
Alternative Media Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"This is the show where we hold powerful people to account. We cover the stories that you're largely not going to see in the mainstream media."
"YouTube's probably going to delete this channel because I am talking about things legacy media won't touch, mainstream media won't touch, why? Because it's the truth."
"God bless the parallel alternative dissenting media here, dissident media. We're going to find out precisely why a growing number of pundits out there believe that these scandals will indeed end up bringing down not just Biden, not just the Biden crime family, the whole lot of them, but the whole system itself, the deep state, three-letter agencies as well as the pathetic Marxist media itself."
"Means TV had one simple goal: provide a home for post-capitalist video content with no advertisements, no venture capital money, and no corporate backers."
"People like Tucker Carlson and alternative media outlets get views because people are sick and tired... of the mainstream liberal media."
"There's always social media these days, which does allow people to get round the back of the mainstream."
"YouTube is more honest than mainstream media."
"We do the things that the networks don't care about."
"They say Joe Rogan speaks a narrative that defies the corporate press, therefore you are the enemy."
"We seek the truth, independent journalists covering stories you might not see in mainstream media."
"Thank you so much for watching The Real News Network where we lift up the voices, stories, and struggles that you care about most."
"Alternative media pressures the mainstream media to do their job."
"This is the show where we attempt to uncover the stories that the mainstream media largely won't cover, cut through the BS, and seek the truth."
"YouTube is given a space for a number of alternative voices to garner an audience and make a living."
"The need for unbiased news: exploring alternatives to mainstream media."
"Don't let them force us to lose touch, nothing would make me happier than all of you to go over to Mug Club and watch the additional hour show."
"Information was controlled, but now people have an alternative."
"The only place that you get the real news is on YouTube."
"It's sort of like a smaller YouTube without the politics without the chicanery and you know sort of censorship-free content."
"It's not wondering that they want to control the internet because they're probably bothered by channels like yours and mine that go against the narrative."
"Alternative media has never been more important than it is right now."
"The mainstream media is dead if we continue to follow Q."
"If you'd like to support honest traditional journalism that dares to call into question the established narratives, then I'll throw a link into the description box below this video to a page where you can subscribe to The Epoch Times."
"We try to have our own research board, but we're not just talking about Q, we're talking about everything the mainstream media won't cover."
"We need to create our own media. If it has appeared in the mainstream media, it's probably not a real thing."
"It's so silly to me to think... oh, the Infowars app is banned, guess I'll download the CNN app instead. No, nobody's doing that."
"Your reportage with the rebel has actually being the number one source of information for a lot of Brits and fans of Tommy around the world who simply couldn't rely on the mainstream media."
"If Twitter shuts you down, move to Parler. If YouTube shuts you down, move to BitChute."
"More and more of us are moving away from mainstream platforms to alternative ones."
"Saying hi from Canada, so hard to find alternative news sources here."
"Social media was set up to be an alternative source of media, not based on an intellectual elite."
"He wants to make a chain so normies can walk in, get coffee, and hear alternative news that they normally wouldn't. Damn good coffee too, that's actually a really good idea."
"That would be a remarkable achievement for anyone. But this woman had a wooden leg."
"More and more of them don't bother listening to the mainstream media anymore they go on the internet and they find other sources of information because they've figured out that they're being lied to."
"We tend to cover the stories mainstream media largely ignores, and we are searching for the truth together."
"Check out Gina Murray's theories YouTube... she got new pictures from today, stop it, it's insane."
"Thank you so much for watching this segment. We are live every day at 4 pm eastern time trying to share the stories that the mainstream media will not cover."
"Maintaining independence required him to publish offshore, confronting official narratives."
"We can get outside of that mainstream frame and explore some of those areas."
"But I think as the mainstream media begins to die which it is... alternative media on YouTube and etc will replace them or it will be a viable competition."
"There is a broader, more beautiful sound beyond the narrow bands of right-wing radio."
"Introducing folks to life outside the cable news paradigm can be non-threatening with a gentle approach."
"Having an alternative media is very important."
"What is the function of being a left YouTuber? Existential."
"It's about giving people an alternative explanation to problems they don't understand."
"I am trying to stay up with this and show you the things they're not showing you anywhere else."
"We're live every day trying to share the stories that the mainstream media will not cover."
"Alternative media has been way ahead mainstream is copying us now."
"YouTube views alternative edgy channels as a threat to their image."
"We are live every day trying to share the stories the mainstream media will not cover."
"We're here to report everything that the mainstream media is not reporting."
"Give us a thumbs up, circulate this video because you're not going to see it in mainstream media."
"I'm so glad that you know, there's outlets like yours and and myself and the Young Turks and everyone else like trying to combat this narrative."
"There's a reason why there's an alternative media. It's the same reason why there's mediation instead of courts. It's because courts take you ten years and a quarter million dollars."
"You're not going to find out what the real news is unless you're watching either progressive media or listening to progressive politicians in a stream like that."
"The masses are switching off mainstream media commentators and switching on to alternative points of view."
"Judicial Watch's journalism... is more significant, more substantial, more reliable than anything being produced these days by legacy media."
"Defy the mainstream and support Independent Media with Integrity."
"The death of mainstream media is coming, people are going to alternative media."
"Maybe that is a big part of why people will believe alternative voices."
"People want the truth, so they've gone to alternative platforms for the truth."
"On the Dark Journalist Show, we will not accept CIA UFO disclosure."
"Female listener found you through the first Rogan. Also loves Sticks. I listen to most content on BitChute, only on YouTube to watch y'all live. Cheers!" - Emily Harper
"There's an alternative media which is getting far more attention because it's more authentic."
"Rush almost literally created the entire alternative media infrastructure by creating talk radio."
"This alternative media movement is setting the foundation for an alternative paradigm in which Lee's cynical rhetorical question 'What is a fact?' has a very different answer than that which the ruling classes would want us to believe."
"The internet, despite censorship, is still there as alternative voices giving their opinions."
"You have to work to find alternative sources of information."
"This is the stuff that mainstream video won't show you, but we will. Viewer discretion is advised."
"The biggest reason that I love having this show, that I love I would love to do a show like that on anything else is because it's away from debate television."
"Charlie Brooker has intimated he may produce a sequel to 'San Junipero' in a different form, potentially as a graphic novel."
"It's perfect for YouTube because he's giving information that you're not going to see in mainstream outlets."
"The strength of public television lies in its ability to provide alternative programming designed to meet specific community needs."
"They're so out of step that people are switching off and they're turning to new forms of information."