
Republicanism Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The whole point of the United States is not to be a monarchy but to be a true republic in which power and responsibility both lie with the citizen."
"We aren't a democracy, we are a Democratic Republic."
"We are living in a moment in which many of us are waking up to the realization that...you can't free ride on a republic."
"How the hell do you think republicanism works if not through the very act of debate and discussion?"
"A republic means a state, which is for the public, which sounds wonderful. Republic, res publica, rzeczpospolita in Polish, respublika, if you insist in Ukrainian. It means the common matter. But who is the public? Is the tricky question for republics."
"A republic form of government means that the people elect leaders to represent them."
"America's survival as a republic depends on youth engagement."
"This idea that it's a republic not a democracy...that's sort of nonsense."
"Our nation is a Republic. We are the people!"
"One of the wonderful things about the American system today is how America has stayed true to its republican principles despite being the world's great power for the past 60 years."
"Abolish the monarchy, cut off their heads immediately, viva la republique!"
"The reason we have a republic is to protect the minority from the whims of an angry and vicious majority."
"The Republican Party will always defend the principles at the heart of our republic."
"Don't rely on a judge to save your republic. Don't rely on a politician to do that." - David Clements
"We the People must decide whether we're going to sustain a republic where reality is accepted, the law is obeyed, and your vote is truly sacred."
"Democratic republics are not just founded on the consent of the people, they're also dependent on the active and informed involvement of those same people for its continued good health."
"Democracies and republics have taken the power from the king given it to the people."
"I've given you a republic if you can keep it."
"I was an anglophile and a royalist all my life. I am now a staunch republican. I hope they abolish the monarchy."
"Republicans finding a spine, and boy is it enjoyable when Republicans actually have a spine."
"When you have tens of millions of people who don't want to live in a despicable late stage Republic like we have now, they will eventually choose for themselves someone to rise."
"What I'm fighting for is the Constitution, what I'm fighting for is the perpetuation of the republic."
"Proof of why we need a renewed republican movement."
"We need to bring back what it is to have a true constitutional republic."
"We no longer live in a self-governing republic if we can't get the answer to this question."
"I'm just proud to be part of this. Peaceful people who want to keep the republic."
"Republicans have found a way to use the power and influence of Evangelical Christians and Christianity in general as a weapon."
"Tim Scott, a Republican, a black man, gave a rebuttal speech and there were some pretty good points being made."
"The Republic did not need to die. Republic is not an organism; it has no natural lifespan. It lives or dies."
"A republic makes claims about things that do not change."
"The nearer any government approaches to a republic, the more worth is one honest man to society than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived."
"I think the idea of sort of looking out for each other is surely the point in a republic."
"Our founding fathers gave us a republic that it is not a spectator sport."
"Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos." - John Marshall
"We're going to take it back, we're going to make sure we send Republican senators."
"We're not a democracy; we're a representative constitutional republic."
"Democracy is coming down, the republic is rising."
"A republic in a large area has a better chance of preserving liberty than a republic in a small area."
"Connolly’s nationalism and republicanism had always been conditional on the idea that an independent Ireland was the best means of achieving greater rights for Irish workers."
"The ultimate outcome is that republican institutions do not survive these tensions created ultimately by the inordinate growth of the empire, generated by the Republic."
"For better or worse, he had bought into the concept of the new republic in which the people in parliament were now the source of all sovereignty."
"The fundamental teaching of the revolution, the basic principle of republican government, is equality."
"...the United States is not just a republic, we are a republic of republics."
"You can have a republic even in Europe, a sea of monarchy and kings."
"We were a republic. We were not a monarchy. We didn't have crown jewels. But we did cherish the memory of George Washington."
"Republicanism is now starting to be associated with the ambition to throw off the British yoke."
"We could become a noble and magnificent federal republic, closely linked in the pursuit of a common interest."
"The ideology of republicanism would be something that Africans and African Americans could identify with."
"Ireland finds its roots of the very things that makes it a republic today within the Irish Parliament."
"The best way to control the mischief of factions is by having a large republic."
"The Constitution is the blueprint for Republican government."
"We the people are in charge of this government; we choose who represents us in our government, and that's what makes us a constitutional republic."
"Rome will be a republic again," Marcus declared.
"The Irish Volunteers are the army of the Irish Republic."
"We are a republic, we're not a monarchy."
"The risk of factional strife... could destroy the Republic and erect a new government on the ruins of public Liberty."
"Shakespeare had a peculiar interest in republics."
"It's a republic, if you can keep it. As a citizen, not a subject, but as a citizen, we have a responsibility to keep this constitutional republic."
"We are all in favor of the citizens of the Republic becoming its creditors rather than the debtors of bankers and capitalists."
"That at least gives me a little bit of hope for a possible re-emergence of the great American republic."
"A republic requires as much responsibility as it does liberty, and it's in the tension between those two ideas that a great society is built."
"Venice has a interesting and unique history as a republic."
"I promised you victory; was it for my interests or those of the Republic?"
"They then declared that they had restored freedom and that the Republic was back and the tyrant was gone."
"We're a republic here, everybody is equal."
"The omnipresent goal of defending the Republic above all else seems to stem from the idea of the overthrow of the Roman kings."
"Maybe republican form of government is better than monarchy."
"Originalism is the only principle of constitutional interpretation that is consistent with the principle of a republican form of government."
"Republicanism... emphasised the liberty of citizens and the idea of popular sovereignty."
"Technically we are a representative republic, we are not a democracy."
"...the Republican Party historically has been the party of less government and typically advocating for lower taxes."
"Democracy and self-government... another word for a kind of synonym really for democracy at the founding was republicanism."
"By the mid-1860s, a faction of so-called 'young republicans' managed to win seats in the Corps Législatif."
"I believe too strongly in the values of our Republic to allow agents of a foreign power to influence our politics."
"Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens."
"He suggests to the people that they establish a republican nation."
"Republicanism means that people elect leaders to represent them and to create laws in the public interest."
"In a republic, majoritarianism occurs where actions reflect the opinions of the majority."
"The spirit of the laws was the greatest guide to how the American republic was organized under the constitution of 1787."
"Franklin's pen name became the nexus of republican sentiment."
"He became in effect the father of Irish republicanism."
"Every civil Constitution shall be a republic."
"An island of republicanism in the sea of autocracy."
"They have served an integral role in keeping our Republic."
"The rise of a young Republic composed of 13 states each governed by officials popularly elected under constitutions drafted by the plain people was the most significant feature of the 18th century."
"A Republic's authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them."
"The right of sovereign birthright is protected under the Republic."
"Cromwell is the architect of both the regicide which cost the life of Charles Stuart and the republican regime which followed."
"The essence of a republican government... is going to revolve around the principle of the practice of representation."
"Down with Tarquin the tyrant, no more Kings in Rome!"
"Republicanism promotes public life participation by being economically independent."
"Many Americans believe that governments should be republics, in other words, people vote and they are the ultimate authority."
"Rome created a system of government called 'republica', the inspiration for modern republics like the United States and France."