
Self-evidence Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"You can't dismiss the idea of something being self-evident outright because for human logic to function, we have to accept that there are some things that are self-evident."
"Logic can be infallible with respect to a system that is self-evident."
"All truths pass through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Secondly, it is violently opposed. And thirdly, it is taken as being self-evident."
"The videos speak for themselves, the things speak for themselves, the statements speak for themselves. I said what I said."
"The problem for the atheist front is on what basis can these things be claimed as self-evident? What's the grounding for that if it's just not?"
"I am holding these truths to be self-evident."
"Truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it, you just let it loose and it will defend itself."
"The truth, facts, and stats really speak for themselves."
"Moral facts and duties are simply self-evident and intuitive... if your intuition is different from moral facts, then the moral fact still exists."
"The truth is like a lion, let it loose and it will defend itself."
"The human ability to sense truth is utterly amazing. Truth needs no crutches. If it is true, it is true."
"Truth is like a lion, let it out and it defends itself over time."
"Ultimately, you know the work in the courtroom speaks for itself."
"You are obvious, so obvious that you exist, that the idea or question of worthiness doesn't even appear."
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. You set it free, and it will defend itself."
"It's hard to see exactly what education is, but it's self-evident why diversity is an educational benefit."
"The harsh truth is that it will sell itself, you know?"
"Chess will speak for itself until it does not."
"Confidence is about evidence and proof, not faking it."
"The merits of a system like this basically pitch themselves."
"The one thing about the truth, you don't have to defend it, it defends itself."
"Dividends is very concrete, it's what they actually send out."
"You have to be your own evidence."
"No explanation needed, of course. For some of these, it's just they speak for themselves."
"Leaders don't need to proclaim they lead, and winners don't need to prove they've won."
"Yeah, wow, the work speaks for itself no doubt, yeah."
"Halsey's work spoke for itself. It was good."
"The end result speaks for itself."
"Good or great people do not sell themselves at all; a product that speaks for itself never has to sell itself."
"I think my record speaks for itself."
"Awakening is causeless and completely immediate because you're already it."
"Love is a truth, it confirms itself undeniably."
"Truth is not obscured by matter; it is self-evident."
"When you drive this car, it speaks for itself."
"We believe these truths to be self-evident."
"And Thomas Jefferson: 'We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal . . .'"
"The law of identity is self-evident."
"Our existence or being is self-evident because it is self-conscious."
"The experience of being aware is the most obvious experience there is."
"The results speak for themselves on this one."
"Let your work be all the proof that you need."
"Your work or your presence kind of speaks for itself."
"This performance speaks for itself."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, a man is born free and equal."
"I don't need to say why, it speaks for itself."
"God is self-evident; it doesn't need to be proven that God exists."
"Really the truth is something that is self-evident."
"You don't need evidence, you are evidence."
"Scripture is like a lion; whoever heard of defending a lion? Just turn it loose; it will defend itself."
"Your success should speak for itself."
"Sometimes the jokes just write themselves."
"God's existence is taken on faith, but my own existence is evident to me."
"That's the work speaking for itself, right? That's the work."
"The games are going to speak for themselves."
"And the work speaks for itself, that's amazing."
"I think the footage speaks for itself, spot-on."
"Like all fundamental truths, this one is self-evident, and you either see it or you don't."
"The Declaration speaks for itself."
"His amazing work speaks for itself."
"If it's good, it's good, and it will speak for itself."
"Truly virtuous people don't need to display it; the value and reality of virtue is already obvious."
"Your success is speaking for itself."
"The real world being the real world is a self-evident truth that requires no proof."
"There are some facts that explain themselves."
"The knowledge just speaks for itself."
"The quality is going to speak for itself."
"You shouldn't have to tell someone that you're a good player; you just play well."
"Is our understanding of why this principle is true the product of something else that I believe, or is it somehow self-evident?"
"Those dogs really have spoken for themselves."
"The laws of logic are self-verifying."
"Letting results speak for themselves."
"One smooth and mellow taste tells you that some things speak for themselves."
"This is where I belong, no matter how empty and isolated it is. I will just have to take solace in the fact that I am all the proof I need to prove the existence of my time."
"Your own doubtless nature which is present and aware and it's here and it's completely, absolutely evident."
"Truth is like a lion; release it and it will defend itself."
"The truth will be accepted as being self-evident."
"The work speaks for itself, the volume of the work speaks for itself, the variety of the work speaks for itself."
"The existence of reality is self-evident and does not require other aids to reveal it."
"Success should never speak for itself. If it's anything of value, it will speak for itself."
"If something's cool, it's self-evident that it is cool."
"Our consciousness 'I am' is absolutely and unconditionally true because it is permanent, unchanging, and perfectly self-evident."
"Let your success speak for itself."
"Truth is its own demonstration by being truth."
"There is no need to prove your own existence; it's indubitable, it's certain."
"It just speaks for itself really, the beauty of it, the absolute natural beauty."
"The Quran is its own proof for its veracity."
"The photographs will speak for themselves."
"You cannot deny reason; it's self-evident."
"We hold these pickles to be self-evident."
"The logical absolutes are self-evident."
"Look at the show, this man speaks for itself."
"By doing the things you tell yourself you're going to do, you're going to give yourself a little bit of evidence, a little bit at a time, and over larger periods of time, you're going to believe it."
"The sun reveals itself; your flashlight does not reveal the sun."
"It really is something that just speaks for itself."
"It's not even showing off because the flavor speaks for itself."
"One of the biggest mistakes people make is to argue the truth when the truth speaks for itself."
"Something is equal to itself or congruent to itself."
"All she got to do is just sit down, her career, her work speaks for itself."
"Brahman is shining with self-revealed Brahman is self-revealed."
"The truth doesn't have to be defended."
"Principles of Reason are self-evident."
"The truth stands on its own and it needs no apology."
"You don't have to prove anything, you just do, and love—that's just proof in itself."
"Your own presence, your own existence does not require any proof."
"Good products will speak for themselves."
"Truth needs no promoting or proving; it stands on its own two feet without scaffolding, buttresses, or reinforcements; therefore, it only needs to be presented."
"The iPhone at least speaks for and really sells itself."
"The swatches just speak for themselves, to be honest."
"Let your successes speak for themselves."