
Targeting Quotes

There are 525 quotes

"Broad targeting is where you let Facebook decide basically everything besides the CBO's budget, the location of your ad sets, and the ads' creative."
"He would target young mothers accompanied by their children."
"Section two still fully intact... to target intentional discrimination."
"Let's make sure he has nowhere to go back to. They have no shielding on their starboard engines. Target all weapons."
"If you're gonna target people folks, maybe target them based on reality, not based on your sick twisted fantasy."
"The Hunger Games are real, and we are the target."
"Charge your ult by damaging tanks and larger hitbox heroes."
"If they're a lot of competition, then you have to target, you have to find a smaller target within the group."
"Test, test, test different ads and targeting strategies to find what works."
"The closer you are to a target, the harder the shots."
"That's why they're going after me now because they're like our audience will like an urban liberal New Yorker in the Bronx will watch Tim cast."
"I picked three targets, I think I deleted all three."
"I think your audience... are interested in crypto."
"We're gonna target acquired, here we go, we follow him out."
"The big tech giants are now targeting independent news outlets."
"Deontay Johnson is just, he's such a target hog."
"Be very mindful of those targeting our community."
"First they came after the president... then they came after the influencers."
"Focus on targeting a small group of people who are going to be interested in what you do best."
"Sounds nice, target is trauma, deal extra damage."
"What intrigues me about those two is their targeting of scientists and their financial fixing in the '90s."
"So maybe suddenly the clerics who've resurrected one of your party members start being targeted and killed and you find out that an old enemy of the party unable to get to them directly has been hunting down the clerics one of the time."
"Intentional targeting of minority neighborhoods."
"The intentional targeting of minority neighborhoods."
"When you're getting that much flack, you're entirely on target."
"Doma is known for targeting women, especially those with strong and healthy bodies."
"Focus on that target audience. Don't get mad if your stuff doesn't grow."
"Let natural intuition guide you to the next Target."
"They know you're a journalist... that's why you're in the crosshairs."
"That's how you market things. You find something that works for a group and then you use it."
"Paid media is absolutely amazing because you can retarget that audience for your stuff."
"You were targeted since you were born, there was already eyes on you to try to deter you."
"Setting up look-alike audiences is super important for scaling."
"Here's the reason why that bio is what it is: I want to make sure that I'm attracting the right people."
"One key with your is you want to go for headshots on your."
"There are people in the middle that are kind of undecided and these are usually the people that I look for."
"Looks like they're all landing on the one in the middle now."
"They're targeted because nationality and ethnicity have become a kind of symbolic marker."
"Facebook wants you to make sales. Facebook audience insights allows you to create an audience of people who will be most likely to buy your product."
"If you try to be all things to all people you're gonna end up being not much to a whole lot of people"
"No more than a few centimeters of armor can enable targeting of vehicles mostly concealed behind cover."
"These are things that are going to make sure that your ads hit more of the right people and connect with them better."
"I aimed and fired. I shot the cigar shaped object and distinctly heard a ping as the pellet hit the object."
"Everyone knows that the right-wing extremism in this country has targeted democratically ran cities and quite frankly, they've been very intentional about going after democratically ran cities that are led by people of color."
"Making sure you are targeting a smaller audience that has a high demand for the product but low competition."
"It's very much like you have full control over where you aim everything like that."
"Isolation exercises are likely not essential for substantially growing the pecs over the long term."
"I might shoot toward Brentwood, why? I know I'll hit somebody I don't like."
"He was so smart about what he, you know, throughout this speech he targeted all of the, all of the stuff that he thought was going to be good for Democrats."
"You kind of put the target in that crotch between your fuselage and your wing line."
"They targeted Alex Jones, they give people a nudge, you can put anybody in jail you want to."
"It's essentially the Democrats have decided to target conservatives."
"This macro will make us cast Earth Shield on Motika and it will change targets so briefly that it will seem like we haven't changed targets at all."
"What an honor, what one of the highest honors a human could ever receive is that because you are walking in his footsteps you become a target."
"I'm back, and you can see that the rockets have now evolved a nice path of going towards that target."
"So the specificity is a major issue, that you can target a single neuron."
"Enable remarketing in your account to target people who have already visited your website."
"It would be so easy to campaign and find a user for your travel company or your apparel company in a more relevant way."
"You can be super specific with who you target... so that you end up with having the right people on your email list."
"The call-out method lets your ideal customers know that your ads are for them and stops them scrolling past your ad in their feed."
"Tags are a great way to separate different parts of your audience based on where they came in or what they're interested in."
"Oki assigned Cen's unit the task of directly targeting and eliminating Fuki."
"Always know your target's foreground and background."
"They're giving you a leg up to actually be able to target only those people who have already shown an interest in what you're selling."
"Google Ads is more than just keyword targeting."
"Google's ultimate goal is to match the best ad and the best landing page to the user's initial search."
"You're going to take that kind of aesthetic and you're going to put it on the niches that you're targeting."
"If you market to everyone, you market to no one."
"It may actually be one's own ability to love and care for others that was targeted by the narcissist."
"Targeting is one of the most effective features in YouTube ads."
"Narrow your targeting to relevant content... If I'm targeting people to purchase furniture... it would make the most sense to target them when they're researching pages about these different topics."
"Targeting segments one thing to keep in mind is let's say I come over here to homeownership status and I target renters."
"Target people who are very similar to those visiting your website or watching your YouTube videos."
"Incorporate demographics targeting to reach your actual target market better."
"By calling it this, it's targeting the children that don't listen to the 18+ warnings, and it's giving them the message. That's [ __ ] awesome."
"Targeting the right audiences has a huge impact on your campaign if you're not targeting the right people with your ads then your chances of success are very small."
"The tank rumbled on while targeting City assets."
"What if your minimum viable product is absolutely perfect but you have no idea who it's targeted at?"
"You're never going to sell a burger to a vegan."
"Choosing a target is made far easier by social media."
"With Facebook and Google Ads, you can get instant exposure to your exact target market."
"Something that made Grieveson unusual amongst serial murderers was that he targeted teenage boys who had all been pupils at the same school, a school which he had never attended."
"a lot of the revenue came from better paying ads and I'm guessing that because it's the beginning of the year there's probably a lot of targeting around again that whole new year new me spirit."
"They are causing a behavior. They know how to do it by Network targeting you."
"YouTube had finally pushed the videos to the correct audience."
"They're going to target specific people."
"They're gonna target specific people, just drop your pants and we'll get you right there, Mickey's gonna get you."
"To be labeled as one of the Central Park 5 was to be targeted, like people taking shots at us."
"This person will only ever target strong people."
"The major advantage of paid advert is you have the privilege to target your right audience."
"Very important: the most important thing when it comes to running ads for local businesses is the targeting. If you go with regular targeting information and practices, you will over-narrow your audience."
"The second thing I'll do is have another ad set where I target everyone in the area but I don't add any detailed targeting options. Instead, I narrow down by age and sometimes gender if your customers are heavily skewed."
"...Amazon knows how to target your book much better than you do."
"Automatic targeting is super easy and you can do it for five bucks a day."
"They did, though, target specific areas of Ganon's body, correct? It's not like these were injuries to his lower legs or toes or feet, correct? Yes. And so were these targeted towards upper body area, head area, chest area? Yes."
"SEM is a great way to reach specific customers quickly."
"Remarketing allows you to identify previous customers or visitors to your website and serve them paid ads on other sites and social media platforms."
"Website visitors and previous customers are also the segment of your audience that's most likely to convert."
"The factory became a target for Allied bombers."
"What is the reason that people buy this coffee? What is the number one mass-market desire that it is that this market wants or the benefit that this coffee provides and that's the thing that you really want to be zeroing in on and that's what I call the bullseye of your market."
"Marketing is done in one segment, one offer, one customer avatar at a time. You simply can't go super broad and try to appeal to everybody because everybody aside from being just too many of them, well, they're all so different."
"When you have product, you have to find a target market to sell that product to."
"Google Ads are a powerful tool that can help you reach your target audience."
"Companies that are targeting this industry are generally the companies that are going to be the most exciting because again they're not targeting military people law enforcement they're targeting you and me."
"What would it mean for your business if you could target potential clients who are actively discussing their need for your services in their day-to-day conversation?"
"A Facebook lookalike audience is simply an audience of people that Facebook finds for you that is based on an existing audience that you provide."
"Review audience segmentation demographics for refined targeting."
"Advertisers will pay much more for an advertisement that's shown to someone whose interests and history they know."
"The target audience here is Uyghurs, hitchhikers, hipsters with plaid shirts and hats."
"Men Target women who are exactly how they want them to be in order to manipulate or control them."
"SEO is all about ranking in response to what your Target customers type into the search bar of their favorite search engines."
"...you absolutely want to remove all detailed targeting options all the time with any warm audience asset."
"It's targeting with your creative so if people if you're only making a thing that's like trolly versus this then you're only the only people that are going to be interested are people that are familiar with trolly already."
"...putting your ads in front of people that have already bought from you before is absolutely something that you want to do."
"The purpose behind Sales Navigator is that it helps you scan through thousands, let's be real, millions of profiles to help you find your target audience on LinkedIn."
"We should be targeting niches that have less than 3,000 results."
"I'm also a big fan of placements. You can target specific websites that have a direct relationship with your product."
"It's really important to have a very solid understanding of specifically who it is we're trying to target."
"It's really important that you understand all the various targeting options."
"MLMs purposely target college students, stay-at-home mothers, and insular religious communities, as we've already discussed, for their vulnerabilities, but there are so many other groups as well."
"The core benefit of Google Ads over Facebook Ads is that you are catching people right at the time when they are ready to book your service or buy your product."
"General ad campaigns are ineffective with most people which is why you need to target a certain demographic in your marketing strategy."
"You have to wonder if she was targeting Dr. Gopi and the others were just in the way or maybe she just snapped."
"He became increasingly convinced that there were Americans targeting him."
"The goal of marketing is actually to find somebody who's predisposed to like your game and show them that this is exactly the type of game that they want."
"Bombing in the center of cities was effective because we were hitting the one target that really worked."
"The arm was the story here. Basler targeted Morgan's injured arm."
"Bundy did not target prostitutes which are easy victims, he targeted young, young attractive, intelligent, often beautiful and successful women."
"Your anger is directed at very specific individuals and forces."
"This is how you are finding the range to the target."
"Targeting is like the most straightforward thing about ads."
"Every algorithm needs to know those two factors, who you're trying to reach, and what do you want to be known for."
"I get an ad for nose spray, I get an ad for breathing strips, I get ads for Vicodin addiction rehab centers, it's just..."
"The more specific your offer, the more appealing it'll be to that Target customer."
"Target your audience, like interests, location, and age range."
"We should stick to targeting people whose impact on the future can be summed up in a few words, not an entire history book."
"How do you get more sales? You have to essentially turn it into more of the question of where and who do I want to get those sales from and how do I reverse that."
"They're specifically targeting cancer cells and labeling them for destruction."
"The tank's ready, I'm ready, and I've got a rich Russian in my sights."
"The real advantage of AI here is how do I use algorithms to identify targets that might be on the ground."
"The covers needed to say 'I'm for you.' If you see me on a rack I'm speaking your language and I'm dealing with, if you like V23 albums, This Mortal Coil, and Cocteau twins."
"...you just have to take a more narrow approach to be able to bring down that competition and Target a very specific customer."
"Niches make riches. I'm just appealing to this one group of people, and I know that I am, and I'm going to go super hard on those guys."
"You could have a great ad with an awesome offer but if you're delivering it to the wrong people, you're probably not going to get anywhere with it."
"When you make yourself a target, people are going to shoot at you."
"The objective is to get the attention of your ideal future customer."
"It's a great marketing opportunity to a target audience."
"I recommend staying away from this detailed targeting expansion."
"It was unfortunate that I ended up being targeted by a troublesome individual."
"Target the right audience with micro-level precision. Facebook's biggest benefit is targeting."
"Paying for advertising helps you find a target and reach your audience with ease."
"Target the right audience. Precision targeting on Instagram ensures your ads reach the people who matter."
"Location targeting or geo targeting on google is something that a lot of advertisers get wrong which can lead to higher costs and fewer conversions."
"You wouldn't get the concentrated data that lets you know, 'Ah, this specific area produces better results than this one.'"
"He traveled all throughout California, targeting homes wherever he went."
"I much prefer standard shopping campaigns because you're actually able to manually optimize and target your campaigns."
"If you're selling children's books, you can target people who are specifically looking for children's books."
"Target your marketing through segmentation."
"...ultimately what Google ads is trying to tell you is we're going to try to reach people who we think will convert at the same rate as people in those audiences."
"Niche down so we're really narrowing down on who we're trying to target. This is gonna really contribute to the growth and success of your business."
"...it's almost creepier when you hear about someone who meets a terrible fate because they were intentionally targeted."
"...know who your ideal customer is and build it around them."
"Navigating through this audience setting is not about casting a wide net, it is about precision."
"There are strategies, there are techniques, and tricks on how to make your ads targeted, relevant, and ones that people won't be able to take their eyes off of."
"With digital marketing, it's easy to reach a target audience."
"The idea that Lauren might have been targeted by higher ups in the industry is a reflection of broader concerns about how power dynamics in the entertainment sector can negatively impact artists."
"Identifying gaps in your training isn't enough, you need to be able to target it at the root."
"It seems like right from the get-go Hazy was the easy target"
"Reincarnation pretty much just guarantees that it creates a kind of futility in an opponent focusing him whereas the TC often is a focused target."
"Only sending traffic to receivers that are interested in that traffic."
"The feeling that this individual was targeting me was highly disturbing."
"So, it always comes back to who your target audience is."
"If you're speaking to all people, you're speaking to nobody."
"Don't just feel like your detailed targeting has been removed, there's nothing you can do now, that's almost certainly not true."
"Interest targeting is largely a waste of time for almost all brands."
"Promote in the area where the show's happening. No, it's different. Only you can target an advert to a local area and all that sort of thing."
"...that's not the best way to use open targeting for that type of business you want to be going with much more specific interests maybe with a combination of look-alike audiences maybe switching to look-alike audiences once you've built up those Source audiences."
"In your ad set, where you will have your ads within it, you will identify which audience you want to target."
"His formula for targeting random victims made him seem unstoppable."
"When you start defining customer profiles, things get a lot more easier in your marketing."
"Hyper-targeting of advertising is definitely going to come."
"What we want to do is actually determine who are the people that don't need or want what you have, and get them the hell out of your world as quickly as possible."
"Understanding the unique needs of each niche makes it possible to speak directly to them in your marketing."
"The way people are dealing with this is they're targeting smaller and smaller groups. Why? Because one of the things we learn if you target a big group and you average them all together, your product doesn't fit everybody very well."
"You want to get a hyper-targeted list of people who love you."
"It's kind of hitting right exactly at the target audience that it's trying to get."
"That's a ripper species, Mangrove Jack. That's what we're targeting right now."
"Instead, you're showing your products to the people you know would be interested in them."
"There's so much power in targeting a highly populated but niche group."
"In this story, the scammer seems to know quite a lot of information about the victim that they're targeting."
"Figure out who your audience is and play to that audience and create that atmosphere."
"Try to fill your image with just that information, try not to accommodate a lot colder or warmer information if it's not your target."
"Mechanistically based targeting of chromatin structure may hold therapeutic promise."
"You can laser target the advertising of your products to your customers."
"Success made him a target for terrorism."
"& it just so happens that their next adventure was: Targeting other food companies!"
"Some of you, you were a target because somebody wanted you to shut your mouth."
"That's him! Aim for his face. Great advice."
"I'm not using my hands, I'm not coming into the bird's bubble in a way that would scare it, and so I love targeting because it's a hands-off approach that everybody can use."
"When you try to appeal to everyone, you end up appealing to no one."