
Payment Quotes

There are 773 quotes

"The more that you pay, the more that you pay attention."
"After installation, Tesla is going to want payment in full, and after that, they are going to actively avoid talking to you."
"I don't know why he hasn't paid me for it yet but it's so appropriate for this video."
"May your lawyer pay you when they're supposed to..."
"Bitcoin has not been meant and bitcoin was not created necessarily to be a form of payment."
"The date that you will likely get the check is August 28th."
"Client says thank you very much, how do I pay the balance, and they leave."
"I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial 70."
"Do you know how many people would pay just to have Captain America just say hi and shake their hand?"
"Twenty dollars an hour, you were gone for two hours so that's forty dollars. Okay, me Charlie and Noah all cleaned your window so that'll be an extra ten dollars."
"I solved the problem. If you can't pay me and it's unbiased, then I mean they have to."
"He's been talking to me about paying some of you guys."
"That's what happens to customers that don't pay."
"People are more willing to pay for adult content than some random cooking video."
"You're not getting paid the full amount. I know, you're lucky you're getting paid at all."
"I don't need nothing from nobody. I pay, that's the beauty of it."
"Could you imagine if they paid you in nickels?"
"Finally got paid for my first game dev job, more than partly helped by yourself."
"It's not a lot, ain't gonna lie to you, but the fact that they paid me a hundred dollars..."
"My whole thing is this: just pay him his bread."
"Always pay artists for their time and for their work."
"I would pay the mother effort, that's what I would do."
"Your work is your work, you should charge for it."
"Looks like I'm all done here. That'll be $45. $49. You got it."
"Tony, I joined Forex Family one year ago and I'm learning a lot. I pay you via Bitcoin, I think so."
"Unfazed, the barber stands his ground and insists on receiving payment."
"Once the payment truly gets done, it is the thing that will change the future of crypto."
"The lightning network is fast. If you do a lightning payment, it usually completes in less than one second."
"I feel like when you pay your employees, it really shows how much you value them."
"And now, sir, your check, please," said Sherlock Holmes.
"I had to ask the editor, 'Hey, how do I get paid?'"
"You should follow the workflow: create the invoice, receive the payment, make the deposit."
"Keep the change, ya filthy animal."
"This item is very expensive, so you'd better pay at least the cost."
"The cloud is consumption-based; essentially, you pay for what you use."
"The monetary payment gives permission; it confers a certain kind of moral judgment that changes the nature of the practice."
"What could be better than getting paid to rate restaurants?"
"We get paid for bringing value to the marketplace."
"The cast works up to 7 days a week and 60 hours every week and gets paid $11,000 weekly."
"You're paid in proportion to the magnitude of the problems that you solve."
"He wasn't going to ask her for her night services for free; he would pay for a night with her as he would feel bad for those who actually paid."
"As long as people pay, they get access to the service."
"I should be paid and financially compensated for all of this, generously."
"The number one pro is the convenience factor of knowing that all of your food is paid for."
"Nothing comes free. One way or another, you pay for what you are."
"...I was just putting in $25 per hour um adj just that as you see fit..."
"Well, here's the thing. I paid for this trip just like you did."
"You don't pay $130,000 for somebody not to have sex with them."
"Why are we allowing ourselves to be mistreated for something that we're not even getting for free? We're paying for the service, so I'm paying for something and you want to be rude? I don't think so."
"Know your worth, know how much you should be getting paid so that you can be treated fairly and be able to live your life stably."
"They're paid you to keep your mouth shut and paid you well." - Bess Sedwick
"If you ask me to a business meal and you make me pay, that's a riot."
"One late payment equals 11 on-time payments."
"He paid fast, then he did the same thing to the first crook, paid his 40 parking bill and had filet mignon for lunch."
"I don't touch a weight unless they're paying me to do it. Damn respect."
"You send us everything and then we decide if we want to pay."
"They wanted full payment or nothing. So I said okay, and sent them nothing."
"People are all about the work but don't pay for good work."
"I can guarantee you it's not fair how you're paying your guys right now."
"I'd rather do something like this where you only pay something once and then get a really good product as a result of it rather than something like a patreon where you just sort of paying month by month and there's not really much I can offer."
"If you're not going to be on the court, you shouldn't get paid like you are."
"We're back to getting paid in exposure."
"I guess this kind of money is nothing to someone like Kyle or he was tired of dealing with the whole thing because he paid immediately before he got sentenced"
"You pay in credit card with the system automatically converts it to usdc and then usdc is deposited into the wallet and then this wallet is held in ESC."
"I had already paid back the build out, training, machines, equipment, all the startup and setup."
"Football pays them. It's not like that TNT is doing extremely well or sky or whoever is doing extremely well they can pay all of you and stuff like this."
"I don't complete the ship until I get the money, that way it won't be stolen from me."
"It's more than just the fight to pay that's an issue here."
"If all MMA fighters were paid as champions or treated as well as some of the champions you'd see a lot more pull outs just generally."
"Convenient checkout options with PayPal, Apple Pay, and Shop Pay."
"I believe in paying for that which provides you value. I do not believe that people who provide you with value, whether it's entertainment or productivity, shouldn't be paid for it."
"To deter people that aren't serious about the tattoo, we take an upfront payment as a token of good faith."
"The deposit gets deducted from the end price of the tattoo upon completion."
"We just want people to get paid the money that they deserve for the work that they do."
"Look, I paid my [ __ ] and I wrote it off as a business expense. That's gangster [ __ ] right there."
"The show went on, my booking fees continued, and I still got paid."
"...if you're expected to do any kind of project and you're solving for an actual business issue...you should be paid as a contractor."
"There's always a price that you can pay."
"People don't pay you because it's worth the money. People will only pay you when it's worth more than the money."
"I got paid, I'm not gonna take the exact amount, but less than half a million over two years."
"You can't go to Juicy, you can't go to Burger King, you can't go to Walmart and get nothing free, you got to pay, man."
"I never knew so few owes so much to so many. And tonight he's going to pay."
"I'll pay you six figures on top of the initial contract. Seven, I want seven figures, I say. If I have to put up with your ass and pretend to like you, I won't do it for a penny less."
"...she didn't need money and would like to propose another form of payment as she needed help."
"Sometimes the people that pay the least have the most ridiculous expectations."
"...they're going to get some dinner that George is going to pay for."
"After everything that has happened he says that cooking made people pay for their dishes so it made sense that healers would also be paid by people for healing their wounds."
"She offers everything she has as payment."
"The only way to really get rid of your credit card bills is to pay them."
"The tap-to-pay system for credit cards was so convenient and should be more widespread."
"Kindly send the payment through family and friends to the PayPal information below."
"If you're not paying, you're not staying."
"I don't work for free, now let me run my promo again."
"One thing I wondered about going to Europe in 20124 and Beyond I don't know if they are using contactless payment like you can use credit cards but since we were there for the Christmas markets a lot of the shops in Europe will only allow you to use Euros."
"Once you've built up a little library of sample sponsored posts it's time to start getting paid when you're first starting out the easiest way to start getting paid brand deals is applying for campaigns on influencer dashboards."
"Is it possible to reframe taxation as a form of payment?"
"I wouldn't want to have to carry a pocket full of cream anytime I wanted to pay for something."
"Who's paying the most at the end of the day?"
"Make payments on time. Every payment you miss increases the interest payable. Avoid increasing your debt by making timely payments."
"If you don't train those people and you don't keep good people, you get a 50/50 chance of ever getting paid."
"It's hard when it's your job, it's like hard to motivate yourself to do things that don't pay you. Like as bad as that sounds, it is genuinely true."
"There's discomfort involved in any gig. That's why they pay you."
"That's fine, you know you got to pay me out." "I know, but it's not my money."
"I mean the slander is hurt after we agree slanted you she's told the truth five thousand dollars for your car repairs"
"Holmes' father had secured him an excellent attorney with an astonishing payment of ten thousand dollars, roughly two hundred thousand in today's money."
"Did they people ever did win? Did they finally pay? Yes, they did pay, believe it or not."
"Can I just give a tip through the QR coding?"
"My bookie: you play, you win, you get paid."
"You boys did get paid. I'm judging by that sick chain and that dope watch."
"I'd rather not, and you know, YouTube and the blogs pick up your tweets and they get some instead of pay for it."
"For legal reasons, he doesn't get paid for this."
"I've traveled the entire world; I've never bought a ticket with cash in my life ever."
"We accept cash, credit, debit, gold, uranium, notes, shrooms, goats on shrooms."
"What was the best feeling? That it's ours. It was a total emotional thing, no payments."
"That's right. You'll have to pay anything for almost a whole month."
"Things that may change your life or at least have a possibility to change your life for better, you have to pay for them. This is like an exchange for the universe."
"Anything for free usually doesn't work as something that you pay for."
"I pay the man in these [__] shoes."
"We ended up paying $289. It definitely makes me feel a lot better in terms of my student loans."
"You're paying out 700,000 pounds to someone's never heard of and you assume that it's not a problem."
"Is this house paid for? Yes, watch this: I move the money from my bank account over into my house and my house is instantly paid for."
"Local man was costing 50 to 70 pounds a day, okay? So if liquid man gets paid a bag of five bills, sometimes I'll say to them just leave it."
"They don't charge you any money to collect your royalties."
"This is the part where you're asking for my credit card."
"When it comes to the sides, we're willing to pay."
"You told us to start taking swipe payments after the incident last week."
"Being paid for fair work is just a fair thing to do."
"you're going to pay for one of these all right"
"You get paid based upon the value that you bring to the marketplace."
"I'm pretty sure that by the end of 2020 we will actually be paid to smoke and talk about a specific brand of weed."
"Mike Meyers, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz managed to negotiate an upfront payment of ten million dollars each."
"Creating a payment intent is just you telling Stripe I have a customer that is intending to purchase something at a specific price."
"I've got you covered. He's not saying there's no payment to be made; he's saying I'm making the payment. I'm paying for you out of the riches of my grace, nicely, according to the riches of His grace."
"They're getting paid; I'm making money." - Clay
"Remember the phrase, when people pay more, they pay more attention."
"Secure payment processed by Stripe, this is going to give the user more peace of mind."
"Stripe makes it super easy to take payments directly on your website."
"We paid our dues today, I tell you that much, man."
"Cash still provides a level of anonymity to people who use it, that cards just don't give you."
"Then just give them the money. Pay them."
"It's like window shopping where you have to pay to look through the [ __ ] window."
"Sex is free, you just pay them to leave."
"Apparently he didn't get paid enough to deal with that crap either."
"If you don't pay for professional work, don't expect it to be professional grade."
"It's not stealing if you pay for it."
"I'd rather pay you for that light now, it cost you something. I'd rather pay ya if you'll take it."
"Like, damn, they're gonna be stoked, right? This is like thirty thousand dollars more than what they expected to get paid, right?"
"Y'all used to be on my head about not paying her for recording."
"Can we meet around, like, to pay 120?"
"Lunch is on you. That's true, that's how we do it."
"That phone call led us to a former linebacker, David Stanley, who said he was being paid $750 a month."
"I generally don't begrudge guys for getting paid but yeah, it leaves a solid taste in your mouth man."
"So many people talking about they don't get paid this much money in the UFC, they don't get paid that much money in the UFC, either A, they need to fight more or B, they need to get a better manager, you know what I mean?"
"The customer is actually paid half up front already which means a customer is good for the money."
"...you're not paying Mike for that hour you're paying him for all those years of service all that schooling he did all of his like late nights where he sits on his computer and looks [ __ ] up and gets ready for the next day's work."
"These are tick people are paying."
"After I told him what the president said, that it was mandatory and I was going to be working the entire time, he kind of laughed and said, 'Well, it's mandatory so we have to pay you.'"
"When people paid for this, there's an extra responsibility."
"I do want them to have those experiences and then I guess a third thing is we still have them use cash."
"He pays right wing, doesn't he now?"
"So, this is a free trial anyway, no credit card required."
"People will pay for that. People don't want to assume the risk."
"Excuse me, where's my commission?"
"At the end of your meal, the last thing you want to do is pay more money to somebody just because they wouldn't leave you alone."
"Christopher Lee refused any payment for playing Dracula because he just loved the taste of fake blood."
"So I'm back where I started, but with the stamp, but I gotta pay for this, I gotta pay for my exit Visa."
"Who do you think was paying for this? That I'd pay for this after the way I've been treated?"
"Anything that you do that you enjoy is not work, it's fun. And if they pay you well, that's even better."
"The Masons were paid according to how many stones they dressed."
"Debt Service equals monthly principal and interests."
"If he could help someone complete their Foundation Building, they would certainly be willing to pay him for it."
"In their early days, including mine, you didn't get paid, you played well, and you got drunk if you drank, and if you played well enough, you got a good-looking woman. So this was your pay."
"Sorry, I have to pay for my portion. Um, wallet...wallet...my wallet, I lost it."
"Yeah, no. Right, I will turn down this down payment on a goddamn condo for one show."
"I admit readily she didn't demand instant cash payment for services rendered. She said a simple little ice cream would be enough."
"Nobody's gonna pay for that online, like nobody does that."
"I'm going to pay $500 to go home then, and see my son."
"I just can't believe we've gotten to a point where there's cashless places. I go to pay cash, and people are like, 'Oh, we don't accept this.'"
"I'd happily pay that... Take my money right now."
"Donald Trump did in fact reimburse Michael Cohen for the $130,000."
"We will turn all of the photographs over to you after receiving payment."
"For each credit account that you have which has a monthly payment date, you basically have 12 opportunities per year to make an on-time payment."
"Forgiveness, it's not free. You know they have to pay."
"...as long as you can guess the price within $10, Ali is gonna pay for it, baby."
"Fighters want to get paid. It's called prize fighting."
"The company didn't care at all about how many hours I spent on my work. They paid me three thousand dollars to get this work done for this number of uploads."
"People are going to pay you for two main reasons."
"Once you give us money all right once we get money then we do our PDI but the fourth inspection should be done by you when you're here picking up the coach."
"If you pay on the 20th whatever you paid extra $100, okay, that's a $100. Now that will not have any interest attached to it."
"The harder you work, the better you make. It's just like any job, right? A job that you pay to go to."
"Say what you want about Tony Khan he pays for good music"
"With this monthly mortgage payment because it accrues monthly you don't gain anything by paying on the first of every month as opposed to paying on the 10th of the month or the fifteenth of the month it actually doesn't make a difference."
"...is there anything that comes to mind where you just have like a really high degree of certainty that you could deliver something where you'd be willing to take on all the risk and you wouldn't get paid until they got a result."
"The real beauty of Facebook is that they only charge you once you get a click."
"It's about getting paid. Getting what you deserve."
"Exposure doesn't pay the bills. Oh, wait a minute, yes it does. It does pay the bills."
"I'm happy that some people told me how slow they were being paid compared to what's happening when you're doing business with the federal government."
"So we have an account and stuff and you have to pay for the food on Air Force One, yeah."
"I would have been like, 'They didn't pay you anything?' Right. Crazy. We would have been having a talk."