
"Set Your people free, God, we need it, God, we want it."
"The world is crying out for spiritual wisdom because the world has realized that what is out there hasn't delivered the happiness that it claimed to."
"We need him for the end time Revival."
"The peace that you need is found in the presence of the living God."
"Lord give us understanding, give us insight that we each might understand our great need of you."
"We need the Holy Ghost again; we need the Spirit of God."
"I need a redeemer, a weight maker."
"Lord, anoint me with your Holy Spirit. I need it. I literally can't do what you call me to do without the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit."
"I need a savior, that kind of experience that I think we see in the scriptures is one of the more powerful ones to me."
"You need the word and you need encouragement."
"What we need is an encounter with Jesus Christ because we need him."
"He restores my soul; it's about my soul, my soul that needs to be restored."
"This man needed restoration of soul in every hour."
"We need our heavenly Father; we need Jesus to save us."
"I'm desperate for you, I'm lost without you."
"We're dead in our trespasses and sins, and the primary need that we have is to hear the gospel."
"The loss of the Lord's words and counsel create a spiritual famine that nothing else can satisfy."
"Venus in Pisces... they really need the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual."
"I'm never going to get to a point in my life where I don't need help from Him."
"Let every heart that needs to know, be filled with the presence of love."