
Essentiality Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Prayer is like breathing. It's like ingesting life straight from heaven."
"Why customers can't live without this should be they should be thinking not why might they try it, but why can they literally not live without it."
"Feeling connected... it's not the icing on the cake. It is the cake."
"The concept of self-observation...is absolutely essential."
"Hearing God's voice is just absolutely essential."
"Socialization is not an option, it's an essential necessity."
"The human condition is as essential for our well-being as water is."
"Knowledge is arguably the most essential ingredient to success."
"Without privacy, all other human rights wash away quickly."
"The pandemic has elevated technology to become an essential part of how we live, work, play, and communicate."
"Power is not sinful; it's essential for life."
"There is nothing more essential to the world than the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"We now know that all of them are important to humans some are absolutely vital for life."
"There is nothing more essential than God. There is nothing more essential to the world than the gospel of Jesus Christ." - 1
"Love is like the wild rose briar, friendship like the holly tree."
"The power of agreement is absolutely essential."
"Freedom of thought, inquiry, discussion, expression... is to intellectual life what oxygen is to biological life."
"Racial reconciliation is essential to gospel proclamation."
"Music is extremely powerful and it's as essential as anything in this world."
"Food must never be wasted. Food can never be wasted. Food is that important. It is that essential. No matter what, don't ever waste food."
"Religion is a necessary ultimate essential purpose and meaning."
"Movement seems like an essential element of being alive."
"Holiness is not a luxury, it's an essential, a necessity."
"Freedom is just as essential as air. Without it, there is no life."
"Enjoy wherever you're at; there's no good or bad stage, both stages are absolutely essential."
"The ability of humans and many animals to learn world models is essential."
"Cholesterol is an absolute essential molecule; it is a molecule of life for every cell, for every animal."
"Having a really good quality backpack for the pack that you're depending on for survival is essential."
"A Scooby-Doo show without atmosphere might as well be called Scooby-Don't."
"Water is one of the most important components for life."
"I couldn't live a life without being creative."
"Arts and culture aren't the cherry on the cake, they are the cake."
"The confidence needed to make reasonable commitments is very, very essential."
"You are not a bonus extra. You are an easier connect doe. You're essential."
"I'd rather lose the ability to write than the ability to read. Reading's essential."
"Dr Dre is like the sunscreen of the internet, an absolute necessity and daily essential."
"A pair of jeans just goes so far in your wardrobe."
"It's the thing upon which all the trades that you engage in with everyone else depends."
"Our soul needs that as much as the body needs to breathe."
"No amount of sunlight, water, or high-tech hydroponics could compensate for this one vital ingredient."
"Water is like the most important thing."
"Imagine the air around you, invisible yet essential."
"I think everyone needs this in their life."
"It's necessary, like it's not even superfluous, it's necessary."
"Just enjoy the journey and just, you know, let's get re-familiarized with something so common and so essential to life: water."
"Trust is an essential part of a relationship."
"We're not really a formal organization or an institution. We don't really have any funding but I think it's, you know, really essential in this moment..."
"Freedom is essential to all moral responsibility."
"That's essential in the body that when people need help, you lend a hand."
"Time is an indispensable component."
"It's not a bonus, it's life and death."
"Joy is important, it's essential; we must have it in the Christian Life."
"Rare Earth elements are the vitamins of the economy; we don't need a lot of them, but we die if we lose them."
"Nothing can survive without a heart."
"Remember our Lord's blessed words: there is but one thing necessary."
"Software design is essential for the success of a project."
"Everything what God wants us to know is here; it's true, it's complete, and whatever is essential for us is all here."
"Calorie deficit is still absolutely 100% essential for fat loss regardless of anything you have going on."
"It's essential to remain calm and to know our faith."
"It gives you light, literally gives you life."
"When the veils are removed, there is no such thing as hierarchies, no such thing as who's better or worse, everything is perceived as equal and absolutely essential to the totality of the creation."
"There is no health without mental health."
"When it's authentic, when we are naked in front of each other, when we are not performing, that's essential to my life."
"Aristotle once said that all other organs evolved for well-being, not being; so you can live without hearing, smell, taste, vision, but you cannot live without touch."
"When you think about skin scientifically, skin is our only essential organ."
"An essential nutrient is any substance that must be obtained from the diet because the body can't make it."
"High expectations is absolutely essential."
"Being able to communicate effectively your needs, your emotions, your message, your mission, your creativity... is essential."
"Music at its very base level is entertainment, but in the right circumstance with the right lyric at the right moment, I think it's essential."
"Communication is very, very essential."
"It's essential not only to your financial prosperity, but it's essential to every single part of your life."
"The more local forms of governance are essential in governing in accordance with the natural law."
"To think about God is to the human soul what breathing is to the human body."
"Having fun is an essential experience too, you know."
"It's an essential piece that continues to bring you back with this addictive quality that can't be denied."
"We have a natural inclination to care for each other, to value company and companionship on their own as essential resources because they are."
"Without Temperature, there is nothing."
"Being able to draw is as essential to the artist as the craft of writing is essential to the writer."
"Everyone is creative, and creativity is essential."
"Whatever you cannot remove from yourself is essential to yourself."
"Cheese is an essential building block to anything."
"Without the champions on the stage and the people in the audience, we have absolutely nothing."
"To be compassionate and to be concerned for other people's welfare is essential."
"If we don't have love, then we have nothing."
"The element of surprise was essential."
"Life is not worth living without love."
"Diversity is an essential facet of life."
"The emotional side of compassion is essential."
"If the Church of Jesus Christ isn't essential, then it's a myth. It is essential."
"Cholesterol is the building block of life; every single cell in our body, the membrane is cholesterol."
"Seed is life. A seed is everything you need for, I mean without seeds we'd all starve to death."
"Creativity is an essential part of innovation."
"Through all the noise, he remains focused, offering a perspective that is unique, thoughtful, often provocative, and always essential."
"Manganese aids in more than 300 enzymes that regulate the human body and plants."
"Comedy, you realize how important it is. It's essential."
"Men are essential to society as a whole."
"There is no life possible without polymers."
"Know your worth and realize when you're essential to something, you have the power."
"It's not just a nice to have, it's essential for our economic growth as well as our personal growth, who we are."
"Both views acknowledge that Christ's completed work is essential."
"You must give Him your heart or you give Him nothing."
"Only one thing is necessary, and it was connection."
"Breathing is essential; there's a real reason why breathing is a part of religions."
"Forgiveness is not just a great way to roll through life as a human being; it's essential for entrepreneurs, top athletes, CEOs, astronauts."
"Vitamins are necessary in small quantities for normal health and growth in higher forms of animal life."
"Back boards are very essential to all bustle work. They give the bustles shape, form, and give it stability."
"Omega-3 essential oil fatty acids, essential to life, we don't make it in our body."
"Water is the source of life; this indicates that we humans can continue to survive."
"This movie does not feel empty in the least; it is the most essential Spider-Man story of this iteration of Spider-Man."
"Art should be something more than an easel painting framed and sold at a dealer's; it shouldn't just be a commodity, it should be something more essential to our lives."
"We could not have done it without all of them, every person was essential."
"Incrementality is absolutely essential."
"I don't know how I lived without it, but I will never ever go without it ever again."