
Physics Principles Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics... one set of rules for when you're looking at it, one set of rules for when you're not."
"The stronger the pull of gravity, the slower the clock ticks."
"If it follows from Maxwell's equations that the speed of light is the same in every reference frame, then the laws of nature are the same in every reference frame."
"Every new universe has a total of zero energy."
"Speed does not kill, it's acceleration that kills."
"What's the takeaway? An object in motion tends to stay in motion."
"Quantum mechanics: Things can be in two states at the same time."
"Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it's transformed."
"Does the fact that the speed of light is a constant mean that it is also a speed limit?"
"No two electrons can have the same four quantum numbers."
"This symmetry is baked into the laws of physics and there it manifests as the Strong Force, but SU(3) is free to appear in many other contexts, like the behavior of the color receptors in our eyes."
"And the rotational kinetic energy is one-half times this moment of inertia times the square of the angular velocity."
"What physics is telling us is that everything comes down to geometry and the interactions between elementary particles."
"The world is not deterministic; we've learned because of quantum mechanics."
"The resistance of water is necessary for ships to float, the resistance of air is necessary for a plane to fly, the resistance of gravity is necessary for you to walk."
"An infinite universe may literally contain every possible thing allowable by the laws of physics - each in infinite multitude."
"All the laws of physics will behave in exactly the same way if we are stationary or if we are moving at constant speed."
"Gravity, the one that the scientific community follow alone, is not a force."
"Energy can't be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed."
"Even if we empty it and there is nothing left according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, that nothing has a weight."
"Meaning there's no such thing as absolute motion. It's all relative."
"Matter is energy equals mc squared so matter literally is energy and matter can become energy and energy can become matter."
"Matter literally is energy and matter can become energy and energy can become matter, they can switch back and forth forever but they're never destroyed."
"Energy rather than coming in a continuous mesh of smooth values came in discrete granular packets which came to be known as quanta."
"Spider-Man's story is a textbook illustration of forces in motion."
"Perfectly elastic collisions mean initial kinetic energy equals final."
"When the electron... is measured the effect of measuring changes its state. It measures it as up and it collapses."
"The laws of physics applied to that primary: for every action, there's what? An opposite and equal reaction."
"He uncovers how mass interacts with force, inertia, and acceleration... his greatest insight is to define gravity."
"Whatever happens has an equal and opposite reaction."
"Potential energy depends on where you are; kinetic energy depends on how fast you're moving. And some combination of where you are and how fast you're moving is invariant, does not change with time."
"Particles cannot really come into existence from nothing; they come into existence from energy."
"Not only are symmetries extremely important to physics when they are exact, but many important physical phenomena also arise from symmetries that are broken."
"The force is perpendicular to the velocity and the B field."
"The laws of physics for all uniformly moving observers are all the same."
"Everyone moving uniformly always measures the speed of light being the same."
"Where we have a high flow velocity, we have a low pressure, and where we have a low flow velocity, we have a high pressure."
"Freely falling bodies move along spacetime geodesics."
"All other sciences like chemistry, biology, etc., are based on fundamental principles of physics."
"Information conservation plus invariance leads to momentum conservation."
"But we have seen that events which are causally connected, the order cannot be reversed or should not be reversed."
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction; a black hole sucks time and matter out of the universe, a white hole returns it."
"Using Ohm's law, V = IR, you can easily calculate the voltage, the current, or the resistance."
"Putting symmetry at the heart of physics is what this is all about."
"Energy is neither created nor destroyed, so we are simply transforming one form of energy into another."
"The string is continuous; therefore, the boundary condition tells us that the string cannot break."
"No process is possible whose sole result is complete conversion of heat to work."
"When you double the area of a capacitor, you double its capacitance."
"Kinetic energy is proportional to temperature."
"The acceleration of a projectile is always 9.81 straight down because the only force acting on it is gravity."
"Relativity has a lot more to do with relative motion."
"As pressure increases, depth of liquid increases."
"Momentum and wavelength are inversely proportional."
"Once upon a time, F equals MA was radical too, so even the simplest of principles needs to be validated."
"In physics, we don't have negative time, so what you'll see always, your graph is always positive."
"50% of physics is drawing your diagrams really carefully."