
Personal Advancement Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"How do you excel, level up, if you don't take any risks?"
"America is a place in which people can rise and are capable of making good decisions and are capable of moving beyond their personal circumstance."
"If there is something that inspires you, I would say definitely go for it and give it your all."
"A new, exciting job opportunity is coming your way, putting you in control and establishing yourself."
"You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate."
"You're headed right towards something better."
"It just takes you to that next level when you're driving a car."
"There is a wonderful opportunity headed your way that's just out of the blue this month for you."
"Your intuition is correct, keep moving forward."
"Success is about positive traction and movement, not just how it's received."
"Most people are honest, not because we're such great people, but because we know that if we're honest we'll probably get further."
"Life's not fair, but if you have the opportunity to do well and get somewhere and better yourself, then you take it."
"Ragnik refused the initial offer unless he got offered that consultancy role."
"Your imagination is going to take you further than anyone else around."
"There is this wonderful new offer on its way for you."
"Donald Trump's closest allies are turning on him and now many of them hey hold on a second are not only saying no to Trump but yes to themselves."
"If you're not making power moves towards your future self, you're not advancing much."
"Make your boss look good. That's what I want."
"I was going to go run up the corporate ladder."
"Your storm will promote you to new places you've only dreamed of."
"I should just say what I have on my mind because that will get me further in life."
"No amount of their tears are going to hold me back."
"You have control over your journey; let's move forward."
"Listen to your parents and you'll go a lot further than you ever thought you could." - Lee
"Make the decision today and advance on your path. Do not remain stagnant out of fear."
"There's a new power that's moving you forward, and it's embracing what you love."
"I feel like you're moving towards success and progress."
"You gotta take the advantage and run with them."
"But now they're taking Jesse Waters off to five to give him his own but, eight o'clock is as sweet as it gets."
"Entrepreneurship, in my opinion, is the best way to kind of get out of that lower socioeconomic status that they're stuck in."
"Jane's family also felt the benefit of her elevation."
"This is an opportunity to step onto a higher level, like an elevator that's opening its doors."
"Advance, advance, advance." - "Someone else needs to show up for you."
"Once you're ready and people say like yo he's already yeah she's just waiting the seat is waiting it's waiting for you to come take it."
"Use this energy to your advantage and you will be unstoppable."
"You have to kind of mimic you have to be approximate a good person and do good things and don't steal don't kill don't do these things because it gets you ahead because um you you can't get away with it."
"You have to parlay these 15 minutes of fame into your bag, you have to do that."
"Embracing clothing as a way to propel yourself forward in life."
"This is really propelling Lee to MasterChef level."
"The more open-minded and open-hearted you are, I think the further you'll go in life."
"You know, we're gonna grab it, we're gonna advance move it up."
"Spirit will reward you for being disciplined and putting yourself forward."
"She understood her value and that she was going to leverage it to make sure that she got the best possible set of circumstances."
"The government's not going to help you get ahead... in any way."
"Taking risks tells the universe that you're ready to step into that next level."
"You have learned a lesson that your higher self signed up to learn in this life and you are now ready to unlock the next level."
"He saved up enough money to enroll at New York University."
"Your mind is clear, you're moving forward, you know you're finally taking steps."
"We're gonna break these chains and step on up."
"It's very possible to put yourself in a position where you can stand out, and if you can get yourself in that terrain of life, then doors start opening up for you."
"Everything for you to prosper, for you to advance, for you to go forward, for you to have a great quality of life is already in place." - Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3
"You are in for an exceptionally illuminating, powerfully inspiringly explosive acceleration forward."
"Know your worth. Don't wait on anybody. Go forward in life."
"Knowledge is that's going to get you places."
"You're going to take your power back and move forward."
"I'm ready to step into my light, I'm ready to go to the next level, I'm ready to expand."
"You're about to receive something that will push you towards new Journeys."
"Advance yourself to the next step in your life and show the universe that you're ready."
"Somebody is the empress but like you're leveling up."
"How does power serve any of these people other than being a huge headache and the thing that's in the that's an obstacle to them getting what they actually want which is just personal advancement?"
"If a person is not educated in life, they can't go far and they can't take their community back."
"Step forward now and sing your song. There is a power in finding your voice."
"How are we going to succeed here? How are we going to advance ourselves?"
"She used her social bonds to move herself forward in the game."