
Financial Intelligence Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"You could be shopping somewhere, buying expenses and liabilities, but instead, you're here focused on acquiring assets."
"This is something I've been working on for 15-20 years, educating people about the power of financial intelligence."
"You have to think chess moves not checker moves with precious metals..."
"The path to the right side of the cash flow quadrant starts with thinking in terms of acquiring assets that produce passive income."
"Money is basically a measure of intelligent decision."
"Financial intelligence is the key to solving money problems and building wealth."
"The new game is being smart and letting that money work for you."
"It's not about what you make; it's about what you invest intelligently, and living a frugal life and investing will greatly help your financial state."
"The people that understand money are the people that are buying assets."
"Money just cares about how smart you are with it."
"Most people make money to buy nice things and then wonder why they're always broke. Wealthy people make money to buy assets and then let their assets pay for the nice things."
"Banks are smart... there's certain disparities that only the human eye can pick up on."
"I think right now it's a great time to do it. And I'm Co ask FUBU. I somewhat agree with call because, you know, I didn't have financial intelligence, none of us did."
"Use investment mentality and financial intelligence to invest the money from your primary stream into other streams of income."
"But you don't realize that person went to school for financial intelligence."
"It's just about knowing people and being smart with your money and making the right moves."
"People don't understand, your money got to determine your mentality. If you're rich, that's exactly how your mentality got to be. As you grow in finances, you got to grow in intelligence."
"Having financial intelligence also means knowing when to spend money and when to save money."
"We have to work smart to make a lot of money."
"Real estate is just smart at the end of the day."
"The key to becoming wealthy is to convert earned income into passive income or portfolio income as quickly as possible."
"Options traders are more active and more savvy."
"I am smart with my money; I make great investments."
"Poor people work hard for their money; rich people make their money work hard for them."
"Financial intelligence: Know how the tool of money works."
"Everyone can do well in the stock market; you have the skills, you have the intelligence."
"If you're smart with your money, you can make it work for you."
"Financial intelligence is being able to truly understand how to multiply wealth."
"The rich understand the perfect balance between assets and liabilities and cash flow."
"I'm smart with my money because I invest in real estate."
"The higher your financial intelligence, the more money you make without needing money."
"The only way to get rich and increase your financial intelligence is to actively solve your money problems."
"This is the time for you to get financially smart and financially educated."
"A man that's smart with your money, and that's really sexy."
"Start using your money as a tool and invest it into something that is going to generate more money for you."
"Your money must work for you because your hours are priceless."
"If you're an emotionally mature person and you're intelligent in terms of finances, you're gonna sit down with your spouse before you choose to have children and look at your finances."
"Smart rich people focus on investing their money into quality assets rather than just having huge bank accounts."
"The rich don't work for money. The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them."
"If you want to increase your financial intelligence, you need to be a problem solver."
"Financial intelligence is really about being resourceful."
"It ain't about how much money you make, it's about how much money you make count."
"I feel so grateful to have two parents that were pretty financially intelligent."
"You don't have to be rich to own gold, just smart."
"I'm just a lot smarter with my money now."
"Financial IQ is actually the synergy of many skills and talents."
"It is financial intelligence that improves the odds."
"That is why companies have a board of directors; you should have one too. That is financial intelligence."
"Money problem is not solved by money, money problem is solved by your intelligence and your skill set."
"The world is our oyster but we also want to be smart financially."