
Facing Challenges Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"The more scared I am, the more I have to run into what's scaring me to try to figure out what it is because it has power."
"Not everything that's faced can be healed, but nothing that's not faced can be healed." - James Baldwin
"You don't necessarily eliminate the fear. You've got to face the fear."
"I think what has the most important thing here is that don't be afraid, just be confident, face-off the challenges, face-off the difficulties and obstacles, And most importantly, be the miracle!"
"Life is a b****, chances of failure are gonna be there regardless, but you did everything in your power."
"Do the work today, do everything you can, allow the team to take care of you and then let's face tomorrow when tomorrow comes."
"You're ready to take on whatever 2022 has got coming for you."
"Whatever challenge comes your way, whatever adversity, accept it."
"So don't dodge the fear, don't dodge the pain, don't dodge the resistance, look at it with opportunity."
"The only way through discomfort is to turn and face it directly."
"Step straight into the difficult thing. Run into the storm."
"Heroes are those who face whatever might come to them on their feet."
"When you have a challenge you face it and you move forward."
"The fierceness with which you approach those kinds of challenges is to me a direct measure of what your mental health status will look like because you can't push things away if you know them."
"Refusing to back down in the face of any obstacle."
"Grab thy nuts! Confidence comes from facing failure head-on."
"We'll face this together, you know, everything will be fine no matter what it happens to be."
"Sometimes you must stand your ground because there's no place to run away. There's no different angle, no clever solution, no tricky trick that's going to move that rock. You've got to face it head on."
"Just be yourself in there, Bo. I know you don't want to go but just be yourself."
"Imagine the discomfort not as an adversary, but as a trusted guide leading you through the Wilderness of transformation."
"No matter what we face in life God will see us through it."
"Face whatever it is that you're dealing with like the courageous boss that you are."
"Achieving success is about having a positive attitude towards challenges."
"Don't run from the adversity, because if you don't face it, you can't become it."
"Courage is facing the challenge with a healthy fear, not being fearless."
"Be true to yourself, do the right thing, and face your problems head-on." - Narrator
"Congratulations, you successfully faced the darkness."
"Facing challenges head-on leads to growth and change."
"It's not a bad thing to be scared. It's not a bad thing to go in there thinking the chance of failure is pretty high but just give it a go when you're challenged."
"You're ready to face any challenges ahead. The future looks bright, and I think that you're ready."
"You don't run from your fears and you face your fears, becoming fearless."
"I plunge into the abyss and prepare myself for the worst. And so it begins."
"Be very careful what you let in you, and you will be very courageous when you face what's in front of you."
"You can't fix what you won't face; you can't conquer what you won't confront."
"Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's acting in the face of it."
"God can take you and give you strength for whatever he's going to bring your way."
"Running towards danger is the fastest way out of it."
"Whatever challenges they will face in the future, they should face it without fear and dive headstrong through it together."
"It's about facing life's challenges with a calm, confident demeanor, knowing that you have the inner strength to handle whatever comes your way."
"Stop talking about your storm and start talking to your storm."
"Feeling a strong sense of support, even amidst challenges."
"Don't fear, if you take the leap to do this because you really want to do it, you will rise to the occasion."
"You have unlimited potential. You're up for any challenge that life can bring."
"Remember why you started despite any adversities I may face." - Cayman Islands
"I look at those Buffalo out there and I put their face to the wind, and that's what I do, I stand there and I put my face into the wind, and we're going to win this."
"Everything will work out for you, but there's something you need to face your fears and grow stronger with."
"I think like now it's a different type of nerve and I kind of like that feeling."
"Mindset, unafraid mindset, meet it head on, don't cower down."
"You're facing a lot of fears. You're facing, I love this, that as you are like this knight, this warrior coming forward."
"Our time in the storm will be minimized because we're walking right through it if we do it together."
"You need to be confident; it's okay to be targeted."
"By all means, come forward, share your stories, face your accusers."
"The challenges that show up are to prepare us for the next challenges in life."
"Bite the bullet: to face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage."
"Facing challenges may lead to financial abundance."
"The only true solace we will ever know exists in facing the storm head on."
"With Jesus on your side, you can face the challenges of the future."
"The only way out is through - face your doubts head-on and learn from them."
"You can fear the dragon or you can ride the dragon."
"You have to address things as they come, shine a light on the darkness because when you shine a light on the darkness, you can heal."
"Mastery is being aware of the difficulties and still being able to keep your equilibrium."
"Us against the world, meaning us against our problems, us against everything."
"The storm moving from the west coming to the east and here the buffalo turns and faces the storm."
"If you face it, God will help you fix it or walk through it."
"Don't be afraid. We have to face them together."
"Courage is that quality of mind that enables a person to face pain, danger, or difficulties without fear."
"I'm a real dude, I get through real problems."
"It's time for us to... face it, let's address it, let's confront it."
"It's not fleeing from pain and suffering and running from those things and not dealing with the emotion situations, it's looking at those head on and saying how."
"No one can defeat the monsters that he has not defeated yet."
"The real work is you stop running away from it because it'll keep chasing you you turn around and you dive right into it."
"We're gonna keep it real over there and really get into facing what we need to be doing."
"Waking up, getting dressed, and going to face whatever life throws at you—that's the really difficult part."
"Genuinely, if I can get through that year, I can face anything."
"Even though I did not know, I'm here to fix it, I'm here to speak about it, I'm not gonna run from this, I'm gonna face it head-on."
"Whether the storm, because this is what they're gonna do, they're going to attack us again."
"Be the idiot that can experience real struggle and uncomfortable moments in life without having to always run from them."
"Escape is not his plan. I must face him alone."
"He's so brave, too. He never runs away from anything; he just walks towards it."
"Stepping up and facing the unknown. You don't know what this guy's bringing. You don't know if he's been blessed with a knockout punch or whatever. All you know is you've got to stand up for yourself and get some respect."
"I'm terrified. My father told me you should always face what you're afraid of."
"Your person is gonna go through that shadowed moment where they're facing and tackling their shadows and seeing the light."
"You either run from things, or you face them. What exactly are you running from?"
"You have a knowing or wisdom that you didn't realize that you had until you were facing this."
"...she can face the world without any problems."
"The worst thing you can do is run away from your fights."
"Accepting that it's your responsibility to go out and fight the dragon."
"Amplify is not fearing the Avalanche. It's letting yourself get swept up in it."
"Facing reality and all that it entails is scary but ultimately more fulfilling than blissful ignorance."
"Stunned by her raw power but appreciating her quick action to protect him, Takagi thanked Silie and insisted on facing the remaining Goblin alone."
"By facing your fears you're growing."
"To know yourself you must face them both."
"Yeah I'm fucking Casey Jones I'll fucking go head to head with this goddamn thing."
"But I've never forgotten the fear. Not the fear of water, but the fear of what makes you choose to drown yourself instead of facing whatever horrors those woods produce."
"They're rushing towards you, despite past sadness."
"Always fearlessly faced challenges,"
"If you do face it, you should face it with a sense of anticipation."
"When you learn to run from Pain, you're running from your elevation."
"...learning to face your challenges head on instead of avoiding them."
"How you become the person you want to be is constantly facing the things that you don't want to face."
"But when you have MS, you start to learn that you can handle more shit than you thought you could. It's the silver lining to worst case scenarios coming true."
"She felt ready to face the world."
"Why is it always bad? I tried to avoid everything. If so, this time I will try facing it."
"Whenever I'm confronted with a tough challenge, I do not prolong the torment. I become the buffalo."
"Vitality is what it's joyful in the face of challenge."
"Whatever lay ahead, we would face it together."
"Sometimes life sends a storm that's unexpected, and we're forced to face our deepest pain."
"Once We Begin The Only Way is through we can't sneak around we have to stay on our ground and fight."
"To bite the bullet means is to do something difficult or unpleasant with bravery."
"Don't run from your trial. Don't run from worry. Don't run from fear. Don't run from your circumstances. Stay grounded."
"We'll figure this out. We can go to the medic citadel on Kylen, see if they can help you. Whatever it is, we can face it."
"Life isn't about running away, it's about facing what comes and finding your path through it."
"Put yourself in some tough situations that you get through, it'll just build your confidence."
"If you look at the cardinal virtues... they all require us to face off with the chaos and the uncertainty of life."
"You can't grow to the next place until you face where you're at."
"We need to run toward the Roar. Even if it's hard, even if it's scary, we're going to embrace it."
"You have to tackle it one by one. What can you do? You have to be a man and stand up for your innocence."
"How can you really sit with challenge, with difficulty, with tension?"
"I think that's a win when you're facing 30."
"We run into the bullets, we run into the fire, we run into the flames, we don't run away from them."
"I cannot do this job by myself. Always face it forward."
"If you're sharing everybody else's fear, that's a good sign that you're in it."
"He faced it head-on, he's like 'Okay, how can I be better?'"
"You make me feel like I'm gonna be able to face the world tomorrow."
"It's better to grab the bull by the horns rather than running away, because eventually, you'll have to face it."
"Courage is pressing forward in the face of opposition, adversity, uncertainty."
"Only the noble of heart are called to difficulty, and that's who you are."
"Running away never solved anything, Roy. You've got to go back and face them."
"Whatever breaks your heart, you're not gonna be able to address it from the safety and the comfort of your comfort zone."
"I'm going to get through this Zoom call and I am going to tackle what comes next."
"Meet the challenges of today head-on."
"There are moments in life when you have to go all in and face whatever may come your way."
"Don't ignore the bad times in your life. You really have to sit in this and take it all in."
"You can still have strength to face your tomorrow."
"Takes a lot of courage to face something like that."
"...we're doing the thing that we are most terrified by one day happening to us."
"Flap your wings and ride directly into the eye of the storm."
"The only way to get through it is like you gotta walk through the fire. There's no way around whatever you're going through. It's definitely that feeling of having to just embrace the change and embrace the destruction and just walk through it."
"It's the choice. You can choose to numb out, you can choose to forget about it, to go on social media, to take a bunch of drugs, to do the things, but it's going to keep popping its head."
"You can be terrified and you can find the courage to face it."
"What matters is how they face it."
"Don't run away every time pressure shows up in your life. Sometimes you gotta face pressure with your head up and say, 'Bring it on devil, you ain't gonna do nothing but make something good out of me!'"
"I don't need to run away, run away."
"As soon as you kill that last giant you won't kill this one - don't you run away from this giant, don't you run back from this giant, you are at the gates."
"We need to run toward the fire, towards the disappointment, towards the pain."
"Go big or go home, be brave, face Scarface."
"I genuinely want to be at a place where when I pray, because I'm praying it, that was something powerful that Joyce said, like pray for happiness. Pray that they're happy because happiness, like she said, it's a sneaky way that they still gotta face their stuff, you know?"
"I am so proud of you. You've taken some challenges and you've just, sometimes it knocks you down and sometimes it knocks you down for a while, but then there's a part of you and you're like, nope."
"You better make sure you are spiritually prepared to face Almighty God."
"You gotta be able to face whatever you face in life with confidence."
"Life happens, you can smile and load up and get on the road."
"Confront the reality of everything that is on your plate, even if it is terrifying and overwhelming."
"I'm not scared to go through fire."
"I think hope is... disempowering. We have to face the very real abyss before us, even if we may not succeed."
"...evolving to run away from their problems was the best they could do."
"Am I scared to sleep here? Oh yeah, you bet. But do I really want to face my fears? Double you bet."
"You can't run from your problems. Start there."
"I felt really natural, that was a lot of fun. I like that more than just facing five people at once."
"Eagles fly into storms. I go into storms."
"They want to move through challenges, face their demons, and be with you despite obstacles."
"Sometimes you win sometimes you lose yeah you you're inevitably going to get those big collisions so you kind of have to get your head around that and just just go for it and not not think about it."
"That's running towards the wave, not away from it."
"It's not that you're looking for relief, it's that you're looking to actually get better at facing and feeling discomfort."
"Face that tension until it either goes away or you decide to go in a different direction."
"Sooner or later, you have to go face your fear."
"If they go into problems, they will face it together."
"Confront fear of failure head-on, stare it straight in its feral eye, wrestle with it, master it."
"Don't run from stuff, try to run to it."
"Me stepping up and facing my fears put an extra two thousand dollars in my pocket."
"But I believe everything works well if you face the music."
"With character, you could face any giant."
"If there is danger, we will face it together, the four of us, the way we always have."
"When she disgraced herself with drink, she got up the next day, put on her best coat, and faced the world."
"Don't be afraid to meet anything that appears dark and difficult in your life right now."
"It's so much easier and so much healthier to actually battle the issues of what you're running from as opposed to drinking."
"I'm standing here in the light, staring that sun in the eye, 'cause there ain't no change in my mind, I can do anything."
"I want to keep facing forwards. That's how it feels. Facing whatever I have to face, but facing forwards."
"The best recipe for that is to own it and face it."
"As you face those shadows, you can experience a really big transformation in your career."
"Keep on taking on every challenge with a smile on your face."
"I grew up on a farm in Iowa; my dad taught me that you don't run away from challenges."
"I understand, I will get through this; it's just the time, you know, and you gotta face it head on."
"We need to have a little bit of both, the ability to face the tough stuff and also see the resource and the positive."
"I never got anywhere running away."
"Confidence comes from stepping into your weakness."
"You have to find a way to solve what's happening in front of you."
"You can't fix everything that you face, but you can't fix anything that you don't face."
"What comes, face it and do according to the command of self."
"That's a nightmare, I'm telling you, but if you're willing to face that pain, you can fix it and you can have a life worth living."
"It's okay to be scared, we should face our fears."
"We face it together, no matter what comes."
"God can't fix what you won't face."
"You can get up tomorrow and take the lesson you learned yesterday and face a bigger giant tomorrow."
"Your faith empowers you to face the challenges with confidence."
"There's a chance for a new life here, but you're gonna have to face your fears."
"Face the fears and try to do it again."