
Personal Account Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Litvinenko later told police that he only took two or three sips of the tea, which he found tasted quite bitter."
"What I'm telling this jury is that I went down there and when I took that chicken from Bubba, I would have said something to Mags. I got back on that golf cart and I drove back to my house. After getting back to my house, I went inside, and in short order, I went to the couch. That's what I'm telling this jury."
"This is one of the most amazingly detailed near-death experiences that I have ever read."
"In front of the cinema... I noticed this object... The object floated very slowly once to the left and right and then twice up and down."
"I reached out to a guy named Mike who was in the South Tower on 9/11, and he survived. But he was there basically when it collapsed. His perspective is one that I had not really heard because he saw some of the worst parts of 9/11 firsthand."
"He threw hot coffee in my face, giving me third-degree burns." - Tina Turner about Ike Turner
"This has been an experience out of this world."
"I should not be alive right now, genuinely I should not be alive."
"Steve Jobs, according to his sister, as he died, looked into the middle distance and said in wonder, 'Wow, wow!'"
"Listen guys, know who you're talking to. I'm not gonna quit. If I can't do it, I'm gonna keep trying so I can do it."
"I'm having the most fun I've ever had on this account."
"The pandemic grew my business, believe it or not."
"Crypto is the future. I literally bought tons of Ethereum last week when I was in L.A."
"I would like to take this video today as an opportunity... to address literally everything."
"Our lives never went back to the quiet life that I knew," Stephanie recounted.
"I was born on June the 27th 1880 in Tuscumbia."
"I'm providing evidence and my side of the story of what's really happening."
"Mary Beth's honesty backfired: 'I spilled everything, thinking honesty would save me.'"
"When someone let someone NEX asked me Edd's how much does it cost to use liked around the world I can tell them that it cost me twenty two thousand nine hundred and eighty two pounds."
"According to Lazar, S4 was teeming with alien technology, the most astounding of them were the flying saucers or flying discs which he claimed to have worked on himself."
"The abduction of Sergeant Moody: Recovering lost memories."
"It literally felt like some energy Portal had opened."
"I just believe that there was evidence to prove that he was involved in the conspiracy to kill my father."
"Bustani reveals new details of how he was targeted when he stood in the way of the Iraq war."
"It's really hard to be in the catering business. This is really a disaster."
"I know it sounds crazy, but that is what happened."
"Victoria wrote in her diary of their wedding night: 'I never never spent such an evening... Oh, this is the happiest day of my life.'"
"I had 40, but I got what that man just said he had 40 snakes, what yo?"
"A real definite amount of distortion and exaggeration in Elizabeth Broderick's accounts of things."
"Literally three years ago my bank account was minus ten dollars."
"KATIE: It comes out all over my body, face, eyes, ears, mouth, arms, thighs, tummy, back. Wherever I've got pores, this is where it comes out at."
"Bill Tompkins, he was describing exactly what was happening."
"I honestly don't know too much about skinwalkers but I know I saw something that wasn't in the realm of normal."
"Get ready for one of these individuals to probably write a book about it where they can frame their inside story... of what actually happened."
"You should read the memoirs of the people who did the collectivization, who actually arrived on their horses and ripped open the sacks of grain to see if." - Christopher Hitchens
"I feel like Radical Fish Games’ Twitter bio is a more apt description of the experience than I could ever write myself. It reads: 'We are a small group of game developers that somehow managed to create CrossCode.'"
"Laughing on LSD is one of the most euphoric experiences I've ever had in my life."
"Hey, the vaccine kind of kicked my butt a bit but I am so happy I got it, I'm feeling better and just keep in mind the vaccine is nothing compared to what could happen if you get covered."
"It wasn't a room, it wasn't the rest, you know, the Russell office building." - Tara Reid
"You know what's crazy right his son ydb said he was there that day and he actually watched dirty get high."
"Imagine logging into your email account to see your password was changed."
"I would say it was just before, quite a while before the meeting in San Francisco in July."
"My name is Bernardo Mahoney. I was a friend of the Kray Twins and a member of the infamous Essex boys firm. I know this world, I know the faces, and I'm going to give you a No Holds Barred history of the British criminal underworld."
"I went out to play a softball game... I actually walked back into the control centre still in my softball uniform. And I could tell as soon as I walked in the room that it was serious." - Gerry Griffin
"I thought it was a fascinating account of how this happened to one person."
"I'm honestly still shook up, so sorry if this is just kind of all over the place."
"The use of 'we' in Acts indicates that the author was a traveling companion of Paul, in direct contact with eyewitnesses of Jesus' life and ministry."
"That's kind of damaged my thing. So later on that evening, that money, by 4 o'clock, by 4:15, Reggie Wright Sr. comes straight to my [ __ ] house, huh?"
"Tanya head told a woeful tale of survival and guilt, claiming to have been on the 78th floor of the south tower on the morning of September 11th."
"'That was really dark and just a very personal, on the ground experience of such a modern war.'"
"I'm writing this letter in Belshaw's Cook's House."
"This is everything I was asked, everything that I said, how they asked me the questions, how they challenged me, what they wanted to know."
"This day at Belsen was the most horrible of my life."
"I can only tell you what I saw with my own eyes."
"His tale was recounted in periodicals and books, and he was even called upon to give personal accounts of his experiences."
"Hopefully one day, one of the original children comes forward to give their side of the story."
"I sat down with the children of the late John Gotti who for the first time spoke openly about what it was like to have a mafia boss as a father."
"I saw some pretty crazy crap a few years back regarding the moon."
"I've experienced weird things throughout my life, but this particular instance I eventually just chalked up to sleep paralysis."
"Then there came to our country a big army, and killed many people; it took me and walked me to the big sea and sold me into the hand of a Christian man."
"It's literally an amazing experience."
"Now thanks to this unique personal record smuggled back from the front, I'll reveal in intimate detail the dramatic story of one battalion from one British city in the words of one man, Private Frank Meekin."
"I'm not capable of saying what depression or frustration is; I just know that during '94, on a few occasions, she was despondent for whatever reasons."
"With a personal account, you keep 100% - it's as simple as that."
"The veteran is best positioned to be able to detail the severity of their condition."
"I just felt like I had to do the right thing," Tyler said.
"But to me, this is just her detailing her experience."
"This is Lieutenant Vincent DeSimone. This is the story of this case as I see it."
"It was the biggest wave I had ever seen in my life," he said, "a strange wave, an absolute giant."
"This is a sort of historical account based on my memory of things that happened more than 35 years ago."
"John Jack Powers was sentenced to over 40 years in federal prison for robbing banks, unarmed bank robberies according to him."
"I still wonder what I saw that day, I have no rational explanation."
"I never was a believer in this whole paranormal stuff until I moved out here and seen it with my own eyes."
"Believe it or not guys, that was actually my first time shooting any sort of gun."
"All I can say is what I saw and what I was witness to."
"Overall, this experience has probably been one of the most bizarre and terrifying I've ever had."
"I am sure my experience was that of other privates and a true history of my companies and regiments as well as the brigade, division, and even Corps that I belong to."