
SEO Quotes

There are 1488 quotes

"Once you make a video and it does well, you can rank it, and it can get you millions of views over the course of years and make you money every day."
"The reason its passive income is because a blog post ranks in search engines and gets searches and clicks day after day, month after month, year after year."
"SEO is an investment, and any investment takes time."
"Don't lose the forest among the trees. There's so much you can do in terms of SEO, but we want to make sure you get the most important things first."
"You can either give 45 minutes now and really learn these things, or you can spend years floundering and making mistakes with Google that are gonna kill your website."
"What Google is looking for is not just any answer, but the best answer to the searcher's query."
"Creating great content naturally attracts backlinks, which is crucial for SEO."
"E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is essential, especially in 'Your Money or Your Life' topics."
"The reputation of your website, your reputation online, matters very much to Google."
"Organic traffic is typically consistent once you're ranking high."
"Matching search intent is one of those must-do things to show search engines that your page will fulfill their goal to deliver the most relevant results for any given query."
"The goal of your pages should be to satisfy the searcher's intent."
"Meta descriptions aren't used as a ranking signal."
"Quality content allows other sites to link back to ours."
"SEO is basically the strategy you have in place to be easily discovered on a platform... it's just what strategy you have in place to help people find you."
"Backlinks are extremely important for SEO on websites these days, so you want to make sure that as much as possible you're taking different phrases and different buttons and linking them back to other parts of your website."
"Essentially for those of you who don't know, SEO stands for search engine optimization. The majority of people going to your website, a lot of the new traffic will come through Google."
"One thing that you can do is target specific audiences when they search your keywords."
"The best thing about blogging for SEO is that once you rank, you'll be getting free, consistent and passive traffic from Google."
"The power of passive income... when you build up these sites they get established they get ranked they start to get autopilot traffic."
"The single most important thing is to get valuable links from high authority websites for ranking in Google."
"Drive traffic... SEO is the number one way in my opinion to drive traffic because it's free and you everyone should do it."
"Caching is gonna make your website run faster, which is gonna make it rank better."
"Instead, you're gonna see little-known SEO tips that are working right now."
"I slapped on my lab coat and set out to figure this whole YouTube SEO thing out myself."
"Meat SEO isn't dead, and in fact, the job of the SEO professional just got more powerful than ever."
"Every article should aim to have a section that is optimized for getting the featured snippet."
"If you could know the pages that are driving the most search traffic for your competitors, then wouldn't you want to get in on that action?"
"It's not just about adding in links and keywords. It's about doing what's also best for the user."
"Writing a bunch of helpful posts for your website is a great way to help you show up in Google, because Google wants to display websites that provide really valuable content for certain niches."
"Google does like images, so adding images to your articles can help improve user experience and potentially boost your SEO."
"Rank Math is a very powerful plugin and it can really help you get more traffic and optimize your website for all major search engines."
"Keyword research in this day and age it's not just about the keyword it's about the search intent behind the keyword."
"It's what we can extrapolate from the data and it's what we can get from the data to understand about our target market their needs etc that's where the real wind comes from keyword research."
"The game of keyword research has changed significantly."
"That's how you get the result that you want which is traffic highly targeted traffic that's ready to opt-in"
"You could literally be of incredible service you give them the information you need that gets you to rank on Google that gets you the click when they read they get to the bottom like I'm ready to buy this right now click boom"
"Category pages can be an incredible source of traffic."
"Over time, as you add more and more high-quality blog posts, Google will become more and more impressed."
"I have no reason to flex, trust me. It's just for pure SEO." - Faze Rain
"You gotta upload consistently, good content, good title thumbnail, you gotta rank for SEO, and you just gotta get enough from YouTube search to get some data on your channel that it could then recommend it."
"Create the content that other people are searching for on the internet."
"Organic traffic: the holy grail of marketing."
"It is important that you reach a certain level of trust both with search engines as well as with the people reading your content."
"Response posts: the easiest way to rank and cater to specific search queries."
"Crafting articles targeting multiple search queries for broader reach."
"Algorithm updates have a tendency to improve our rankings over time."
"The most important ranking factor bar none is relevance."
"Having quality content is extremely important."
"As it relates to how well and how quickly the content on your site loads."
"When you write blog articles the whole key here is to write with specific words in mind, specific phrases in mind that people are searching for."
"Your website SEO is really a lot, so when people search small desktop cactus, they want to see small desktop cactus."
"Start with competitor analysis and then SEO keyword research."
"Depending on your business, it's quite important to actually appear on Google local listings as well."
"SEO is very important so you might want to download one of those plugins and then fiddle around with it and get your site fully optimized and ready to go."
"Organic traffic is very worthwhile if you are patient and good enough."
"If you're able to find the niche product and actually rank on the first page... you'll likely do very well."
"Your product's title is the most important aspect of your listing - optimize it for visibility and conversion."
"Semantic SEO is a natural thing for a human being."
"Great content can lead to more backlinks, higher Google rankings, more social shares, and audience growth."
"You're going to have image optimization that comes out of the box, full SEO capabilities, an admin interface, and a full backend where all this data is stored."
"Creating simple YouTube videos and just posting them online, but leveraging YouTube as a search engine."
"Finding low competition keywords is key to creating successful content on YouTube."
"The smart way of creating your title is to use the highest volume keywords that your top competitors are already ranking for."
"After executing all these strategies from power hubs to outreach link building, we were able to increase this client's organic traffic by 80% in one of the hardest niches on the planet."
"It's easy for you to rank your brand-new listing up here in these top ten spots."
"The more searches you can do, the more keywords you're ultimately going to be able to find."
"Adding links in the text is a great way to not only have it easier for people to navigate but this will also help you rank higher on Google."
"It can help you optimize your videos, title, description, and tags, so it has more discoverability on YouTube."
"Its simple, its easy for readers to possibly remember because its shorter, and its also better for search engines."
"One of the most popular posts on my investing blog still gets thousands of visitors every single month from Google."
"The best way to get other sites to create high quality relevant links to yours is to create unique relevant content that can naturally gain popularity in the internet community."
"Our process of search analysis is how we identify low competition search queries that people are searching every single day."
"With so much high performing content on those lower competition search queries, we're able to naturally gain that authority which Google is able to measure just as easily as they do backlinks."
"Your Yoast settings are at full optimal settings so at this point all you need to do is just work on your content."
"Long-tail keywords are important for getting ranked in search engines."
"Having a big network of Facebook pages is stupidly powerful for ranking your site."
"But our 3,000 word posts take a long time to produce and we can hit bigger keywords with them so we're writing these short 1350 word posts on average that we call a response posts that just laser focus on these little specific questions."
"SEO is about staying ahead of the game. When you're able to understand the direction Google is going, you can prepare your website beforehand, and you end up with nice, steadily improving traffic graphs like these."
"YouTube is a search engine people go on there to search for videos and if you want your channel to be found I would definitely recommend having one of your main keywords in your name if you can."
"We specialize in one thing, which means when someone's searching on Google, they come straight to that page."
"He's attracting a lot of links to the helpful content that he's publishing."
"Content content content that is the name of the game that's why all of these websites are successful they're bringing in millions of dollars because they're using content to help connect Google searchers with the answers they're searching for."
"For example, YouTube's Creator Academy says that when your video's metadata matches the video someone's watching, you're more likely to show up as a suggested video."
"Schema is code that you put on your webpage that makes it super easy for Google to figure out exactly what your content is about."
"So all we need to do from here is to take this content, clean it up, go stick it on the blog, add some optimized images with alt tags and so forth for our primary keyword, and start driving links to it."
"Intent is why SEO is the most popular inbound marketing channel."
"It really describes the product, using commas, you are free to use it and it won't affect Google SEO."
"Alright, so tags, super important in different ways for Google Search and Etsy Search."
"Create content around products people are searching for."
"Short tail keywords tend to be one or two words and they tend to be very difficult to rank for in search engines."
"Long tail keywords are easier to rank for and best suit your website."
"The more information you give, the more opportunity you have to rank."
"Use PPC as a tool to help you rank for keywords and get more organic traffic."
"Always make content that people are actually searching for."
"Guess what, whenever someone types in 'how to get leaner' into Pinterest they will have a pretty good chance of discovering your pin."
"Performance and SEO: those are great reasons to use Next.js."
"If you’re sick and tired of hearing the same SEO tips over and over and over again, then make sure to watch this whole video, because I have tactics, techniques and strategies that you are not going to want to miss."
"A weak site with long content can outrank pretty much any big website out there."
"Are there at least two or more weak sites that are ranking on page one?"
"Search intent is the key to creating content that matches what people are looking for."
"Blogging is not writing, it is assembling content in a systematic way to appease humans and search engines."
"Search engine optimization is the process of improving web pages to make it easier for people to find what they're looking for online."
"Google is recognizing that and allowing this article to rank higher."
"My design process is based on a criteria that I call SEO. This criteria has helped me to create a positive and lasting impression on my clients."
"A backlink is simply like one another site links back to your site."
"The traffic to this page doesn't come from just their target keyword. It comes from the combined effect of ranking for thousands of queries."
"The first is arguably the most important and that's to ensure your page satisfies searcher intent."
"Internal links are super-powerful because they can pass link authority to other relevant pages."
"The process of learning how to do keyword research is incredibly powerful."
"Google loves WordPress websites because of fresh content."
"A great way to improve your search results and get new content indexed."
"Start with keyword research before creating your YouTube video."
"Avoid the mistake of doing keyword research after creating your video."
"One of the best ways to position your site for a quality score improvement is to do a complete website audit."
"The goal for this is to kind of understand what's ranking in the top 10 positions on Google and then set a goal of making a better piece of content around that topic."
"Descriptions act as metadata. Descriptions that are well optimized will mean you get higher rankings on YouTube."
"The compounding effect would be there the other thing is as much as it gets a bad rap with search friendly content that's also Evergreen and not about chasing Trends it meant that my content gets a longer shelf life."
"It really is important to get your books in now to take advantage of that and get those keywords for your book indexed on Amazon well before actual Easter Sunday approaches."
"I'm going to show you the fastest way to move from page two to page one of Google."
"SEO best practices to make sure that your website is appearing as well as it can in search engine results."
"Creating high quality content comes down to creating backlinkable content."
"Choose your niche, focus on it, write keyword-focused content, and update content."
"Ranking on Google is something that you always want to do eventually anyway."
"You want to make it as easy as possible for Google to understand what your website is."
"Building your website is super important, it also really helps with Google ratings, your SEO."
"Optimize SEO built into your site with Squarespace's tools."
"Long tail keywords are easier to rank for, they don't have as much search volume, but they do have higher conversion rates on average."
"I'm going to show you every tool that you need to know in Squarespace to not only make a really beautiful website but also start ranking on Google as well."
"One of the reasons you want a website is so you can have people find you on Google and start coming to your business."
"Backlinks are essential to getting a really good SEO score on your website."
"The cool thing about this is that when that robot comes into your page, they just get the entire site in the request, hence the SEO is better."
"A strong headline grabs attention and should contain variants of your target keyword."
"You're literally sitting on a gold mine when you already have keywords in the top 100."
"Match search intent and user expectations."
"You do not need a following to create content that ranks on Google."
"What you post on YouTube will also show up on Google."
"So this part is really, really important because it's going to help us rank our website on Google."
"Backlinks act like a vote for your website and generally, the more backlinks you have, the more popular your website is and the higher Google will rank your pages and your website."
"One of the best ways to actually get a backlink is through guest posting on different blogs and websites."
"Your content should match the searcher's intent."
"Provide answers to what people are actually searching for."
"You're able to earn passive income because if your website is actually ranking on Google, it means that it's there 24/7."
"If your website is actually ranking on Google, then every single month there's a consistent amount of people who are actually searching for your website."
"Imagine the ocean as Google, right, and then imagine you as the fisherman on top of here, your website."
"The real way to rank on Google is to have better content than other people."
"Figuring out a niche that is not super crowded... you can win queries that nobody has ever written something for."
"Once you start getting it up and running and it starts ranking on Google for your various different blog articles, it's a really great feeling."
"It's more about the keywords you're targeting, the search intent, and just creating really good human-based content."
"Your Google Search Console is a gem for finding keyword opportunities."
"One of the best tasks you can complete with Google Trends is keyword research."
"Understanding search intent for the different keywords that you're targeting can be really useful."
"Keep up with the latest trending searches."
"Using Google Trends to come up with a bunch of different keyword ideas is very easy."
"Understand seasonality and use demand to drive your SEO strategy."
"Invest in one long form or kind of SEO, rich content type and one short form or more immediate trending content type to start with."
"For example, if you search for 'best headphones,' then you'll see that all of the top-ranking pages have the current year in the titles because no one wants to know about the best headphones from previous years."
"Backlinks have been and still remain one of Google's most prominent ranking signals."
"And that's why I think joining a community where you can ask other SEO professionals for a second or third opinion is invaluable."
"If your pages aren't ranking high in Google, it's not because Google hates your website."
"So bottom line: if your page isn't matching search intent, you have a content issue and you'll need to update it."
"It's so important for SEO purposes to match your keyword phrases in your title, tags, and description."
"Being physically located in the city that you want to rank in helps."
"Putting your keyword phrase in at least one headline on your landing page is really powerful and easy to do."
"Find low competition topics with high search traffic potential."
"We want to make sure that this is ranking on Google and that it actually makes sense."
"What used to work in terms of keyword research, may not work now and maybe not in the future."
"We're okay ranking for something that only gets searched a couple times a day."
"SEO and search will enter a new frontier."
"But what's interesting, is that the top 2 ranking pages are actually listicles with a set of tips - meaning, an unordered list of methods to clean a car seat."
"Crafting titles and descriptions with relevant keywords improves search visibility."
"Keyword difficulty is super important. You want to stand a chance to rank high on search engines, right?"
"Writing articles like this and then just having your links throughout is a very passive way that people are just going to come from Google."
"You need to stand out in search results."
"...if we use a YouTube title such as this one it's going to be very easy for people to actually find our video on YouTube."
"Server-side rendering can make our applications faster and more search engine-friendly."
"These are videos more likely to grow over time because these are going to be more searchable videos."
"The more descriptive my titles are the better they perform."
"Proper keyword research is the foundation of effective SEO and content marketing. It's essential to understand what keywords your audience is using to search for information related to your products or services."
"You want to focus on highly searched keyword phrases."
"Ideally, we want to have a mixture of short and long-tail keywords in our listing in the strategic places of the title, the tag section, and the description."
"In addition to your title and tags, you want to naturally and organically weave those into your product description so you don't want to keyword stuff by just putting a list of your tags, Etsy doesn't like that."
And if I scroll down a bit, I'll see an awesome article: "The Best Flea Treatment for Cats for 2017." It gets almost 5,000 visits per month from Google while having 0 backlinks!
"Building backlinks is something that most people struggle with."
"I'm favoring SEO traffic over viral traffic."
"Your goal is to rank high in Google and get passive search traffic to your article, remember?"
"It's crucial that you understand how to do Etsy SEO and product research before you ever even create a listing."
"Google Search Console is a great free tool that everyone should use."
"Always prioritize content over SEO. At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember with SEO is that it is secondary to simply creating great content."
"Think of SEO as the cherry on top of the content sundae, not the other way around."
"One way to generate backlinks to your site is to write a guest post on a credible website in your niche."
"He was known as the godfather of SEO link building."
"URL slugs are the foundation and the building block for all your organic growth."
"They also have SEO tools so that your site is getting found and searched by more people more often."
"That's just one situation that's not like the golden rule of SEO or something."
"The four types of content you should post are SEO research content, product reviews, tutorials, and recreation of already popular content."
"You'll get more traffic within that timeframe but the first year, you won't get the results you're looking for. And that's what makes SEO beautiful."
"Generally speaking, the more that you give Google's crawlers to read, the better something will rank."
"You always have to be thinking about SEO."
"This is currently the best flow possible to rank quickly on Google using chat GPT."