
Personal Outlook Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Infectious positivity that makes you envious of his outlook on life."
"Life is what you make it; life could be heaven or hell. This person sees life as heaven."
"I think there's good things happening, but optimistic about the future overall? I don't know, that's tough to be."
"When you feel like you're running out of time, you just need to meet somebody who can turn your world upside down."
"I live my life as though today's my last day."
"Some people are doomed to be miserable no matter what."
"Life is great, life is amazing, I'm living for it, I'm loving it."
"If you wake up every morning and you say how lucky you are you tend to be happier, right?"
"Surrender the outcome, especially the outcome."
"Realize that there's a lot of room for optimism."
"It looks to be a very beautiful next couple of weeks for you."
"I don't worry about things that I can't control. I worry how I'm going to live."
"I try really hard to take a positive outlook on the world and humanity."
"We don't have this big 'we must reach x amount of whatever.' We're just along for the ride."
"Amaze, nothing but positive vibes, always looking at the glass half full."
"Your outlook on life could suddenly become quite positive and hopeful."
"Life happens for you, it doesn't happen to you."
"It's all about how you live your life and no matter what happens tomorrow."
"Things are always happening for you, never to you."
"Things are actually looking up, I'm actually very optimistic."
"At this point, it's like anything that happens, I just have that mentality like, 'Okay, this is good, this is gonna be good for something.'"
"If you project for the worst and hope for the best, you can never be disappointed."
"The realism for me is kind of trying to maintain a balance between cynicism and optimism."
"It's a blessings like you know you got to take the good with the not-so-good."
"When do you see yourself no longer uploading? I guess when I'm dead."
"Sometimes you've got to take the positives out of the negatives."
"At the end of the day, people are going to talk no matter what. Everybody else's opinion, I don't care about anymore."
"August is going to be a much much better month for many many many of you."
"Isn't it nice that we can feel kind of positive about things for once?"
"I'm just I'm very excited for this year bro I don't I'm but yeah I don't have like plans for it... I Just Go With It."
"I choose to be an optimist because basically the other choice is not very good."
"Okay, I'm feeling good about this, I've got high hopes for tomorrow."
"If I feel like my life has value, then I'm going to live and go out into the world as such."
"Negativity doesn't really breed anything like the ceiling is pretty low."
"The bottom line is, it's all about perspective."
"I'm trying to find a positive in all situations."
"I'm in a good mood. That's bad news for the Devil."
"Life is what you make it, love is everything."
"This decade I believe is going to be a decade of roller coasters, and I call it the decade of the roller coasters."
"Nothing is ever as bad as you make it out to be."
"The difference between a bad life and a good life is the attitude you have towards the things that happen."
"The grass isn't greener on the other side, it's the mindset you take with you."
"And I think that's the most important thing is knowing that you'll always be okay eventually."
"I love mornings. It changes everything for me. I just can't tell you enough."
"You win some, you lose some. But look at it from a positive view, and everything's gonna be good."
"Things are still looking good for me, which is more than we can say for the king of Sweden."
"I feel like there could be happiness coming in for you soon."
"I feel like there could be love coming in for you for sure."
"Expect good things in your life, expect good things to be happening to you."
"Let go of the past, the future is unknowable."
"If I win, I win, and if I lose, I still win."
"I try to be happy and optimistic. A lot of people ask me why, how are you so optimistic?"
"I might have a bad day but I never have a bad week."
"For the first time in their life, they're not... 'Oh, you know, I'll be dead in a decade and no one will care.' Oh. Certainly not me."
"Counting your blessings instead of counting your losses - such a great mentality, such a great energy to hold."
"The more you move through life with just thinking negatively, then your life's gonna be whole negative."
"That's why I know I'm halfway through my life. 80, I'm out."
"Life is about to get much, much better for those of you."
"The quickest tell that somebody's a loser is complaining."
"I'm just so optimistic, and it's predicated on just more time and time will go away."
"And to say the least, it can be extremely hard, but to just to try maintain a positive outlook in all situations, it really shifts absolutely everything."
"Age is just a number, it really depends on how we feel inside of ourselves."
"You're gonna be super optimistic about your life."
"I feel like whatever the situation is, you're on your way to a lot of happiness."
"I feel younger as I approach 50. Inside, I feel about 37 right now."
"As much as I always focus on the negative I'm always super super thankful."
"Ridicule is so far from my biggest fear. I find joy in it."
"Nothing should be sour, no. Nothing should be bitter."
"It's okay to feel up and down; take yourself to the higher viewpoint."
"I decided that today is gonna be a great day."
"Life is what you make of it, and it's as simple as that."
"Life is full of troubles most of them never even happen."
"Life is everything bro. Life is good. Life is bad."
"Everything usually just kind of works out for me."
"So while everybody else seems to be upset today and this week I'm looking at the bright side of things."
"People see you as the stars are lining up for you, like you have this really positive outlook on your life."
"Something really sweet is around the corner for you."
"Ultimately, it's going to lead to something better."
"I should prefer being desperate in a certain way; it gives us a direction to go for."
"It's kind of exciting, it's like a fresh start maybe, but we can make it a fresh start, it's all subjective right?"
"Good times are ahead, peace, harmony, and that's what it's all about, Sagittarius."
"I see recovery, I see things lightening up for you gradually."
"Cole had a smile on his face and for someone who's been through what he's been through he just has a positive outlook."
"Nothing is permanent, people aren't permanent."
"I can see clearly now the rain is gone... it's gonna lead to some great things for you."
"The world isn't filled with people who are just trying to get you."
"I think the world is definitely a more dangerous place than it was a couple of years ago but I try not to be fatalistic about it."
"Keep your vibe high, stay optimistic about the future."
"Life is short anyway regardless of what happens to me."
"You never say never when it comes to me, that's how I see my career going forward."
"I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, but I can see on the future as best I can in the next months and years. I think we have a pretty bright space."
"Your life will be better than you think it is."
"People that are looking to be offended are always going to be offended."
"I'm gonna stay positive... let's see what happens."
"I feel like you're very focused on the future."
"Highlight what I see around me that is good and actually vocalize it."
"Everything happening to me is actually happening for me and that even in the Heartbreak and the unknown that there's like Beauty on the other side of this."
"Attitude is everything, guys. It's 100 percent everything."
"It is going to be a good year. 30, flirty, and thriving."
"I truly feel like this is going to be our year."
"I will share with the end of the video what my outlook is."
"I choose to remain glad because of what I'm seeing."
"People absolutely can see a much more exciting future rather than looking at the destiny and the density and the rubble and the chaos."
"I feel like your life will end up better than ever."
"Nothing is ever going to wipe the smile off my face ever no matter what happens in the future."
"The world will do it for me. So get mad all you want, this is my outlook."
"I'm really not like a doom and gloom sort of guy honestly I'm relatively optimistic."
"When you change how you look at things, the things you look at change."
"At the end of the day, it's all about your perspective."
"Despite that Shino was still able to find a positive outlook on the situation."
"You are not impressed by you, obsessed by you, or depressed by you when you are blessed by Him."
"Every situation where I always try to look at a positive side to it."
"I'm optimistic because I have so much to look forward to."
"Imperfection creates Perfection, facts. Don't really know where I do think this could turn out better than I expect."
"You get exactly what you think you're gonna get."
"It's very important for you to not give up hope that things can get better for you. Like, you are gonna start looking forward to the future again."
"Things are looking good because I'm looking at the past here and it looks a little bit gloomy on that first row but things are looking better."
"I feel like 22 is just like a good freaking year sounds like a good year."
"What you think is what you become. So if you want to have negative shitty outlook on the world, well, you're gonna be miserable."
"Self-pity and diminished self-esteem will only obscure your view of what is to come."
"You must not ignore things that are making you optimistic."
"Perception is always greater than reality. Perception determines how you react to things. Outlook determines outcome and attitude determines altitude."
"This is going to be a good year for me."
"I'm only looking for the positive in everything."
"I am more blind. I lost more vision. It is what it is, and I don't care."
"I have always been someone that looks towards the future."
"You're trying your best to have a positive outlook."
"My prayer this morning was literally, 'God, just give me a perspective of optimism and of peace on today because my circumstances are my circumstances, but my outlook is what I can choose.'"
"Life is short, so they say, but life is only short if you love your life; otherwise, it is very, very painfully long."
"Everything is how you look at it."
"It all comes back to your perspective."
"I'm confident enough in myself that if it doesn't work out, things will be okay."
"Life is amazing, man. Life is whatever you make it."
"I remember the dignity he maintained, and I'm free, so I should have the same outlook."
"I am a very pessimistic optimist."
"This is your life, this is what your life is gonna look like."