
Financial Change Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Our economy and money is changing ever since the pandemic hit in 2020, things have not been the same."
"When you change your beliefs, you can change your bank account."
"Devon's run into some money, I don't know what he's been doing lately but this is crazy."
"Numerous prophets have stated the greatest financial event in human history is about to manifest on this Earth."
"Welcome to the wealth transfer that's about to happen."
"How does a guy go from begging his dad to cover his coke and hooker bills to being able to afford a Malibu mansion?"
"It's the biggest change financially in 2000 years and there are two choices: one choice is to go the World Economic Forum route and we all become slaves to the one percent and the other choice is freedom."
"We have been given one of the most unique opportunities ever for a small group of retail traders to actually affect incredibly positive change for the entire Wall Street system."
"There's a whole generation of new borrowers who have never experienced rising rates."
"A financial change is coming in for you. Success is on the horizon."
"Money absolutely changed me not in a bad way and I don't think any of like my friends or family would feel that way."
"When it comes to matters of money, there's a transformation in where you make your money."
"You are having a money story event here. This is a change in your money story, end of story."
"Expect some sort of drastic financial change to happen in your life."
"Cryptocurrencies may or may not persevere in the long run, but they are bringing transformative changes to money and finance."
"I can't believe it, I won the lottery yesterday. 10 million dollars!"
"Bitcoin is going to change the face of our financial industries globally." - Crypto Stash
"Two million dollars? That is certainly life-changing."
"Crypto is the only thing probably for the first time in your adult life that is giving you hope."
"We're having a financial revolution going on right in front of our eyes."
"New beginnings are coming to you all around, could be financial, new beginnings as well."
"I went from having absolutely no money to having money."
"Witnessing the greatest financial paradigm shift." - Brad Kinds
"It's a life-changing amount of money for sure, so yeah, I can do some things that I wanted to do."
"I can imagine the financial system having a really big change over these next three years."
"Even though your physical status has changed in terms of the now tangible cash you have in the bank, when your mindset did not change, you're still poor."
"What am I living in the future? Money for 100 just got that used to take 50 weeks and a day's worth of chores."
"Money is edging closer towards its biggest reinvention in centuries."
"Cash is dirty... we must eradicate cash immediately because it's just the worst thing in the world."
"Your source of income has been for the most part reduced that's the bottom line."
"Buncher was making real money for the first time, legal money."
"More people would simply move into cryptocurrencies."
"What we're witnessing rolling out right in front of our eyes is the greatest financial paradigm shift that has ever happened in mankind."
"She's going to know a completely different world with money."
"The '70s signaled the changing tide of America's money landscape."
"College athletes are now paid, which they weren't being paid before."
"The stock market is blowing up, holy smokes!"
"A pivotal bending or turning or axis of change is coming through your sky around the themes of money."
"Transformation of your finances... a new beginning."
"A new financial opportunity, like I said, I feel like you'll be more excited about this new thing but you won't be able to transition right away because it'll take some time."
"Something quickly is coming in towards you and it's going to change your finances here in the month of December."
"Manifesting a major change in your financial situation."
"Your monthly income will change like night and day."
"I was broke as hell but one day I woke up, I said to myself I'm gonna be broke no more."
"I suddenly have 10 million dollars, that's insane!"
"This cancer moon is an energetic opening for you to change your financial story."
"I literally grew up very poor, and that money changed my life and the lives of my sisters."
"The lottery has changed my life really in making my life more comfortable."
"You're going from about $4,000 a month to about $1,700 a month."
"Making a 100 Grand a year doing something that they enjoy is life-changing money."
"Goodbye. Right, and what that did was it made a dramatic change in your family's personal finances."
"There's coming a financial inversion in the world system."
"Honestly, he didn't have a penny to his name before; now the only concern is how to spend so much money so soon."
"When I got on the right system for my money, that's when my life changed."
"Real estate, it is amazing, man. There's nothing that can change your life faster."
"It's the biggest one-year change in expected return on stocks that I've tracked from 1960 to 2022. It's the biggest one-year change in expected return because you got a double whammy last year."
"Look at how much you can change with a few thousand dollars."
"This one decision completely changed her finances."
"You're getting ready to shift from poverty to wealth."
"No matter where you are financially right now, things can change."
"America is in for a big change in how you pay for stuff."
"I don't have the money I had before, I don't have that respect, but you know what I have? My freedom."
"What better place to start than investing in incomes, active and passive, that really could change your life."
"It could change how people get paid for their jobs."
"This case right here is going to change the infrastructure of the financial system."
"Providing my audience with such good products that actually change their financial trajectory."
"Money changes, sometimes you get a new job, you get a bonus, you get a stimulus check for COVID-19."
"D5 lending out your money and earning interest on that money... is going to fundamentally change things."
"So everyone, we are in for some crazy times ahead. We all knew that these digital currencies were coming."
"You can't change your financial history, but you can change your financial story."
"The court finds that there is a sufficient showing of a change in financial circumstances."
"Imagine having no money and then... a thousand dollars in 24 hours."
"We need to see actual changes happening to the financial system in order for there to be a restoration and fundamental differences."
"The change in net working capital from year to year is important for calculating free cash flow."
"Your financial situation is about to turn; things are about to shift, and you're about to see the supply of God in a way you never dreamed, hoped, or imagined."
"The way you change your money is miraculously because that's you."
"There will be a shift in your finances."
"It doesn't matter where you come from, it doesn't matter how much money you have... the internet has an insane amount of opportunity and it can totally change your finances."
"Opportunities will soon knock at your door; your finances are about to change."
"There is a FinTech revolution and it's completely changing financial services."
"Once you get saving, you'll notice that everything's changing very quickly in your bank accounts and your stress levels dropping."
"The rules of money have changed in 1971; savers became losers and debtors became winners."
"I went from 147 dollars in my pocket to a six-figure salary."
"Things don't just change overnight; you need to understand how money flows."
"Our financial situation has changed significantly within the past couple of years."
"It's rough not having money; I finally have some for the first time ever, don't know what to do with it."
"Someone with an abundance mindset believes that there is enough money out there for everyone, and that you can change your financial situation."
"The way you make money is changing, it could be that you're getting a pay rise, a bonus."
"Your finances, your security, your stability are about to change."
"It's time to make money in a new way, think about working in a new way."
"Things are going to change for you, especially financially."