
Early Christianity Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"The early church witnessed the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ and realized in that revelation that death had just been conquered."
"Mary Magdalene's leadership is questioned merely because of her gender despite her prophetic visions, her unique status with Jesus, and even Peter's own acknowledgment of her spiritual authority."
"It's well established that teachings about Jesus spread far and wide very quickly after his death."
"The earliest disciples saw the risen Jesus. I don't know how exactly they saw him, but they saw him."
"Early Christianity was not a single monolithic structure. There were many branches to early Christianity."
"Whether or not an actual Gilgamesh ever existed, his name and exploits have managed to live on in popular culture."
"Ten Hag probably the best manager we've had since Fergie."
"In the earliest centuries, there was a lot of diversity within early Christianity."
"Proto-orthodox Christian polemics against synosticism are well known."
"The early church lived in a world that celebrated whatever deity you wanted to worship."
"As far as Catholicism goes when I read the writings and see the effect of Christianity on the very first."
"One of the most remarkable has a cover embossed with a face, which many interpret to be a bearded young man with a crown of thorns, making it possibly the first portrait ever of Jesus Christ." - Katrina Jordan
"I will mention too... in a letter to Trajan... he says that the church calls them deaconesses."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls have provided invaluable insights into Judaism and early Christianity, influencing scholarly thought on biblical accuracy, religious beliefs, and the context of Jesus's life."
"To find this symbol displayed on an ossuary here in the necropolis of Dominus Flevit directly connects it to what is believed to be some of the earliest evidence of Christianity."
"The very first proponents of Christianity in the form we recognize today were Galileans."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls contained portions of a book that lay out the entire gospel of Jesus Christ 300 years before he walked the earth."
"Paul received it from the earliest Christians."
"Martyrs like Agnes were believed to offer special protection for the early Christians."
"The Q plus Papias hypothesis posits that Q was written before Mark and Mark had access to it."
"To sum up what we've covered, the so-called heretic Marcion, it seems, was the first Christian to promote an exhaustive collection of uniquely authoritative texts."
"The Book of Enoch was so popular for early Christians that even the New Testament cites it."
"Making note that she appeared first, you know she was the first one to come to the tomb when Jesus rose from the grave."
"The first Christians recognized the authority of the words of Jesus and the apostles."
"Most of the bishops disagreed with Arius and they decided that Jesus is of the same substance and co-eternal with God."
"The community of faith existed for generations before any gospel or letter was written."
"Early Christianity had attractive things to offer."
"We need to start talking about this because that's what Saint Paul and the early Christians did."
"Acts of the Apostles communicates vividly the thrill they felt in the presence of the risen Christ."
"Why did the early Church almost universally accept the Deuterocanonical books?"
"Peter absolutely is the leader of the Apostles in the early church."
"We're going to take back true early Christianity... with power."
"In his 2014 book on the historicity of Jesus, Richard Carrier has pointed out Palestine in the early 1st century CE was experiencing a rash of messianism."
"The refusal of the Evangelist to augment Jesus' teachings with sayings that address problems and questions that the early church encountered testifies to the care and respect with which the teaching of Jesus was regarded."
"Forgery was the normal mode of literary production for Christians in the first two centuries."
"The fundamental problem early Christian critics identified aimed less at the simple existence of iconic statues or paintings of the Gods than on the ways viewers treated these objects."
"The different versions of the Nativity Story found in Matthew and Luke show that Christians were actively developing the narratives of Jesus's life in the first few centuries after his death."
"Surprisingly, Mary Magdalene was one of the first to preach the message that would become known as Christianity."
"Detachment from the world characterized the early church."
"I have no problem saying the early disciples thought they saw the Risen Jesus. Why wouldn't I affirm that? It's a fact of history." - Bart Ehrmann
"The earliest christology is the highest christology. Philippians is an example, coming out of the gates. We've used that phrase. You've got morphe right off the bat, or exact representation of his nature, Hebrews 1:3." - Richard Bauckham
"Critics like to say that as stories get larger over time details are added this one turns out on its head because First Corinthians 15 is the earliest list and it gives the most appearances so the most are at the beginning that's one note."
"The Nag Hammadi texts paint a picture of a vibrant, albeit contested religious landscape, where various groups and sects struggled for spiritual authority and legitimacy."
"When compared to the canonical New Testament, the Nag Hammadi texts bring to light the theological diversity that characterized early Christianity, offering views that diverge significantly from the Orthodox path."
"Jesus was worshipped in early Christianity not because he was a nice or good man, but because of who he was and what he'd done."
"The early book of Acts is all about who Jesus is."
"So, while they didn't find a place in anybody's New Testament Canon, Apocalypse of Saint Peter gives us a very early window into the understanding of what now gets called the afterlife or eschatology by very early Christians."
"...the early Christians were martyred."
"Early Christians were known for rescuing abandoned infants, reflecting a commitment to caring for the vulnerable."
"...there's no doubt about the way the early church observed the Lord's Supper they did it every week as the main purpose for their meeting as a full meal."
"The criticism by Celsus against Christianity in the second century provides valuable insights into early Christian-Pagan debates. His arguments challenge traditional Christian beliefs and provoke thoughtful responses from Christian apologists like Origen."
"To what degree do the church fathers believe that sinners are justified by grace through faith apart from works? A brief survey of early Christian writers produces a chorus of affirming voices."
"There were communities worshiping a dying and Rising demigod that they call Jesus outside of Jerusalem before 30 Common Era."
"The fact that Luke doesn't mention the martyrdom of James, Peter, or Paul, nor the destruction of the temple, proves he was writing before those events."
"Some of the earliest writings... talk about going to be with God." - Early Christian literature reflects a shared belief in being with Christ after death, shaping the foundation of Christian eschatology.
"Christianity in the beginning was like a forest fire out of control."
"Often forgotten the work of Europe's first ordained missionary was vital to the new church in its early days."
"At the crucifixion scene in John's Gospel, Jesus entrusts his mother to the beloved disciple, indicating her importance in the early Christian community."
"So that's kind of what we're raising in again the pag way matches that much you know very much so the way of the nazarin and the ebionites and what Christ was preaching because they were very communal they shared their things amongst themselves."
"'Praying the Lord's Prayer, you will be following the footsteps of the early Christian church.'"
"Giving in the early church was voluntary, nothing was said about 10% either as a maximum or as a minimum."
"So we want to pay attention to Clement, Polycarp, and Ignatius, basically because they're Disciples of the Apostles."
"These are among the most pressing questions that exegetical theologians and historians must ask when dealing with early christologies."
"One of the best books written on the history of the church is from an early Christian writer named Eusebius."
"In the second and third centuries, there were Christians who believed that this world had been created by a subordinate, ignorant divinity."
"The first time we could say with certainty that these are the books of the Christian Bible is the time of Irenaeus in 180."
"The original is far more fascinating; it's troubling because it doesn't match our picture of the early Christian world."
"...from the time of their inception until well until the 2nd and 3rd century before we had a Canon of scripture, they were quoted from, taught from, they were considered authoritative, and they were changing people's lives."
"...if we extend this to the second and third century with all the church fathers, we have over 36,000 quotes... we can almost put together all of Jesus's teachings... just from these alone."
"The graffiti shows us that some of these Christians were converting their Roman masters to their newfound religion."
"The early New Testament Church was totally baptized, filled with, empowered by the Holy Spirit."
"Phoebe's commendation showcases the valuable contributions of women in leadership and service within the early Christian Community."
"Lydia is notable for her conversion by Paul and her role as a supporter of the early Christian Community."
"Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."
"The writings that cohered with the earliest teachings about Jesus are the ones that were welcomed."
"At that time, there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem, and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles."
"The movement of his followers didn't die out but soon were saying they had seen him raised from the dead."
"The patristic period... is just a way of speaking of the early leaders of the Christian Church."
"The early Christians called themselves children of light, and their path was not Christianity, it was the way."
"The papyri can get you back another couple hundred years to within one, one and a half generations of the apostles."
"The early Christians believed that Jesus got physically raised from the dead. They thought that because several of the early Christians had visions of him."
"I'm on the side of the faith of the early church. I'm on Athanasius's side, I'm on Justin Martyr's side, I'm on Irenaeus's side, I'm on Tertullian's side, and Ignatius and Polycarp, and even Augustine."
"Saint Lawrence was a third-century early Christian deacon, saint, and martyr."
"This group from an early day labeled itself 'de catholica ecclesia' which in Greek means the Catholic Church."
"We're trying to restore New Testament Christianity."
"Most if not all the New Testament documents are written prior to 70 AD."
"Monks had kind of safeguarded culture and Christian scholarship during this early period of time."
"Early Christianity and the books that it's based on was very diverse."
"The early church used Jesus's accurate prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem as part of their argument of Jesus's prophethood."
"Tertullian and Justin Martyr... they both say to their opposition that they could go to the Roman archives and verify what was being said about Jesus in the archives."
"Mark is written between 20 and 40 years after Jesus, which is quite early by ancient standards."
"He is the same Holy Spirit who gave power unto the disciples and the early church."
"The Lord's Supper is one of the earliest traditions to develop in the early Church."
"Magdalene was recognized throughout the early church as preeminent among the women disciples."
"A very early piece of Christian literature."
"Early Christians also had respect for the woman."
"Early Christians sometimes worshipped before the statues of Isis suckling the infant Horus, seeing in them another form of the ancient and noble myth by which woman, that is, the female principle creating all things, becomes at last the mother of God."
"The joy of the early Christians in the face of horrendous persecutions."
"If we didn't have a single manuscript of the New Testament and we only had the Church Fathers, we could recreate what the New Testament said."
"The mysterious Essenes, an apocalyptic and ascetic Jewish sect with many parallels to early Christianity."
"The early Christians knew Jesus Christ in spirit; they knew how to exercise their spirit, they knew how to function with their spirit."
"These documents were written super early... like the Pauline epistles, Galatians written in the 50s."
"He compiled a history of the church in the first 300 years."
"It passes the limits of credibility to think that the early Christians manufactured the resurrection."
"The New Testament also has very early manuscripts to confirm its authenticity."