
Radiation Quotes

There are 282 quotes

"Weeks later, police would discover a high amount of radiation contamination in the teapot, especially concentrated in the spout."
"The inquiry established that the Polonium was first brought to London on a Transaero flight from Moscow."
"The coffin was lined with lead to prevent radioactive contamination of the pallbearers."
"There's a laundry list of things that will try to kill us while we're in space, and radiation is really the one that we may not have as much information on."
"It's certainly something we're thinking about and need to plan for because there's not only the baseline radiation effect that is always coming at us but also solar flares and solar weather."
"Researchers have proposed the idea that a burst of radiation produced from within the body could have created the image."
"The researchers discovered that Chernobyl wolves are exposed to upwards of 11.28 mm of radiation every day for their entire lives."
"Radioactive sunflowers for Kansas, dude. This used to just be a house that regular people lived in until the accident, and these guys have turned it into a laboratory for mice. I like research about radiation, yeah, oh my god."
"The moral side of this catastrophe is even more sad than radiation effects."
"A forest that refuses to decay: the story of radiation-eating fungus in Chernobyl."
"5G towers are radioactive. So is the glowing banana, the ocean, the glowing face on your watch, and yet somehow we don't have a rash of wrist tumors."
"If you become irradiated, then you are just as dangerous."
"The red forest is one of the most contaminated areas on the entire planet."
"Radioactivity, it's amazing, it's the cure-all."
"Those snaps and that radiation has been creating mutants this whole time."
"The reason the dentist shields your body while leaving your head unprotected is because the brain and other tissues in the head are significantly less sensitive to radiation."
"You're more likely to encounter higher doses of radiation in a nuclear weapon than you ever would in normal life."
"The Hulk is one bad mama jama, and the fact that he is made from radiation should remind you that there is no way of killing this guy." - Carl Monroe
"Cosmic radiation exposure is a problem that we don't even have adequate data to find a solution for."
"Outer space is much more radioactive than an airport x-ray check."
"Radiation causes cancer. It's all about the cumulative damaging effect."
"There's evidence of high radiation levels, indicating a massive nuclear war."
"Wi-Fi radiation causes tumors, damage to mitochondria, and a leaky brain."
"Those pieces of clothing actually belonged to the two hikers who worked around radiation."
"We're talking gamma-ray bursts here, cosmic super explosions that throw an awful amount of gamma and X radiation into the galaxy."
"In those fractions of a second, Harry had received a fatal dose of radiation."
"Whether or not radiation is deadly depends on the strength of the radiation and how long you're exposed to it."
"After about a few weeks, radiation levels are likely as low as they're gonna be for a long time, and should be safe enough for humanity to emerge from their vaults to either flee or rebuild."
"They parted as brothers who'd been horribly affected by radiation."
"The high level of radioactivity meant that the waste was heating itself through decay heat."
"As the field becomes weaker and weaker, the effects of space radiation will be felt at lower and lower, and progressively lower altitudes."
"A reduced magnetic shield would be through increased exposure to radiation, higher rates of cancer among populations."
"But around 7 m up a layer in our atmosphere Shields us from 99% of these Rays it is made up of ozone a rare molecule of three bonded oxygen atoms."
"Temporal radiation, it's just too high."
"If it's not convenient for them, we're sort of saying you've got to ask what the radiation version and it's actually it can be a 10x difference."
"These animals are smart. They're sucking the radiation out the bottom of the bomb. That's pretty dope."
"Mammography has incredibly low radiation, and its exposure has lessened over the years."
"The law for blackbody says the wavelength maximum of the peak of the curve just depends on some little number, b, which is a measurable number, and then you divide it's the inverse of the temperature."
"Think about how much other radiation is emitting in space and never even being captured by our planet."
"An interesting side-effect of this is that when taken away from the radiation, the radiometer actually begins to spin backwards as it releases its excess energy to the surrounding air."
"The reactor will be shielded in a way that not only would prevent it from scattering little pieces of uranium all over the world if the rocket blew up but it will also be shielded from radiating the crew of that rocket."
"If radiation can travel between universes, and if the end of the previous universe was not completely smooth that could lead to features in the cosmic microwave background radiation."
"Alpha particles really can't even penetrate the skin and beta particles can be blocked by a fairly thin sheet of metal."
"'...if Chuck thought that asparagus gave off EM radiation, he'd be hurting every time he went through the veggie stand of his local grocery.'"
"The disaster of Chernobyl has left a lasting memory and sparked in many a fear of the consequences of radiation."
"There was tremendous interest in radiation in those days."
"Delving into the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation has opened up new vistas in our understanding of the universe."
"If the ice of Europa is getting mixed into the ocean below you now have this beautiful scenario where the radiation and the radiolytic processing of the surface ice creates that positive terminal of the biochemical battery."
"Variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation are pivotal evidence supporting cosmic inflation."
"Galactic cosmic radiation will pose a significant threat to astronauts engaged in future deep space missions."
"The elephant in the room is radiation, and I'll put that in a giant box up here."
"Tailgate gained super strength as a result of background radiation generated by Quantum travel."
"The government decided to increase their powers using gamma 13 radiation."
"But it turns out like some radiation is good for your telomeres. That's what they learn. Wow. It might be bad for something else. Hopefully I'll never find out that part."
"Reed begins his studies to find out how to reverse the effect caused by the radiation."
"Earth's life might take a bad hit when that radiation reaches us."
"The Van Allen probes were dispatched to study the radiation phenomenon and the magnetic fields around the Earth in greater detail."
"The oldest thing that we can detect in the universe is radiation, we call it background radiation."
"Even though we have not yet managed to find a primordial black hole, there is fairly general agreement that if we did, it would have to be emitting a lot of gamma rays and x-rays."
"...the dreaded issues with progression to scar tissue so-called strictures which can happen after surgery and three or four percent of men is rare with the type of radiation that we're recommending with seed implant radiation."
"Stephen Hawking showed that black holes emit radiation, leading to their eventual evaporation."
"There is no data that one form of radiation is better than another."
"Radiation is the ghost that haunts the atomic graveyard."
"Your eyeballs are radiation detectors specifically in the invisible light spectrum. But everything you see is a result of radiation and it gets really weird when you involve black holes."
"It's important for people to learn early on what radiation is."
"I think it's important for people to learn early on what radiation is."
"I would encourage people to maybe look into getting a Geiger counter for their kids."
"It's interesting to see given the different radioactive sources how they all responded."
"Radiation leaking from face level to someone else's face level would probably not be the best idea."
"The fuel rods that power the world's 400 plus nuclear reactors have to be kept cool 24 hours a day. Otherwise, they would melt down and spew deadly radiation."
"Bison are right up there with Wolves for most dangerous radioactive animal."
"Spiders in Chernobyl are literally making radioactive webs which is the stuff straight out of a comic book."
"This popular game set in the zone has made some people try and sneak into it themselves in real life in order to live out the game, you know like a LARPing scenario but the only enemy this time is radiation."
"Radiation does not give you any sort of superpowers. If you want superpowers, you need to be an alien or super rich."
"Radicals that in turn damage the DNA."
"The immense energy released by these magnetic Fields can distort the magnetar shape leading to Star Quakes that further enhance the emission of high energy radiation."
"Now something’s half-life is pretty indicative of how dangerous it is in terms of radiation, and so you need not concern yourself that there’s tons of Uranium and Thorium in your backyard."
"It was also important for the study of health physics, this again we have to think about the context at the time and the people thought that radium was beneficial and then the fact that this we see that it's not."
"Anatoly's doctors immediately calculated the dose he had received."
"Those black holes become the hottest things around and then they start to radiate away their energy."
"Godzilla's most dangerous attribute is his radioactive body which constantly gives off lethal amounts of radiation, up to the point even a casual stroll contaminates everything in his vicinity."
"Internal dose from alpha or beta sources of radiation is much worse than external dose."
"Radiation follows the inverse Square law."
"Particles and gamma rays flying out of the nuclear cores rip electrons from the molecules that make you up and smash your cellular Machinery Beyond repair."
"Ultimately, died due to radium poisoning."
"The fourth post of Bohr's model said that the frequency of radiation absorbed or emitted during these transitions can be calculated using this formula: frequency (f) equals Delta E divided by H."
"Light, a kind of radiation, is constantly pelting Earth's surface with free electrons that originate from the Sun."
"Radiation remains an important part of treatment for lymphoma."
"Radiation is energy carried away by photons coming from their heat source."
"All radiation treatments get some sort of simulation."
"the resulting energy loss is fairly minimal. In fact, it's so minimal that the radioactive particles released as a byproduct remain fully intact and can take more than a thousand years to decay to the point where they no longer pose a threat to human beings."
"Always have prior radiation treatment specifics."
"Protons have the advantage of sparing nearby structures due to their unique dose distribution."
"Late side effects of radiation can include radiation necrosis, hearing loss, and cognitive decline."
"We prefer radiation over surgery for certain tumors, especially if surgery is invasive and the tumor is asymptomatic."
"The nature of radioactive emission is characterized by its spontaneity, randomness, and resistance to factors like changes in temperature and pressure."
"Radiation can do... horrifying and fascinating things to the body."
"You will have a permanent radioactive, yes, radioactive, like Oppenheimer glow from your watch."
"Fluorescence is the emission of visible light when something is excited by a source of higher energy radiation."
"Normal cells repair radiation damage; cancer cells lose this ability."
"Plantain has been shown to heal wounds and irritations caused by radiation."
"It's now covered with rock slabs to prevent radiation from leaking out."
"Not only does it matter the materials you select but also matters what kind of radiation comes in."
"We see some sort of trend between the amount of radiation you give and the amount of stored energy you can get out."
"The flash was what’s called Cerenkov radiation, which is light that is emitted when electrically charged particles pass through a medium faster than light can."
"If lutters did indeed steal them, then I'm guessing that somewhere out there some people have radioactive jewelry or even silverware."
"A Geiger counter only measures ionizing radiation, that is, radiation with enough energy to rip electrons off atoms."
"Imagine humans with tough, scaly skin that protects them from radiation."
"There are also some organisms on Earth that are able to bioluminesce thanks to high levels of radiation."
"Callisto is the only big moon that's outside of the radiation belts."
"Radiation safety and protection is really important."
"Space is basically a giant maelstrom of radiation, so you can both use it and you have to shield from it."
"The bystander effect says if a cell is irradiated... the other cells nearby... may speed up their metabolism."
"The goals are to understand how different forms of radiation interact with tissue to treat cancer."
"Survival fraction is an exponential function of the dose of radiation."
"Radiation is basically energy emitted from an atom or nucleus in the form of waves or particles."
"It's one of the simplest ways to deal with the whole radiation space problem."
"Like many forms of high energy radiation, however, x-rays are capable of damaging cells and initiating changes that can lead to cancer."
"The crab pulsar is at the origin of the nebula and responsible for its central radiation."
"Electrons exist in energy levels outside the nucleus and that when they change energy levels, they give off radiation."
"The thick concrete will help to absorb the dangerous radiation from the nuclear reactor."
"Ionizing radiation is radiation produced by the decay of the nuclei of unstable atoms."
"Background radiation refers to the ionizing radiation that is naturally present in the environment."
"Background radiation is radiation which is always present in our surroundings."
"Space is a radiation environment, and so our astronauts are actually radiation workers."
"Radiation is the transfer of energy from one object to another by radiant energy without the space in between being heated."
"The wavelength of maximum emission of any body is inversely proportional to its absolute temperature."
"The sun puts out virtually exactly the radiation needed for Life."
"The best material for blocking radiation is actually hydrogen."
"The solar radiations are 1353 watts per meter square beyond the Earth's atmosphere."
"The wavelength corresponding to the maximum radiation of energy is inversely proportional to the temperature of the body."
"When there's more sunspots, there's more radiation coming from the sun."
"Light is electromagnetic radiation, so like the name suggests, it radiates."
"Plumes of radiation, people abandoned by their governments."
"When Chernobyl popped its top in a violent steam explosion, the radiation levels climbed to before unseen levels."
"The energy released radiates in all directions from the source, and we call that source the hypocenter, the focus."
"Radiation is around us all the time."
"The radiation contains the positively charged alpha rays, the negatively charged beta rays, and the neutral gamma-rays."
"Black body radiation occurs when material bodies are heated to give off energy in the form of radiation."
"A black body is simply something that re-emits all its energy that is absorbed; it's a perfect emitter and an absorber of radiation."
"Radiation is one of the fundamental drivers for all missions."
"The phenomenon that has just occurred is called the Hawking radiation."
"Cosmic radiation is much more intense outside of Earth's atmosphere and can cause damage to human cells, increasing the risk of cancer and other health problems."
"Alpha is stopped by air, beta is stopped by aluminium foil, and gamma is stopped by several centimeters of lead or several meters of concrete."
"In the earliest time, our universe, we believe, was radiation dominated."
"What was most likely the worst that radiation could deal against him had passed, and he had emerged uninjured on the other side."
"After the extreme severity of the Permian mass extinction, many of the once filled ecological niches were now completely empty, open for the survivors, allowing for bizarre experiments of evolutionary radiation."
"Synchrotron radiation is a continuum process from charged particles that spiral along magnetic field lines."
"Black holes aren't black; they radiate due to quantum mechanical effects."
"Cosmic microwave background radiation... this energy was emitted during the Big Bang."
"The surviving fraction of cells is \( S = e^{-\beta d^2} \), where \( \beta \) is the proportionality constant for this type of damage."
"Radiation kills cells by producing secondary charged particles and free radicals."
"The patient is essentially the source of radiation, which can then be detected by a camera to gain our images."
"This represents radiation being emitted from a radioactive indium isotope, which we have attached to the octreotide molecule."
"Alpha radiation is the least penetrating and most ionizing."
"Radiation travels at light speed, okay? Like light is a form of radiation."
"They all had high signs of radiation in their body."
"We don't know much about the radiation."
"The Sun is a sphere of hot seething gases and surges of radiation."
"The Hulk is a combination of that radiation and Bruce Banner's inner rage."
"Mighty streams of radiation are created by the extreme compression of gas and dust spiraling around the black hole."
"Home sweet home, feels so good to be constantly irradiated again."
"Every object around us above absolute zero emits infrared radiation."
"Human bodies absorbed all the radiation, leaving behind only eerie silhouettes permanently imprinted in concrete and stone."
"The radiation from the Sun would fry our planet."
"Don't come in, there's a radiation bomb in there!"
"With higher KV photons, we get less tissue absorption in the body, therefore we have less photoelectric effect."
"More absorption of infrared radiation leads to an increase in the temperature of the earth."
"It's important to understand the biological effects of radiation."
"The power that is radiated by that shaking electron is proportional to Omega to the fourth."
"The sun heats up the surface of the earth through radiation."
"Understanding what types of radiation and chemicals cause mutations to occur within your tissues is extremely important."
"Radiation is the method of thermal energy transfer from a star through the vacuum of space."
"We start a new era in the history of radiation."
"We're being cut through every nanosecond of our lives by radiation from radio, TV, satellite, all that stuff is just blowing through you."
"An individual's dose should be kept as low as reasonably achievable."
"The cardinal rules for protection are time, distance, shielding."
"Minimize time, maximize distance, maximize shielding."
"The inverse square law: as the distance away from the radiation source increases, the radiation exposure decreases."
"Radiation exposure to the general public should always be kept as low as reasonably possible."
"Radiation went from being something that was completely beneficial and helpful to something that was scary."
"There was a high level of radiation found on just one of the hikers' clothing."
"Radiation is energy with magnetic and electric fields associated with it."
"Cheer up, Edward. Everything's back to normal, the radiation is no more."
"The spectrum of black body radiation is the observation that you heat something, and when it becomes hot, it starts to radiate."
"Radiation takes place through the emission of energy via electromagnetic waves."
"All bodies above the absolute temperature of zero Kelvin emit some sort of radiation."
"A radiation-dominated universe is one that expands as the square root of time."
"The goal with radiation detection for UAP research is a strange blip that is statistically anomalous above natural background."
"We're looking for something extra above normal background radiation."
"A blackbody is an ideal object that emits and absorbs all wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation."
"They limited their radiation time to two bouts of 20 seconds."
"Everything around us emits, reflects, and absorbs electromagnetic radiation differently based on its composition."
"Conduction is heat transfer within solids, convection is heat transfer between gases or between liquids and gases or gases and solids, radiation is heat transfer by light energy."
"It's also radiation 100% consistent with black body radiation."
"The goal of health physics is to prevent the occurrence of deterministic effects and reduce likelihood of stochastic effects by minimizing exposure to radiation wherever possible."
"ALARA stands for As Low As Reasonably Achievable."
"The event may sound familiar, you might think, but this accident was the ignored warning which led to the surreq radiation event just one year later."
"During an irradiation cycle, access to the room has to be restricted because of the high risk of exposure to the cobalt 60."
"Gamma rays... you need an entire block of lead before you could stop a gamma ray."