
Personal Pride Quotes

There are 452 quotes

"I stand by every single one of my tweets. I'm very proud of the work that I have done."
"I am very proud of my wife, what she did today."
"I want to be proud of the things I've done, the people who I've touched, whose hearts I've opened up."
"I'm proud to be one of the top surrogates for President Trump... I would be proud to serve in a future Trump administration."
"We want to be proud of it; we want to put our stamp on this thing because one of you guys gets to win it when we're done."
"That is something to be proud of. That's a good thing."
"It's a moment you never forget, and an accomplishment you will carry your entire life."
"I'm really proud, I really am. So thank you, check it out, link in the description."
"In case you're watching this in the future, Hayden, or if your friends are, I'm very impressed with you on a daily basis."
"I'm Gold one ranked... I'm very proud of that."
"People have gotten to see you play, but in the end, he's always going to be proud of who you are as a man."
"The house looks nicer, it looks shinier... It's ours."
"Dude, if you're watching this I'm so fucking proud of you, this song is fucking amazing."
"Can you look yourself in the mirror and say, hell yeah, I'm proud of the man I'm becoming? That's all it comes down to."
"I think people are too hard on themselves a lot of the time. It's important to really be proud of yourself for where you are."
"You live in penury. My car is bigger than your house and you're saying you feel special."
"If I accomplish the goal, cool. But if I don't accomplish the goal, can I still be proud of who I was and how I showed up every single day? And that makes me feel good."
"Seeing him start to have a flourishing career I was really proud of that."
"Promoting yourself is saying look at me, look at how great I am. Idea promotion is saying I made something I'm proud of, I hope it's valuable to you."
"I'm very proud of you for doing the promposal, congratulations."
"It's a good movie. Damn good. I'm damn proud of it."
"You ain't gonna talk about our show like that."
"I take a lot of pride in making the best videos possible for you guys."
"I'm so proud of y'all. You're heroes. Thank you. Very, very well done. You own your life."
"I'm most proud that I'm still standing here to be honest."
"Why are you here if not to be shaken out of some of your preconceptions?"
"We knew we were making history, now a very proud of helped I am naturally a huge believer in the importance of investigative journalism."
"I was actually kind of proud of her for actually hitting back."
"Jenga is second only to bowling in our family... bowling and Jenga are the two points of pride that we hang our hats on."
"Every batch is special. There will never be another batch of brownies, exact flavor sensations."
"Those two wins are something nobody else has. It's not even the wins, it's being able to compete against that man."
"To this day, genndy still considers Dexter's Lab to be his greatest accomplishment."
"How come I have all these people say my calamari is the best they ever had?"
"There's nothing I'm prouder of outside of my family in this life than the bit squad, that's all I got, be blessed."
"As difficult as it is, when you pursue it, you'll actually be able to sleep on your own bed and feel proud of yourself."
"All work is real work... No job is beneath you."
"It's pretty cool to be able to hold this one."
"I'm proud of you, Naruto. You finally made your dream come true."
"I think entertainment is important to people's lives, and so that gives you a lot of pride in what you've been able to do with it and what you want to do in the future."
"The Undertaker collection is growing slowly and steadily, it's something that I take pride in."
"You have to care about the music and you're proud to be involved."
"I want to make my parents proud, I want to make my kids proud, I want to make me proud."
"I'm so proud of myself, and I shout out to everybody that believed in me."
"I'm proud of her because she's off to a great start."
"Raising a young black man isn't easy, but hearing good things about his character makes it all worth it."
"Your opinion matters. I got enough pride to make sure that I'm playing with these players going up against them and taking notes gathering data."
"We got some character development going on here, boys. I'm so proud."
"It's just wonderful, and I think you could be proud to wear either of them."
"I just want to put out a special that I can just be proud of and just, you know, whether it gets great reviews, whatever reviews, just be like this is what was funny to me."
"Short demo but effective. I like the design."
"Pride is like Liberation, you know, proud of who you are."
"I'm real proud of the foundation I laid where the South is concerned."
"My friendships are so valuable to me and I take such pride in those relationships."
"They'll never tell you they're proud of you to your face but they'll let the rest of the world know."
"Hell yeah, it feels good to take care of your mother."
"You have to be very, very proud of this song."
"Congratulations, my love, I'm very, very proud of you. You deserve this and all."
"I am the queen and the queen has given birth to two mini Queens."
"I'm gay, I'm proud to be gay, I'm just as gay as I ever will be. I was born gay, I'll live gay, and I'll die gay."
"I'm so happy that we've all created this incredible community."
"Can we recognize the sun safety? I'm a little bit proud of myself, I do have to say."
"I think the most impressive one that you got right was Lamar being an MVP candidate"
"Ali was unbelievable, such pride, such ability to love himself."
"I'm proud of myself, you should be proud of yourself too."
"I never saw him as a guy who needed redemption... killing the king was probably his proudest moment."
"I'm not arguing about none of that man I'm just glad my brothers didn't get to shine."
"My Rattata is different from regular Rattata, it's like my Rattata is the top percentage of all Rattatas."
"My father is probably the best thing that's ever happened in U.S politics."
"Newman just secured his third championship, dropping 43 and 23 and six assists."
"For the whole three hours, it never stopped. Like, I was able to just spend three hours meeting people, which was nice and also an incredible relief for my personal pride."
"Create a great life and lifestyle that you're proud of and enjoy."
"Be proud of who you are, and if anyone ever lacked the vision to see your potential, they need to come to you."
"I may have done a homie move to a complete stranger, and I'm feeling pretty proud of it."
"Growing up black isn't easy, but I'm proud of who I am and where I come from."
"You're going to say that was the single greatest vote that I have ever cast, and you're going to look back and you're going to be proud of yourselves and you're going to be proud of your country again."
"Winning one league title with Liverpool means more than winning five or six with a different club."
"You've beaten a god of fortune, you can be proud."
"Nothing makes me more proud than to see someone chasing their potential."
"Leaving the past behind, be proud of yourself for what you got already."
"I usually pride myself on finding these sort of movies."
"I am so proud of Nikki the circumstances in which she had to do this really honestly make me sick."
"I am proud of myself and I'm proud of really taking control of my mental health."
"Congratulations with that as well. You should actually be kind of proud of yourself that you were able to hold attention for so long."
"You have to look back and say I respect this, my craft."
"My proudest moment... getting my first Guinness World Record title."
"It's really great to see someone stick the landing."
"You are helping people, and I'm so proud, honey."
"It irritated me to watch a [ __ ] who can't rap as good as me."
"Hofheinz was known as a witty salesman with grandiose charisma and not an ounce less of pride."
"Every time you look at those big championship trophies on your shelf, that's something that no one can ever take away from or deny you of it."
"Pride of ownership is something to look for."
"There's no need to be a hero. Just be someone you can be proud of."
"Switch says my wife started playing switch a year ago and has finished Eastward Kirby forgotten land Yoshi's Craft World almost done with Odyssey so proud wow that's a good lineup."
"Just remind yourself where you come from, that is powerful."
"You do not need to wait until you've achieved something great to be proud of yourself."
"This is the time right here to just say you know what I'm proud of myself."
"What's most important is whether you can be proud of what you do."
"If it all ends tomorrow, no one can take that away from me. I played at Old Trafford, and I got two assists and nearly scored a goal."
"That's brilliant because you're a hero every time."
"I'm excited to put on a show. This is my home, baby."
"Simultaneously having this fierce pride for my mother and for her deafness."
"Your ideas are like your children. And you don't want them to go into the world in rags."
"I carry the energy of pride and excellence in everything that I do."
"I'm part of a study, and I'm very proud to be part of it."
"I'm blessed to be here, man. I'm proud of you."
"Even if people don't acknowledge you, you just have to be someone that you can be proud of."
"I'm super proud of everything I've done. No one can shake me mentally knowing but myself."
"Talon is a special boy, Talon's my pride and joy."
"I'm really proud of where I am. You should be proud."
"Saint Nicholas is going to be happy this year. I have done him proud."
"There's nobody that could be me better than me."
"I'm so proud of this project, not only musically but growth-wise."
"I would have been disappointed if we left there without a trespass. This is a badge of honor."
"I embraced that, I owned it, I've nothing to be ashamed of."
"I felt like an achievement, yeah yeah, you know, I felt like really proud of that."
"I view it as a badge of honor, really it's a badge of honor."
"I just want to tell you how proud you've made me over the years and how proud I am of the man you've become."
"I'm totally unashamed that my training business makes a lot of money."
"It made me proud of you and it made me also realize how passionate you are about your art."
"Becoming the double champion was pretty [__] cool, dude."
"Essentially the best way I can summarize our relationship is by saying that she was very proud of me and loved to talk about my accomplishments."
"92 of gun owners reported either extremely being extremely or very proud to be gun owners."
"I've never been more proud to be a part of this community," expressed the narrator.
"I adore 'Reservoir Dogs,' and not just because of what, I'm just saying what. It's the film you wanted, frame by frame by frame by frame. Proud of that movie."
"I am the best Fall Guys player ever, bro. Now I know some of y'all watching that and y'all are mad that I clutched it."
"I just think it's dope when you see your last name on TV, you know what I'm saying?"
"I just want to end it with you Justin to say how proud I am of your courage."
"And when I represent Jamaica and you fly across that finish line for the gold."
"Watching them and seeing them succeed... makes me really proud of who I am."
"Yeah it's definitely it's very cool it's a weird feeling it's for sure long time coming it's definitely a pretty proud proud moment I'm not gonna lie."
"That was one of the most proudest moments in my life."
"I'm just so happy with myself. I'm so proud of myself."
"Your girls are brilliant. It's amazing, Kelsey and Gabby, and one of them's a Rhodes like a literal, legit Rhodes Scholar."
"Hard work pays off and a triumphant time is here for you. Stand tall and be proud of what you've accomplished."
"Know that you are so good at what you do and you should be proud of yourself."
"Natasha Henstridge is still proud of the film and appreciative of what started her acting career."
"Having more people that have them on their account...really like, 'Wow, you were really good at Burning Crusade and you got the Merciless Gladiator's Nether Drake. That's awesome!' That literally happened over 10 years ago."
"I always represented the city and push the city."
"I think Gordon's to love the fact that I'm a perfectionist with fine dining."
"Don't sell yourself short. Instead, establish and own the work and the thoughtfulness and the energy that you put into something."
"Make yourself proud, the little person you used to be, the kid this is what they dreamed of so make them proud."
"There is no path more worthy of pride than the other. The thing you should be proud of is whether you delved enough into yourself to understand what you needed."
"I'm super proud of where we've gotten so far."
"The things you're most proud of in yourself are the light side of something you're probably embarrassed about."
"I've always wanted it to be something that I would be proud of and not be ashamed of."
"It makes you feel special, it makes you feel like king of the road."
"I have reached the end of this great history and all the land will fill with talk of me."
"Overall, it was a super productive week for me. I'm really proud of all that I got accomplished."
"Very proud moment here but there's still a lot to do."
"She was proud of herself and happy for having chosen to live this way."
"I'm so proud of the stupid things that I do."
"It's more about pride this time than anything else."
"I am proud to be on the organ donation register."
"I can't tell you how many times a day I would say to myself melon are you doing a great job I love you I'm so proud of you that's my constant self-talk."
"You want to look in the mirror and be proud of who you are."
"Only four percent of scouts who get into Scouting become Eagles, you know."
"I'm part of the four percent baby, 4 percent Club."
"You smile because you remember that you have the coolest Bronco of all."
"It's such an empowered feeling it's a feeling of yes like I look and feel nice in my current size."
"I'm also proud of the journey that we had together."
"Essentially that video was two months of work... By far my most ambitious project... I'm very proud of it."
"I was really proud of the movie and I don't mind telling you that."
"She's on beat, but she brags about being the best thing, she enjoys being the big girl and everything else."
"I'm really, really proud of getting into that game."
"I do it for myself, and I try to make the people around me proud of me and I want to do things like that, I want to make them proud."
"I am proud of you to be a young black girl from Memphis, Tennessee."
"I'm proud of all the people from here that's doing great achievements... I'm proud of that and never ashamed of my roots."
"Cinderella got some of the best reviews of my career and I am immensely proud of it."
"It felt amazing to cross a finishing line for Tim to be so proud of me."
"The fact that I can speak English should be already something I should be decorated with, not you know not insulted by a Danish guy who actually gets teached English pretty well at school. Come on."
"I cannot believe that we built these to be honest with you, and I'm thrilled. It is just so rewarding to be able to do something like this."
"I just wanted to shine as much of a light on something I knew I would be proud of."
"I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of the people in my life who have supported and encouraged me."
"The disciple had worked tirelessly in preparation for the exhibition creating a piece of work that she was overwhelmingly proud of."
"It wasn't perfect, but it was the first ever one done, nobody can take that away from me."
"I'm officially working on a huge original animated project."
"My baby did a great job not a good day they did a great job baby."
"Why y'all just can't go to a marginal player? Because I'm not nothing about me marginal."
"There's no words to describe I am so proud of you and Shane you guys thank you."
"Absolutely, you deserve a lot of credit for making this a reality."
"Last time I got my blood pressure checked it was normal, it was 111 over 70 which I am very proud of and shocks me."
"I took pride in being on the court. I'm living a dream and I'm gonna get the most out of it. I'm not taking no breaks..."
"I'm black, I was black the day that I was born, I'll be black today that I die."
"Caring about your appearance is not bad. It's important. It's critical that you do."
"He's a successful, really good kid, a nice young man. He takes it very seriously, puts a lot of time into this, and really cares about putting out something that you want to hear. I'm very proud of him."
"Blame is not a strategy for pride. Pride is something you earn."
"I just couldn't be proud of it oh just read my mind I just think Mum would be so proud of you."
"Be super proud of you, Billy." - Kenny Garcia AKA Cruz
"A lot of people did say that people just think I'm the next step in human evolution and now I'm the hero, so a lot of good things going on for me."
"I'm happy and proud to be 38. It's an honor, you know? It's a privilege to age."
"You teach me to take care of myself and to be proud of myself, and that's something that I would never change for the world."
"This is beautiful. You continue to be my greatest success, Guardian."
"For the first creation, I got to say I'm pretty damn happy with it."
"Make your booty look good. That's very important."
"When you're a top pick and number one overall pick, you're not getting respected by the other team, you gotta take some pride in there."
"But regardless, I'm really proud of how this turned out."
"That's my girl, that's my girl, that's the [ __ ] I was waiting for, that's what I'm talking about!"
"It's just not enough in the end. It's not enough to win. Anyway, it's enough to keep respect, it's enough to make you proud."
"We beat the modpack, why? I know there's better things, but it doesn't matter. We beat the modpack!"