
Necessities Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"Invest in things that people need, and you don't need anything more than water."
"People need transportation, most people, and they need shelter. These are not discretionary items."
"In a survival situation, your priority is water."
"I thought we had coffee mugs. I will talk to him. We need to, we need to."
"If you can't shoot the ball, you cannot play basketball."
"Well, we're buying things that people have to use."
"Wow guaranteeing the basic necessities of life health care which I as a Canadian and the vast majority of the world already have guaranteed to them housing education so scary now."
"If I was the richest person in the world, I'd try to make people have a little bit more necessities."
"What they really need is collective bargaining..."
"The world really needs to have a major move to make oxygen, antibiotics, and intravenous fluids available to everyone."
"Water, that thing we need to survive, somehow below money and profit, a thing we made up."
"Water should have a market value... personally, I believe it's better to give a foodstuff a value so that we're all aware that it has its price."
"Anything we give up for God comes back in a way that we actually needed."
"We need high integrity sources of the things we need in our life."
"You gotta buy more clothes, come on, clothes, right? That's an expense."
"No matter what you invest in, those will become sort of out there, and eventually, if you don't have these basic necessities, you will have to sell those investments you have for food and maybe a couple of sacks of potatoes."
"Food is much more important. We're gonna need fish, we're gonna need berries, we're going to need all that stuff throughout the year."
"All you need is water and food and a roof of some kind and then you can get things going."
"I have to bring my makeup, I have to bring a couple pairs of clothes."
"Socks are not necessarily donated as often as other articles of clothes."
"Housing and health care are necessities for survival."
"Only by being on the edge do we know who we are and what we really need."
"Property is something that, you know in life, there's two things that we're always going to need, and that's shelter and food. And shelter is property."
"It's not a basic necessity to drive a luxury car."
"If you can't get your trash collected, I don't want to live there."
"Vegetables are very important. You need to eat them because if you don't, you will die."
"Sippy cups are not a necessity, not something that I would ever think anyone needs to buy."
"It's not a luxury to have a telephone or a car or a home. That's necessity, and we need it."
"Islam came to preserve five Universal necessities."
"There's nothing quite as core as the cost of food and energy to your day-to-day life."
"It's not all about the money, but you gotta eat, am I right?"
"Nobody needs a Game Boy or a PlayStation 3 to survive."
"Now we have portable sleeping, that is one of those things that we definitely needed."
"Physical survival means obtaining food, water, and shelter; intellectually survival means assessing and utilizing information."
"It's not money that is important; we need money to have a bit of food and the roof over our heads, but there are so many things in life that are free."
"What they need is food, the necessities, the basics of life."
"Do not worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear."
"You need water, of course, you need shelter, you need medical, power maybe, but you need to be able to make fire."
"There's an old adage about how many guitars does a guitar player need, and the answer is one more."
"We got everything we need and things we didn't know we needed."
"Bath towels are just something you just don't really ever really purchased."
"The creditors get paid before basic necessities of people on the island like housing, education, health care."
"It has everything we need, and I'm really grateful for that."
"...you can never have too many of those."
"Batteries are definitely something to have on hand."
"Our focus is food, clothing, shelter, communication, education, and transportation."
"I need laptop, I need earphones, it's very important, and I need the agenda."
"Our top three priorities for today are fire, water, and shelter."
"What you want versus what you need."
"What our people need today, we need land, we need housing, we need to have a place where we can find shelter."
"Survival is all about taking care of basic priorities first. That means shelter, water, fire, and food."
"People can't even barely afford the Necessities. Lot people can't because the inflation rate has been so high."
"I would say I'm more minimalistic and I'd like to think that I only bring the Necessities but at the same time I'm also someone who likes to be overly prepared for things."
"Anything you needed, from livestock to medicine to mail to clothes to flour, sugar, staples-- it all had to come in on the boats."
"Your goals: need to get myself a SIM card, need to get myself some currency exchanged, and starving. I need to get myself some food."
"Newborn babies don't really need a whole lot of anything at all for those first three months."
"We don't need capitalism involved in providing necessities of life. We can provide these as public goods and services."
"Having a paper freedom not to die of hunger doesn't mean you have the real freedom to be well nourished."
"I stocked up on all the Necessities I got bottled water I got some canned soup but you always forget something."
"We need things, we need vitamins, we need all those things."
"Pick what you need each week to survive."
"Well people, we don't have infrastructure like this, guys you have to understand, for the roads, for the pipes, for grocery stores are shut down, restaurants are shut down."
"Affordable housing isn't enough; people also need job opportunities."
"We're spending all this money with these defense contractors on these $200 million jets, but we need the basics."
"Every man must have bread and a roof above. Some of them have wives and bosses and bank managers too."
"The single most important thing that they need are horizontal perches."
"Few people actually require a luxury vehicle; it is typically a want, not a need."
"Every one of my kids always had a crib. They always had a bed. They had everything they needed."
"I'm thankful for all of my limbs working, my senses, having clothes to put on my back, food to put in my stomach, and a roof over my head."
"You can survive three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. Those three days without water? That's gonna be a rough one."
"If I have good water and internet, that handles 90 percent of my life."
"Think about what your family needs."
"You really do need a decent horn on the open road."
"No, it's not fast. I don't stream anything. I'm not watching movies at night, but it does allow me to do my job and pay the bills, which, hey, that's all you normally ask for, right?"
"These kids are so stressed out by buying toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning products... they're having to work two to three jobs to just get their basic needs."
"You need a really good bed and a really good pair of shoes because if you're not in one, you're in the other."
"I realized the importance of even the basic necessities... it changed my whole mindset."
"You can survive without food for ages and ages, but you can't survive without water for very long."
"A city requires a supply of food, sophisticated systems of irrigation, and a rule of law."
"I'm really grateful that I've got a family to cook for and I've got plates to eat off and I've got hot water."
"Essential stuff you need and then nice to haves that make your life better."
"All we really need in this world is food, water, and shelter, everything else is just marketing."
"Running water is a pipe dream for 40 percent of those who live here."
"We need food and water so we can do good things and make a difference in life."
"We need supplies, we need food, we need water, we need shelter."
"Necessaries are those things which are appropriate for a person in that minor's station in life."
"Love is not all you need; you need a lot more than love."
"The government should help us with food and water."
"What you need should prioritize what you want."
"You know how much you and I really need in this world? Clothes to cover our nakedness, some form of a roof over our head, and just a little bit something to eat through the day."
"Every community, every neighborhood has standard requirements that every neighborhood has to have."
"Everyone has wants, and everyone has needs."
"These are people who need the basics for food and rent and utilities and medicine."
"You got to take stuff with you, some stuff, if you're going to travel."
"It's raining, it's kind of cold, but we're headed out because there's one important thing that humans need other than water: bananas."
"They need a decent police force, they need a good economy, they need good education."
"Health is a right in the same sense that food is a right."
"He needs undershirts, plain white t-shirts, and he needs socks and underwear, that's it, that's all he needs."
"Let me be surrounded by luxury, I can do without the necessities."
"You need love and affection and support and just a good relationship."
"It's got everything you need and all super clean and tidy."
"Every single person on the planet should have their basic needs provided: food, shelter, health care, etc."
"The basic needs of a healthy activated sludge are pretty simple: you need food, you need an ample supply of oxygen, and you need good mixing."
"Universal phone chargers are a must these days."
"It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes."
"You can live for several months without food, but you will last for only a few days without water."
"Every human being in the world deserves daily necessities."
"You have basic things you need in a survival situation: food, water, shelter."
"High Street has everything that a family would need."
"You could buy an awful lot of milk and eggs and bacon for 55 dollars."
"Let's give this thing a try, we're rolling one, two, one, two, look for those necessities, that's how a bear can rest at ease, the simple necessities of life."
"Needs are very basic: food, water, shelter, health."
"People don't live with ideas; they live with food. But they don't live only with food; they live also with ideas."
"Every person should have access to the necessities of life."
"The people take a global stance from the very start: bread and land; how do we go about getting bread and land?"
"Money for rent and things is nice to have."
"Obviously, if you're a homeowner compared to just somebody that's living in an apartment still... there's certain things that you just want to have around."
"Americans are scrambling not because they can't afford gas; they can't afford to feed their families."
"When you get a new pet, there are things you want, like toys, and things you need, like food and water."
"Accommodation for migrants should meet their essential living needs and nothing more."
"With food and raiment therewith be content."
"No matter how bad the economy gets, you're still going to buy toilet paper."
"For me personally, success was being able to take care of your family, make sure that people around you have every basic necessity they need."
"All you need is a place to stay at night, food for your belly, clothes to wear, and medicines in time of sickness."
"This home has absolutely everything you need."
"We need food, water, sleep to be able to learn and be able to operate as human beings."
"Drinkable water is priority next to shelter."
"Got to pay the bills, got to have food on the table."
"I was just extremely happy, they brought me groceries that I needed."
"There are only two things we Afghans need: the Koran and more Stingers."
"People need two things in life: a place to live and a way to get to work."
"These were innovations that were driven by the need to provide food, clothing, and shelter for a constantly growing population in the Americas."
"You never have enough warm socks."
"The rules of beekeeping from the bees' point of view: they need a warm dry cavity, they need food, and they need to manage their parasites."
"It's everything that a big family home should have and need."
"Everyone in this world is deserving of food, water, and shelter."
"Because everyone needs money, everyone also needs the basics like health care and education." - Mario Ritter, Jr.
"Capitalism does not exist to supply your basic needs. It exists to profit off of them. That's why there's a paywall in front of every basic necessity."
"You need two things: safety and the truth."
"Were going to Ikea because we need a new toilet and meatballs, meatballs, meatballs"
"How many things are we dependent on that we have to do? Water, sleep, caffeine... everybody's dependent on something."
"Every human being needs food, water, housing, healthcare, and community."
"You don't need all that stuff, but you do need a place to live, and you need water, and you need food."
"We're doing our weekly grocery shop, we need a few things, oh including bananas, we have run out of bananas."
"If you have a toddler, you know that snacks are everything."
"This is definitely a great place to resupply on clothes and everything you might need."
"Carrying these heavy bags makes me realize how much I need a suitcase. Why do I not have a suitcase yet? I'm an adult."
"Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities. Forget about your worries and your strife."
"Having a lot of money in the bank means absolutely all if you can't get groceries with it."
"Basic human needs are air, water, food, and shelter."
"Everyone needs something a little bit different in their travel wallet."
"Low-income Americans spend over 82% of their income on necessities."
"Every good road trip needs road snacks."
"Everyone should have access to water, everyone should have access to food, everyone should have access to healthcare, everyone should have access to housing."
"Tampons and pads should be free because they're necessary."
"You could never have too many diapers."
"I bought the things that I thought we needed to get us through another ten to fourteen days."
"Everybody's happy, we've got animals put where they're supposed to be, everybody's got water, everybody's got food, and that's really what matters."
"As long as there's food and power and a/c, I'm okay."
"Inflation is extremely regressive, especially when it affects the goods that everybody needs to buy."
"You don't have to have a car to live, you have to have food and water to live."
"I've got the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities."
"We all need gas, food, shelter, and the stuff that has gone up the most in price with inflation."
"There's two things in life that you always need to be able to find: glasses and torches."
"What do we need? You know, a backpack, water bottle, lunchbox, that sort of stuff."
"Survive for quite a while with no food but you can't survive for quite a while with no water."
"I bought a whole bunch of supplies, stuff that I do need, stuff that people say I do need but I really don't need."
"Living comfortably means you aren't going hungry and your utilities aren't in danger of getting cut off."
"We take things for granted like a bed, food on command, water on command."
"If we have food and clothing, let us be content with that."
"I feel six figures is like the base of what an average family is gonna need."
"If you got clean water, you're blessed."
"No matter what you want to do with your life, you need to have essential resources, opportunities, and health."
"If we have food and clothing, in this we can be content."
"Wants and needs are total two different things."
"You just need simple things: you need food to cook, you need a heat source, and a person to cook it."
"Everything for this baby has come in the mail. I just put it all into one big registry, all the bigger stuff that I knew we needed for her."
"In all honesty, I feel like you need dinner when you have a house, you need food when you have a house."
"Everyone deserves food, water, shelter, and healthcare."
"What do we need? We need food, we need shelter, we need clothing, really transportation, we need a defense force, we need an educational system, and we need a facility."
"Health care is a deal breaker; it has to have great health care."
"All you need is love and a little bit of chocolate."
"A good life means that you have access to high-quality food and shelter."
"Sometimes the only things children need are a pencil and an exercise book."
"The necessity is to earn a living, to have a house, to have a car, to do the things that you want to do."
"I can eat and I can whistle, that's all I needed to do."
"With receiving blankets, you want to have a bunch of those in the beginning."
"Parents who are raising children often have to work long hours or two jobs in order to actually make sure their children have the food and basic necessities they need."
"Bread should be free, shelter should be free, fire should be free."
"It really helps benefit my family; it helps us stretch our grocery budget so we can afford other things in life like medical bills and school supplies and rent."
"For human survival, you need three things: roti (food), kapda (clothing), and makaan (housing)."
"You can survive for about three minutes without air, about three days without water, and about three weeks without food."
"It's surprising how much stuff you really don't need."
"Now you're gonna need two things in this lesson: one, a calculator, and two, a pillow. I guarantee you'll use at least one of them today."
"There's a difference between necessities and then things that are really really helpful but not necessities."
"It's the little things that you don't think about, you know? Yeah, you need toilet paper. Yes, it's something simple, but you're not used to thinking of, 'Hey, I need to buy toilet paper,' because we just buy it in a huge bundle and then we just have it."
"I've done quite a bit of shopping, especially for the kids; they needed like a whole new summer wardrobe."
"We need to learn that housekeeping and cooking are not limited to gender roles; those are basic life necessities."
"Groceries are one of our biggest bills, but that's just how it goes when you have a lot of mouths to feed."
"It's more important to cover your necessities rather than your debt in emergencies like this."