
Innovative Thinking Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"What if you created a system where money never gets passed down to a person, but to an entity that is being told what to do?"
"The number one skill for being a good leader... was associating, which means the ability to spot patterns where everyone else doesn't see them."
"Each week, I seek out individuals that are changing the world, people who are living and thinking in a different way."
"The F-16 was a radical new way of thinking about fighter aircraft."
"Stay positive and don't give up because if you really want this, all you have to do is to think differently than everyone else."
"We need to really think differently about weight loss."
"Every crisis comes with opportunities for people who think different."
"Elon always talks about thinking from a first principles perspective to solve problems."
"Kudos to the lawyers for finding an issue that a lot of criminal lawyers wouldn't even necessarily think about at first."
"Andrew Yang is appealing to me for that reason. He's not afraid to have a big idea."
"I would say that we have to approach this differently."
"The basic idea here is to do for Bidonomics what Barack Obama did for Obamacare."
"It's not how old you are, it's how old your ideas are."
"Sometimes it's hard to solve problems with your same level of thinking that created them."
"Creativity requires out-of-the-box thinking."
"I always respect the out of the box thinking, whether it's switching to top tier characters or a brand new control scheme."
"What would you do if you knew you would fail? Those are the things most likely to work."
"Isn't it also a place where a different point of view could make anything possible?"
"Determination is power, and I like that. But let's flip it around. Together, we are determined to power everything with actual power. How does that sound?"
"I think it's just so obvious that, you know, we need new thinking."
"Trapping tools is the fertilizer that spawns a new financial philosophy."
"The 'Win Without Pitching Manifesto': a game changer in negotiation tactics."
"He presents a very reasonable and and reasoned line of thinking I don't know what to call it that proposes that we we don't have to die when we do and we don't have to age the way that we do."
"It's a paradigm shift in the way you think about things."
"All major discoveries in science were intuitive."
"There might be a way to stop that car from crashing."
"I'd like to be remembered for helping science come out of the reductionist way of thinking."
"Rahu represents this very creative, innovative energy. You might be thinking of really inventive, creative ways to make money."
"Are you all starting to get this? This is how you become your own bank."
"Unconventional ideas... resonate with younger people."
"Entrepreneurs are the solution to these problems."
"How do we really take some chances, get a little braver in the way that we're thinking, experiment a little bit more."
"The future of the human race, like if we could figure out how to power our civilization through using the Earth as a battery."
"Advancing and emergent ideas come from the periphery because the establishment has a vested interest in containing its own personal epistemology."
"Financial gains through showcasing your talents, knowledge, and innovative ideas."
"We need to grow up and think outside the box."
"Symmetry allows us to think of mathematical and physical problems in a completely different way."
"What if economics didn't start with money, but started with human well-being?"
"Creativity is problem-solving, meaning you have to get to the very heart of the problem before you even begin to solve it."
"What if the thought you're thinking is actually a new thought, a new concept, a new technique that you've never thought of before?"
"You're a visionary... you will find a way through things that try and restrict you."
"Sometimes we need to think like children. Yes, business is important but it's connection that builds a community."
"The sigma male operates on a different level than most others and can see things from a completely different perspective."
"I need to think outside the box. We need to grow, we need to get outside our box."
"The idea that to edit articles you sit criss-cross and look inside of it to edit verticals is so good."
"Repeating an action over again, expecting the same result but hoping for a different one is how a lot of great things are done."
"The solution to the problem is not in the problem. You gotta step outside to see it."
"I just thought of another idea, I'm gonna try to use my nomad vehicle to just plow through the raid."
"The important thing is there's something you do to a problem is better than solving it and that's dissolved it."
"Innovation tends to have to run the edges. The people who successfully innovate, they're often quite happy to go against the drain."
"You thought outside the box when there was no box."
"Sh go ahead think differently because we think differently."
"Once you really sit down and view things from first principles, you realize, 'Hey, this is the way to go.'"
"Create the ultimate disinfectant, and that is with your mind."
"This was a brilliant idea they were really thinking outside the box."
"Brian's brain was so immaculate in the way that he thought about the animals and the enclosures and just the businesses and everything."
"Assumption hacking. I like this very very much."
"Challenging tradition, challenging the way things have been done here on planet Earth."
"It's all about being creative so think outside of the box because you never know what might hit."
"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come, and this is our time, this is our idea, the Neo genian to create a new world, to create a new Humanity, to create a new Earth."
"I think we have to reimagine education. I think we are stuck in a mold that doesn't fit our times."
"We are at a morally significant juncture in society... only by bold and innovative thinking can we impose a moral framework."
"Rebel Wisdom is a new sense-making platform bringing together the most rebellious and inspiring thinkers from around the world."
"Disruptive thinking changes the way we grow."
"Some of us need to start thinking outside the box."
"He thinks out of the box long before the term becomes popular."
"We have to have a paradigm shift regarding issues and possible solutions."
"Imagination is the key to unlocking creativity."
"I feel that I have the fundamental understanding and the framework to bring real innovative ideas to the table."
"It is okay to think outside of the box that it is appropriate for you to look at your surroundings and your environment and to fundamentally ask yourself the question are there are ways that we can move things forward."
"Our campaign is about thinking outside of the box, beyond the discussions in Congress or corporate media."
"One Edison is good but two is absolutely unstoppable."
"We need inspiration, new orthogonal approaches that maybe we're not seeing."
"Pitch a different way of thinking about it; offer a different perspective."
"If money is based off of Destruction and perversion of nature, we can turn that on its head."
"I became addicted to the feeling of thinking in a completely new way."
"Imagine if you literally got paid off commission for joy."
"Most of our problems cannot be solved on the same plane in the same dimension that we've been trying to solve them at..."
"It's amazing sometimes there's a very tiny change can make a big difference."
"My whole thing right now is break any mold I'm in because I'm just rotating our ways of it is how you do things."
"Nothing is without its own possibility... love to be a part of something... breaking new ground creatively."
"Creativity is about being able to pull things that don't seem to belong together and find some kind of beautiful elegant combination. If you can do that, that's your superpower."
"It's a very different way of thinking about business as a system."
"You might feel a bit more but also it's exciting as I said you can be socially quite active you can um some very revolutionary ideas in the air."
"Embrace your freedom to be creative in your approach."
"You've got to make sure that you have a better understanding of the economy and opportunities that this difficult time may actually be having for designers, especially designers that are innovative thinkers."
"Don't be that person who misses the resources that are right in front of you."
"Professional athletes should start thinking like Elon Musk."
"Remember I said, we're gonna be reshaping light."
"We need to think like that again; we need to come up with ideas."
"It's an example of how one can think out of the box."
"Have a more creative mind to make something more interesting and exciting."
"Creativity: Our ability to think about a problem or idea in a new and unusual way."
"Don't be afraid to think outside the box, manifest everything."
"Elevation is unexpected, out of the box, breaking all the rules."
"They don't even think the box can be broken but if you're able to break the box then you're able to open up a whole new world of understanding."
"Imagine if we could harvest energy from keystrokes and other button presses on a larger scale because right now all that power is going to waste. That's interesting."
"Be unconventional. Conventional thinking gives you conventional results."
"The doughnut's boundaries unleash the potential for humanity to thrive with boundless creativity, participation, belonging and meaning."
"It doesn't take a lot to think outside the box."
"Focus on what you really want to achieve regardless of whether it feels so far outside the box that the established order may reject it."
"It will upend our idea of what the economy is."
"How do you control what's up here? How do you fight an idea? Especially a new idea."
"I think maybe it just needs a fresh approach, a new approach."
"I think we're going to apply this tech in some ways that we haven't even thought about yet."
"This might be the biggest brain play of the century."
"Every high-quality minute of thinking um is a million dollars to impact on on Tesla."
"Success is really about big ideas. It's about creativity."
"That's a genius idea, thank god somebody made this."
"Truly revolutionized the way people think in the field."
"We will not solve the problems of the world with the level of thinking we were at when we created them."
"I try to use something that we think is a problem to solve another problem."
"Everything sounds dumb until you see it differently."
"The humans who question assumptions continuously are the ones that win over time."
"The plasma life hypothesis is an incredibly powerful hypothesis. It explains a heck of a lot of stuff."
"Don't forget, when you free the data, your mind will follow."
"You are at least a new school of thought that has tremendous promise for ultimately addressing this problem."
"We need fresh energy, we need fresh ideas, we need fresh blood."
"That's some next-level thinking right there."
"It's not a creative task if you already know exactly how you're going to do it. Creativity equals everything."
"Blueprint won't work; think in terms of prototyping."
"We remake the box and we make our house work for us."
"Not every idea that came out of Einstein's mouth was solid gold, people have limitations."
"I think we need to work on redefining what it means to be an entrepreneur."
"If you're lost, just make a new cave. Just do it."
"There are no bad businesses. Just one great idea can completely revolutionize your work, and as a result, your life."
"It's about finding solutions to things that feel like there are no solutions that could be found."
"Get outside of your box, basically is what I'm seeing in the thinking in your habits and possibly even when you're doing business. It's all out of the box this year."
"It seems like a cool idea, I get it. Let everybody do everything."
"Instead of telling people what they can't do, let's get them to do smart and innovative things."
"You can't solve the problems with the same thinking that created the problem."
"The truth is, we need a new way of thinking."
"You don't change the rules by changing the rules; you change the rules by leaving the realm where those rules apply."
"Tesla owners could eventually participate in that new monetary equivalent which is compute power." - Dr. No
"Exponential thinking is about making something different, not just better."
"Kind of a spiritual successor because it is based on our like formula or idea of meaningful babies."
"You can't solve the problem with the same thinking that got you into the problem to begin with."
"Becoming a problem finder and problem solver, not a product pusher."
"Hmmmm..... what if I was actually PROACTIVE about this situation? That's SO crazy, it might just WORK!!"
"Multi-disciplinary thinking is where you take ideas, first principles, and premises from other disciplines and apply them to your business."
"We should put this in the laboratory we should study it and we should try and do something cool with it."
"We're all blue penguins... cut through the sort of general blanket beliefs and dogma that just isn't serving medicine well."
"Creativity is built on a foundation of connecting dots that no one else thinks to connect." - Steve Jobs
"Let's use technology for raising our Consciousness."
"I'm sure someone can do it. You go through the floor like this."
"Maybe we should be thinking in different ways and looking in different places."
"It really showcases how with this concept, you can take an idea and just completely flip the universe on its head."
"There is another way to look at cancer based on energy and growth."
"It's a novel idea, a cool approach, a different angle, unexpected."
"We can't solve a problem from the same level from which it was created."
"The only way you can solve the problems inside that box is to get out of that box."
"I want information that allows me to expand what I might know into an area that I haven't yet considered by thinking about it."
"Elon Musk has shown one thing over and over again. When dealing with problems, the easy solutions sometimes require out of the box thinking."
"This is a game-changer, a way to change the way that you think."
"Mixing two ideas together could lead to success."
"I like the idea of being able to hack the world."
"It's like a blank slate... you could do anything I think that I just I think that was brilliant."
"This is breaking protocol, but why don't they just...?"
"It's kind of awesome that like the idea that we can just go ahead and fly more around the planet to give ourselves a bit more time in the sun is kind of epic."
"Uranus brings insight and alternative thinking, fixing problems."
"It moves the idea from impossible to at least 80 plausible."
"Sometimes you gotta think outside of the box."
"Game B is a very simple idea. It's not a plan, but it is an idea that our system is on a fatal trajectory and that it requires, if we are to persist, it requires that we find a better solution."
"Make change, think differently, be bold, inspire others."
"They see the possibilities, they're going to come up with some interesting things to do."
"It's creating a world where you don't rely on tanks to protect you."
"The educational pyramid needs to be turned upside down."
"People tremendously underestimate their own creativity."
"Sometimes you just need to think outside of the box."
"Supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way."
"We have to create something we’ve never had before. We have to create the ability to take the incredible medical talent around this country and put it on a war footing, put our military on war footing."
"Professor Sternberg's research suggests that we should start looking at companies in a completely different way and see them as places where huge numbers of problems are being solved all the time."
"The key to being recession-proof is actually thinking outside the box."
"I'm actually going to put a boat down with long ranged crow's nest which allows you to see camera balloons."
"We have to adapt and we have to think differently."
"Once you realize the world was built by people no smarter than you, you can mold it, shape it, and change it however you want."
"He's truly our inspiration, he's a man that thought out of the box."
"You might have some really exciting innovative new ideas that are coming back around from earlier in October."
"Give yourself license to think about one of those crazy ideas in the back of your head, one of those wild ideas from your youth, and maybe pick it up, dust it off, and see where it takes you."
"There's a solution to every problem, it could be just like boarding my flight, you know? I'm always thinking about how there has to be an easier process here."
"Here's what leaders have in common: they challenge the status quo."
"You're doing good... you are an example of someone that's trying a different perspective."
"If people think you're crazy, that's actually how you know you're moving in the right direction."
"Logo design is 5% knowledge of design software and 95% your ability to think outside the box."
"I'm an advocate for a new idea and I want people to start thinking and freed from the chains of ideology."
"I'm actually sickened by the lack of care, I think, by the medical professionals or the ability for them to think out of the box for therapies for COVID."
"Quit decorating the burndown tree. Let's find out if we can create a new tree that builds a country that we can be proud of again."
"There's a new school of thinking about sustainability and equity."
"The reason why I had you on and Ben, the reason why I wanted to show you this guy is, now, he's hard to explain, but I wanted people to understand, like, a truly unique and original thinker."
"So, this is kind of a paradigm-changing proposal that has been put forth and is really gaining traction and something to think about."
"You guys are very much a visionary. You guys are very much future thinkers."
"Brilliant idea, brilliant human-centered idea."
"It is thanks to bold ideas and open minds like yours that science continues to progress."
"If you start to think outside the box, I promise your trading will come outside the box and become profitable."
"Creativity is unquestionably some sort of measurement or expression of intelligence."
"We cannot solve our problems with the same levels and kinds of thinking we used to create them."
"It's not about the complexity of the task, but the creativity of the approach."
"I always loved the challenge of not like breaking the rules for the sake of breaking the rules but almost like reverse engineering."
"I think we might have to think differently."
"We wanted to take a different look and see if we can change the way we thought about these symptoms, look at the brain as a treatable organ."