
Poisoning Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Litvinenko later told police that he only took two or three sips of the tea, which he found tasted quite bitter."
"The moment the Polonium entered Litvinenko, his fate was sealed."
"In our number three spot today, we have the Pentagon papers."
"German doctors say their examination show Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny was likely poisoned."
"Mad honey poisoning can cause weakness, dizziness, and nausea."
"With the amount of cyanide in these pills, anyone who had taken them would be dead within minutes of consuming them."
"We're poisoning a whole generation of Americans."
"Goodbye, so this dude, he poisoned everything."
"Former Russian spies Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia were left hospitalized after being poisoned by nerve agent Novichok."
"She coats her bolts in concocted poisons, dealing devastating damage."
"All five were the victims of cyanide poisoning."
"When his father went out to the pub that night, Graham laced his stepmother's tea with a large amount of thallium, like a freaking lot, enough to kill multiple people."
"Prosecutors believe Kouri poisoned her husband on the evening of March 4th, 2022, by mixing a lethal dose of fentanyl into a cocktail she made for him before bed."
"It was finally clear that Michael Barber had been poisoned."
"They poison their enemies, it's always some BS story of like it's weird that the father and son in two different cities ate the same bad arugula."
"She found out. She poisoned me. And now I’m going to die."
"Claudine was actively poisoning the wife with Roundup while they were all living there."
"Germany confirms Putin critic Alexei Navalny was poisoned with Novichok, a military-level nerve agent."
"It was Mew who planted the poison on Kokichi's seat."
"In the end, Napoleon was probably poisoned by his doctor."
"It now appears that Mrs. Dolores Hagman died from cyanide poisoning."
"Catalytic poisoning reduces the surface area of a catalyst, slowing down the reaction."
"Untreated would have died of ethylene glycol poisoning."
"The poison from the knife was spreading very quickly, poisoning her blood."
"Cindy thinks that if he was poisoned it started after the last spring the Bahar rasman plant Bears fruits in the spring and the Imperial family members consume it."
"In a few brief words, he summed up the results of the postmortem. Short of its medical phraseology and technicalities, it amounted to the fact that Mrs. Inglethorp had met her death as a result of strychnine poisoning."
"Carbon monoxide poisoning should be considered in patients with MI symptoms and clear cath results."
"Joanne's fears are confirmed, she and her daughter test positive for thallium poisoning."
"Someone poisoned him, he was healthy as a horse two days ago."
"Marsha Bennett died from arsenic poisoning, but it wasn't murder, it was suicide."
"Water hemlock is responsible for accidentally poisoning a significant number of people every single year."
"The end outcome of this is that you don't wind up living a digital life, you don't wind up just straight poisoned by the system itself."
"Doctors were convinced he had been poisoned, but they couldn't determine with what kind."
"The amount of arsenic in her system was 420 times the normal amount."
"The circumstances in this case are significant. The cause of death... is poisoning. Tetrahydrozoline is a poison."
"She knowingly gave Lyn Hern a bottle filled with Visine."
"...she knowingly gave Lyn Hern a bottle laced with Visine and... it could very well kill Lyn."
"He drank it, and he started to feel drowsy less than five minutes later."
"...agrippina employed the most famous poisoner in rome to prepare a powerful potion for his favorite dish."
"He confessed to slipping rat poison into the food while Tracy went to grab more pickles from the fridge that night."
"If you think you've been poisoned and you don't know what to do, dial 1-800-222-1222."
"The realization that Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned by polonium was described to me as a Eureka moment."
"The poison must have been on Lucas's cup; when he touched it with his lips, he probably licked it off."
"Angie had been right; her husband had been poisoned."
"The signs he displayed were those of strychnine poisoning."
"This is a classic picture of carbon monoxide poisoning."
"The treatment for methyl alcohol poisoning is ethyl alcohol or fomepizole."