
Commercialization Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"The goal of open source is to collaborate on base building blocks, leaving so much room for commercialization and differentiation on top of and around that."
"Has Easter just become a huge commercialization opportunity for novelty, or actually, could we dedicate 20% of our cloche lifting to just quality, exquisite chocolate?"
"The spirit of what made D&D what it is today is being lost to what very much is typical corporate greed."
"To Germans, the idea of selling centuries-old institutions with such cultural and emotional significance to individual billionaires, wealthy corporations, or tyrannical states thousands of miles away is antithetical to their entire concept of what a football club is and what it means."
"Football has sold itself to money, but it did that a long time ago."
"Look, they're packaging the toys, but look at the toys. The toys are players. These are people that they're turning into toys."
"The fallacy of gamer entitlement is paradoxical because that entitlement is an accurate concern for the commercialized product made with the deliberate intention of being worth their money likely not meeting advertised expectations."
"The space station eventually will no longer be operated by the government. There's plans for after the government is done with the space station, perhaps we turn that over to operating from a commercial entity."
"Instead, 'Shark Week' has become commercialized, sensationalized, and all the educational content has effectively been stripped right from it."
"My concern with commercializing older games is that I want them to stay alive in the public consciousness."
"It's also the reason why a bunch of companies around the world have started bottling up and selling it."
"It's kind of like most things like it starts out really pure and innocent and then people come along and realize that they can profit and then it turns into something else."
"The industrialization of space right there, that's the Netscape moment of low Earth orbit commercialization."
"Selling enlightenment through paywalls raises questions about its true value and accessibility."
"It's just like the amount of times the imperial march has been like commercialized yeah and and like used in kfc commercials when the prequels were coming out i was like okay come on but i i do love it i will always like go nuts."
"Manchester United is not a football club anymore, it is a brand."
"The American film industry has been on a very rapid path over the past few years towards total commercialization."
"The mass-marketing of counterculture: taking the rebellion out and selling a shiny version back."
"What was once an experimental project with actual artistic merit has been turned into a money-making machine."
"2030s: a believable story for commercial Fusion reactors."
"It's odd how far we have come from a crisis, a pandemic, a health emergency, an opportunity to acknowledge the sanctity of human life... now it has to just be sold ruthlessly as a product."
"I hate the word business and associating it with my football club because it kind of breaks my heart."
"This is an enormous scientific breakthrough independent of commercialization."
"It can be done... a commercial Fusion reactor within 10 years."
"This season only exists for one thing: it's to make money because they know at this point the fans of the show will love every minute of this pig [ __ ] and then demand more while licking their plays mm-hmm please more but you already knew that."
"But now I feel like with all of these brand activations and influencers who get invited to basically just like work, it's rewired what Coachella means to a lot of us."
"In Marvel's Avengers, the Avengers are not just a team, they're a product."
"America very commercialized maybe and football ideal for commercialization because every little break you can slip an ad in there."
"Thanksgiving... it's the one holiday that hasn't been successfully commodified yet."
"In terms of eye candy, however, I have noticed over the years that there seems to be an ironically commercial pattern of filmmaking going on."
"It's a pretty smart move that since they're already planning on tearing down Trump Plaza they might as well try and capitalize..."
"Sex has turned into a product that is marketed, packed, sold, and shipped."
"Pretty soon the only thing left unsponsored will be the sponsorships themselves."
"Education should not be for sale like this is a big problem."
"The minute that you put Jesus on top of something that you're selling."
"Church has now become a business for many people."
"The late 20th century marked an increase in commercialization as the holiday nationalized and then globalized."
"The perovskite solar cell industry is in a state where its lab developments already exceed prior solar panel commercialization launch points."
"The commercialization of higher education is a big shame on this country."
"It looks like any other gentrified block: there's a Starbucks, there's an upscale grocery store, there's a lot of metal panel facades."
"The innocence of Backyard Sports was spoiled when Atari started publishing these games using a lot of 3D models."
"Art is turned into a product under the banner of 'content.'"
"It's always amazing to me how people can use trauma as like a vehicle to sell things."
"Dude's trying to advertise on his back, trying to make money off of religion. See, people make the purpose of life into a joke. You know, you think this is the purpose why humans were created? No, there's a higher purpose than that, bro."
"Travel has gone from brave, uncharted, unique and authentic destinations to safe mass market destinations and big business."
"So, next time you're lamenting over the over-commercialization of some of the most beloved holidays, remember that the holiday probably wouldn't even be there if it hadn't been massively commercialized."
"Yes, it's a manufactured holiday, but it's manufactured for us."
"Football was always the people's sport, and then the money man got involved."
"They are destroying football. That's what bothers me."
"Football is going down a path which is about greed." - Commentator
"A prostitute takes sex out of the marriage bed and puts it into the culture, into the marketplace. Well, that's what's happened to America."
"Spirituality becoming an industry like never before."
"July 4th is nothing more anymore than a commercial day."
"The industry being so Money Motivated now is exactly the thing that's absolutely killed the art."
"Marvel movies: glorified content aggregators."
"Fusion has taken a big step towards commercialization."
"The commercialization of the rift within the royal family is a byproduct of the institution's failure to be anti-racist."
"The financialization of football has reached new heights."
"The big issue with the gaming world was when it became such a pathological idea behind money-making over the creativity and love for the craft."
"Our goal now is to make those capabilities better and better through the end of this year as we skate towards that 2024 goal of commercialization."
"The red carpet used to be like the past of the temple of the awards, and now it's become more of a marketplace."
"They had a merch drop. This is the equivalent of if the queen died I mean she did die when the queen died in the UK that announced some kind of merch Drop Like get your limited edition robe or one of 1,000 inflatable crowns"
"Masters of the Universe became a bona fide phenomenon, often joked as a glorified 30-minute toy commercial."
"The Super League, no mention of Europe. Corporate interest will lead to these games happening everywhere."
"You've turned Jesus Christ into Six Flags Over America."
"Football died. It ain't football anymore. It's money-making schemes."
"Halloween was becoming a pop-culture phenomenon, a national festival attended by millions celebrating the joys of scavenging for mass-produced candy."
"Many people move on to selling their web scraping tools for money."
"Knowledge is priceless, they sold their instances out for cash."
"Licensed games are more often than not mediocre cash grabs."
"The commercial market is going ham; we've seen an explosion in the commercial space flight industry."
"The rise of commercial space flight is opening new doors."
"Hollywood has a tendency to water things down in an attempt to gain a wider audience."
"We live in a moment, probably the most commodified, commercialized, marketized culture in the history of the world."
"It's frustrating to see a studio which once stood for something slowly turn into yet another product for moms to go take their kids and nothing more."
"What happened to our music? Like where it just sold out, it's just sold out. Some sell it easy and they make money, whatever, do the next one, you know? It's like whatever."
"He was actually commissioned to come out here to stabilize it for commercial interests."
"We are bringing the power of DALL-E 2 to Azure OpenAI service and want all our customers to be able to apply it to any commercial use case."
"One of those is Axiom space. Axiom is going to start their Venture by the way not only of getting accustomed to taking private astronauts into space as this mission is, it also is helping us with our International Partnerships."
"This was a commercial Love Letter printed by Hallmark, and that we cannot say this is a love letter when we are reducing certain things and we are erasing certain things to be marketable for the consumption of others."
"They harnessed her fandom into a commercial Group by giving them a way to Signal their likes and interests in a way that they just hadn't been able to before."
"Rappers have abandoned that in the pursuit of their monetary and social gains."
"Dystopia is purchased, it's a commodity bought and sold."
"This product gets commercialized, it'll be a huge hit, you know?"
"Radio just turned into a big business, pushing mediocrity on the public."
"They didn't build a brand on it, they turned Christianity into a business."
"The Disney garbage that panders to the lowest common denominator does feel like Star Wars fan fictions made by a corporate entity."
"I didn't know if I wanted to lyrical miracle it or wanted to make this [__] more commercial."
"When art becomes a commercialized machine, it stops having any meaning of importance."
"American Ayahuasca, yeah. And now the whole Ayahuasca thing is being turned into like a corporate machine by Americans. It's like, it's what we do best, man. God damn it, man. It's like the thing to do."
"Halloween has really evolved into glorifying the devil and his activities. It's now the second largest spending holiday in the United States right after Christmas."
"Commercialization has successfully turned The Who and most every great band of the rock era into pop culture icons whose image can now be easily reappropriated, repackaged and resold long after their peak years have gone."
"Social media is just there to sell a product. Just like animation in the 80s, Transformers and GI Joe, they did not make money on the animation, no. The animation was only there to sell the toys."
"...they feel timeless and authentic and like something real in a world in which we're constantly being bombarded by commercialized and sometimes sterilized imagery."
"Funk isn't in the contract it is now we just bought sold out records."
"The real thing that normalized homosexuality as a lifestyle and an identity separate from the act, it was [expletive] advertising. It was the commercial instinct to take the desire to have gay sex and turn it into a market."
"An increasingly Godless world and increasingly marketized world."
"We are trapped in a world where our queerness is a market, where our feelings and opinions are content creation."
"Anything sacred or holy to a culture or community or a nation or people will get diluted, polluted, and destroyed once it's commercialized."
"It's like a commercialized version of the underground culture."
"it's very clear with this now being a franchise that they're trying to profit on this as much as possible"
"At first, they initially started with licensing, which is basically like just slap my name on it."
"The Powerpuff Girls were featured on everything from a sponsored Nascar racing car to the sides of Delta airplanes."
"Valentine's day hearts in every single macaroni grill."
"It's a constant fight between highly creative artists and a bunch of people who just look at what Hollywood produces as widgets as product."
"All holidays are fake. They only exist to sell you."
"Tesla's in a really strong position to commercialize that robot, and that's going to be a needle mover."
"And while the most insane Soviet designs were made for military purposes, there's at least one which was made with more commercial applications in mind: the MAZ 2000."
"If you're a true artist you may be in conflict with whether this thing is as easily sold as possible."
"Old media is sometimes reborn in a new age, retooled to be more easily accessible, remade to re-engineer that original piece of art into what it was always meant to be. Just kidding, it's for money."
"We're inventing new ways to sell out over here."
"What about J. Cole now? J. Cole might get a little more respect because J. Cole don't really do too much commercialized [__], you know what I'm saying?"
"This is fundamentally science for sale."
"So aggravating when people take something that's an art and try to sell it as reality."
"This mainstreaming and commercialization of the Riot Grrl ethos was most clearly seen in the Spice Girls."
"The commercialization of skating, it's great to be included."
"If someone's searching for exactly what it is that you offer then the likelihood is they have some commercial intent."
"Kinkade had successfully commercialized his art to an extreme extent."
"In the mid-twentieth century, computers went commercial."
"Creating a resource to sell is very different than creating a resource for classroom use."
"His songs were like the best equipped to go pop because it was engineered that way."
"The resulting biochars vary in physical, chemical, and biological properties and can now be found commercially available in most parts of the country."
"Lots of souvenir shops though so I imagine it does get touristy here."
"I feel like everyone fell in love with social media was because of how genuine it was and like how easy it was to just find people that fit into your specific Niche and I feel like now it's just being overrun by people who are like money money money we just want your money."
"At the core of Gaus Fusion's mission is the ambition to spearhead the commercialization of fusion power plants."
"Now is the time for commercial space to really take off."
"These are some of the things I like to do to take a simple song and a simple production and beef it up to really feel release ready and commercial."
"As its popularity became inescapable, chain restaurants smelled not savory stew but the chemical paper scent of the almighty dollar, scrambling to proffer their own watered-down but budget-friendly interpretations."
"The industry and the media quickly exploited Nirvana's overwhelming success."
"I didn't want to make that in the same token, why do you feel like I wouldn't be a good rapper? What I am saying is, the industry cannot sell it. They cannot take it."
"Church has become about a dollar, not about Jesus Christ."
"The problem with religion is when it takes your spiritual experiences and then sells them back to you."
"Like if you would think about like Bilson Kebec if you take away say a commercial book like Elektra or Daredevil or something how would that stuff have gone over yeah you know like you almost need to graft it at that time period onto something commercial."
"Characters who become popular, it happens organically. It is a slow and methodical process, unlike Disney, which is trying to ramp this up because they need Star Wars to make them billions of dollars."
"Are we going to stop celebrating Easter and Christmas just because the world has decided that it's going to make a fast buck on it?"
"I think there are probably four or five really promising ideas that might make it to fusion commercialization, and the difficulty will be choosing between them if money was no object."
"Captain America stops being a symbol of freedom within this particular story and instead basically becomes a marketable in the sense that people are selling toys based on him, they're selling all different kinds of merchandise and so on. He's become a means to make money."
"With the overt commercialization of the mountain, it's only going to get worse unless something is done about it."
"It's just like, oh, thanks for fucking robbing us of every part of romance of this holiday."
"You're either a customer or you are the product."
"From all the technologies that people are working on, biochar is the one that's the most close to be fully commercial."
"There was a commercialization of fairies in the 17th century."
"I wouldn't really like a lot more to become like that. I would never like to see it commercialized like it has been at Loch Ness."
"This is an opportunity for commercial payloads to fly to the surface of the Moon on a regular routine basis."
"Focus for like 12 months and then finally got it to a point where like we're like hey we could package this and sell it."
"In a capitalist society, art will end up trying to remove the message, just to reproduce it and sell it back to you."
"For you to start bastardizing these uniforms with, like, is it really that what in the world? How much money do you need as an organization to okay something like that onto the Jersey?"
"It's way too easy to monetize the gospel in today's world."
"It's political in one other sense too. It is a way, I think, to... protest the commercialization of every nook and cranny of our lives which is going on right now."
"Now what? Publish paper, make a video, or commercialize it. It's a personal choice, but remember, patents are the water we swim in."
"The free market has taken everything that was once free and turned it into a commercial exercise."
"We're in a really exciting position because we just finalized the design of the next generation for this guy, the one that's actually going to be commercialized and is going to be sent out into the world."
"Anyone hoping to operate commercial spaceflight in the long term must not only provide safe and strategic access to space but do so at favorable prices."
"The race to commercialize space and eventually make life multi-planetary."
"Commercial LEO destinations... the phase one awards given out to the companies that want to build the commercial replacement for the International Space Station."
"Everything's better before money gets in there, I'm telling you, once these big companies come in and decide they're gonna start molding people."
"It's so commercialized, I mean yes, the Falls are beautiful."
"Those carry over into the commercial market in the civilian world."
"The first commercial Christmas card was developed in the 1840s."
"This medicare payment group assignment is a significant milestone that will support our commercialization of ProSense for early-stage breast cancer."
"It's really not the end of the world when it comes down to it; it's a commercialized holiday."
"The benefits of this commercialization project for many inmates extends beyond these walls."
"D&D is destined to become a franchise engine, a money machine."
"All of the holidays have been totally commercialized."
"Many products based on polymer nano composites have been commercialized today."
"Mental health has become commercialized."
"Commercialization of tea started in 1924 by Malcolm Foyers Bell."
"When you go commercial, it means you are also creating employment."
"When you discover something, if you think it could have commercial value, you want to patent it before you publish it."
"We inflate grades dramatically because higher education has been turned into a business."
"We have to focus on stability and then the upscaling is a very critical issue for commercialization."
"If we can mimic the properties of the lead halide perovskites in a material which is more stable and certainly more environmentally benign, that would remove the major impediments towards commercialization of this technology."
"Thailand is totally commercialized now, and I feel sorry for visitors who have never experienced Thailand back then when it was truly the land of smiles."
"Future BBC funding models could allow the BBC to provide more services on a fully commercial basis."
"...it is inevitable that in the next 5 to 10 years, certainly before the mid-century, there are going to be bases on the Moon, there are going to be commercial operations on the Moon."
"The more money that comes into a sport, the more it loses its soul."
"The US's ability to rapidly commercialize new and emerging technology on global markets while Chinese technology grows in influence around the world."
"I'm here to talk about making experimental games that are also commercial games."
"It's nice to not even feel like I'm being viewed as a commercialized product."
"This new space era will be defined by the really serious emergence of space commercialization."
"Our hope is that NASA would be the primary customer for that structure, and that we would be given permission to commercialize."
"An idea occurs but it isn't really valuable until you turn it into a commercial product that can be sold profitably."
"Commercial farming is farming for the purpose of making a profit."
"When you secure people in their productive labors and you tell them when you spend time investing in this, you will get a property right in it and you can take that into the marketplace with it and commercialize it and get it into the hands of consumers."
"We went from you aren't allowed to get anything to everything's for sale."
"I feel like the music industry has gotten so commercialized and profit-driven that it kind of quelches creativity and art."
"It appears that we're now about to see commercial products just four years after that, which makes it one of the fastest transitions from lab curiosity to actual commercial product."
"We're making very good progress on the commercialization effort."